the georgetown herald wejnevlay march 18th 1942 as we see it tt by j a btrtt a highway a to be bum this ica- mr north of edmonton and u will thro be pttr- to yt ah th way to alaska- the highway w1u stm through whit hon and you ttaj facall that this town w od erf tha aln outpost daring tha ioondyta ooid rush ol 18s4 w think u vu h u tough trtp up to thai country a that car and ft good many who ftt- tenictad it tailed to mil the trad white bon had ryr7trn at that tte of tro ihcxnand ail irving u tacu and with the trcbprrumj aierag tog aroand fifty below ou can lttajrja tb hardshlna that proafwetora ecdarad- an uncle do oonatrtf a as oca of tha ten thousand and ha coum uu xm aaa tntemung ctosiea of thou daya wa can imagine the rrmarju of any of that old timer that may ba urtng ra- gardlng thi nw high ay to that fax away outpost- when conrtjtlona at back to normal ailrr tha war and si- vaym prortdang that thrr may ba gaa urea and other ncraaluea one mixbt ead at that urn it would br an in trycatlng txla to atari out for ala wouldnt ut tbcra ar ao many inter esting spots in thii world that one could wish to tlatt and yrt it lmt likely that w ahall yuu very many of thn tn on our own ctwvttwct perhapa should haaa atartad aarllar tn itfa to get around rlthrr that or motor car should hare bate invested sooner tboe month of uarch teems to b hring up to it reputation with lta wtttd and arret eft wa yr ccxnje abir weather when at xt a warm day w think that spring ha really armed and w expect the following day to o warmer than rr and un u a disappointment to wake up th f allowing morntig and find that it ha anoscd donna th night then when the snow melt dont we all uae to help let tne water get aaay it la no wonder that younsoar gt their fet wet dar ing tne pnaruaw cum that that era do looter young often grt their irtt rt helping the aairr to get aay at thu ufflr cf tne tar alter all the ovur tola an joit ungaien up tuohu two ortiun pruontra ho racaprd and arrr ajnin cuj3 lut ta rrcn1 mutln lont one of thrm tim tnr hbtt of attempctng to racapr but up until the pfrtrnt it directory f r- watson dai iidjl ofnrfuywo uoun i loj bmpt v dr j burns milne onvral nxmatoh xbat a m nielsen ota tar f rraetla qdroptmctor xray dnifleu tberapart i4j7 ttehdat office 01 rr dominion biore oeorfrtoun houra- 3 730 tj9 tm cuaad thmntj pimo lw haxnt cot him ry far there la a aer ial program on c3l in the evatins that has been running for a month or to that we uae to uuen to at preaent the uttle loam of newcrldg which by the way la the ui of the procram u harlna a hunt for a coup of caped omnin prisoners the prozram centtn around tne local aeetiya print- lug ollice and tne editor li the lead in actor in the trrial if ou hi tent btn lutemn to tni prozram and if ou ute to ltten to tne ordinary every day oomjp of almnu wj unmll town ou mixht enjoy tru one the uory tixk 1u own coznt lnoitm lcne af fair and all the oner mrmung hap- prnlnra that crop up eirry day all oei tne country tte programme ha no 4pooor u uwrr it no adtertla- tnf to u4rn to li u one cl thote rn trrtairjnenu hat trt to br rruef from uaiettnjf o cr jridnrf too much tr newv jl ixiing bv thr nirjjrr of cat aull on the road public opinion hanf rt rralxivd thr irkatjja of the iia and tire jtutori no oouth fux- uwr tlrtruuanur in tlcsr ut u and il thry ajr uitrodurtl r 1u only haw ijrjta to lumr al lutsrnl the aurttr motorlt thliilui ol fj much trojt hr cjii ii iul o uufh he mill u xir to oo hiuuut 1ju1 uie 141 ar hud trlv iiaid tu0 vn llwr d tjrr vou taojcrly bt u jf ji ur jilijt of cin at iful llut thi it w 11 iw lull il itiaji aft ul it it tod tijt ui th- jjiri luiul tlu uil ujr m jjji t rnrji- jiiul t turfi u- tjili oiir u iwl lliii anl iht ltl lotjjirr lalia