Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 4, 1942, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 4tfa 1942 the editors corner bob goldhams night it wu a fine tribute which georgetown and to ronto fan paid to bob goldham tart saturday night when thev rocked to maple leaf garden to attend the game and make a betweenperioda presentation to thu popular young hockey tar and what more fitting present for a versatile athlete than the golf club which will always bring back memories of the climas to a busy week for bob which included an interview with andy lytic which appeared in saturdays toronto daily star a saturday evening radio appearance on wes mcknighta show and the aforementioned pres entation bob has had a rapid rise to fame this year and has already proven himself a topnotcher in the hockey field holding down a defence spot with the maple leafs a late starter having been brought up from the hershey bears halfway through the season he is hot after the bent rookie trophy this year were all hoping he gets it our birthday one privilege we share in common with king crorge vi is that of having two birthdays in a year and this week we celebrate our second anniversary as editor of the herald it has been a busy two years not without its worries but filled too with pleasant recol lections we have seen changes in our stoff lac leiie clark in now with the rcaf in guelph while reg broomhrnd left only this week for a course at the gnlt aircrnft training school still carrying on cap ably as foreman is mac mcgilvray to whom we owe a great deal not every printing shop in blessed with ft foreman who can step into tin- editors shorn as he did during our recent illness nnd turn out the paper on his own with mike gilmore and bruce collin our two new members of the ntnft we shall kcp at the job always striving lo give our subscribers and ad vertisers a paper worth reading to all those press secretarirs interested retders who help out with i lie news gathering and particularly our rural correspondents vv give our sincere thanks for helping to make the herald what it is tluir faith ful recording of the news in their localities is a worth while task which they perform because they have the communiyspirit which makes a town worth living in we ovv a rre t deal to our rural correspondents on the threshold of a new year our greatest wish is th it the herald will rontinue to merit the loyal support it has enjoyd in the pist it is our hope and desire to publish a newspaper second to none and to turn out commercial printing that will compare favour ably with thnt created by other printing establishments salvage we promised you the sajvafe verse this week that mrs katherine preston has composed for the lions salvage campaign and here it is mrs preston is throw ing her full support into the campaign particularly in the collection of fots and bones nnd the lions club is appreciative of the efforts she is making the bono of victory us up all your papers sfske uicm good and strong and dont forget to save youi fata aid brine them right alone dont burn your hemes we need them too to carry on th ngbl weve got to show old hluss well fljht with u our might bo bring along your paper your fata and bonea and rag lett sling em back at hitler ob boy that makes me glad now all you little boys and girls and horn and daddy too lets get behind this thins today and 1st u put it through now bring em all to prestons but make em very neat twill make em extra weloome your countrys need to meet so when you plan on shopping be sure you carry down your lime bits of salvage old ltluer for to crown bsch one of us can do his part dont let your country down tin better to die fighting than to wear a nazi crown so ladles gents and girls and boys dont push and shove and giggle just lend a helping willing hand to make old hitler wriggle pjb kong this in your kitchen the last lap the victory loan campaign is entering its final stage and the local committee and canvassers are mak ing an extra drive to boost georgetown and district way over the top two girls at smith stone ltd have put their feelings into verse and this poem which we print below shows what they think of the campaign the areata u not so crowded a they war a tost atjo ttoa bays hv joined the umj itaeyt not miking any doueh the glrb are kind of lonely there lxnt much to do when there not many hoyi round they cannot bill and coo the boys will au be fighting now the battle has begun they an trying to lick the nad and keep hitler on the run we know that they oould not prevent the fall of singapore the jape we hope will sorry be at the end of this great war we know that they can uok them so you people dont reaenu the call to buy a victory bond to help the government and when the war is over we all wtu alng a song and make this world we lire la a place of right not wrong billie hewitt a public school lad whose father b with the rcamc at camp borden has contribut ed this slogan wiich he composed himself and which we think is worthy of mention this war wo noed tanks to go down big bonlcs we noed planes so they can help keep the war whoro it mains we nood guns and food like buns and we need ships to knock german ships to chip has bzkn plenty of crt dan tn regard to th conduct of the war in fact that is on of th reasons that w are in this fight want to be able to wv to crudie thai in authority without th fear of being 4hot for to doing but crtudam can be ovrdon and of u hare twen guuty of cwdotng it then after we hive crtucued to our hearts content we hate to admit that our effort luvtnt helped eien a utca bit should you happen lo find yourutf in a cnucuiag mood one of the dija we auggeu that you tr out the fouovtng problem we cana dian n all told some iw m aouu canada u eren urge than ih united blato and alto has miirfi longer cout line uijould it so happen that 1 wu you that had to arrange for the defence of that long coastal uut juit how would you dutrt- bulo that whole twelte million people to che brat advsntagr