Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 18, 1942, p. 7

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the georgetown hawm wednesday march 25th 1942 dahcimg ryaa aucbvoriuas guelph wedn night ted saturday night 1 quality count most sa1ada church news ck4 r k lemkay ba im m sunday school t jtm italic eenhln cams to tb thureh in to baty cwm ex ftmit rot ft v j uorgaa lit trd end mb stmdtye uu at u u lutudith sunday kit at carrolls t3323f sale cajutolls own cleanses 3 f 13c mo powdtrxo ammonia 2 9c anuup4u haalth soap odex soap 4 ci 25c how to beautify your home book r mlf i0 aa4 s nappm a aa tap fro prr uj cu praatot al ik lasa ua j0 worth of soap free toilet soap guest ivory pitbe mild soap flakes princess flakes 3 x9e carrolls brooms allcorn w j9 new improved soap powder oxtool p 9hte 24e fcsc laundry soap p o g n soap 3 x4c buy one now mop handles aoe its kind to your hands ivory soap r aise xoe cajtollt own soap flakes 4 ivory snow x3c camay soap jxjs be a h waattltis soda x vu 15 gixlett8 lye lie clothes pins l s ioe sos scoonaa pad pa lsfca xc lily brand chicken haddie z st 35 romar offee 1lb ba 39 o o blamd dandee in coffee 32 1 brunswick sardines toi s lie snowcap v pilchards st x3e tt 14e connors kipper snacks 7e carrolls suced side bacon s9e shortening domestic aylmer applesauce tu 17c ch1xiconcarne 19 maple leaf lard i 9c pie cherries uhsm- i so u ifcc blackberries t 19c infants foods aim u 7c r asty 9e wucuor waterice wafers 1 19c chhltl date loaf a 5e chrultaa cocoanut or sugared donuts 5 or xoe waatuffe with pktin strbrrr or raspberry jam jr 3c sweet hunkist oranges dot 29c33c seedlehm grapefruit 5 for 25c fresh clean spinach lb 6v new green cabbage lb 4c new original large benches carrots ea 8vic li to comply wrm oovernhent rest op one delive pe day for each district the pollowino schedules wefx be effective imme diately orders far moraine dehtery moat be in by eejaek the nmtstss nlgm district being sooth el the hjstawaj park imatrlet and mr whke bridge order far deumy in the ameraoen mut be in by u eelotk noon of each day district being narth of the lusbway and colleie view dbtrlel w rasst la tatli ta ffsatt aaaajikba af al s sjsasy iifcasa murr and vegetable prices good tux saturday night only jj phone 357 free delivery immovto uniform interhattonal sunday otool lesson ay gurnd u utvootnar op oftu uaarau4a uauiuu a ckea l for march 29 laaaa aauarta a antattva uata aa- 1 n the tkanttiaured csrot meets human need lissom tt3ttuj b4u oolxitw iturr an ttay wn 3 amaiad at ca eum7 puaay af cod loi o glory and crsc o toftthrr splrituauly flod meaning in trrv- ic hounru is faith in acuoo evvry an motlon tnthild b tran- lalcd into conduct thl 1 th manage of our iruoa as it prrarnls th trsniflgurrd chrljt and th dltciplr moved beyond in telligent word by 111 transcendent tlory going forth into the valley to meet the nd of dimonrklden hu- monity i amiiisg glory w i8m to three of the duclplr cam th privilege of seeing in the mount th ouuhimng of th deity of chrut through th humanity ol 111 fteih id iuch amaiing lory that peter could think of nothing more wonder ful than to prolong th experience by tarrying in th mount- on could wlxh that it were pos sible in presenting this lesson to get over into the thinking of those oho rad or hear a proper conception of the glory of our christ but words seem to be such weak and tn- ufnclent instruments on would cry out look at him the son of god with th transfigured face and th light of heavenly glory shining forth in a daiillng whltsness lit erally ilk lightning if men would only look upon 111m they would see how untrue are those who take from him his deity who speak of him as only a good man or s great teacher he our saviour who took upon himself the limita tion of our mean vaa and is eternally god significant it is to note that with him on the mount were moses and elijah the former hoddled deut 34 j 6 and the latter had been translated without death ii kings 7 ii but both vere olive rrcog- nuubte intelligent interested in the rcdrmptivt- work uhlch christ va to work out on the cross v 31 this dinnllilv drnlts such false thiorles uf soulep or onnlwlntion at death g j but the vision of glory tc comes o means of blirflng as vtc sec ii amaslng grace vv 373u like peter there ore many folk vho think that the thing to do is to remain on the mountalntop just en- joying the vision of glory and the delightful fellowship of christ and the redeemed they do not learn such things from christ or from the word of god the nest day v 37 he ond the disciples met the cry of on