t gfeor wcdacla march 4th 1942 bob goldhaiu jl gil to pro hockey local fans see leafs whip chicago 8 2 on gowham niht prgwution made between fart mad sacood period fey george gutkrie gcorfeiown old boy sos goldham rwtvdjwed fwwjtl tfo oajce st wnta ucjuaoht ix u ala clxm tor 0orgaowi hot fauda and omr 0 tin bro uary oumejad to twonu saturday to boftouj ao of jbcfr own boy wbo rvoraoy brouxht naoor to blmuu and uir tarn ticn h join- fd the rani 04 protaavaal batry playm it a a fax erf trom th day brn dob olldhim chad ptxl rn the kl urns o aitnrj hlca line tip in th beautiful and tcrafru mapir lraf oafdrra in tt lonlo alonf lu ihe yamr tfirauit player among irwro tti apt ocrdan dal ian lurl hribrrt 11jj4 thorn ram tbe momrnt lb oor hundfro odd fan from ororgttovn eorriptnt- block of seat to uvmwimi had taarn thru plait all rr tit fcwvauc on no 17 in ihe oficul prwiamtxir bub ooldham while thr hororloan ftoi did do lor inurtat ahlr ik aa tfl the icr for rtui prrod hi ituin wjukl fcji lt urcn wjorllilnf morr to cheer fir it was dob ooldham nigm alright lor tbr ofhrl 1 wotmnir auo rled a feature artitlr owortfrlotrna dob ooajijn wiiucn by a 0crr town artnlitr uhlrh r reprint abrrr prr loo lo tbr kjtm it l dob av intciv lea ro b wr mc- knitji liriini poro xxnnii ntator ob tbi urlllve hckev brradcul o cntl uu he fllnux emu brirn uir lir and oml iw r v ol ihe romf wl ii bulb the chi rfo and m ipli tl ti aim hind up t uie j blue lini and ilob tk diiun ijuiud i out to ctlltir 1 bi 1 m a tiod i fon l i r i l i- im n ii i1th a l o ki flubn m l b k ms orortioun f iti nil fbtf ni runzilcf g yj to lbr ftjj prriod acd cthntjn u ool to uj on tb hkovr guztrj ftatrnit bo br uo to ptcft tb ittrabar va u rau chicajd puyvr k6 j inca to tbr pratttj box lu uj xju fuuprt to to hor d2j t uxj and ahrtrr to mks tb tlnu fccorr j and itb lb ftnal bail lb bcb nrwhim nibt ooicown oao tbjr ln a u3 rctcrprls ca lo a ckju eth fail piatu wit bu j mrr lrunj tbat box fu 6rpd uir conjklrtv pcms tb bim aod uat no doubt hi ntt vtu 4cke4 ay iu ckn a imruxjr borajry fjrtal tovn l u in a ll lkl ch i ciih t v t lnn ai l ni o i in hi un tou i o i uir cm il and oiiin arrr cniriial uma oj to in djtttrtnt tutninints on n ni on ht uu vi- in in ut tbc had mill u ihr 0rvl n btvt m winn ol hi in our oiruon it looki food yajic wlille it acln hoiv- thill it ion j 1 6orsetewnitts and old boys at girdnu bob oocduam night hjttl ild4v arutrig iaxt- o uw oorcrlovd 0fl fwt noiwrd st uiliw- lrmi oirdmt litlanla nuitt hotoaunf lb ifcub tulluun nuht nr mf mrt j a wiomtdb7 aduitf cli rl cunt tdblr 0c4fr tt ouuirr mx cmilu i kit mr tiim klra mr and tr ocorvr orbm vr and mis croy knnt3y mrs jifa hqilri mr jrt mn mi ii tl lritl mi i ltih 1 mcuhllm r ill llt hit iuilu ktliltf i 1 il u i- un 1 motor un j tr i- 1 iiuuimi m n j mi u 11 ki m m m ki ni i ii 1 1 mr it mi 11 l mi u mi ti u m ii mi nl mr j 1 m- lj i iii v bob goldham r 1 1 ct jr mixwm1 sk un j ho- ltdn maple leafs star rookie born and bred in the paper town mike good aurouod athlete rlw t natural in any sport foothall track and field lacrow and buketball all come euy to goldham iiiiiiiiiitimii tlllh anutiir in sport leeeiiiiiiiisiiiiiit it ih aot rry oflrn uiat iov uir lxtr cl occitmoan boatu p irtxrtal plam n tbr irfid j tvktix hut uir rar 1m3 bat brro oud to otcjiruran and lj fun ut out lo find tbr fcjluirt cl lktt tliu iojkji hj tocqr lo otu cf ofurtfrumnt omn tt ifcjb ww- lumi oum nd fl4xl ln ur jouiijm- l povalar ititii yauiiji ajid tj ae ait ojutajuli atiiirlr in aimutt u braxmhe of njt cirjiut ourtt iiit a iitoit to tiu ifcoiljy ha lcrr- unn and tiuriartf ll u itlmr hrd lo lu to pen a ii a 1 wi