Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 4, 1942, p. 3

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tbe georgetown hermld wafawky meh 4th 1942 lookoutlasick liver is dangerous tto yu a ftfibtatt tiftliti v caritua w i a yorliwltluioraalalo soar nnn u awum dnm aa4 auaoa u utebj k bo lua tku wt aad hkoa itoltfm 3- axm rotf ln pon oof ul io dru loo in ikj ol utf allojoe aoi to rxi uooa too out ol onifr mtfr drnuoa t4 aoeftiaa up- un uo4 u ib t oku dkoopotn la tw indium nw croutun d flmrnuk piua aoitoa youboiuatlma lidmi c proomlr- mubliaiort4l roi b4- achr tt dit uitj o r lt a i tkouundi ol mjf4f w etf iu od h ui nuoi1 nlfl lod lkr inwir th mpl inwi lur lic tlmiti lb hir i iomj p okt wtt lwrwi omllr il rwlih li tojr imr iiii ra t iiii u iu i m lkirnut id 1ndwum u l ki oa bmk ia ib ro4 v uiuo clii i ui or o ik m hi i it i ill v i l t tfcla frlwlt ll i im iip iti lij kt i k kpdwri m fcfc4m mj o cb ibwaatm a -i- of uw ostootvea oom mltu m ucwnlrur o prorteell taper lid u one mora us arui volar who u hlcn to put tha bac- ond vutory loan orrr tha top tn tha oaortown duuvt eubaulba now tot your hobjatown paprr and kanp abrtart o ttia new oo the noma tront carrolls jar make m kmkmmtkmmktkltktkktkkktm mk is buy victory bonds today e rasp tarry e sfvmrrj jam 5tart with prcti 32ot jar 29 freab rolled oats 4 19 cnhttiae r1tz wafers catelu cooliad spaghetti ctarue soups i-zzsuz- mclarrfi auorlrd jelly powders x p lie made from choice totnato heinz ketchup 19c save sugar swrlrn with beehive corn syrup xsc b x sr i9c 3srxoc for lenten meals chicken baddie sardines biw kipper snacks salmon tip taj sardines ru iaoi new cheese cwr large prunes peanut butter mim x9e custard powder h aylmcr ruwr pi ioc romar coffee lib bag 39 dandee rv coffee b 32 glob dcatcii ears i sox tin cc ilencd grapefruit un pork and re ans x 3 15c aybner golden kernel corn aylmer peas choice sieve 3 frankfort tomatoes campbells tomato juice for a lasting shine 2 ml polish xstxlc xjirxsc g 2 tin 21c x 8c tin ioc c ao pi- 9m2c x4e 52c p c g soap 3 bar 14c g soap 5 sac fl i naphtha soap x i5e k 2 swan x5c ho ammonia powder u c fkjt loaf cthti- aei x5c cuv madeira cake ct 15c concentrated super suds igpitg tooetsoap palmolive c 42sc sb 2wc bonkibt juict oranges 27c 31c 39c grapefruit 5 tor 25c beets or carrots 2 bunches 17c nsw gush cabbage 1u v rwtsh celery hearts head lettuce 2 for 23c aa mucnooa apples 3 lor 10c ll 1 1 halt muautki el 4 b ithth to uaoy 1 oetable prices good 1 ill saturday night only h lrto 4 free delivery main st georgetown imnovfd unifotm imcinatiohal sunday i chool lesson litw w oax t4m- tjo- leuoofor marda 8 coucl erf iuzidaw fcjf o u4 bt cvakuooav dtscovebjko wbt peofte dtuns bcvckage aloobot timely topics for women ly 8artw iiipnf lcon ttxt cman o m cuaa tun u rmtiti n ftv ttia 111 11 ii uu u u i oortuuam 1 1 coldof text u ucift ttrom era t rmtm aj owtr tit 4m twt w- frvt i trtr alcohol pfoblem frcev al- tention tn four uuon of each year thu u lh fijt crr ici lu and bflnf brforr ua a number of tcrtp- turr not ofieo urd in order to auggrtt ihr drmkera rtcn or drinking ckkrr matter appear but v ithuu limit ouiwlvra to preirnl ing thrfcr reatarva utthrr with thr cnrutlan inturr to ruch oct wny do men drink lttlu kmuiu gen o m at the banquet prepared by jot eph inr allowance for benjamin gretttly inert awd and iney drank ajwj rrr merry how oltrn thai baa brrn the plra which hua led into drinking and into drunkennrm the