Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetown heram wednesday march 1 1 th 1942 ferfury pb great crisco i pickles xse sjw- sweet mixed 27os j 23 u x7e 10c csmprnffs tomato soup stiver ushboa tomato juice fc toasted pirffal wwi with fr glunan 7 nwprt flttffa st s9c st 5e 1 carrolls flacst bland wi homar coffee is 39c crown brand sav lttnts for warship ptetm cera syrup sse cetnai m perfection cocoa 24c 14b bo xtk ua 4 frankford i peaches t halves isoe id ayfenar ovalea tomatoes daatt bkeoitt r standard f bpl chocolate puffs 19c peas 4lai blackberries trie a sm st cbm 44100 par o ivory soap p 13c jtloc try tlds htm impfevwl cuanisr old dutch porat mild princess soap flakes airthtptfe odex health soap 4 mccrw ckccew cu grand slam box mccormkb ucorice allsorts i iv x9e bakjno powder tr e for tammw braauutt orapenuts flakes if mnkist oranges w 27c 33c 39c m i dlish grapefruit 5 for 25c ii r dclinoih apples 3 for 10c mh chien cabbage ii 5c ntw iweth or carrots 21 nine ik h icb 17c i ncr ircan lettuce 2 heads 23c w i tk rlikt to bait auuullm off b fruit and vegetable prices good till saturday night onlyi jj e free delivery main st georgetown cleat telephone lines for allout production your telephone is part of a vast interlocking sy- tern now currying an abnormal wartime load dont lot needier delays hold up message on which pro duction efficiency may depend other wartime telephone tactics oiie nuke you lvo th iht number coruull tlw directory gist improved wifobm international sunday chool lesson y hajiold u utmoquxftt d p leuoo for mtareb 16 uctd a4 ctotirvrll t4 ft cvejrrtjblm by lavterulitmaj james carlisle buried at hillsourg n1lvercheek resident died huddenly laut week the community of suvrrcreck sev enth line tquckslng township wiu hoddencd by the audden death of mr james carlisle at his home on wednesday march 4th in his seventy- seventh year lie whj bom in the towruhlp of qs- bome huron county the eldest of the family or the laic william and mary ann carllblc mr ourllme took a pride in htr community unit was a kindly quiet citizen and u loviable ncttfhbor he was u member of uic presbyterian ci lurch he farmed mast of hb ufc lu tin viclntt of illllsbunr n erin towiiniii hf retinal tome seven year ubo to the home from which he jmsmh away to mourn his death he leaver hu ulle utio btfore murrlaite was zebu it ah barbour and one daufthtcr bona tlnti also ninuliu one abter mury imrh r piittrson of itoclcwood anc thrti lirotlurs wiulum of ouclph john of toronto und robert 01 oeorkftown one brother albert predccefisecl him home twelve years ago the funeral uus held nt twothirty oclock friday march gth from uic funeral parlours of johnstone rumley acton with fienices conduct ed by rev c c cochrane the many frlendk and floral tributes bore testi mony of the esteem in which he waa held he was laid to rost in huxleys cemetery hulbburff the paubeaem were four nephews alldon rom el liott and wilbur patterson rank bayllss and prank smith the migbty wo res of jesus lesson tcxtuilhrw tvm- coldzm tcxtwkil mar mm to ui out rvo lh vructe ad tm 99 y hint l usttbw n the mighty works of jtus s clarrd him to be the son of god yet very god himself unbeliev ing men who would discredit the word of god and deny the godhood of the son are at much labor and trouble to explain away the mira cles but without any uccees in our ir won for today we have christ showing ills divine power over the forces of nature and over the demons of the evil spirit world we and the disciples m th storm i fcarfaj bat not la daeger w the son of god who had become bon of man showed ills true hu manity by that weariness which mode him sleep through a tempes tuous storm such os often came upon lake galilee lake a general in time of war jesus slept when he could as he calmly slept fear of de struction laid its deadly grip upon the hearts of the disciples for the moment they saw only the angry waves the tmallness of their craft the hopelessness of their situation apparently forgetting that with christ in the boat they were in no danger in aplte of the fearfulnets of their surroundings and circum stances is this not clearly lesson for us in this day so full of alarms and fears if we think of circumstsncee and conditions round about us we shall be overcome with fear and well we may if we do not have christ with us lo the boat of life dut if he is there if we ore his in the kinship of regenerating grace wo are in no danger shall we not accept the tender rebuke why arc ye fearful o ye of little faith v m the majestic scene of christ still ing the tempt st reminds us not ont thot lit can control any force of nature but ulso that there is no storm of htjrt or mind or life to which hi cannot authoritatively a pcc be null mark 430 will jou trust hun with our prob lem on on other nlde of the tke christ mi t n not her kind of nctd and 4ind for it hi there deliv ered two mm uho uac ii demondominated bul no hopelrm vv 28 34 thre is only one devil but he hus many di mens who do his bid ding the cvidi ntc is clear that tlu se di mons vm re