Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 18, 1942, p. 6

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the georgetown herald wednesday march 25th 1942 the georgetown herald k tt grfuw knl oka wlttlim iihiiiikh suarwuevat baninaiao and twn cum bubscruption rates oukli end the united bum 1300 a yw ainv oocu to adrertlilaj batee win be taetad aa appu walter c ninw oajuteld l 1ohvray v v hike oilaor bruce oolllni phove no i uttaixt of the canadian weekly nmpaprr aatortatlaa and th ontarioquebec dlvulon of the cwniv fre editors corner the vandalistic pubuc rena chandler writing in the home forum on the globe and mails homemaker pare makes some pertinent comments about the vandalistic public in which she draws attention to the lack of regard for cleanliness and order among we canadians it is a sad fact thut the natives of one of the moat beautiful count tries in the world are entirely lacking in thoughtfulness when it comes to keeping our public parks our streets and highways neat and attractive a glimpse of georgetowns main street especially after wednesday or saturday night is ample evidence of this and it cant all be blamed on the children either it is some thing in which every citicn must cooperate if we are to have beautiful clean streets free of refuse the best formula we know is one that we ourselves have adopt ed when we finish a package of cigarettes or a choco late bar we tuck the discarded container in a pocket until we reach n convenient receptacle at home or in the office why not try it boy scouts for georgetown we must apologue to two little boys who left a letter to the editor at the office severil weeks ago the letter was subsequently mislaid and only this week turned up again do you not think that georgetown should have a boy scout pack the letter reads we do we would oppreciate it ery much if the town would help us organize a pack we finish this letter in hopes that georgetown will soon have a boy scout pack yours sincerely two friends recently boy scout week was celebrated and it was interesting to hear the tribute paid to this or ganization on most of the american network pro grams reaching listeners ocr here it was pointed out that in the present crinis boy scouts are using their training in practical things such as fire fighting to re lease men and womn for other defence work perhaps this is a matter which should occupy the attention of the low fathers there is no better way to keep our youngsters occupied at useful tasks and learning how to be good citizens than in boy scout work and it should pay dividends in citizenship and juvenile health if a lively scout organization were thriving here finis this week winds up unother hockey season its been a thrilling one with lots of good clean sport and a dearth of nasty incidents to mar our pleasant recollections of the games like every other town georgetown was not able to ice a team of home brews but we think it was worth importing some re placements to keep the game alive in town the local brain trust slipped up in our estimation in not nab bing joe schertzl who was good enough for boston bruins to be interested in the norval lad has had a good season with milton juniors and it seems too bad that a boy who had learned his hockey with george town minor teams should be playing for the county town when the scouts hunted him out however milton juniors were organized this season before georgetown was even sure of having a team so we couldnt do much about it the three special trains to gait will be talked about for a long time one fan who ia poascased of a sparkling sense of humour has contributed a classic account of his experiences on the last one which readers will find on this weeks sport page it gave us a good many chuckles and we know that everyone particu larly those who made the trip will enjoy his repartee another feature of the hockey season was playoff palaver written by a feminine fan our only regret is that this young lady didnt embark on her journalis tic endeavours earlier in the season to give us the girls angle on the sport front the