aoctal glalt haa often ird to the drunkard a grave well lurely god vunta ui to b aociable ye he dor and the perfect provitiun fur man a froriul aaturr la found in christian felloe ihlp ii to be nappy pa 104 u ii wine la auppoed to bring hoppl nt na and we may odmlt ihut it dors trini u wmporary lift which toitu utt hiippin hi hut who it titlnfwd with luippim bh it dipenda t ntirt ly on what hupp na if the wrung thinv hupp ni r urr un happy wt tn d u d p ubidini joy and only u rifm rrlutmnhlp to cud can hr uiut iii to kade repjtulbility pru 31 4 5 hn lift b burdtnn btcome ioj mud ftjr him the wiuklink httkt rt li t and vadeit hm rt sonmhiti ut in the deudenlnn powtr f iko hul out thut doenn t mlvr ihr prob lem it m mill dure whn kobruty rrturns and usually mort mrioua ihon ever hul cun u man do the uiswer in turn lo god he givta wisdom gtuce und alri ngth iv to forget sorrow prov 31 drown our orrowa la the de ceptive promise of liquor but they atand right there beside man and when his poor befuddled head be glna to clear they present them jftelve more ptralstenuy than ever jwhota the answer the god of all comfort is ready to bear mans sor rows or to give him grace to bear them and to lead htm out into place of peace and victory v to forget poverty prov 31 t heavy la the a miction of poverty in a world of plenty sometime u la the result of carelessness or of in but often it l the lot of those who are innocently caught in it tip men have tried to forget to drown aven thl problem in drink nd have only made their poverty worse and more unbearable vi to ftad ratufaetioo eccl s 13 10 11 the book of ecclesiobtcs give the account of a man under tha un that la apart from god a guidance and blessing seeking to satisfy the cravings of his heart tn many ways all of them prove vain including the effort to find it in wine and in pleasure frustrated souls often seek re lease through intoxicants they gain a measure of liberty und a sense of masterful power but it is all as delusive as the dreams of grandeur of the insane it is even worse for it is a false condition deliberately created and soon lost together with lost character and decency of life the morning after brings only the deepened despair of greater dissat isfaction vu to stimulate hope ua 56 u a certain fearful looking forward to the time of judgment tends to dampen the drinkers enthusiasm bo he drink more to reawaken in hi heart the hope that tomorrow will not bring reckoning but will be another good day the world has no real hope in fact the word itself has lost its true meaning and indicates only a sort of wishful thinking la there any real hope oh yes and the oirurtlan has it hope that la a confident expecta tion of tha fulfillment of goda every promise that kind of hop takes care of tomorrow a all the to morrow vm te ebeeerage riay u cor irjc7 paul warns against tha colly af tha cat drink and be mtrrv phi- lawophy that road ends in duastev dots not ged want ua to play indeed ha dots ha gave us iho instinct for recreation we naatl ylaaaant relawatinn and ha has pro vidad for ua an tha baautlaa af nav tura all tha gjaaauraa af whnlaeetna ani altintha toast of lallaw wok til psoato an aasbiraaj sure ttsv ocr amxfxs tbe tttrhw wokb hauls ha asloalihed axd mnrtniea lo the vorld her mend aiaj for ale her i rrom- hse bn doe not to ttuitary power alone but alan to the cocnoxx unity of her pecpie and her hsga ciiiaomcrajf bat a factor that u ofteti oirrlooitpd 1 her mi vo- ma