anguished father whose boy was possessed of o demon and who had found no help v 40 look then upon the one whose unspeokoble glory has just been revealed in the mount who has just had the ap proval of god the father v 33 who now in amazing grace meets the need of this humble child there is the grace of god manifest in the one whom we as christions profess to follow let us ilk him bring the glory of god and in his name the power of god to bear upon the need of men it seems to the writer of these notes that god is waiting to do a new thing in the midst of human suffering and sorrow working through his disciples we need first of all to know him ourselves as our own saviour ond lord then vc need a vision of his glory flooding our souls and transforming our lives rom 121 2 then must put that glory ond that power to work through our lives the one who fol lows christ ennnot be satisfied to rejoice in his own snlvntlor nnd not reach out to win others he ennnot rest in the pence of soul which christ gives unci not put forth his hand to those who struggle in lifes wild restless scu lie must as matt 910 puts it let his light so shine in the darkness that men may find their way to the fnthors house and thus glorify the name of god god does his work in the world through redeemed men nnd women he is always seeking those who having seen the glory of christ and with his grace upon them arc ready to be used of the holy spirit for his glory what the church needs today is not more machinery or better not new organizations or more novel methods but men whom the holy ghost can use men of prayer men mighty in prayer the holy ghost does not flaw through methods but through men he does not come on machinery but on men he does not anoint plana but tien e m bounds main st georgetown need compassion i do not know how any christian sorvlce is to be fruitful if the serv ant is not primarily baptized in the spirit of a buffering compassion we can never heal the need we do not feel tearless tjearts can never be the heralds of the passion we must pity if we would redeem we must bleed if we would be the ministers of the saving blood j ii jowatt timely topics for women iy litbara itim to rtjmrrws r4ke if you are pau 25 nntr tpply rouse on your chrk below a lit drawn from the ut cj your not to le up of your ear jlouge picd lav on your cbrelu wm to add aji to your hilt rouge ple5 bi girt you a more youthful appearance a k x it here 1 a ptenrhaomixi t up on the uie of perfume she uturatcs ft tut of cotton with her faortte- icrot and drop it into the bcatom of her urntx agauiu her body thl trem to lup her in a cocutaiiuy pert uj tate and it wlu do the tame for you x v x x x d like to piu along a tun t ulan on chootonc bkoenin colour b ou mould tlktr our mirror from our parte and hold a hthii t amrre of ihr itlatrrls armo thr bottom of it hrn vntj 00 at yourwlf you appear to br vetoing adrru like the sample and can judge lla beommputsev x x x x piling the cornert of ur finrmalu rota them of awppoet and n axti thrm liable to break you auo run the rltk of hangnail and un- tigtiily bump at thr audrt of our nail u a rrtuu of filed comer and hae you rrr thought of uting an orange tuck dippe in prrfumr under thr i j at to gi e a ting ring fragrance x x x x x to krrp your uih bright utr a good bach turn av halt or tod or jtinun juac tt t 1 ml umio m artat ii your hair brcomtn dull and drvb brforr you are ready to tharnpoo it heir i a quick tirtmrni wrap your halrbruth in a pirre of game or ilk and bxojh your hair ith it thorouthly it potirjir the hair and re- mom r rwrv ct oil x k x x x if your ucr i- too hort or aide you cmi irngthrn it by rrua our hair flat on fh tidet hivh in the front and lo tn the tatcx pttnmung duhpn hand when your havrul ae tn water a lot a a proolrrn try keeping a bottlr of hand lotion in the kitchen another in thr bathroom and another in your dreuing tabe and apply aa iocd aa you are finuhed aching up mhllr the porea are ctul open orvce a week pat in a nounhijr night errant and lrar on until morning ffcetter wear a uair of cotton gfknr for protectlnni xxxix joan cra1ord kretv her hji like a ented btraer bv svnrtnkiinc a fr drop of perfume en lighted lamp bulb the heal brlngi out th re nee for our hcrap hook the morld cannot be holly arong whil in po t urltis fiu tong or ny atrtu ixilntas hu dreanu unilt willi rh irll u lulrts uiut item to htartdi u t 1u our but ant iit to kindly fat thr irr- an kprl iatiicrh arol nd fr bov ntl- u dad n did to ufh him ho to build a bird- hou ui iiio him ho to ru4 a fl for trout to help him alth hi home work