worlds news seen through the christian science monitor ah inlmutiohil daily ntwtpsptt la truthfu cu u peat ram fliniarinna turn bditorubare tlmalr ud laatractive ud lis dally fuiuns toavtlur with the weekly magaitae sec milts the monitor aa mm newpaper far the heat the chrodxn sdince publlihing sodely one norway street dotton mauachuietu price 111 00 yearly or i 00 a month saturday luue including mnraiine section 1 60 a year introductory ofter 6 usual 2 cenll hwe i i whwww aftum sample copy on bequest s p onnoooi n i m s many people still sleep in shelters in londons underground stations thf the twelfth la the tarries f artlrles nritten eitasty4jr far lie vrefclv newspapers of canada try i foh templin edllee of th frrgu esskeceetl ii flew to crral britain a a uel t the vrlfloh rnjnl and giieo an opportanii te ee what i being done in ruttatn iretsnd an pw- tngal in varttm tv- mrif ij i uhid ou xiid jijj or w111 com it hit t strive that i onlnjll jjji ntd to write it aermj thai thrrt lias breti mj much to nil mucli morr than i thought hri i armed tuck m cuiicu fur thr turllh a lory i am clvoa uj one of thr simplest of um au aiul t one of the hstrdeat to do ho mj im-ojiit- uaiil to know hat loii- don t rrally likr n artlrar with nu b irkout and the bonioinit bo mnv ak tor a drv ript ion rl it is hjixj to vcrllw lundon iu our rrally it ivirlit ttlarl at nuht jirn the eye sees ihtlr nrre tuvr lxn o mtn liftcrptkjn1 and tt mot of them fall to pa ml a true picture ptrha i liouid not u llrn o naji rai ta have ttlud hut it outflit it ije rnoukti 111 takr onr rvr- iimii ajk and u 1 iaboui it tu i row it dovn ultrr irarliliu thr uttht mid warmth of m room ut thr havo it uh thr nlttht or octobrr lt and oi it hakiiiid thr atinlvrnuir of my urildiiikr ihr firat timt i liad bren 4su from homr on ulat date in 30 tfa of niartrd lir it siii m turn to urojdcaat a rntaifr to cajiada that night und i huttunt m ilr a cablr to br luuuiiu i hojstxl tjr ould hraj my vulcv- al h jst ttir una h hrrmiltiiiu hour u ui ihr wt t 1 iki ol lauidfin p- rhp uu havr ard i clurri of it ill da of imuit it wjs orrn hi riirm tartfrl md 11 lima aatht r 1 fft rrlit loa but u thoiikht ftt had tx n dt luinnl llh ijonibnik ininlii fur mm h of it v mid rkrounj w dm uh d ui it hrii tin hun kiux ks a tn off uir top uie s ifl jut mmt diii m i tort far- tin r into tin ii r b i it iniio vouch for tint it iu t in onliluu to t nt r for it l- huirtlid h boh mini and rfildii roni lu to hivi a ttis alio a dfmitt diiiiiu n h iom tht od i i ulo t tint nitu fixixl intt l uh t itt ib i tf iii in lt r h thi in tin h tliu it uu tli i id jm ulnti i nut out h a i uiui r l i i tin 1r b lor i toijd it i i had tlotit ni likmlut from ttitiiiul hmftn two s lx i a 1 ii i 1 ii til it lull 1 i it i 1 i in i 4 of j i 1 ii til i 1 h it ut w i tl ba iniil if ii mm if nilii mitt din tl rhi i 1 ti v i il 1 w i ut n limit t m in ik il it t r h i rt ii thi ji u 1 i iii it l in u h hiint i v it it t h bruadaitln i h ii 1u ti its on thi j i u in i i it in tt i mi v i ih 1 i t i 1 in td l ii t ii i i i l ii 1 h i ill 1 1 i ii t ii i ui 111 uil i iv ii ll iht irfhifuiiu sa llil i ii i t iki ii ikht i i un il ii hit t koi hi t io a 1 h 1 t i i m l ii tl lilt 11 1 tun s lv mi unit m i iitisj if ii l u 1 ii ill i i i hi imi ih ill u 4 i iii tilt 1th llltl in i li mi i i in tli i tlift hon at 1 n i in it k n stiw i i m m il o tnik w th i imiiittinm 1i a t t iiidiiu i id hl a t brick iwtmli hi lu i m in tin iirit t ha tnt o tht in ill uoilil tut hold iiuiri tliai luu r thrti hi-wul- huil did t lu- tt tin r but tin klvt iritilii mtin bl l t nid il intfp is rs pit ion i ibl w mrd sin ed lnn i a k li i u i- hradd ii ihr rlkht tint nun for tin haioy vi i r in ltd you i n 4ut it t ion a tr you uouwii t thlnkiiu el w tlkltu tint fart i usuutl him i ia und uoiidrrcd if ali iil ihlt in aii tithtr lukt in in th vkiild utuld hut ifui s hllt al it it j hud mv littu xktt totxh tlu kiinl ut tall m n likhts m canada ivin th it un um brlnht lot tin urn- don hi at kout unit ss tow nd vwlt it a uvir 1 blu tlm iiitr hi it nltiht i had