in i mi there axe 44xloojoqo ajbatbocud amm betaces the lgi of 15 ajid 9 irtio axe heuxnv crfezml thru countxy tnn axe etry tx job fittn dlinlai trench annug trtrtors sxd lruu- porta tltr the aou ar ctni in sl iddatrm to flying r and orn m antialrcrajt tun anythinf and ny uung a can do- ko otto hair been n gr- ctcxtnluea thxn hs the women of riuda undx the ln irjrt ajj axe free to fauow a vo cation ojiuir their hoines and aie gieo txsnmg by th state in thetr choten fuld ussy axe reflnrd and higtity edacaled aome ar highly tde4 tn th axt there axe aolra juaa imrmyafvrv custom cc facials aceorn in all phasoa ol profwaaonaj uie and otnxj tn chaxse or big butineas- the vliea of mott itmlia leadrr hoid y lth uo uu ruch oilrn haie bttla cvcxrtc iih txirix hujbaxd wcrfe thr women of uie ntlif t apraalng or id taar prtde in their 3jh ol rlfxiu uid in brtrs ery modrxn arvasiy in crnnxuoo ith our liuidsxi uiter mv axe ptmprftd and txiellernl and often pr- tjux3 by pibjic ufrjjdice from tje tuu rrptton of our ambjooea aliuity nue fiav e drviocm in phuxj tlajnina of the rujolan fcoam 1 a aurrurd to lraxn uirvxaih a bulriin uaurd by the amen ttvn ltd0ii liatututr that b 1mo prrtent of tha enlnwrs in uxfs- wcr irdusu rfr onirn uiat jtnm cccnprul 7 pertrol of lbs rtuitu t in t timurai piinu jl prrxrnt of thoav engaftvl in th txod i a futi uidvatturo oxj- liunl ud the acrturs in the metal t kj 1 u 4uutrt rf tlir aorarrt in the coal mlnm of 190000 physician tuiti kunu in hxkiil ftjkd tnk4 tjjooo were momro and there ti itiliii fcjrluircu tiircniu utn t sn4 omrn trminmarx li i utorr mutt twirn roinlii br tit co ouuide their bosvaa wt1 wj l prujrei tin muxi sxd arubrlnj of thf ortu and thimirtn u fcwrriurriii c utbithfci my ktale wrvlc- uaene of ehkh ujr no twin corl buli in inland and in america there vtx tnmuii itwdnk ntrt a rioxtarrir for ttnmll chudrrn in factoria nd m nojttjr lirms tlmr rrr boavtung achoou for older boys and k iv nd uainui ttnutt uno irrntuon rnltt tor all ace tk it mill be txen tut nm bwetr the r btn in niwtla vosoca mrtr aiit d plinv un imjruru tvr in the litr of thr nation and mnrr thr outorruk thru- rfloru har been doublrd and rrdoublrd the poliiaral hum in um- land ol thr lioslru coum nrvtr be aeeptahla to us bjt he r popl- arr uncrre and tic drurmlnrd that haterr the cejft our runinion tmrny raall br vtnquwjifd ttjtv the iwimii uf itarj arr nuikintf a lrmmdou contxtbuuoo to tht fntvlom of u wtvnrn thr urld urr rnoxr uian me caiiailtan twnt u coji rvtr hut to do aimott tlmb cuenr nc lortr of the tiratnt 4 vt ihilr tariil and of tin lr couittr und davrtn of voqmh rrlh docturt und liuiu und a clrfc and l 1 ul ulwt-c- mill lo ixlqurtirt ol th nitmlr of th rijnr nanltur corps bo tlrlvi- limb jui and mun mooali hoilal and jtrj run for their on piu ti u jlin ilib uho trrr ji jix rifhv to thr front unas me k o h t nii iht url it imxj h of kuli utkl older vocaoo ho uvi atird i in tuvlih tutrix baid that alt tuch a ihom in toe nd cjf un sa in ihr occujiiixl trnltor t nujtdn t limnk in ltu- u atr i r rrudi comixirrd to ours hh- tin i lutui imj u b itut ju uml butter cry tcaxce and i tundbu a vi t tiitt itin in maittimi not brcaute ruula mrss tot ruh uiili to ipl lur uimin with kuuhn fittdffru and beautl itil ron tut br tu4 from thr brtfmmnjt of the 8uun rrglmc tha mjcjr kn that term tunc totmi i or la r thry ioud have lo fight cm rni n and un urtnj uiki ajrforfr uvui coald ln utdald come pretty hlth tlir jtuvin