ojntuvii u- iir v rui a bt hind ih ulia if imwhui m j i lud to i lt oil lw tlj frit vulm tnuip muj1 ol 4uiii t ul lltur- a itiuiii u tjmji wns no rujiii u i t f i m l i j 1 j j it u rrn ii 1 1 t i e ijji llul mj 1 m ij it j hnr ana li fiitol 11m n r t t t v 1 wort i iii ill t j i kin tt jr ill ui u ul 11 111 ml 1 h lilt ln 1 in it thm to do with th lav that it en tered our dally uvea our water and light are made nnartfj only aftar many twchnlcalitte belnf amnothad out by th lawyers uary uooee moved a tot or thank to mi partridge for hit inatructlv addreaa oeorglns and jaan ecck playad a piano du and aandwlcne and coffae aere aerved by the commit the piri meeunj had a lta theme th girt and her prnonal appear ance to splendid dunonuratlon mere p1rn one by exud shore on posture and the other by uary ucoce on giving a manicure the girl got mauy practical lilnu from racfe rita fuher gate an uvtrucute and eetlprepaird paper on ileuty iflnta uarlon ick and uabrl wrvgleaaorth fe a piano duet and the rou call w rumrrnd by a 4jjgcatjon on th car of clothe thr 0o antrnd the rcvj call by a labour uvln- drvee liam uoclure liad the farm lorum totc jim carney cojulucud m cojitat mr j i whltelock lnuoduord th tixak r mr w e ibecaui of prreuon ite nokr on pirientdy agriculture mid uir bo guinrd tnjch from hi timely rtmara ifcurf und tom mro are to be lioiu lor thr rrit mn lln on anl it tut iiilu friilfi thi kurtttj juiiioi ritmnb clab ijt en a half- hour imjim in ommtiton iui lh iarrrtto ujd artcji jallor tlir com imtlucuis ujt ur li muuni llih lichool auditorium iktwyr kinditjon prmilid lor uie iuum rhin b nurwl ujid tlie flrt numu r u tlutt jmit rhoiui by t 1 jl niniiu 1 a vl the clao thoryln 1 i fvt u itiluuoo ljjrirm uiu i j iitu ti iilj ijild lilivit jo itudddl uiul 1iul wiwvmaorth in tlir nit ntunbrr uji kxrialntf lklt i in chu i 1 n 1 rn q ir ioria of his jojii fliujittr anu minabb whii l tiru lln zoo mitmnliik cmtitti wilon liild hhn 1 li s uiii ir in l-6- i 1 j tiiil lu u ft tildrll utnl t lunor cin mn il til nl i li fuu ih mil- clifford a reh uoji ddjl dtntiht phone 410 afun buret oeorgttown in 1 le roy dle kc fi m syfaq bennett ba binwm as siluftan uiu btmt l rfs kenneth m ijngrtno buiwr sallctuir n1rrtu pin uonm uoocr to loin office ortvory theatre ludf uu1 btnet rbwu n t radio repa we specialize in this work is tran ciprrtmu j sanfordson ptmar geobcetown hi sih l ii miiii i ltmi lis mil iimi j 1 k 11 1 mill ni ui li hi mi lln si il i i i 1 j w i n l 11 1 lln run 1 1 im 1 mr ki 1 iullli1 il mii i iim it- ii 111 i in in ii i 11i1 n 11 cl lln ij h 111 1 1 j itr- 11 1 il 1 1 1 ii 1 11 1 i n i new advertisements 1- 1111 ki nt ij 1 s 1 1 illom frank petch ucenskd avcmoum and aix classe3 op insuttanct prompt bervtc fbaii ttl ocergfttmm po box 413 jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and tile mancfactuued with ayladata all lu ani qnabuty s new st rnarnt tu bur1jnoton hantt ii to klnt llnii or lltin iii m lniri lown on ur mir april li uilh uiinl- tncca applj l lllhmj or jicj boiboi hi wastti codilorablr honir uiul h1 boiud lui ittu mi 11111 ii il ajiiu miuj it waujir itp oronrv brt elmer c tbampton insurance service fire auto wloditonn op railway and allied huanahlb summer excursions phone life or j gcercetewn monuments markers and lettekino pollock ingham gait ont oultnu on rcqurm phone vms inspect our work in oreenwood cemetery ss oebtruse cain school of toeeday 19 dab gearreuwn boy and cmrto prttata cfax brancb btudlo olan wullama phone i r u br- c n r timetable dayucht battnc tbna going kat and uall faimrnriir aad alall piiwiter bmxlayontr ail pmnrger dally m toronto and beyond hbi weal and uall bmnilar buuroay onlf j1 lmainear daily eambt baturday tsd aandajr tm mjaencar and han