Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1942, p. 7

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ttve georgetown herald wwl evening february 25th 1942 thu outlet idtcrtmmret for u wtosr laos utt jan w oorurtkrt- bf at ornlajon bwl una wsiicr carrtltlaru of im urn of tj cm dot permit th ruction of li u u v imiiiiumi dowixioh sxzo bocu ijnj fcftin but w r brui7 l carrylnf oo ccftbrticmllj u tiitimtw of the puukllr onrrm1tu ul ob ro he pfd tn tne prnlooi loa- thompsons chicks govt approved and oas flocks barred redo while latbora lifc soaies bktfa atitfratnrpa and hyfcrfch barred rock by white letthomt new hampshire by barred rodu new hampthire by light suaaex order your chicks now and avoid disappointment thompsons poultry farm and hatchery hrho3 georgetown pttooa 48 r 8 active service notes saw ear aetti ferric n vs ratyttnsd rtcetly btn teeo in terned of a nuesfcer of rnsnj la adds lac ed aimsttodz who u home oo furtoocn no hu been nwed back from th west coast to anrtattfte air sutton cx- uvi aw pusst w u id uoqc- ton nb wtu ln women drrltion of th scat acs alfred bytes hs jmm1 irtio jftrru to tvaitco act brace krenrov u now at ho itju ttaronia lwcj aioor too of ur and ujx bl ttaor of tuooto and orargctovn ha rrccnu rclo4rd with th rvet air ami ad u mrruiu lie tprcl uu rrmrr cr2nj at th ttcnllb hice pini in tovn and will be ir- trrnbrml by kl ciuwn iv john guiok haa ntunxj home from tr rrva anrrr he had brcn unji 1lh th lome occc llrtfnrnt oo axtjte txrvlcr itr oiu tt rnt otrrir laat iomo tx with the ktntl cacnmj37 undrr trw cccn ijjj vl ujj j ii luro itr a iniaiidro home with defect ln hrrto and ha brt srmnird 1 la horionuarf- diachargv from ttw army im odlottia fauwj opr pi ollnn bo raj hirrulf aaraudrd home tut uimmrr and u el pitnl frorriung at hi hn i rum an in jury iftronwl trhro oralnf to lb colli lid rrunlcn lajt wk 1th a fnmd ffum cnvntrai wtwa uj1 uor ltnoncl a tn lovn 1lb lbr mobtla tnocioo pdrturr unit from lcdx hr uacorrrd inal upr ouott uitd la loan and paid him a toil tktm that u to mm had fooe liirooch lhr uirrpocl buu logrther and btxb frtoiwd to canada on tnr umi boat it a a a jrrt ft union for lba to mm and lw talk rrv thick and ut for a fnr houra tetfyourcp nsrasvloricorr nduncruiary thii wloirr chinee oow to blue cuji fajoyail winter long hr economical brtiing com fort and uuiftxtioo only blue coal co projdr l im t4l vwtl a r m t cltm ta aa imti a mm aa mt f mia ut mn4 ntai tay w hkcntner son niont u ocoborrown lll h tmaoow- mttui oi 11 blue coal the coal you can depend on oonicaq itrw ego of jj un a- a atrjwtfvi r b miwi and a hudkit at ocorcetovn ifigti akooi at the lira of hu tntiefmfnt in tnr itcaf hi recrtved hit cotcted i and u now a pilot ocer be u at prcamt iprodznx a imt at hu hamr oordao l tnr urth ouitxlct ci to rrcrjr tu cccmiiajao and la undrrtand oc of lh jxoucfea mro in oa to be cotnaiiuionns tn in air poror lt e a llul tn a irttrr ttvm thra for tnr hrrmid lch hfc ihfj qjt irruiarly to all c u or fur u otjj fraid a irurr igm locnr h wja and i nuj alth prat jnirn4 t- il thr boa hrtr jiroldcf u lih nr and nrou ta and oiid tortii r uo ripid h tiif4 to iie many ot inlutica nirii luavr brnt cijrjrtt arl pax- r ia rnrituej a utrr iium nurtnan orir in nutairt pkils ua ua that cll tor- niii wruti ln afoi bv mj ttaxioatj for tunr iinw at thr loral rtjurk utt inn brcr uir lum ikou arfr motjilwd ha brcn tn a iuvno rkjhtal fur o rlu and tli br urxr fur ukkiirr ra or to lu llrr tad a imrr ittmuj ilf uf ljir fl thr nuinr pau rsrn- itift jtrto ho uo to utr in lhl atrtct and htu mtnj rrtitm mtvojid onirvrton lc pttd anikb-uunj- ni uvm lnmr ltujri 11 c luu hr enjoya 3uirf uip ilrralj cjrcij nov ut uir ktr wawfl u in fail thrr u no boar piijnj out fir oa aa it ctvrr tuji coid ung coxifh to rnaic kr and thrr uv no arunclaj nak wr did man- jri to have a ooupjo of nlahl alav iili batawao obrtatmu and nnr year i n a unau inland