the georgetown herald seventyfoaith year of pdukstiaa wednesday march 4th 1942 5e a copy 200 a year own invests 1000000 surplus in victory bonds per cent of loan total raised with four days left cola u cmiala way onr altareaaaaaier reest tit figures for thl district in th victory loan ranrcatgn show a j of u00000 of the 113000 objao- raised with four dsye to go be- i the campaign drew to a clove as rnt ni mid today by hon deley mm later of finance uut government hopes to rau ntn indred million dollars in thla loan more than the objective lf lb x district 1 to equal thla extra fsojooo or 4 total of vdjxo be ncrosiirj etlve figures or helton unty appear below objecttre raised appros pa irllnftnn o0oo wsimo 70 1oj00o 37u0o 0 300000 mm 0 ojooo 36jbo 0 wj 160009 00 isaoo nhoa t 1s0a00 1a10m0 1 i thermometer to register protrcu tb loan has again barn aractad the lamp pott in front of tot dank montreal and show 1160000 in the i to tha objective what will tna total be its up to youl at the top taa vie o aaa alstitr to aster a few 111 ml wun afean a tbaftr aajavufv wua eaaeertj uwubiuii imt aaa taartars to late- set f r tka raaaabaaar af taa wvih eaa a i oat aayaat away ii new lfta d ik arutaaj aajettr v the weather dy h l hutt february uud out u gentle 4u a lamb and were it not for the rampa geous way with which she came in blocking roads for a day or two we might oongretulale ourselves the u no worse the mean temperature for the mon th ws 17 6 which wu only ii de gree below norma the snowfall for the month was 0 inchea below normal and the total precipitation ma ooly 13s which lb about cm- half of nor mal march came lo like a lamb and we are cheerful enough to take new stock in the old saying that she will go out like a lion it la far more comfort lng to think u is now onl three week ill spring at least according to the almanac there haa been no morr precipitation the past week following are the local temperature record date tues fb 34 wed pro 26 thurs rvb 36 prl peo n bat prb 38 sun march 1 mon march 3 11 ml l temp 36 10 aa 1 39 14 20 10 jo 33 30 is 33 at howard hat ibovard may reeve of esquealng ownahlp la a vicechairman in the ictory loan campaign in tnla duv let rrad th complete 1041 rrport of the mrdtcal officer of health in next week herald choral concert gives benefit pwfvwtrume peweerwa wui fc hamt brtwwea bwv and h c rwn mr c u cwtuu mra w octair 1niih artteu tmbm of the ororwtown ctioraj honrty the actmutja of which were autiwooed uat fail for the duration ca the war oned in prfweniln a coo- cert uut ntfht in knox pmtyunan church tn aid of the lurajd war vk ttnu and noldlrn oomioru ptinda cncci male memfa of the aoctety are now on arlrve wrvtot with army and air force and thu haa made aen- oua taroada on the society which waa th rewjon for ill aha rifling itow- esr when the pun for a gia bene fit peartarmanrw wma announced for mer mtnber were eothusiamlc and the rheramja whir were hrkl during the paat month were wruaoended the concert opened with the ting ing of 0 canada after which rer o o cochrane who waa chairman for th erenlnf made a few perti nrnt rwmarka ii particularly men tioned the htrap uut the society haa had namu of their tpundid re cord of tnemhera who have joined th army and air force members on ac tive tfrvlte are pie harold fka to1 ihe wliilam chaplin cpl tom wamea pilot oooar jamaa bvmha lpr uam olatry opl bui young pie chorlfa oicwoo acton and pte chr irt cooalna dramplon all over- and bgt armand trwackhamet lac filewmrt ataclaren and ac1 otuart young in canada with the ucap among the aelacuona offered by th choir a ere otavnlnamla porrrr liibland wl a hundred plpera pair iand of freedom and thr cr- lopular rule britannia which aa una by ftpeclal rrqjmt mra ii t paul aa- accompanbt mr c m corkrtt hoprano aou at grace united church brampton ilk u uurt artiat and ng vrpera hjch he ddlcaird vo ux- lltuc chudrcn of britain mra w cromar the other rucm artut imhunexl the hiiixlrr muwlcal poruon of thr pro gram irlth aomc humorou recitation which were extremely rlldonc and murh enoed by the audience at the conclualon of the program mr w e capps of brampton con ductor of the choir thanked all ihoaw who had aaructcd in helping to make the ewnlng the aiiocou it wa the net proceed will be divided betmeen the hrrald war vlctima fund and the soldiera comfort pund and financial atatement will appear in nert weeka herald iode appoint comrriittces for year fmnlihia u katlrtaf ajeml fire truck purchase left to water and fire committee ludfjen death of former resident another former raaldant or oeort to pauad away auddmly on fab u at her reatdencc 400 montrose at oronto in the person of ulaa mir- m woodhall idas woodhaq waa the youngeat augnter of ambroae woodhall of eng- h daaceot and oatharlne mclean f sootuah origin her father wu m on the centre rood three lota dove brampton ont aj a time when