uhould ou de cide to puce them evenly alua th r ado ttp and would hav wrf john d keuy of provincial fpf ltd is a member of th salea com- mi tie working under chairman w 11 long in the oarond victory loan oam paign ooast would any particular part of that ooat be over crowded will defrndrrst a momrjit or o torm on lhi proktan may help u decide that it u unpos- tlhie for the fnplre to hatr sufficient troopa and equipment uuoned at all poinu that the enemy may chooc to war octtt the blame both going and coming for instanor it a during the war that napoleon conducted thai ue dlooirry tti made of the advan tage of placing food in cans now ulunj oonir- ord lht the ue of cn for iwowrvm food iil have to be curtailed because of thr airily of tin and all txuw of mar till imtnihiixu part of th transcanada highway u to be completed thu coming tumroer tiua part lira brtaeen hrart and ornaldum in north wralern ontario when condition gtt buck to normal ulur die ur and ulty provided that then arc jii imiikci left it itio ul be j 11 int n lurw drut o no nurui to covliiam- uil tlivn writ to wlniajpe a drive ol thai nsluir guea one an idea ih tur of our country and houll poe to be a pop- iilar drive most f tit rood from onllia north o c tfant and thn t to winnlpm l tnr jg jilav- ground counry liki an j river tor- few aettler along the way that u compared with a drive tnruugh was tern ontario a drive of uiat nature can get monotonous but the alght of the odd ltr or mooe or perhaps bear helps relieve the muajotj drlrtng through the pralrtra u moootondus and the tight of cv countleas txg- bers was alwaya wexom a drlre of that kind would give one a good idea of the country and would also make tt eaaler to realise the hardship that the prospectora and pioneera bad lo put up with during their endeavor lo open up the northland till prgsevt victory loan cam pal en must have been an intereav lng one for the aaleameo we would imagine no doubt it would oe a thrill to svell mime of thoe huge ouorcms their million douara worth and eren up to ten million dollars morth at a lime mow ever t would think that the to tal amount of email aalee would amount to more collectively than would the total of the larger orders we read of the diftcjtnl klnds of cauh that the ltoan compulgn brought out into the light the thin plater and the four do car billa aw the larger alsed buli thut me ued lo uw but thti har be come scarce lately then there was the lady who produced the six bun- dnd dollars all in amall bills then churned her mind and went back bom the georgetown herald ml n at oh sfints41 bmmih advsm dfttud naw u s yw h uui stats to h f tttar acaer koss fw svoms ho oauiioctattm utun et owma tut tte i and rstumad with fgaf 2iob- d w of tb asms dsiusbiaatbbs to oaks bn ponebss to nra oo thmiana dtflus oes ttittif ssrs tb ft aist ha btsn colls r- uaf to th cia stocklbf anrj ths till sjdif etuts us couttatfif tb in nsllhty ef ptarto mm on tb eomsas thla onmln sob- mer t idas batnf of ifw to bslp out with th wool mctf wttth u ukstr tots than mat bavfcsi eult to lotiuit th osoal sun aattrslu on aeeocmt of th of shtcetb es thr thetna l aifimtty a m h wish th i eai4 b ta th masnlnr of th ssoi ootos tt seou b pssttow ahssp en lb than costs fltunu sow of thias m ctuts ototd ob suu thsrs weald a kmioxj of sou hsfi tt directory f r- watson dajs ubjl ooor uours to 8 raoapt tbutsnvy sfuraooos dr j burns milne dcntai fruboeon xui giiuwb a m nielsen th taw pnatlas chiropmatsr xray dracteu tlketbptst la4j alliafass ooc onr nnmtnlnn bur osorawtowo hours i tjo f js pja ctsasa tkanasj paw us assstaiawasssftwssaihmw44iaaaiavbsi let us keep v car from growing old kf vj speak distinctly directly into the mouthpiece clear telephone lines for allout production your telephone is part of a vast interlocking sys tem now carrying an abnormal wartime load dont let needless delays hold up message on which pro duction efficiency may depend omit wartime teisphone tactics nr dure w bsv tl tbi fj jamb lonnut th director sw answer pmptjy bso tb 1 b11 rings be diiief ttm nest call cksr your line for w use offreak ho tot your 1 long utslsiim cslls tttub clifford g red uoju dja nirnt prioos 410 ualn oumt oonttown leroy dale kc m sybil bennett ba bantstm itlkllan uu1 oumt i grttwb rhaa 1 radio r we specialize in this work is taan l j sanfordson oeoioctown ttw keanetli m lanffdoo barrtstar blktur ns4artrwbba rrrt uortcaf uoswy to loss ooc omrory theatre iqcf sfiu otrert n oi frank petch uoknsbb aucnoncim aaj all cla8bts or inscwjtnob prompt bervtc rhsa ml olisstuwil po box 411 pjh s m jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and tile lfantjraotuvd with wst asts psw ssssht au sish any qoautmy btnuxnotom elmer c tbompsoo lnbckamok bntvkk pin auto windstorm or man as aibd nissssshts buvkeb btxcdmsiok rhans tlw r j ossc monuments huiiu and utimino pollock ingham gait ont dedin on request prion mm inspect our work in otvaowoad osmsteiy gray coach lines timetable how m ujbjul dayuint bsstnf tkbs leave atokoctown railhsasm t tsrsnt tm sjb ass pa tm am all sb list us tm pjb mbdjn tm ib xisjob pjn tjoo pjs am psb e jojot nm tbelljb pjb tat pa sytas tun u a accept flan andhol d broept bat bon and hol ebst sun snd bol f dally except bun ita khriiener yto btrsmord w h loho phone h c n r timetable dayttcht ssttsa ttan oelbc last am i psasanjer sad uab 10km i pssseoaer snd man tm l psssantar sundsy only ul i fsjawtw dally ms 1 toronto snd beyood osibs w pssssntcr and mail q sja pistsntsr baturday only 13 pas passectv dally szospt baturday snd bunday am pja paastntar and uah tm pa pisssnur sundays only ims pa oalafnarth and man tm i ostaf beath pssaanrsr and mall tbs l dtps tlefch omee phone oertbuoe caw schriol ef dancing t tsesfsrs u pjo leslsn uab gsatfstewb says and otrts prlrats at class branch studio chsn william phone iii baowm ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program illustrated circular free toronto address b crawford st a

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