laar it u torpru niivy rni hrrr itaincuau era tn vir mofr tun vitj bi-cau- it i ijii mail nil d wf had nf til x iruiit tiu to lint h tvlumlj j iiii luaimg limj h iji lthk mudlll i i 1 ik t tj oj uliojt iiijitc it jh m lut it t iif on hr ui t i t i i jk unit ll o do uo mi ivju uir miukrt bun hu i ijitj h hi uotd ul lr tu ih1 hi imjui of ilium liij in utjrf 1 n at j ii im ut hit iam ito a i in ji m uir v wiiiiuivon uiil all in lu- u pj ml laau no nil u i lu uaiwjir oj uw lti- art r i i i tt ii ui r inrni and lxjl il jit uu tll toist ut hlac out n i tin n i tin i our wiioaiq- ki ill x j ilm s i- xj in nci a few m k i- t ji ii i inu on i jiii hato t ij h hij r ivinj itu j ii boas t ir oaf ilji bit l iiiij a ullin ot i ml vol b 00 jard h n to aks uo in ii ii inotxhr tr iroj- jng hu laat to bo mho ui the 11 lit on nilk rd okhim b h indriil jada j jo- vu m u i lm utidt r u lucky sitr oih cl uk ixinu ixpiudtd jhd in otju r oih diiin t it took the bmb dlsiojl ijujd a kitk to ditf it out hrn tiiry kot il out it writhed jut oi r a ion nlor chrlmmoa bo tht a pobt mript to uii ictur ab that tuin ia d titan l- hodion lira miijita othtr iitalik arrucd home for a leave uir first umr the two mn had met in eight year a clipping from the ucruick jour iml of december uth 141 brings nea of mr mjllch other mirfir a u hocupmoo tills u bo am renting that uc tcitroduct it in full ulo isllppiiik into iin anurlcun iwrt for rrpalr a dntuji crulr found a wel come uaaltlnti her mbollxlnjc without doubt the cooperation of the ufl teoplc in the present war at uie same umo a berwick man who was a nicmtx r ol lur croa ccjebraud hla coming of ac and found two birth tia prt tnu uwultlng him d a knetuirts telegram from hnme nnd 2 a apcclut pat nni irtrts from fririxut h madi on shon the an irtcan town in question vu hi no in nuvuda tht urulck man ls a d sunk j hodgson ton of mrs unu uir uiu mr hodtfson 3 sea view lluhflcuutatc and the a hip touched port on his birthday al though he wai not able to set ashore on hla actual ulrthday he dtd to tht allow inu duy und sjxnt a liuppy time with hls newfound frlindi dtscrlblnn hb birthday to hls mc- thtr tn a ktttr received this week a d hodgson who la applying lor a transfer to tho fleet air arm tells that flnst he went lying in the dark and olltt ti currtdo they had supper after the usual gamca and feauvluee of a party he was rlvci several btrth- oay preenu including travelling kit and a pair of ftcccellned stoves and then came the aurpruc of the day in uie lorm of a beautiful and decorated birthday cuke and alo birthday cards from thoc present what a time x hadl conclude hodgson 111 be aorry to leave thu place oa everyone la ao nice to ufl with reference to his tran afcr to be an airman ho ay that he now has put in 10 hours flying time but has doubt of getting all ticket since receiving thin letter mn hodgson has received communication from his friends ln reno who are call ed htton and own a drapers ahop ln the town addreaslng her as friend they write to say how dad they were to be able to entertain hodgson and exskvss the hope that he wilt return they add we would like to aay how much we greatly admire tho jobs the boys are doing and sincerely hope we can be of assistance we ajpxeclato the courage and fortitude you in england have shown and want you to know we are thinking of you and wish you the vw host of luckl a d hodgson has had an extreme ly adventurous life slnoe he joined the ttoral navy he has been to canada visited the various ports of call of the mediterranean fleet and served ln th spanish war none now he has spent his aist birthday ln america two keys to ct c301jlt by lida larrtmore i- i m ii t i i w i w i h kjk l t iull i ui ii till i p uixl t t 1 rti mjn id ix ufuu i of rm hr dirw i rt 1 a tu 1 im i hate to tooch you to br ur our hrre downstair in irr oil r i could n t of ii fhw rng skip 1 do what aid uiatf min mftlf iluve it rst yvs an urrn