tnrtlana travailed up and down dng th woodhall home their atop- i ins place to ur and lb woodhall were orn bealdea the recently deceaied lamber latimer or winnipeg opur- bon of calgary and crunmer of on also fhenla ura bartlett of bnto nina ura it k heartweu eil known in oeorgetown and de- orah of toronto of these bealdea dying in infancy there remain ire out of a family of eight children amely oranmer of acton florist punzeon and deborah the wood- alia a highly respected family tlv- 1 here over twentyfive year and ie deceawd in toronto for the put tght years with her only alster de- orah who had gone to toronto about valve years previously to secure em loyment in earlier years deceased ttended oeorgetown publlo and high capacity crowd at public school concert last week proceeds 8rut between s wab funds j d ktxly 8 peak a on behalf op victory loan a capacity croad attended the pa inotic concert presented by oeorgv- 1 town public school in the school au ditorium laat thursday ervenlmj the gate receipts amounted to iv723 ana thla wlu be divided as fouowa10 b oeorgetown soldiers comforta pund 10 for junior red croes work 130 to the senior red cross and 11725 to the british war victims fund tdn p w cleave chairman of ihv public school board waa mlstreu of ceremonies and introduced the vari ous l tenia on the program ptrat were aome action songs by groups from orades i and 3 followed by a reci tation by joyce mcmillan of edna jaoqira poem our queen next was a play the blue boots directed by miss m langan thu waa a charming illustration of the impor tance of cheertulnoas and that wv have much to be thankful for joan buck played the roll of betty a little girl who never smiled while her friend mary was played by peggy young marie hulme and pauline herring- ton were the tear fairies donald brill the sun and betty king narrator the junior choir aanlsted in the play the school choir sang a selection one for all and all for one and after this the senior boys gave a de monm ration of tumbling and pyra- nudfl directed by principal h o has been steeping for hundreds of yeara awakened she does not know hat canada la k the children pro ceed to tell her this was cleverly done by nine pupils each representing province dreased to represent the main fxature of the province and tnkdi with a little speech telling rele vant data about their homes repre senting the provinces were philip carney pei betty hunter nova scotia billy mcdonald new bruns wick dolores broomhead quebec june oorell ontario ken harris manitoba jack king saskatche wan walter sargent alberta and bob hall british columbia other who took part in the pageant were helen mcolll david williams ronald bailey douglas latimer and olan otbbs denue jenson sang a medley of prcnch songs and there were two dances highland fling and irish reel by some of the senior girls mra james bvana and miss haiel harrison supervised the musical part of the program mrs evans accomp anying the singing at the piano a treat for the children at the end of the concert was the announcement that school would be cancelled the next morning on m evening mar 2nd the counlea of buathmorr chapter i dr met at the home of un jo hi it bejtur with the new regrnt mra c v wlulanu prtding in the chair the meeting oprcuid with member repealling the prayer of the order the evrcretsry then read the minute of the last rneminf and the treasurer gave her report convener of various committee ere called upon to give reports o thru activities mrs j d kelly who u in charge of magatlne and book cot lections slated that 1319 magaalnrs and 09 bonks had been shipped to the camp at truro a discusuon followed this report as to the adviausuty of always amdmg these articiea to the aunr puvce and mtjr decided that in future books and magajlnra would be sent whtreter the need 1 urrattst the junior red cross of the pucuc hchool lent valuable aalst ance in the collection campaign and members eaovad a hearty vote of lanfrt tt juatb mrs i w dann jave an eruourag ing report on articles knit by chap ter insmbsjs from jan tlth to feb 1 1th ura r it uckihbtn made an urgsnt appeal for more workrrs to hrlp in the red crow rooms mem brn are eyskrd to make a special ef fort in this connection the bujnra of thr mrcumj thrn turned to forming s grneral outline of soik to be awornplijshrd in th forthcoming year it wha utfreed to form comrnlure to take chargr of i o ila of chapter oi nd the auiirurnnaa mith which mfmbrra mrrrcd lo iwlp augun rll for tlie nninii ir a wa ttjwl mtiu commlitec u formed hvr outy it sill bt- to rulsr monc for tiir grner- n fund mrh p k uuclduni u kkauxi and ui b altcd b mr l w divtn mi- w ft i4ju ana mrv orahani pur mil mr w b ljrd as rommald coii- vrntr of a wrlfjrc commilice con- i niaj vt mrs j l laombert mj a iktumonl and mavt alice trranor tiu hocial and fjtr rim inment muter su headed by ur momt aamstd by mrs j