not iiittt of h iii uhmii nt lldht tnoiikh ilir iiium stints m hit wt t ind hivo mifftritl fnun iwiiubliik as i u ilkt tl alon it st mifl that the vacant sits utit ul ninrt oi h ss it- killar dlstaiuts it set m rd at tlioiitfh a ot i nun pilot tulkht haw knr up i hit sldi of tin slnit uint oun the tithtr ii ttinn hl hinh txpuvut- lro ils qulrkl ii he oitlil turn thr bomb ii vrr i kiu mivuiik u bukck of stntily upairtmt lit lioiimv mort of the in i- imonxl to br llluut thru their wu a fa where aevcrul had been blown out into the atreet lhr rubbish hud ben cleared uwuy but the nuan tliont down on u blruik whlu wail atudded here and tlirpr wtui tittle flreplacea and atfairut the hky u row or about 30 chimneys alood nluiouct- ted affatnl the mldnlffht blue in uie next block it woa atom that hud aufffeml flomounua ttir window woa just a areal ituplrm hole and the uulde ot the atore waant there on either aide the windows had been boarded up but the atorev were evidently durylntf on uioqgb i couldnt read what was on the little flutns nailed to the boards no lights of any kind were to be seen except the traffic ltitht at the main corners and the single shaded head lamps or approaching cars the traf fic ufitau wore tiny red and greet crosses cut in sheets of metal that had been fitted over the lenses the red and green looked rather decor ative but when the yellow came on it looked unlawfully bright for the five seconds it remained the oar lights made only dim moving circles on the pavement as they passed i found myself bye and bye in piccadilly circus loyal londoners claim that this has the busiest traffic of any place on earth in normal times it certainly hasnt now occasional taxis slipped past and buses with their windows covered with some opa- quo substance with tiny holes scraped in the centre of each window co that a poaaenger can look out with a alngle rr the statue of eros is no longer been in the centre of the circus it is cohered wuh a coneshaped protec tion against bombs and the boards ou thr outside are plastered lth signs ad uaii the onlooker to buy bonds i sau thrm in daylight several ime i had inured a tour of the air raid hrltrri a feu night before but i jrcaufd that the moat famous of thrm au vss in the underground sta tion brlov piccadilly circus x wen don thr stairs and into the bright lijht ot the station my travelling before that time had ixtii above bio und this mas my first vjvii to the underground the streets may hae leetner deserted but there rre light and action and crowds brlow the surface a long line moved do ly past a window marked 1 sd and unouxt line past the 3d wlcfceu moving ttalrways teemed to go down into thr borla ol the earth in every direction kvidrntly this aa jtut the tribule hlfplaf tndve the grt4 i appeslrd to another constable x ri plain rd w ho x tu where i had come from and what i wanted to see hr called to another man in blue uniform llrre mate will you watch jain td auj popjq ukji puw vinuiui awjj jo j duj ioi vatniri utvd then hrrded me past a ticket turrutlle and down an escalator it w as 7 feet long or more but thai as just the beginning we walked dun rdxnc stone steps and took an- uthrr racalsior for anothrr bo feet or m paat row of theatre posters and nthrr adrrtlmmrnji i rrall aami t prepared for what i i vta irfindon hadn t been bombed in i munthvt rt there rrr mrral hun dnd people ueeping beside the sub- aa traclta the trains cme racing jout of the dartuirs like grrat caler- pluax stopped a momrnt and aent i nil atfahi tlir platforms wrrr none i km uidi but all along ulr sids ers i ioa of men and womrn alrrplng on tin tiled floor ulth hlanket oer nid undi r hum in soiih pjru of the tubeis there lunr roi of doubudrck cola along hr u du tin iuti hurt numbers and in satin jxopli uwuimd thrm night jftr nihht home of them had been xi 1 up i bit with blanktt hanging dn in front likr tlir lurtairu of a tnh un a train out moat of them ir m n lo thr k hundrtda wlin pivl b linn utr tno uonun hui mrn nl lln utr m ariili tats of nd n txjim in mr u k off their hi it ill o hi r womt n rrr com h o