able to enter into the rxtminnhty of a liumnn be- ini and take control of the life this v us not insmit or a bickncss of tin body but devil domination ththc two men mark ond luke bpeuk only of one perhaps the more violmt of the two wire so strong and wicked because of the demon in them that their relatives and friends had given them up as hope less and had sent them out to live in the wilderness how horrible is jhe power of the devil in the life of any man or wom an but let us never forget that while no man can control such a sit uatlon mark 54 god is able with god all things are possible matt 1020 wc have not done all we can for our devil dominated friends ond relatives until we have brought them to jesus notice that the demons recognizee christ as the son of god v 20 they knew that he had the power to control them and that the day i was to come when he would judge them the men were completely cured mark 515 aa the demons were permitted to enter the herd of swine those poor beasts appar ently not content to harbor the evil spirits cast themselves into the sea when the people of the land heard what had taken plnco they asked jcsuh to leave they evidently weighed the relative value of two men in their right mind over against u herd of swine and decided that they could not afford to have men delivered from the devil ot such expense unfortunately the descendants of thoue people seem to be in some of our churches today they con afford anything in the way of lux ury for themselves but they arc sure it costs too much to keep the church open or to provide a preacher or saritnfale equipment for the lords work how unspeakably sweet caporal perseverance soldiers must break step in marching over a bridge tor the vibration caused by their marching in step would shake down the most solid structure and so it is wlih the spiritual obstacle you may meet steady tramping the plod ding doing of your duty day after day will in tuns tumble it ovr in any task to which god sets you perssvsranos is all th pewar you need timely topics for women by barbara biims it is not too eai1xv to begfn con8ekvwo wool are yru uklnji rood cat o your woouriu they may have to ut ou a long turn ao prrhapt you had better start now to se trey jret lonoje prolwtioi from motru sod careful laundering wool ls of tremendous lmonrtance to nation at ar it u neadtxl lo provide inn ctohin for the firhtlng forces and aio to kxp the ehrulan pops istion nomforublr kliould iul be itttnrtad or heating vervtt be for any reason intfrruotrd tie 7rjt unnorfuvrr of th inmw ftheco mas fullv brought home to ua hen e iwstd of hiiltr i diiix-rmu- appettf to the oenxum people fcr evrry wrap of arm cooiing ahlrh thev oould wax to keep hi tarflung trooos fiom tittnng to ckth tn f its bat only the ger man jroolr mrrr nvkrd for ftoojlrn we ore told thst tn norway nasi poltr mvstdrd civilian bedroom and made off with an evumattd three and onehalf million blanket und the ptoake of the other occupied countries have been llaevkc looted of their blanaets warm jackets jiid ccau thi fact that the olli no have under their control an annual ool crop of ai jt 4 tulllon pound hde the axis have only 3fio l ikuno1 li in 0e mililaiy tiie vtiy fltcnlf leant and may yet help brine oa victory hoi if h nrld total tvupply it produced in australls new futvi and tiotitii africa with thr ujda uouth amrria and russia irt in imoflrttcr trie loft tr n ru that only vtrtnaool gave bdtlfartory health prjtxtcn ji mhtn tvtn v w r cni rrufec mool vaa addn in the nuking of unifornu oir mrn uflrird frocn wide epidemlc of pneumonia ind influrnia in xvrft jihn dtit it tukm lot of jnol to clothe thr arr unnii nrcdkj tortj if r air lo ln vvhtn r tnke into tcnwcrrauor the fact that t ikjulrua 148 pound or the ciu from 1ft tlicrp to clothe a odrrr fur a vear tr brain to rrallxe aliat heavy da mn ml v ihrrr lll or urn or o u yrrat rriourot before thi var li over at vtr4n r m canada tiavr plenty of aool for our legulsx nndt butr producr but u tnuili part of it at home all our base ttocl cnmrsn from austiaua halfway round thr woikl and thr rraialn dr from bouth africa nearly a far aay out trapping u dally being cacrd upon to auumr nn tajju and at cauvl be sure that the boats uiat used to oome udrn 1ih mool to our uvorra may not have to be dirrted to rrvirr uromt mo thougti fetork on hand are ample for the time bring try nest fall tr 1u probably notice a firratrr uae of reuud and reprocested vool to upojv elvijun rtrniano and a acarclly of all wool wanteds and draasy uooltn fabric it u aur exnected thst most of the woollens vffl git in the future wil contain a percentage of ravon or men cotton 9y all too nigh and carpetb and prrhspa bianicey may be aomewhst limit d in both tyle and quality as well as quantity dut if pmvriiv rartd for iiooo woollrru will give long veaxs 6s aiar and it a up to each of u to ttt that our present auppuas ejwv iiivrn thr vrw brtto trraiment it u not too oa to prrpaj for the imajun of mntfu vvhsrh rracha ita bright in april in uundsrlzis wooueru th- moat important rule