Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), February 25, 1942, p. 8

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jthe georgetown herald wednesday evening february 25lb 1942 local news airtir in th littler beam on wrtn tartly uarch ui thl cwtu to ecotorad 9 um woea audi- try to tb oariartlin uhtoa us pro- eaada cttoc to u soldiers vund bnrjfcody wnjcome good ram ad- tflljoorj kr tli recular monthij rnwttnf of th wchsmi inrtlttrt wtu is btld 00 wcdbtttey uuth th tx us bom of lira dan omtrwl factory suvh th rata zeafctr will b us j a- btrtog whoa column a w b 11 aopeart eath wefc la u hrralo- verlin lufeitah loire ko tu vo reubrat tu rwrmytoartli btrlh- da on friday eweoinf march au to the arena- joxtur wrta eommrao ai 18 aharp tnrw will b a apedal doer prls alio th pj0 hub lucky cumber dnt for aullt and arrrian on rihlml in uuleaji and co a window lufreatmeot intljrcn a plc of bruulty caar alio good prura- a4- tnl 13c everybody waacomr otxndor tawxtb harmliaa and rflecurr 1109 two week luprjly al tiaccormar ft drug bore tfa pujdla of o puttie school win precast a concert ha th stbool auditorium on fbureday awrfl- tar rfe mtb at pjn th axiom wiu or of a patriotic nature isdud inj cuoruie pxeesi and dance during th mntaj a abort urn will b devoted to th f victory loan campaign admlolon lie pro- c4 in aid o i mr katberto preeton iw a leader tn war voia in lb community bju mad a nod froerou osrr to lb uoni being lor victory cutualtn on of th miiairtii feang lb leon cub wa lb wfisttrot waller ion of tau and bonri all vital to lb wax tfton and yet hard to collect and atore tn a tmiu loan lart preaton hai offeree to act a a aratrel arrocy or ibr col lection ol ibrt lirnu and will pack the bone in alriroof containers and melt down lb tat and pack it in eeai- rd cant purtaermorr tar lb cob- trolrncc of aonatora an nai offered to lax cuerg of any rax or paper atutrti afr brouabt to bcr ator oo ltain atrrrt lumlag ibrm oirr to tlr lou campalfn nov lada tu u9 to youl tnrrr navv brm many raqulrtm utrly about attat lo do wtlb fait and boruia which ou ar collect- liw and brfr the anjvrr tin pro- ion wno ba a anaca of trralfytni blade roast rib boiling beef boneless pot roast salmon steaks whitefish stewing veal 9 lb rrtjr lb 23c lb 16c lb 21c lb 22c lb 16c lb 20c mother parkers coffee iilb kortn hood quick coohdo rolled oats kelloggs corn flakes wllh otaaa tambur clarks irish stew libbvs tomato juice 20 az in interlake toilet tissue heinz cooked spaghetti 16 oz ti campbells tomato soup clarks ready cut macaroni 1 lifebuoy soap lux toilet soap devon mincemeat monarch pastry flour 24 lb bag 84c 7 lb bog maple leaf bread flour 24 lb clotb bag 79c 7 lb paper bag tin 29c lb bag 29c 3 for 25c 2 or 25c 3 or 25c 3 or 25c n 2 or 25c 2 or 19c lb pkg 10c 3 or 20c 3 or 20c 2 lb 25c 29c 27c fresh fruit and vegetables sunkiat navel full of juice oranges doz 25 29 39 blc delicious eattno apples 6 for 19c ju1cv ttodlam at grapefruit 5 for 25c california ooad aba bonthea carrots 2 for 17c no 1 cooking onions waxed table turnips parsnips carrots 4 lb 25c lb 2ic lb 5c 3 lb 14c icabrrt head lauocr xrry heart rhubarb new cabbaaa at market nrtcca c j buck phone 28w free delivery races m 1 otblb under 0 yemifl a boys under 0 years rtrnrs under 14 years 4 boys under 14 years race 8 mew6 race wrnlch ah eftta uu la her aawpecwr ada ha wnwarma a ran or th aal- n campaign unfortunately tt hl bam crovoad out thl wjaak but win appear la not ka herald btrxer and better than aw it the promlw of aa eoercauc wwftt in charse of arrancanmt for th red oroa doiunc canlitl in th arena an adrrrtueemt tn thts law dm detalu of prlaea and rarca and w art all th boy and mi and th froamups too to read the uit t their tiw ready and practlcw up for th raeea a na apadal evrota commlu vaa armed at lb reomt pt marung ot th so ciety and tali u thru bnt endrator to let e all turn out and rlr thrca our lupporv another arurlty of the com- mittre wlu be to opm the rrfrathmrnt booth at the rank ddjtnr th puycfl gamea we mliaed th booth thl year and are glad to ar it open aaala a new idea for chrtttma rrerl- ings u ootd in th berwick jour nal an rnglhh oraapaprr loaned to thla effltr by un luxe ulxtr the journal tan a column throuabout the month ol drcrmbrr in wtuch chrut- mat and new