k mr j b milne mlsr hilaa erwtn mr itont barber and mr lnrinn an emergency commit tic a formed corwtting of ur j l launbert miss ii erwtn mr w c blrhn mrs sam muxkrn zie sa made convener the wajs and means conmdcnd holding either nlcht or a bingo during the month or march mm keith barber made a motion to end an additional box to a northern uchool in ahlch would be packed book und used ftummer clothing this shipment was scheduled for april mrs a beaumont kindly offered her home for the neat meeting of th chupter on behalf of all chapter members mrs woo thompson presented mrs sam mackrmne the former re gent with a gift which showed in a ltool obh c0cso18 llool o b o oouaana oaor- town poatmajter worka undrr chair man it b skiha on the employees commute which is in charge of vic tory ijoan subscription in the lar ger manufacturing plant in the die irlct the georgetown herald i britiah war victims fund carn al h barber k u rrojccl committee a theatre foratrdrd lo toronto tnlng telegram clt on hand acanow- irjurd community eudur at b u 4 pttday prt 1 total march 4lh ftftl iihools miriam at the tune of her death u a member of college street unit- 1 wrtgglesworth the next number wu d church whose pastor conducted j a fantasy the miracle told by ne funeral and burial services here in i dorecn mulholland asslxted by billy ireenwood cemetery last monday mai i maooormaclc no she was too an aotlve worker i mr j d kelly a member of the the methodist church before union victory loan committee gave a few r only duties or illness prevented remarks on the neceasdty of buying ilthful church member from church ictlvlty i in her dealings with people she ays displayed her inbred integrity a independence of thought and deed s later years 111 health largely con- lned her to her residence and hor udden paving was not unexpected b e who knew her best and by such be greatly missed as a faithful fiend easter friday comes this year on tho t friday in april april 3rd victory bonds he remarked on the smiling faces of the children and compared this with the children in tho occupied countries urging the au dience to do their utmost in every way to help win tho war and keep our de mocratic way of life the school choir sang tho victory loan theme song you can fight for canada k musical inspiration to buy victory bonds tho last item on tho program wav a pageant by tho senior grades en- tltlod builders of canada in this two young canadians played by mar- garot oonnely and john whltnoy find sleeping boauty paulino morton who o bpecuu names uuumini u second victory loan campaign unall way how very much the chap ter appreciated her fine work during the post year the singing of the national an them brought the meeting to a close after which a cup of tea was aerved the georgetown herald soltsetv comforta fund foraarded to ocorgr- toan sotdlrrh oomtorl committee tx6m true hju 0 00 verdun rtrbekah lodge 00 local council of women 1000 total march 1th vb5m can science triumph oveb hoodoo save the narmaaalt can the illfated ship be raised and break a nautical jinx the american weekly with this sundays uar bi issue of the detroit sunday time point out that in 10 years six sister ships have met their doom un der circumstances strangely like those that sent the rechrlstened lafayette to the bottom of the hudson river be sure to get sundaya detroit timea slo maajunarvobiblud by bylaw w v oranl chairman of tb oeotertoad and district victory loan oommlure u present at tne count meeting lau nig tit and spoke on be half o the current loan campalgn lie pointed out the outstanding achls- vrmeot vtuch this district had mads i- ar and hoped that oaorgstows ould do as well or better again to this campaign at present oeorge town ha gia707j6 in various bansv accounts and the oouncll after brief dlvusilon decided to lmeat i10j3o0 of this in i per cent tod victory loan bond ftra track the main part of the etcnlng was ijvrjt in a diac of the proposed rur truca ben a uatuce of iltmll- loo repreaenung th lafrance flra liiglne ti foamlte ltd wu preaant to answer question concerning this company product the purchase of thr truck will be left in the hand of the water and fire committee ooas- posed of cra ooaugen crippa and macdonald tenders had been asked for the purchase of a chassis for the truck but the were not opened ei the meeting and some of th council were of the opinion that it would be a better policy to make the complete purchase rrom one of the two com panies engaged in the manufacture ot fire apparatus apecifying that tna rhajul should li pooaible be purchas ed through a local dealer hlet machine brlaw a bylaa wu poued prohibiting blot machines pin game punch boarcu etc in an place under uc- hv4- in lon and rkrolong penalties for breachi of the blaw aoroonta the fouowing account were paued for pament w bpencr lh w blknice bu w spence tu w sim nt e tu w ii kenmcri