i of counx to avoid extremes of timtwrrtturr um iirm water with a frond rich uda and to use the ttrtirlt mrll to rrmovr d but do not rub or thry will mail repeat fluuc in two watcn auo lukewarm oqueexc out lurplus water aadv hai t to dry or in cai of vacates or vulii wuollen garments shape on t inwtl and dr m a arm not hot place vor ot r hi bat book it mem m mi mjoii tuthf that in thla country w are ail too auiin mn comforubt ano urllftd to oit even about the wsj c j o iilaltii inlhanct in m uuhiluii in to lilt ixnulc ol um cnuti t imilk ul tart anj ih uiiv tiikt ti i biik ui in miiv a illllll k11 i uk u luun is the rial mrlft moat unpolrant but wcond only in importance comes free r ktt thr r nylisji speaking people i have tin i mihon itronn und products c people and a people in diim th nnximum mjovmint out ot life out under our present mmim i b onl uk nalthy und the tr pool who set really good neimil ttmimii lu thi kuu middleintome roup bcrloua lllnnas is i itiiiish thai nii cost thi mvum of manj xara before all htvpital tnuir um tuiim r till s tin fjiillv tjld and onj too olttn tlu nuddlt -chu- man und hls family put off np i iixtor until tlu uimum has one too far for katuvfactory treat- jhiit too ofun too mtn and actmn drag thenuelveft around for yean ulmi mirib utun a minnr onenttion would make u ntw ueruid ol thim ontario tiomr look tin flrm ftiblc tet towuroa bute medlclol aith the introduction in 1117 o the ontario avociated medical services tin plan v drawn up wlih thi blilny of the medical profcivioti and of tlu civ service conimlstion which put up the initial coai of organl- uon it no hoji jtflcr in toronto ottawa london hamilton andv oihtr ctntrrs it b a nonprofit orgnnirauoii- tjubacrlbe to iu ser- utb oav a month 1 fee itojto for an average family of five and have thiir medical hobpltul and orug bills paid by the association in case of illnrm thtre vn cxrtaln rulra thai have to be complied with and anyone intcrcmcu may nrtir in nit of the branch oldcea for information but in tlu pic- avallahlr i have not ocm to go into them in detail suftvlcnt it b to ay that mat ubcrlber are well pleased with the treatment they have received und until such time as national health inunnc eiiknrea from ihe bhadows or wuhful thinking it offers tbs only mcuns of medical security oper to the middleclass family the rook of the week ithos allen 845pp 3 00 in the inr mchief a dookofthemonth club reelection the n tdrr u introdiina in the ninvt roninntir mrlod in all hlatory the fab- ulotoly rich ushinnablc utul brilliant coart of the youthful louis xv of france anion f the leaders of thts lth century mnart set were the beauti ful vivacious darkied magdrlon and her suter cateau a dassllng blonde both madr brdllnt mirriievji but husbanda and children did run interfere for loiig wlih their romantic affairs af the heart which followed oiu another m hwlft miccesmon u u n iiltiterlmr world of nrtltlrc and intrlsue of unscrupulous competition incl vhamrle inontb bul it is n gay world and mont of you will be iithrulled vilth mr metkerh careful descriptions ot the ooe tume bnlls of the enrnlvub- and other elaborate fcituvltlca which mads up the dnlu life at court since the book run to such rent lcmith x will mnke no attempt to teh you the morj tuvc to mi you may expect to find many interest ing episodes about pmonakcs eminent in history plenty of action and adventure uluniws of buttle and provincial life and against the rich nngeantry of court lire a procealon of faiclnailng characters none of whum mr meeker iiulht are imublnnry- 0 salvador casserole of haddock during the lait few years our bouth american neighbors have be come reul people to uj with the new trade and military treaties has come a new understanding and a quickened exchange of ideas tn polltioa fajihlons music dnncra etc dut south american foods seem to appeal to us particularly ncrhapa because of their ploquancy here is a re cipe for haddock from el salvador that i am sure you will all want to try ih lbs fillets of haddock i cup salad oil 1 half garlic clove ltt cups sliced onion bolt and pepper 3 cups canned tomatoes ltt lemons juice slash garlic clove with a fork and rub lightly over fish twm with salt and pepper amiplace in a casserole combine lemon julee and salad oil pour over fish top with onion slices tomatoes and parsley cover bake in moderately hot oven 375 degrees p so ml nit tea re move cover boko 15 minutes longer basting tsvioe with liquid in 0m- tfpole serve with rice approximate yield 0 eeivloffja i have been nesiinv about some unusual uses for bakmg poattlir recently how many of them have you tried a pinch of baldmj noasjir in mashed potatoes to make them more fluffy a tsjosjpftnn of water and s pinch of baking powder to the white of each ear twnmm ttt maottf of mwtngue to top a pudding or pie a nineh oi bwkmf wider w4v ths watry matoa a flakier vie mist tod is eseelsuy a boon tothmft- ajspsjisneed cook a ninth of taaunv iwwder in wuecfaws saafta u bold us ahambauaf

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