Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 11, 1942, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday much 1 1th 1942 active service notes am uoyd boyd bu beets tranafer- rad from toronto to exeter ontario jim louth ton of mr and mr walter louth has joined th sums sod was bom on leave last week aid men in uniform name but week end included lao leslie clark wbo u bow stationed at burtch ontario act v a klrby puot offlcer gordon mrrtonald and pilot omoer ken mackenzie aylmer act bruce ken- bedy toronto pte w p smlth bowmanvule ilea- broomneuj bait aircraft training school another district boy u now over- cm with th canadian army pta fid orafry who dropped us a not tne ether day in which he said he wo longing to t a copy or two of the herald- needles to uy we obliged and pte oraffye name hu been add ed to our evergrowing milling list prank cleave wbo ha been home on furlough hu many tall tale to tell ot tils nzvrlencee serving on a corvette tth the canadian navy ii not the nicest job in the raid in a lotef way plenty of darassr and prank blest yet o an affinity for maldemrr the osus etudenti cm a flrathand account of a tailor fife one day when prank visited his tea maler and m prnuaded to to the asuenbled students red cross news week sewtag we are lad to report that due to fxtra help our quota will be completed ou week and we expect to hava a large shipment by the first of next aeek there will- be several nloe crullu and alran in thl ahlpmenl britains bomb victim cay thank you can ada oniirtlin made quilt are a dywrd their bright colors and craftsmanship hit the morale of the people boy oversea when in hospital are frequently visited by a bad cross visitor who help them writ letter home bring them comforts cigarette and their hometown news paper it may not be centrally known that our editor it bittm sends a copy of the georgetown her aid to all our boy oversea and in oenada for whom this request has been made which we know 1 deeply appreciated by them and their friends ilev rod fsslmon ba an ex- oaorgetown high school student and brother of lire lurry welkins- of oeorgxlown has enlisted u a blck atsrth attendant in the royal cana dian navy reuben as he is better wjiown tn oeonyetown was ordained to the church of england ministry last sir and had since bean curate at the urcn of balm aldan toronto prior te leaving for acute service last week ttt eongrt saltan held a foretell party ohd he ass presented with a parting eut ot a ksqo purse u a token of their good will xiao doug sargent has been trans ferred from london to the bnmhln jod ounnery dchool at plngal onr angus mcdonald i onr angus mcdonald son of daniel and the ate mrs mcdonald ot lame- hoast mas married on saturday peb- nary zftth to maude thornton eswgter of mr and mrs charles thomson of georgejcwn onr mc- donajd enled on june llth mho vkth tie rca and hu been sta tioned at toronto camp niagara camp detoert kfi and camp bus- aex nj and is at present at pata- wvwa a li -in- zith mxd flild bat tery s 1k l lie is a brother of mrt b ojij ol brumpton whet busts uriam and mrs leslie loam c terra cota at the time ot enliatmrnt he was employed with harry devereaux another former georgetown boy alan young son of mr and mrs is b young ho rias bocn lor tho put year a scrgcant in the hastings and prince edward reglmcntt hjq staff stationed in trenton went on active bervloc the second week in february be 1 now a corporal instructor at the bew basle training camp at lans- downc park ottawa ghs column dy agnes held hello rattonel will you cht with ua i cray a jlb atudant takli put l the wfer burlnc nmpgn tould ptam hwrru for te inrnnw wis fcwir mvtnsb ump the folio lot are the reeulte rtitoj feb aoptorm xv 400 per 4mfit pan ib ms 29 per cent worm v wo per oent ftorra ik t per wmdtas vorm h 60 uttt per ttnls warm nx 48 per oent a tit ye preaent 104 hunber ff ttampa 168 behool peromtece 10 vhdey 9 ffcftem v u 19 per oent vorm xv lit 601 per cent worm ib 158 l- per eenl form xl 6am atm meurlml have anived therv will be plenty ol puln tewing baiti and mirmnr ethrhlng drop in for to bour or to on wrtlnaulay and uatuixuj aftrmoons and lend a hand do you know that the lloapiul bqulptnent wj in rradlnm whrzi iv rl itarbour tu ttcax3 cfiwhtw k4 crw rn- lllu anna kmtf unoui texren tr hat thr irad in thr canadian rd orow film now ncartng completion in diualo iter uamty qurcn eutabrth alto takae part and ipeeju to the ptcpie of canada during an impaction tour ot the- red crou itradquartrra in london an interraung cne in the film ahowi iter lxajetly uuprcung thr valuable axorra ol blood terum pro vldcd by thr canadian red crow for dniuh bomb victim and uvrvtcr c4- ualueb the qurcn laxoklng ol the cope ol oanadian red ctors ork tald we in britain wul uwaya far into the day ot peace rrrotmbrr vlth itratltude what the people of canada through their red croa society hae done and are doing lor the people ol this country and for canada a fighting tone who are protecting the mother land the film u the gift ol colonel r a ucleughlln oahawa to the can adian red crate and will be releaaed to major theatre throughout canada in may jniii urate oerman propaganda la trying to tell canadian and americana that moat of the thing aent over by the red croat are sunk and that even if are get thcca we dont appreciate them well all i can tay la if moot are sunk then just mllllnnt and mllufins of gar ment must hae been ahlpped for we have hohmi of all bort in oxford ahire alone go write mlsa kathleen body from cumnor 1cu1 oxford ung to ura hgmai ucoarthy toronto mlu body further testifies to the im mense amount of good the clothing parcels do for the evacuees and glvea one case where an unfortunate bomb edout victim deprived of home and