year arrrunga nilahi br unt to ftutnra at bocar or abroad by ijbftcirtxr ucaaarra were umltro u so aoni and bad to br aocoropanl- rd by otr full name and addict 01 tbr utulrr ttiuk the allller received a cberlilird mruare which read lore and braioq arrrunga to the uulrr family qrcrvtawn oitano canada from auntie uadr vivian and tttan- lr s bra virw nrrwick purlhrr litrntlon oi vulan and utanjry u madr in ojr actlir lurvlcr column iriu wee rank rrrca prank prtch local auctioneer and iniurancr broarr la a member of th u1a committer and abo acta ae canvaairr for the victory loan in ihl dbtrlct lets all so to the red cross skating in the georgetown arena friday march 13 1942 bigger and better than ever grand prizes also a door prize admission adults 25c children 15c get your costume ready the events are as follows 1 best comic oo bins under 12 years 3 best comio oobtume boys under 13 vcurs s best patriotic oobt 1st and 2nd prises 4 bebtifanoy dress oobtume ttlrls under 13 yean 8 best fancy dress oobtume boys under 13 years a best 7anoy dress oobtuue ladles over 13 seen 1 best fancy dress costume men over 13 years 8 best dressed couple 0 best comio oobtume rirls over 13 veors 10 best oomio oobtume bovs over 13 veors co ectors salary conilaurd irwn pf ihr lmprovrtnrnl in collxikru 7000 in rirxft t courtrd dur- lnaj uir rr cutting irrrtut4 j- mort ui hlt but tiurr l llli t b-l- ancr of airtiirit umolinttng to almoat o0000 and hr urtfrd i hi i lhfrr be no irtup n thr collection rflort in 1943 tx- bqulcutlon of uncollixtra uirr hun icli uu urn 1u tt rtuol un4iu vt jhirulmjlrl 1700 avauu- fui ux but hi cautlorwd the council not lo u4 uut all up in our cr b a drxhtic rrducuot in the u rato ii ttu rdu ou4 of rucrf lt lull to br incrrvtsexl ulc ivril jiax liu ricoinmrncutkon ha thai tht ourivlui tx um1 otr u fuurcu mr ud itdiicintf utf 43 mill w to 40 nulls bubfttantial dbrnturt maturl- lut in im4 nilhh niian uut uir lua uti could tn injiiujlmd ut ihb ui afttr tiit lunr- illr udvlcr a takm tl u tor bi couiwil 40 mill at i trutk at t hl 04 tiu hwvlr un ltintlnt ajtjrr tlir clt rk v l utriit trd it ordt r joo iirmti0 cn t ot lt mlwit lur hslbaiwjii int rstd rjairs t u1 bt aajlib wilhlii hit ihjll mem 111 ijllllle i hi lia1aihl of this mourn hii cluvi rimv0 hi- dlnitu 1 ui iiintin a llvt ol maur and ua air vii in tin rriorl iiron 1 tiunk un raukin u a riwht lo ki lun tht arriarj ajc cliuvi llit tiiu a chanci to cum c to um mujakial otllcr and find out liibboiu i don l ho- t can ordtr unl a irt of tht uudil rinud c1cai 1 oud 1ji iur wviihout luiotii tht ilii a to bt pnnud it oa iu vi r don tmore comibiin rvli nwi i u put in othir cota olbtoonj tlu public i cntliled to knov mho oi- tlutn moiu a uncord vou iw iwjtid lor on the motion thai the complete report be printed uitli cuuvc and coihtfon tht onl dlvtnunk volciv collector aakm morr njujt the mxt turn ol bualni v ttu ft rcououd halar lncre5 b coutctor k m uuiudan from iiot to isoo thls brought about conaldcrable dla- cuvion with opinion divldrd ui to whut prcxitluri jiould be iolkrcd all vkcro in akiitnuni that the new col lector had done un met unit job in lib first iar of office but thi could not unjtt on vjhctlict this waxranttd un tncrmise in milan mackenzie i think tt b un w00 job clum thit i u prcit stltt increuae cuilffuu he mtimtl lo chailuc hu mind whtn lie iuu lum tar audi tors rtiwrt ithc follow m appcutd in the 1d4c ruiiarl wl sukkt thut uuit ii taillj sulllciint uork lo mplo u fulltime collector and ivtu if tin implojnunt ot such individual were to lncrtase the wiiary cait to the town bj au anotlicr 1100 u ur hie town would be ode- quuulj repuld by the probable de- lrcase in ouuaandlitf taxes cleave oakvluo pa- uiclr collec tor 10 weekly and they hae twice the rjjtoishmcnt that wo have costwan i dont aco that he u have its much work next year olbboiis tho chonuu in the colloct- ina fcyatcm will mean more work ttuxca this year will be colleuod in lour musalmenu tiuteod of two aa in the pant ccthtlkon at our lost mccuns we decided not to nive any ralwa it were contemptatlnu a rulw i think wo should open the job to tender cleave he ha made a good ahow- inff but the tlmea were in hls favour too bradley i think 500 b enouuh aibbonb the oakvllle collector tlooant tulull water rates tlmt in volves