or nu rid hi- ijrk 11 lir at nigh r i- nr lit ert into a j im iiil it iltd hut i wontlir lio many boa thirr arw aio r iidlfv dt luu1 for thr duration of the u to rluiti4 him hrn he buiyi out too hls mothir und to ttand brhtnd him hen yi iwr hul t r romniijim i kno r wi kn mumk r i hitir thit u im in si t conn b in iirm ls roniiir he drucn our dally in atjaiui tir iftr old noa a sturdy lil iwi mr hilt a mop of unrulv blond r it but the thin ou uould notice about k m bli 1 t thai htm to mlm nothing would cill him a toinh u for hi ulaajt hav a good arriimi nt ii 11 hi ls not o tough in fuct hr 1a often a tx ml 1- mi i i iils d ar no 1 who ha bern lth the r o thi uirr tco1 pain lie has ih iimd to hae together in ihelr til miru of unrigs for hl father prm loiuh lit ti f mi inlets a k 111 lnglatxl for nion than a jt iltin told me itbout lh 1kki linn- bm ment workshop w hi n hi matji utiv- a rirpentrr hi hoa lold me too ho thc urd to flsh through the lec in lntcr and ho liny uid to jiiit for thi in of may to go for bpixkjrd trout and about thr gardrn thiy planlid mil trndid togrthrr and ho lajst yrox it uunl o good mi had to look aftir it alone because hit mother t not very mrong and the oihrr chlhlrm ck young to reully help much and illtkt then ur other ttuira loo tliat ronnie mlvsca now that hls fathi r lsn t around anymore tlilnga he uouldn t tell me or ine about reading the funnlr topethcr on sunday morning u of roughhouso play once in a uhllc someone to take him to the hockey match and mofct of all mimccnr to chuck him under the chin and help him dry his tear the dn tie cut hi knee m badly and that time hi puppy died mother nrr fmr a felloj jut couldnt do 1thout hli mother but there are times it ls pretty hard for a ud to get along without 1 father too mrybr tomv of you fathrrn with ton of your on will adopt one of these dadlrs boy a for thr duration and try to do for him ftome of the things hu gallant dad ould hue done had he been here tiik book of the week dragon seed by pearl 8 buck for a number of year- prarl duck iuia been interpreting the chlneso people to the eniiimi- speaking woild through her noels and has been 111 important factor in winning our fmpuhy lor thrm her last book dragon snd ti us ol the coming of the japanese and the fall ol nanking link tun ls a poor chlnrm farmer uho ullh hla ulfa and his oils and daiihwrs and their families lhis near the city first thirr i- 1 rumnir tnl i1i11 iwniihim thru comes the jnikinese armv and an unbt urxahlr sptdaili of pillir lut did t raged when itu chlik r aim- irieatid to tin west many oung men and 01uu wonim o with it ainont hum lln s on who join guerrilla bimis in thi hill- an j an diu iinunil to nvht hit imadrr whatever the st but iini tan un s t- voil and lie is old nnd he and hls old wife mn behind on of lit mast imp ttml chnraiters in the story ts lings merchant coumn who uinblc to biar niorr brcoines a pupht of the enemy yet trles to promt his furiuls aid relumes b allin to reort all he learns from hls niies a ioiguant cenr ls emirttd when the rasants first rather around a radio that hns born smuiled in and learn that other countries oro lnoled loo in the war and thev haw gained strong friends n cross the ea it is 5iaple hyrup time the march sun lis shining the sap is running the yrup is tolling it ls maple auk it r time this year our output of maple syrup and manle sugar ahould be tncrned if at all possible first because nolhlng ls mora appreciated in a box from home bv our troops overseas and secondly be cause it ls a splendid substitute for sugar now that our ration has been cut down be sure you have ji generous supply on hand this year to serto with hot tea biscuits and buns or as a sauce for puddlnp and lco oream or best ol all with pancakes and potato cakes and buckwheat calces betw ls a recipe for buckwheat cakes i am sure you will like 3 cups scalded milk 13 cup fine bread crumbs teaspoon salt u yeast cake dissolved in h cup lukewarm water 1u cups buckwheat flour 1 tablespoon molasses u- teaspoon soda dissolved in u cup lukewarm water maple syrup pour milk over crumbs and soak 80 minutes add salt dissolved yftat coke and buckwheat to make a batter thin enough to pour let rise ovsf night in the ntrnnlng fttlr well add rnolasses soda and water heat alary iron griddle or frying pan chrease sparingly or rub over with ew turnip drop a mixture from tip of spoon on griddle oook on one att when rjutfed full of bubbles and oooked ondtfti turn and cook on ttk other side serve at once with butter and maple byrup

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