family regained his own selfreapect and a will to carry on when he had been decently outfitted with clothing from the red orose stores abether rttaas f oar work 1 was rick and ye visited me our addrea canadian red cross so ciety 05 wellealey bl toronto oct transfusions were made direct iirtng the last war the donor and the patient lay on table side by side the doctor stood between as the blood from the one was transferred to the empty elns ol the other the colour would gradually return to the death like cheeks faint tlgh would come from the dry cracked lips an eyelid would flicker almou lmpeftrpubly and there before our rye was performed again the miracle ol laxarus a lew mlnuuw mote and the patient would open hi eyes and look arckind -per- hap wnllr thr doctor would tell him what had hspprird and he would look over and whlaprr thanks pel- nut the eye the window ol the heart conveyed the rral mraage with an elo quence beyond the power ol words and for hu sacnfice what did the donor receiver only a whispered thank pat and a look from the soul of a man who but for the living blood that had been freely id en would in a few ahort moment have passed be- ond thr reach of all earthly aid that was hu reward and a mrmoo he would chrruh in his heart all his tii ho uit montreal veteran of the last war b1hk credit essential to deebhcb loins needed to further ctaid wu efforts mmnlrr hsv priority u the binlc u this time however cocnmercixi credits for customary pesottime coouruajve purposes ire bring sup plied el tuuil the rniirttrrriftce of sound smoothly ruoctioriing oormsl tiroes economy is fundamental to rwfionil defence and bank ing service his in important put in such milntmince no miner whit line of txuinets you miy be in you are invitee to discuss your cruncing problems with the manager of out nearest branch bank of montreal a hank wiunc small account afll wtlcomc mutliftt i pr fit nt j lunlain sfi ihf oultimr ii i i yum sucirtilyl iwiun 8taltolu nodertb no 1a newly sppolnted commissioner of the ontario division of the cana dlsn red cnns boclrty is a grsdualr of the royal ullltary oourge at sand hurst qiund and served with the tmprrl 1 army from 1014 u 1931 mis irrsndfathrr nerved as a ounff interne atth florence nightingale in the crimean war ttmfxy remahkb members or thr munonff ausllun cnniidlan red cromi corps section 3 are giving their time voluntarily et chrtstlr street hospital in the capulty of vadft the flrla ore on four- hour ittts in the hospital and wock us nurs aldt tftz csumson mmf where a river burst its an the land is doodad oar where there hundred that an homeless dead and tnjtmd hy in who the first to bring to relieve their aorry pllftf its the wearers of a crimson troaj upon a field of wfalt an earthquake shale a city that a crash of tumhllna wu and the moanlna of lh tajovd a each ruined buudln taoa in the wake of eacn disaster s with all their mlsw there you u find tham wenlar waar- ing crtmsor roa on bald et wblta mid the curse of war red ruin in the roarlnc battlta dtn there oull find them bad draat workers oarmn th woccodad tn olslni aid to all who ruhsr hiirtllli of the noisotn atrtfe btralnlns sutrlnc labortoc flutnt snt 9 nar oent warn vi m pat form m w par eabi av isslw us oha orsltmeriwin tv kiwi on jutajtol v sen oaw to ruklnf death to save a ufa we te been doing not too badly need ed no intiftvw yet- llow about the countless thousands needing mora than they can fast we can help to ease thalr suffsrlns do it now and do it rtftui lats jive aid to that trend banner crimson cross on field ot whit i i murphy aa stewarttown mr r r dallry of toronto spent couple of evenings isst week at his home here mr and mrs e harris and june lusty of oeorgetcern alio mr and sirs krn hams and evelyn ot to ronto acre visitors with air and mr c hodge sunday ioncecpl ttunt of newmarket wa home for the week end mrs jenklnaon miss prance nd mr jock jenklnson vlsluid on bun- day with mr and mrs o btandlsh at thorold during the severe wind storm mon day morning port of the root of mr j murray s bam was blown off the crow wero very busy in the oats the last few days the weather 87 ii u itutt march is the month in which wa maj expect any kind of weather frora spring or summer sunshine to aratsfl h and always plenty of bloa ter winds already in the drat ten day of the month we hare bad qutta a vaned sample last week we had several days of bright warm sunshln with tempera ture a high as so degree whlets have taken off most ot th wlntarw snow we bsve also had a coupta ot buzzards that reminded us that wa ter is stul with us following are the local record tor the week date u and l practpl- temp tatlon tuea mar 3 m 3d 1 anov wed mar 38 33 thurs mar i 41 11 prl mar 37 37 bat mar 7 3d 39 jft stisar bun mr s so 30 mon mar 0 33 33 tv rata next tuesday is march 17th bt patrick day tievv cbc station britannia heights o otbtiwi vlsr of me coo hortwave raoelvtnt atatlon of brltaoni otossm ihoarlnc building antenna and attfraundlnt flaida d a vhar tntldo the atatjon ahowtaf front of the uvtraitr itaossvatw oootnl dask nu flaw taken from the entrance hallway bows dtnuttr hon of antenna tratitilajon uoes and hack of instsr oodtrol dominioh tomato products clarks tomato juice clarks tomato soup domestic shortening a a tin 3- 25c 2 tins 15c lb 19c arxinve syrup 5a 64c mrs keetotrs peas 2 for 19c hitikbiff8 jelly povvrjer 2 13c navy tissue 4 rolls 25c five hoses flour 24a 85c oonvreb crmckej wheat 3 lb 16c neikpns cocoa 1 lb tin 29c aylmer catsup u 2 for 27c aylmer tomatoes 2 uu 23c fruit and vegetable lb 8c doz 20c btjnkistassw oranges lasm grapefruit 6 for 25c isniaswro apples 3 for 10c new cabbage spinach 2 lb 10c wa beets 2 bun 18c

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