more work than just laxea cleave a tabc of ovti 50 aeenib very high cohtlbiui it only a partume job olbboiu there l no doubt he made a good hhowlnir incrvave granted or mackemtlt then made a motion that mr lanbdou be rehired at a bili ary or 00 a year there was no aoo- ondci and or brown intimated that he would move a salary of 050 or mackenzie agreed to chang his mo tion to tho now flguro and or mac- donald bocotided the revlaed motion onco afftiln a record vote was aflkea and tho motion carried with roovo olcavo and ora bradloy and couffan votlns agairuit it band concert it was decided to hlro tho lorno bcou luna for trrtt of 13 cooccrti duruik tr rr m m tt of 36 coo crri cr utcdonald who l prmldrot ff thr tund rrd an ltrn from tb aii lo chaunnion ixtkwlnc rrcrnt concert m that ton in fuch lb band rtxrtrd m rood dctl of praibe r 4taud ltlu 2 formrr roraobva u not oi active irvlor rrcofd which the band u jluu proud ol mia parrfcavcr tr trw tbt ochiacu baa drddvd to purchtu a nvw tur truck and the cleft wwa imtflc d to ftdvrrlur for itodrn for d rliavu or lhu and funhrr a44p qi be txrn at the ixarch tnreuaa nrti turd a ptuuoo b mvto barbrra and hajrdr raters lo etbjiih unlforra huur im cjoajig ftu to have been orruil up and t blaw had aireadjf been preiarrd but uur of lb ajapwrt uiked that their nameo be wllb- irawn w no action tu token on thla a- uu ituttrd majority not ob ulived normal unto sttxt at clohxit itxndlrhontt a will attendrd mrctinm ot the nerval junior farmer via held av the home of ocorgr ifrndcraori oo ruida r6 17th the bo tid aa ttuir ttutvst atmakcr mr jack pa ley of caitdon purma ilia topic wwa what r ttu thankful for mrnuoo ini itcially our democracy and uv intf coiidiuoru in cocnparlmii to that of 0rmn jot ilur had lite harm furmn talk nu 1u h id a vcr lnteiaunj imtuin ttti uie lheme plrtl aid dir roll call aiutnrd by a feme- dy for colii buriwi or polaonin la- ab 1 wnttreamorth tcavc a paper ono quu un borne do a and don u for cur drltntj charloti mcoulloch gave a apjen did talk and demimlratton on plrat am tuie ell or rd dlftert nt alinsa ana m uiods of uandatring marion dtck ftur the current ewnta and ejlaabeih it id kii i piano solo li vai de cided to purchae materlalh for knit ting and aewlng uartncnui for a aix- arold child the iru also dedd- i to reenter in the fium service forca and ret plther woa nominated rcre- i u lor tlil the apcaker for the joint me una waa not able to be present but wove importunt bus4nev woa dicuft6ed it woa decided that the club would bjy 50 00 victory bond the membera ilon planned to forego coke for lunch ut the mretlnca in order to help tave sugar plana were made for a aoclal night or the club members and mrs hen- dt raon very kindly offered her heme far thla further plann were alo made for in half hour competitive program to bo held in mhlon on march john bird closed the meetlna with u piano nolo and a social time was spent the next meeting will be at the home of jack and 8am mcclure on man i 10th silvers announce an advance showing of ladies coats dresses and millinery for spring sil i if h i phone a 1 silvers depl store if h new youll find it at so fw phone 375 georgetown new or additional cost of living bonus prohibited without permission ordtr ot national war labour board lo cmpoyar and employ a- an employer who was not paying his employees a cost of living bonus prior to february is 1942 may not start to pay such a bonus on or after that date nor may an employer who has been paying such a bonus now increase it unless he has specific permission from a war labour board whether in the future a bonus may be paid or changed in amount will depend on the national war labour boards an nouncement in may 1942 with respect to any change in the cost of living index between october 1941 and april 1942 unless in a particular case a war labour board has given specific permission to dr otherwise by order of the national war labour board humphrey mitchell minuter of labour and chairman ottawa canada february 16 1942 y e must sow the seeds ot victory to reap the harvest of continuous freedom buy the new victory bonds smith stone limited georgetown manufacturer of bakelito electrical porcelain wiring device and conduit fitting ontario o

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