ivjo oclfia t airrr nut uuil r aooldn t lar to tllr tumu on ikobo a hcmtrtnu in tbr i cjd oj 4rt fur at luw kjmiii hjxu i liner br krthi tut ujwi mi itr in lijr jmst tmtn to murb lor jaiitd ito mikli tht in o wr hbtrr1 cbkfard oux fue but pwbaj in an utur in aj7 ifej of ik7 ibtnr appeajtd a nouor id lb lirrmid bvb it3 oocxijiauocj uay 1kb to ur and llnv llarrj oojlfmn a hoc jtfltorrt- liar au food pajvnlt rw tma4ina tbt uj- prood 11 and unv ocj- luun iid drrama ibat aoauviajr tbatr boy aoujd do uf ibmk in ibu ukl oxaybr br ooctor ex oollv on tnjjor u tjckrtmul buanaubuui a nt iilrr ji puuunrnt or maybr a tar m itir anuftinj tlij and jounjj botx 10 ha h to irfb ha axb mil- turf ha fulfulwj thru fondiat drvtm ana uien ucmr wr er one of lbr fut to abar tbr dma 1j apnj uul dub ooid- bun had attmlird bu cnatuir to a u lau coalnact ttr flnt lo in bjicr l bocxry famt but no fir bl uil br txjd bunr da makr uu- u umr wbllr oonbf 1jiju muju do l oiun mr ml takj tir law of anat la bound lo auia aitd trunt a putniun rookia li 0 up ttill in uir minora abut uul more fortumtr tfo ibru ay on lb nj to urv wr didnl ibiok fot uiinulr uiat uob mould do any 1 lor anud lmuli tbt u t i 7 un j j jf i e dont mina dob hlmxau bad hb mmkm mi mi and mrv hatt clt4kam fr trmfn atdj toronto faru aiagrd a raja nlahl at tapir leaf fardn la4 kalartlay ilrrr rwb u arm wrarirvj ihr twunto blar and hllr ju- a 4rpiir far a anurr k nlj a ttm yr ago madr hu atari tn etttiu- arwl jan tor bwar flittr in flirrtun oi u4tt ncorilf rtc lihh iir wttn liirtui 40 nilxli in j1utiiujiik ait uuilrtr ahu h i inulr uth j mrlionc i ut in pifulwn wv j lor ifiintl t oj an a in mir nuixj h tiui hit tl whin i wuujimi iwb kit tit mrutlomt in iu nhl i 1 1 v4u buik in ijjt kjitu ih uu ill mno j ml il 111 j it h us tl ilduliltl iii tji t i l j hi 1 o i i i ai and a ji dih ul hi r 0 lnl l unt i iim ili i ui ii u tin u n tt ii r r in lo thi ommi n bit l like a rn its omi a hill martixl b chlcalo drain nine prn- alut to toronto a 2 ll podiw t d ptnty ol tirittmtnt and kl palorc tbr bcott toronto ft chicago 3 bob ooldbatn aiaried uu- game on dffenir wltb ilucko mr donald ann ahile bucko mole part of uie slxr by bring named one of the thr hlarn of tbe game dob puyed a beady and auaady game all the way mostly on tbe dcirtuoa due to mrlct orders handing out wwf hard bodycbeckj bob took uir orenme rr utile in this game bat ahen br did bla clever ucfchandllntt dxin a bt band from the crod only once during ttia ganic und that ln the mcond period did bob goldham lake viry mrre bodychck himself trio game op ned lo l from 11a pie voas bundnolnt ib chicago prerimng hard toward iht toronto ml to haxc thtlr erorth rtardel with ui iniual goal by hamlu thls tihook oft tbe liit ltthir ind ilkn anil drlllon banrtxl in lao quck tnwl ending the flnt period 3 1 for the toronto went on a scoring spluryi in the second period n ulnsr four booia to the lltor one nick melz aoored twice with langclli ana bchrlner adding the otlur iao citm- ficorvd for chli io it was in this period that ci ilea jo plintr- wire loud ln their prott st or hcferi v king cloncyb declmons bui tlmnv for mer ixuf playir no with chicago wa penalised for trlppiim lit vigorously protected to clancy d at first rc- fusod to leave the ice howevtr th parade hud only started und whi11 ooopcr wqj bent to tbe box for board ing thorns rushed to the ice and was then given a tenminute mtsconducl penalty which ho flnlshed up in the third period 1 1- cipp mi j 11 m 1 mi in 11 11 itkbim mr j km in m mi mr- mr mi mr mr mr m- mi mi mr mr mr mr mr mr mr mr mr mr mr mr mr mr miv ml mis m mls mi mis m c it i 11 ms mil i t itoell