uomtn art uung to mmlt unul the main job la fnujir but alrt ul th arr lookinir oraard lo the day when th tru30 a uieir m at mdiulxial mratb will be uid to turn out amnicun kooct flnr home lurnlfhlncr irood ctothea coflmetiot jvllr and all thr othrr thlnu dear to rvrry womana heart be che idankian or canadian 1 ior our hcrav book ilappu om gro at our oiti firtildoo and la not to be picked up in tnnven garden douglas jerrolov homixv notions coxuidaa ncu kean is qit ll up wear it out klake it do bauacr rvtrnhint nf onv uir i rpaetvs camuliaru are pritty ujuarc bhootcrs when the thing 1 put lo them rlrht the uuthonue irjl u that britain a cbeete quota of luoocooo pounds vu1 be filled tn the end of march thanks lo the co operation nf the public dork and bnoon consumption has been reduced i0 lo ho or cent to that drltaln rnav get her tnarc and now they tell ua that under the honour ayttem of rutlonlng the consumption of huror htu dropped almofct 50 per cent well done folks axe von wondcrum tndav how bct to drcxeic the life of your foundation garment there med lo be an idea abroad that laundering tteakmed th cjomic but this u false the urea of jour car dont deteri orate unn thev arc ct neither doc our foundation much more damnfrtns to its life l pcnplratlon thut la allowed to remain in the irarnient indcflnllclv ror this riaton it fchould be laundered once a wttk or everv ten da here ls a simple method to f olio dtp the garment up and doun in a rich ud in lukewarm waterl and use a soft brush mi the pirt that arc milled niruse 1ti or three times in cltar wiinn uuur iiul iwrtliiltv drv in toel dont uy to wring thi mxnunt llan it to drv but not mur ft radlauir or other hot place pttis with u norm iron when olmwt drj lo stretch the fabric part to their uraper ahaoc if qnrlcrs arc replaced when worn and repairs made nt the firt sign or near our garment should lam you for a year or more tilt book of tub week youno ames w walter d edmonds tmccuuund fitowart 350pp 300 do vou feel in the mood lor a book that is lolly and exciting just pure entertalnmint with no reference to suffering or want or war if so then read about young ames a bright lad who know what he wanted and made a pretty thorough job of getting it at 18 ho started a a junior clerk and moaaenger with toe ond- best commercial bouse in new york that was to the 1j days of aalling hlp when the price of cotton and linen and rloe wj set in london and every incoming ship meant freah newaot tine jttaxlttc by sheer effronury and nauve wit young ames soon towed has eav nloyeru tn rtwogrurx his unusual abultv it was by accident that he first met the niece of the senior part ner but it ua not by accident that osahad tto new ycart iparty wearing his hosts new and expensive coat in order that be might sat her sch chapter of the book covers aome n af j lukwumtbrash but mtxemery ukeable young man tjns m ttanpeaung blue eye his quick wits made a million for the ten w omaeslalon there was tne time jffi2j um oriftfln with tuooo expense money and was taken for a rue ny pro- iss ha put war bl tort peraonal deal sfiasm nssssk jjs uke dotao and hl iruh eronlu and hli meeunc wa prajiaaia jadoonj tat u hl fortunw mm yuus tfuoatwl it h axm mh putoathip to th arm wd b boua njsa apt await astp dexoxs no nation to itwmt uiuaa n lis vctjia s waummallui tft b how to utm nouhablng mmh co mb e3 twim a it cup puby a catona anwad aunt tnaca sat

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