faaaaofer bundaya coir ma oaiaanahk becttre ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program illustrated circular pre toronto addreaa ezan crmwfaed bc bole for a hocia lbilomphy of war no man outfit to be uorbv off be- cuuo he kos to uar 3 nobody oubht to bt- better off be- cauu ho ttays behind 3 nobody ought to make a profit out of war i or malx iiiiln mjchiih outfit for su ap ply t camihton it olcn wbliirru 100 acre farm 40 acre hardwood birn 2 mllr front liullnalau brick house brink iwti mil alfalfu ncixjcd apply jauxs russexu 2tp norval u allfdlu i 11 i iv il tiii i i i tt id t ik n jiit mi tin it ttin llu lunrnd u v til lu iiillnnn uil iiv tilt vl ury ui n ja it m1 tikln tlu 4i iiii hull iintinrhi ul iiiik h tit union jik mil cilia hun vi i 1 o in li t tllotllt iil iilo ci ib n l m lul in um ii tin w j llik thpi iitl nui- il luiilt t i u n in not il ni n tlotl b thi j jo i i it i il n tin in i ni i i h n on t 1 1 x uu 1 m 1 ill 111 ii i i 11 illll or utvt ml to runmrd rnojrrn ipart in i ii u d toi ui ii lunnnl- nu apply imiald omci ll ar ijium iifl rlnc and i okat1no l i iniirik irj tlrt oral in at riason- ib pr r 1limiu irtr nc a tliiktp r rvanipl i d ituuunoron ip ihuru 401 wanted lw and dnvud poujlrj lilhct nuirktt price a liajtnett v bon iliiiit liranipui 343 r m nvrrt chatkcrt ior sale n- pitchcron marv rllng 7 cars oil sound lam of good ork horse niim tiorma nrv pood tn all home alo number ol jfootl implimenu for all apply j p ulack it phone 48 r 31 georgetown is your liver poisoning you ar wail alck and tlrad out every mom- h 1l slata it uwtjt rise ou tit nil mu i an you auk and tlrad out every mortv- leii stwaya comtlpated cant aat without pain and dlatmat vour liver it pohaeilni your tyttem permanent iii heahn may ba the retultl he jrnm orain in tour nl rum to jtnir liiihh it uplu hi luo 4lll k14iu it inlnvliti iir umk ink ilux tntrity anj tini niktlil ihilii1 mm tlivippcr a um iur imr nfvtjt lik umiikim immi tn inhiuimi jint jllniv pinr ih mr aliment in nli r hlimml uli ir inr k iuliltrlcrpfprltnnitiil niunhniinl tiup urr rmhwintd i watc ihil ircomp- in ur inn sunt nm trurilc anil rhcunutic palm nu ifttiij tin fumin ytm rctnic contitptcd tnntali jhi ijncy cat nfk properly i he whok ivtttm li flcacd nd you icel rotten hctl- chy bsckithy diry tired out ready py or tlcknct and ditrate 1 hotisamttof peiplc re neer sick sod hc on prompt relief from ihc miwrie with improved fruiiatic i ee tabe the liver i toned up the other orant funnlon normally and utlinft rood he-lthiculi- today improwcd rrultailet are onada a laracat tell in a liver u hi eta llicy must be bodt irtthem younclf noit let rniliailvct pot you batu on the road to lattiog health uil like a new pcrsoo 25c 0c sin r i wb iwi i uftrrnl from rontilfmiloa atvs nvvrf ill wll- irirtl taklnd frull una i cun truly j ihry a nl oojrtfutrllr lcry nn ahnum rrull alarn rise haw 3 m-s- ttra weekend service buses leave fkoh oeobgetown to toronto rvto8 ajn 018 tun 1133 331 nin 423 pm 638 pjn 006 pjn prom gbobgetown to london sm am pm 100 pja 880 pjn a sun and hol b dally except bun outran daylight saving tune gray coach lines tfakste ami tnfonutllae a w loko hum oaarfatowa tea dawe far ytsn has rarfast hum i m ull run itonnwttj ftlrtr nrnnin myimil lion mm pour nnj i wai alwaya eon llpatfo trull tlc boon rnad m iwltre and lhr i nolhlnilllsvit for mahlnd you mtil ml alvlnfl you rww prp anj etwrfly altr rr ol bad health n mad m imi 0n ur hoy dognsau chathsm- l farm seeds alfalfa red clover alsike timothy sweet clover fancy seed oats hybrid corn various varieties all above seeds grade no i wm couseson streetsville ont pbone lbw timely topics for women iy bahwa bamf we all wave a fajtt to hav ve an have a part to riv and i