mr dill stliul mis inn ll rinm a cllins him 1 mclur nnn r ilmrnpn i1 miwbirttr t w mfllntock bam markrnrlr urfuld miilway m 1 n mardunald margirrt cook lorraine latimer and mr harry ookuiam kobert krin lxilaa coir intfhby b a morrta olivir hunur n a itobmson william toanwnd iludi mcixinald h mco a h schcrtzj ami mr j wilco nnd mr onwr wilson and mis fred johrurfn boatman connely alce curtls kn boyli- it h ciodlimi m hirliy ii i- m ixm maikant cain lions juveniles fold up for season j in ull vkil- tso hll n ild luind tin th h n ui uiii ianks lor u kiiiu or t huadch of the rvtvrc wonder if bab ooldham thought of tbr nuccrwk to come mhrn thu picture waa mapped a fc year ago in from of hut home on john birret mi s mr mi mr mr mr mr mr mr hill li ton dill connely u ll lit 111 r j ii lllllco robert hirdmnn bud hill lsutu iiuilivunt oeorr walt ens llano waltirs mr walter tliompon muster emtry thomvon miser buddy tost ajthouah nil utkels mild locally car ried a donauon towarda the gut given to bob ooldham ncclal donations were received from the following sandy mckay leroy dale oeorge adurru dr j 11 batccnan and mla annie ryan rfril ll unw llh bolton a hl 1 f mwurl unr hiti 1 tram a nd nianagrr tn 11 to 11 juki lt -j- nsond ii cl id tn 1 hit ol 1 iiipt tljon 1 id t on alii r 1 un if thn- mil i 1 v lui iu iujii n h junn- lorh 1 i tin tr la mnii nb ilol- 1 1 hitlt d pu oi did ik li 1 1l t k bo ho ton m tin d wlnm rs and all no io i nu1 1 ik m tl lie hrm round ol vil 11 ul 1 1 mi- hm ki ill in tin 1 u wiunj in o it 11 4 u how itn donc bob seem to be showing sutcr ruth how fcomcone not ldewlped with n hockey stick in this action khot caught by the family camera fatham and son bqs ooiham ami hi dad tupped wft aukamor in ttaa ardaa oflbelr the following is cleaned from the official programme at uplo leal gardens and is alimed a oeonretown admirer whom we have good reason to believe was charles e kirk thla u a oola night at maple leaf qardeas for the toronto amociatlon or georgetown old boys and ooorge- town cltlsem who are attending on maae to do honour to their favourite son bob ooldham of the leafs and incidentally to witness a presentation to be made to him by those present through post president of th asso ciation deputy police chief oeorte outhrie as a small token of the es teem in which he is held by his towns people not only because he la tbe first oeoivetownlte to make a berth in the nillv but because of their admiration of wm aa a ftrawnan audi a ecood aoud cltlafttb bob la the hero off every amau bar tn aoortawxu and wo are lad te ba- uami ei tbe faun welt is the kind ot a fellow that any father and mother would be proud to coll their boy and mr und mrs harry ooldham bobs father and mother are justly proud of their son bob hit- played hockey ever since he has had enough strength to stand on skates and has always been the sparkplug of every team with which he has played inspiring the rest ot the team to greater effort it van when he was playing- under the coach ins iidanoe of percy blackburn with the oeorgetown leafs one of a lea gue of teama in mat town known as the midget kjil when he first caught the eye of maestro smyths when bob came to toronto to attend the northern vocational school oonn had a better efvortunlty to watch hi development aa a botfceyut and an even better ehanea when bob joined the laaxaboro jtolora hie dawjop- nunt waa eo marked that the avawtfa un mimlinalv pic jui mle inn br n doyyrd iui mlhlortune rtrr unrr tbr serlis otrn- va tbe marl oft aifplcloujl 1ui a c i win in the flrnl amr here thin lost at holt 00 b j and attain at homt 43 memwhlle maiiagrr 11 mcwhirtr bad bet n on