son coal w 11 kciitncr si son coal k c mcmulun coal mrs k preslon wi rrbate icnil rent pipe line ontario drpt health welfare it w robb statloneo k m langdon postage etc t f orlne using patient to hospital p b harrison postage etc f sinclair town truck c e smith wood bell telephone co hydro electric welfore account bradley bros richardaona hardware maple leaf dairy f c whltmee at 305 1s3b 13 40 140 00 33 10 100 10t 1300 4m 14s 44 m 500 tu 14j0 mj4 800 aa m tot judge arch cochrane guest speaker at lions meeting club urged bv prehrdent to 8uppobt vtctobv loan camfjuon and red cross carnival judge arch cochrane of brampton was guest speaker at the dinner meeting of the lions club held on monday evening in the mcolbbon house the community betterment committee under the chairmanship ot leroy dale were in charge ot the program and mr dole introduced the guest speaker who took as his topic the national anthem the king is not a figurehead sold judge cochrane but defender of out laws and our faith so long as ths king reigns freedom will remain in the british empire he recited somo of the fields where the royal influ ence is felt particularly in his own legal profession where writs and sub poenas are issued in his name where civil oases are booked as the king vs john doe where laws are worded his majesty enacts and the ro yal assent is needed before they be come law strangely enough our national an- thtm is credited to no author it was first sung in tlto by a gentleman named henry carey though even tins fact has been challenged by hls- the club that w v grant chairman of the victory loan committee and leroy dale president of the red cross were both club member and that the full support of the club should be given them in their cur rent work the members heard with regret that a h feller a charter member had taken a position in owen sound and hu services would be lost to the club for a lime another member 1l sli ver is 111 in a toronto hospital and the members joined in wishing him a speedy and safe recovery the olrls and boys committee headed by chairman ed mowhlrter will be in charge of the next meeting onr angus mcdonald and maude thornton married in st aldans ciiurcn st albans church ot england olen williams was the scene of the wed ding last saturday of maude thorn ton daughter of mr and mrs char les thornton and onr hugh angus mcdonald son of daniel and the late mrs mcdonald of umehouse mr and mrs ernest miller of lime- house attended the couple rev w o o thompson performed the cero- major kenneth barb guest speaker at local council of woken mxettno the local council ot women held their february meeting at the horns of mrs j b mackenzie thursday af ternoon feb mth the new presi dent mrs c hayes presided and there wen twentyeight ladle pres ent the business consisted mostly of two donations ten dollars was voted toward the soldiers comforta fund and twentyfive dollars on a victory bond mis a ryan waa appointed war work convener the ladlea were urged to salvage more carefully and thoroughly major kenneth barr ot the exhibi tion park salvation army canteen was the guost speaker the servlot centres are the part of army camp which help to forget routine and re lax there la usually a writing room reading or living room and rest room filled with comfortable choirs there is also a game centre for entertain ment and a chapel knitted good such as socks scarfs and sweaters are badly needed always great credit i given the ladles who coma there dally to give voluntarily of their service mrs barr who accompanied hot husband spoke briefly on the womenlt work and told ot a few very interest ing incidents a sliver collection amounting to sis dollars was donated to major barr for the purchasing ot an electric grill for the canteen the meeting adjourned with the singing of tho national an them lerov dale ko mony tartans as tho air was known previous the bride wore an afternoon frock nil timn whatever bo tho case of sky blue crepe with blue hat an matching accesorios her corsage was of american beauty rosebuds mrs mlllor wore a duky pink ensemble with a corsage ot pink carnations to this time whatever be tho it is a prayer which wo should sing reverently and with true appreciation of its meaning x john d kelly and ool james bal- as vicechairman and a member of n jj2 to tho special names committee in ow c t v -d- j v x3i lion president r lloata reminded glen whjjams lac john hooper returned to moun tain view on sunday night after spending a week end leave at hi home mr and mrs robert momenemy re ceived a card from tho oho on fri day last stating that their son pt robert mcmenemy would be heard on the cdc broadcast from england on thursday march 8th at midnight on station obl this will be tho sec ond aion boy to be heard from eng land pte bernard poole spoke list i august snowy rejoin nis unit at reuuwowa 8h0 p w mlss mm stephen-