i of tin in i otin i h parnas ir nikhlkowl iiusui u k uielr h in roaiiv i u n u htdt n our a yw old but there were thr mhwi one of them wry tiny an old couple well drustd sat together on the stone floor taking thslr things out of an ex- pensive looking inlfnte a stone stairway ran irp 30 steps or so laying on it were six or seven men they werent crossways on the steps because that would have impeded traf fic but they were lying up the stairs the sharp metalbound edges dug into their sides in three or four places but they slept on while hundreds walked past them and the trains thundered by 90 feet away i would not have be lieved tt if i had not seen it my guide look me down to a lower lfl there were more bunks at the end of the row was a temporary first aid pot with to nunc in uniform at a counter nearb three ulrli were celling tea coffee cakxa and sand wiches i was more moed by thee tilings than i had been since i arrived to london but to the constable it was an old itory lie was scornful a lot of forrlgners what han t got any guts air or lodging house folks what wont pay their rent you can see for your- mlf urt- x could see a strangely assorted folk they looked different to me than they did to him lie may have beer right but i thought i aaw behind h homes that had been destroyed aod people with no place to go where they felt safe surely it took more than an ordinary terror to make people hvti like that yet he may have bren right after all it was five months since th last wnmng of that part of taonrtnn i as we went back upstair my nev4 found frtend and guide complained about the government in a way the sounded thoroughly canadian the ln4 come tax was unfair hr said here hb waa working for two dsya out of evs week for the government lie had been retired on a pension and they caf him back to work and then taxed pay and penlon as well yet he had s young nephew on the south coasfe a publican he was that dldnt haw ajthlng to do because his pub was in a prohibited rv he got a ob as a carpi nur though he had not trainings building defence works he was and still at it and he get fj or f 10 a ww lie keepa changing from one ob to another and nobody ever checks hla up and be never paid any taiee they say bevln favors the trade unions any way it sounded familiar i thouahtof the carpenters at camp borden and ti number of other complaints back continued on page be en 3 directory l f r watson das ildjs offloe baun s to ksaapt tullaoaj ajunioabi dr j burns milne dcntju aubocon xkay 0rfum rm clifford g retd lda d-ds- dcntist phooe 4j0 ilaio bvwt cxoreelo le roy dale kc m sybil bennett ba bantatrra aats sameilera uu street owtiun rhene i h a m nielsen imk tate af rnatte qiropretor xray draftam ttunpitt htfj uaa4aa ooc om rmmlnlnn 0ls oaorgatawii itoura- 15 tj0 sjs qm clinl taraar kenneth m langdoo barrtabe sallritse netary ttlii un itonottt itcdrj to loan oore orwory thesn bm ulu aueet rbana ss we specialize in this work j sanford son pfceae ceoscrrosrv m frank petch uobnsko avctionnm aaal all classes of tnslancat prompt senrto rbane ml po dos 413 jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and tile hawr sctvud elmer c thompson dfgukancb skbv1cs plre auto wuvlatorm clp ballwv am awaal niaaanaia uhhkb uctibsions lit ee j oeettawb monuments ksas and lrmuxa pollock ingham gait out ileawna oa kautinl pboo sssl ibapsot our iwk in or ounvdi cain school of dancing lays u am urtaa au bunch stadia olas wmiaasa iwomw r u abkaaaaaaubaaaaiaaas llwi ralph gordon the wrestlla antartajnar bar your nail program ctiutrated circular rra toaoffto adaraaa hb cvavfaol m gray coach lines timetable mow in daylllm 8ta tlrat utavs amawnm u ti m nss omtmb tjmdjn tmnfla lttm pja ud tmb dsmjb pjjl atmbnn tatllhabl a btoept bun andbal d except sat bun and sal e bat sun and nol j dally except bus xttototoheoar yto btrstford w ii lomo phans m miiiirnt r i i i c n r timetable dajnihl bttntlbu oabu aa real usi jr unr mtl toronto and l oabu wsst ssardayablrulmi dallf oaoapt rskamstr tm9m ana um ui ms oalaf matt aus a

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