krow ou will cot fail id your rttceabenn always that the ereater your oourarr aars elrvofioo tha aoobt at shau ee ajrain tn our mida tha hacor ordrrec ufa lor whjxh va ooa thcie rrr the inspiring word of her uajeaty quaes qlabath tfl a tnauaga to the women of brtiaio in the pal ol igoo when wraa lumirf nifuvy upon thr land out thry are equally apputaa today to tch cf the lhrt million vomrn in canada who are ttrhnr to ba of raaj arrvaa to their count t some cf oj arc jptrt and diicourtxtd becausa you are prtnrntad cor one rrwm nr ariotrer from dom any of the big eicjtlnj oh you ihlnfc ou moud lit to fir a plane or dilv a tranxport or al least to wu into a unuorm cr join the thronts of acmrn empiojed tn tha war induatrtaa the e aur nuwj inurrtvuns oba that hair a thrill and as exjolaauon au their own r uut thrae lasaa arc not for tncry woman oomt tnost alkck to the humdrum round some must sac that homes are oared urn and femlha f ed and be aauird that oj aho are carrying on your home duuat and maet- ing al thr prtty irnuuan of wartlmr living cbrcrtully are giving jail u toiportmjit rvlrr aa ttor tn tne v railed bigjoba ii 1a fur our liymrt and for their eoirtty that e arc righting lm e muu tr to it thaju natter wnat thr difllcultlrt to be coped lih our hcmt do not i- itiot vcrv qusuur ahich maae thetn the bacvl iftoiid as veil a thr oy of our uvea ikjl urrr are crrtitln oilier uartimr otx hat fju tqjitjy on the ouidrr cf ur tvouirv1 of tne uivt firt ol all vj aomrn ho are uir iuton taopuarc miil ut that the pxict ni ur nuoda tjj buy do not r u ont luhrr uut tr itlcc oijlag it thrctlte oulv if inluloo u ijtii irj aiu tt r tlit iiaainium iraid fti our labour a in cjullaa twh iiriu ttiir rrutriuh lit judv thr rt l ttr inittcr cl il voj ai uic old aaylng a uaitrlul ifr run tliroa more out uir buck dour than hrr husband can lrji in i t- ir jiii 1 jt thi d cf asv corn v- tfo u ovrr for ll lq can c kti ii in mi nuiik ouir couiiintw tu ile aiulhuitf now i to tr y tinii io mi vjr rllort i r lf of juixluct u rxsuxe jnd gtoaing mur ifntttxr l- uru r it lin id aluminum ulmoil az aluahle 11 n ri 1 of ulno 1 mux nunc to iht winning cl thr aar rrn paper lua milting jiij uriuti uihrr pvdurtt oner to atundart inuft be cjiluuy toilrvttl uui- tin too 11j a mhl uit lwn tin v j thuw- u id ir tin or din ii lioinr mim lx clr- iuiiy wiuti0 lit a i ij- d tq jiini nt of du klmb ho 1 br tlvi n uir beat i jn to nruiiirf i iiiulrn- it is uoiiilr- a tain on lnd iti and it mhri ki il till ioi1rtill llu oi lkjljt ii cajuli tiioil- alid ullir hu ti i al- to kn ir trto tt ilcioil rj and tola uiia and dm in i hid ik in ud bt pud to do just a ltu linrr than tjn u t t u iii iv ih it j b ijiiiui ii ls up lo oij lo e that notliih la atrd iiid t ni kj jiui nir finul cannot uj turntl or lo iht proper allege committee to find 1u 1 back gijn into industry yt aq all nit our pjrt to play und jou uomtn on hot fhouldera ihiu ih n ikiiijiln lor kitpnrt liiiiir hnv fjnoolhly on ihc hornu in nl luni miiia ti ut tin tin i imiwitulu ibi of all ii is ui who aill 1ls hmkkullu ui i i 1 tl i i in in i i ni uii i imittiiui upi o all th mui raw i jul luutiu ion lul one b in uity ar ac uhu in l i tiix kjitj i i ml liinx iijjii wliuh lln mi di lend- v i h i i i i i tt i i i thi mil liiuxr inlih n piolucuig jluxniiiii lo ini tnjnun j wiin mil our ul ojrii- ol h bilk so in i i i ii i h i i ai m in the uir wlul th ilt i lijmii ill al l lillllll ixlkll i ol ulk n in r- ium oi ah tin 11 vl talia and the i ii in i i ui i i i j unt f hi aorm up ul rubber tin untu- jim t ii mint un- tin oliim ihii tuvu d ojr bouul ihii lint ill 1 it l- rii u i j mii in i h ti i ol australia bliouid australia iul i hi in itiiniil km ol om blllon kjands of uoo die linwt pro