i he ailing ilst and ton id not it vole hi time to ihe team hllr cartrr and oolrll two of the cleorvreiowti uin were olso playing witli milton tn junior ojia and onfllrtlnk mhedule left aph in tbi llnrmip loo txul koiuetoan dldn t fight tlitoiih 10 a itnlsh because motc in- irretsung comprtition tu promised in tn iilav-omf- llarrv mnlont a f orrru r locil ptkk ta wtio is nou managei l tin canada llouse in 11 muinirui- vikiii liis a strappy bum h ol juvtlilus in tin noruiem town spoivsorixi by the loiia club and with hirrvtll as coacli nd manngt r dropping their flrat mine to collliiirwood the pi 111 tanit ii hi von in surtevion from oiillin t j coliiwunr 13 0 oril- ui m 1 hum u 1 and colhni- i il i i anil an turn in lirst plur in th ioii stoiiin an avtrie ol eight point a gnme the club has txtn uikitiii4l the hvim km iu him n al though as rikidi harry mivs there ii qiiitt a lew yikxl irlslumn m il ilub no chant e now however that gtoikttown will meet ivnelang to ue wish 1 ian v v v er uct 1 jv w lui hu team and hope they win the conatlirr tropny joe nc1iert7l juiced the milton tium to a 0 1 victory over the markham junior c team on friday iiiglit to make it two game to one and keep milton in the running joe acherul woo rtvfioruiiblc for four goal und ubbutuil on another jimmy co- fell and olllictiite counted one each bill murphy and ormlc carter were auo on the lineup and played well in milton uniform a fourth game will be played in markham tonight to divide the group winners with the leafs which he accepted nnd wob farmed out with the her- hhey bears with whom he started the present season but about the first of the year he was recalled to toronto and has since been filling the difficult right defence position so acceptably that he will likely become a fixture apart from babs prowess as a hoc- keylst as a lacrosse player he follows in the footsteps of his maternal grandfather bob enrin who a half- century ago was well known to can adian uuroase fans for his ability ln what waa known aa the osnarhan na tional oame bob la also a cloaty rugby player and a baseball player ol no mean ability tonight toronto hookey fan join heartily with the native of oeorte town in wishing bob the long hajvy useful life due the gentlemanly porta- man be has proven hbntetf to be s riiiin 1 lo iij4j llob cj lham v cumr in poit ruin thr barinmnt to ihi iminl ujim ud ui l b ontinl in ritill just 1 lew of his ichlritrrm nw and bwirkruiiiul ilo fuunr u a hoc- hi p mi ulo ahlli hi kiandluuier uob kraln a oolhndini bob himaail bad t uluj ibojjtb uirxr a a chance un ill nnuhir ran rolled around u i an thr 4aon wiui ltflfibry br alt and inaking a tiood tboaing 0 liliiui tin 11 early thlk rt thinga bin lo haiin lo tbe lafa then mil llijiilltrt gajnti lu t tbut abould have bn iuhwrft pirw item whkh lunuu at u boat up in ths i ii iiiu a in tnp by frank hilar and hap day then miidnjy un tit w a burnt ooldbam up fioni uu niinoml on taitlay january 27 lb youna dob donned tbe blur and hm and 1m0 oiu the ut in boaton two 1 itjil au i toionio fana liad a ihiiui to e lum 111 acuon ataiiiot muntual caiufcduuu and blnce thtn be hls lki 11 u rtgulu f rajurr of ui mii t li al un up a natarat doo ui a natural ui tpoiu right i10111 uu- um he could toddle ills icruddfalber dob 1wln a ucrou llatr of note at tbe lum of lbx cen tury encouraged lubr youn lad a did hu fauier a ho played a bit of crosm uick amund uic turn of thei humu aln be aa a youny ccntuo he u a member of uir fans- mannot much brcaux the flrat 00s aitnu uicrofe t tun of oror war mrvln ovenes ton who aon the ontario champion iuu to hih wiua jiip in 19q06 lb proposed making