i ou thk is uu darling john thlh nfuriuxjn tit ouid after a muniini whin 1 v unit in and there wjisn t a irttt r from ou i waa i thoukht h it did you think wliit 1 alunh think that ou d fofkotli n mi cluiiik your mind idiot slit laughed aoftly touldn t hold out nny lonficr three dny ciro i hew from polm deuch to new york flew literally literally what the matter hhe ahked in alarm vou look you mustnt go flying around in thr htuvinn gay ttiot will be ont more thine or mi- to uoi ry utniot suppobt bumithing hud h ip pentd but nothing did happen we reached new york safely and un cvontfully like it here her eyes moved around the nrm comfortablyfur ninhed room i like mrs adam ami abbi and the chlldreja how lung may i etay as long as you like but he hesitated what john i colled mother tonight shes expecting us in rockland tomor row im free for the afternoon and evening but i can come back here with ou tomorrow mum i think mother wilf expect you to stay with her for a day or two you ennt i can run out ot night after ofllce hours and bock early in the morn ing it isnt far iiih eyes searched her face you dont mind gay youve never told mc she sold hesitantly what does your moth it think of this of us she was surprised of course he said guardedly but shes kot ten accustomed to the idea she 1 med your sending flowers for her birthday yen she wrote me i remember the dnte because i helped you buy a birthday present for her in new york it was sweet of you to remem ber shes eager to meet you my sisters too and granny grannys all for romance i dont think 111 feel strange with her your mother i mean shes uncle johns slater he was silent is she like uncle john was friendly and wise and amusing i have imagined her being that way mother is rather reticent john said slowly shes never gotten over my fathers death and then her life hasnt been easy my fa ther died when i was twelve years old he left very little she made a great many sacrifices to send me o college and medical school she worshiped my father we borah and dobby and i have been her whole life since his death you wont bo offended if she seems a lit tle rcsorvedt there was silence for a moment then goy sold cant we spend tomorrow afternoon and evening with her and then come back hcret a rocxw trading the tsnpioyfm oseamlua s thr wood victory loan ii r a ouiu of provincial paprr lid im afraid ahr oum i- d but if ou dun uunl t t i uunl to do whut l r r tut i d rail ir ir uiir 1 ii loim ut ii m 11s i i 1 touldn l u ttll i lit ijji 1 j t 1 i i it ft t 1 uii t- i i l ulu v il i null v ii i ti y t i n w hjt i hi k i m it i r mi i t i t n in i m v o i t it ii t k w n i ni inj tne titu un ta ira conv pllc itlm i in r t timid about meeting peo pli usu ii tt t rt hni much of it hlrmkinii i ui in in trinm re in nl if u i ill i t ii 1 the i r t i iiiij r mi n jlj i i- ui i 1 with i i if i mi- il 1 1 111 ii 1 1 1 fklt- lc- im ii ill cl- i 1 u n- i y urifl p r 1 i or m r 1 i 1 n n i i ih m 1 i w n l n i ti r 1 enn t 4 it 1 ll i l t t i u t ni o i of tl 11 ir l- if i 1 ink nrr- im- vi 1 mt th 1 i n i k 1 ri 1 r it i t 1 i t ulltf uh it vou u nit t t 1 kl 11 1 kluiw tl 1 1 ii veiling it mn t f iv he dropi d i u to ki the ftoft hollow til hf i f cr tl mil mother will e m 1 1 hopt ho v in r hinds on hla fact sin hfli id but if hhe dohn 1 t wi i t it ially im- portant is it it i n t ii itttr doti it dock it j hn hm head di i ii imiinsi her breast tic i im t iiound him holding him t lost no no 1 j hi hi suid nothing nuitti imvi ii that vou re here chapter xxxx next week kvkbt wcdnk8da owttuowl omb brampton ontgqkbotd oichmtm dtaesag 0 jmn ta i to dat rsauiiar adimwnw o raekfay bcwr chlds bow utt be tm wbta tfg price climb at vul htnflw bkt umj pmontl mmntton george c brown norval phone 382 r 21 j cooke floor contractor rvoom layino mmsno bksnupaonra rommiia oi0 floou aaad hmmaaatiip tiiikotor

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