i w i i hi h it i ii i i i ii iiiori lii i mill uhn uc coividfr thai th iin lul mil- i 1 mm uni uiul tu llu rulrxr tin and ol we ni lnii no in n ll t h ind ol om inmii lou ud oralrut us s um i iii iim a i- iii i o ir an tralian logins ol our own liimm miivi nrvir ta hit ir htuli lo llu larbuoua jak initilic opinion unci bi niuil to llul ullnitnt rimlort imnu an wnt to hold thi it t iuthil in tlu iv hi imclfic tluy lui ouuhl kalian u lor tha lunp n in u m tin tn of uir th ducni a blur fuu- than lo become rir ni in um uili 1 iiov rn i litld uc muil not lae auuallaa wikii wi mui not lit tin blorkade no4 draw llyhlir kut oik st rap book 11 iiiiiiil fur uic ii hi li thou ould uln the vlctor thorn ha u kempls ci341u kkvkit tiix iuhik of tut uxlk iiy carl karmer oxford 2h imhiai it ni n kivrr li u thrilluik narratnc of thr ckncboe valley settle- nitnl in nt vok bt ite hnim tin jxrlod ulun ocorttr washuitfton waa pnldtrit tn i hi nrn lilih lnids cami- men of all tvpcv there wera oria tot rats md oundrtli lurnurb und udmnturcrs he roc and fugitive iroin jilstict- dut the man 1k plai the leading role in this story b nathan hart a sthool tiulur und iwinttr who believed in the rights of man and uaa uillnir to iikiit lor thm i uos ukrn prisoner ai a whiskey rebel bul cod und niudr lils aj to the ckncicc valley where he joined force with as funlumlc a iroip of fltrurai as you nlll find in the realm of fiction tin re is cipt willlunuon a luidorcnl fired ilh the idea of building up u wcaliliy aristocracy in the valley whirling oragg who shared u rich farm with marl and uhoue brand of lt ou will enjoy anthony wavnc u tcarlcii lighter and aaron buir a dnamcr tninimi pcron in tli alley though a a- the universal friend tha leader o u huitiknown religious cult hcrmuuidmatdcn rachel malln wot ihe fust ioiwn hurt nut nlitr hb arrival later he made friends with flonor a maryland belle hose family nere new ncltlcra in the valley but ue ftomnn who meant in ol in hi life uoa catherine oball a halfbreed indian girl who had um rducatixl bv quaker i nm sure ou will injoy tlik unusual story of the 18ui century which happily combine fact uth fiction vitamins for the farm family a correspondent uants to know what foods available on the average farm utll supply a family with their dally quota of wtomlns the farmer ls mure fortunate thm mast uixuum he producer at home most of the food that are essential to lood lualth there ore seven kinds of food that are ncciled eiry uuy for a well balanced diet llerv they ure 1 a quart of milk fur children und a pnt or milk for adult tt one scning of meat 3 one cik tvo veitables one ireen or yellow s butter for lta vitamin a tir cueal and brcaoa either whole grain or enriched with vitamin a 7 lwo fmlls one rich in vitamin c such aa citrous frulta or tomatoes tliese are the foundauon foods and all arc avullablo on the average form the vcar round except frumi fruits and vegetables which have to bo bought in town in the winter wiuion ryom now on cuka become more plentiful and you should servo them frequently for lunch or uier hero is a recipe for swiss eggs that x am sure you wilt like for u change 8wiub eggs 4 eggs 1 liblepoon butter tt cup rich milk teasijoon salt teasioou pepper 3 tablesiioona grated cheeeo heat a nan molt the butter in it then pour in tha milk when tt it hot break the eggs into it carefully and sprinkle with salt and pepper and choese when firm remove to alices of buttered toast and pour the mlur over them dancing evert wednesday oddftumra nan brampton onwonbptp orchestra tumshi b pin to 1 am dat rborjiiait attummoh a nocuer lfaiucw i jcooke floor contractor vuror utdhl sandina bestrrfaoika finismno specialize in oldnooss aood wertanamtup msarsr ss5tb b vbt i mo tom