doirn of other oeorgriovn young a lacrosm- player of young dob and i men starting with tbe mjdgro when whu he did to mime catcnt lacrwc n thirteen dob made local hoc- iom inured in oeonrrlowti and wa iltory two year later auen n soon iinla ed b hockry as the malntod boui juvenile and junior and attraction in fact uie a bolt of oan- i topped ol the nunn b gctung into old canadian canada na- uda hung from the game to hockey now uonal game we first took note of dob ooldham a ability in tbe uihlruc field back in 31 when he led tbe high school rup- by nam to victory and uir ro- oup achool uochcr aaa one of uie firat over the milton team wiring tbe intlre 14 points thtn came the mid- the intei mediate play off a mean while at oeorgetown high achool ha wo a leading light in field event and on the football team i t the bbj city rye douglas northern vocational to are sign of grtatnraa in young ooldham and was lnatnunrntal in petting him to come to tbe big city and enroll oj a nonoc btudent from tlure the fctory takes on u horatio alir touch krr port he tried hi liand at jeccned to milt him in hu lirt year the was bixlccn at the time he made tbe junior ruby all- lara playtxl a headiup game of basketball won faiue as a track nnd field btajr ille htill holcb the toronto school re cord for dlscm uirowi not forgct- tliu his krandlathcrs skill at lacromc he found time to play two muonn with hrampton juulurs and a mm on with hamilton tigers was chocn on th get mill and finally hi break with ororvetown in september 103s when he threw his cap in w itli northern voca uonal school being chofen ihe best allstar fly inn a tk l nchool loot ball in tbronto inttr playing hoc- kev for the school team in the nuanlinii he played latriinh for brampton fxcelsior junior tram which turn tli ontario tilu he woh cliosi n lor the allstar ktern cana- iiian intra r team and went to meet uu wit ut british cohnnbin the hime enr but as ihe hockey maoas rolled around vminn boh mnwd to shape i allstar junior boxla team wlikh jodr- up for bott r thtnus and marlboros were quick lo lake him under llier wtni and lnstend of bring a bit rlvhiwlnicr they proved him a stal wart rtefenseman uiul the maple leaf kept a watchful eye last fall uiey signed him up and immediately sent him to the hcrshcy he art u farm club in thr minors but hap day knew bob ooldham iconunued on page b axwats a 8tow the aanler ooldnam vu uytoat to xmt ndu mi 1 in 10 to to rapture ihr mto- to cup in tin uu1 iimi of thia ter- iw he unu cnmluxl ultli tight fou ilotkry but more and more a time wan an it was hockry that claimed dobi attention the junior marlbofos did much to rirclop htm in 103040 and 104041 when he grew trom a trlp ling into a 0 fool 2 100 lb itahnrt who cun trade bumpa with the tough en that come succat ruu com his way and we know that bob will uks it in his ttrtde ukc ho has everyuun ele ifn not an easy job to live up to all the prodlctlon ol toroalp hfton columnblb whose pens are ever ready to help build up a new hockey star und equally ready to help push him into the discard if he silos btto bob wont slip of that we are confi dent bos had hockey in hi blood for a ions tune and he plays as much or the love of uie game aa anythlojt elsa ab a friend bos sold bob would play just at hard for terr ootta a he would for the uaf in the years to come that scrapbook luted yean aro when the lata umi ubreju king oancy and holdy oottbn were in the wg time lent tap to date by proud sister ruth and now containing hundred of utiolm u0 pictures of bob will grow and grow the record ot a good sport an al athlete and a stalwart sample of yottbc oanadlan manhood sweet caporal