Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), March 18, 1942, p. 8

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tfce georgetown hj4 wednesday madreb 25th 1942 red cross news xb cux up a fcttl mltuotfrraiarid- toy that has utuo v wun to inform you that thjj column i fumtfwid ft news not adveruxing locji nor ad- tcrtuctdnu and u therefore cot utect to chtffi a difcitij q4i nias qooub for fiomom owing to the fact that che km crau data not diatnbut comfort to coli rrr tndjvidualr except vbro lbry trw conlmd to kr it vomwwht i of mjvury wbco rumor coma to lied crow hcsidquarter to the effect j that the rod crou ull it ao to to tcldiar how could the krd crau tej ju cock or any otbrr oomforu lor that matter when aupiue air rwiuuhrt through the army auxiliary urnicr the proccu i ery direct luu ol comfort ur made out by the quarter malrr4irft wtikh ur patd b ait oilier r in chxivr ol the unit it injur- iuxu4auo lor unnira en i lo uie aulhuq lirnkcc alio in turn put utrcn on to uk jted crut tltr auaulary hrrtlct iiac uic pot to imraluur rumine ur drn any ufi rtjuru irooj unla bat jucc thr bae br n pard b uuiu uo- lied ctuu 1u1 all jnfi louumiliu- no lud crua mal bear ubrl or tdmuling mark turrriojc it aouid apurar irm to kdrnuiy them do alcn the itrd croc hear that it el uack it aonder uov any oor would too wbrtbrr the tack up- pqmxuy or bw haic been dlulbut- ed by lhe ited ciutu or by our ol the other tervicr ahich duuibute grau oouxiura luollrti comfort and axurlr of appftrrt arr ume a aoldjer gel lau good from ou army he alga a iccclpt oorncumc raua uuc la charged fnti him and he tign a form u- thoxlaing lhe cunt of the article u- orid to be deducted from hi imi lie mo l dlu aiii a iccjih lor oo4 lro comloiu and kjuticd tfood rccclv d srau uul u mau aoldieik the aljtmng ol a rtxcjih u tmiamou with pjing lor mtoiruuug bo 11 u qultu pmiitf lor huu to cordate the chajgvtfcbl and uic uiichftjvahc re ceipu lo the name ol the caiiacuiu peo ple uic lud crub a uic dominion 4 gnraubl vojuiiiary uirmcr ouunbuu ua ixoujxco to vuum ol max and mrmbef ol uic anmd lorcca m- axhval mdttno at toronto 0oe013 m rtphmatftd ftt tfa ftonuftl hiurtrw by lattoy date fo preahtafit ua p ooflin ut vie- cmameat lr o w mhrfftw u- urer aad un john ffagcrfialt cair man o hrttri1 rwnrrtea ita dmuiv he td m the arj vofc uotcl with ur wauftfi ntfan prklect of tbft oflurto dmatob to tha cteir tnc annual report ihod that rnorv than ljdotjuo knitud eon fort vr saat by wemo waiiutf of isj branch of the ontario had oroaa m 1m1 artii mad in oourto lor lhe armad forcea hnipitaia and brt- tun ctrluana dartn th year yn nearly 7sjq00 school cnlldrto had jatond the junior red crou brmxm their junior tnrtnjamhip to almost wo 000 in more than o tmnchca it am reported that an appeal for lioojoo for medical aid to ruatia bad paxud 1u ohectli a total of 111 donatloca by blood donor er svrn dunns the yar ura arthur cii of ttorooto and ilwrton ont bacamr preaidectflect for 1wj at the lunch rcn vrdch fojoved ura dvlght duvu of waahlnthn dc ffunat tpaer laid ld port tnl la the tratiritf tixne lor all of u when lime re dinvuji u u oujy human that come tlznr cw nijy u trmptrd to he ovrr crltltdl cf anourr iwt tt i my aln crrr brurf uiat if the 10mm of the hluiji iiiijitre and the women of the unl xl ludtr xu har flui and full lonlidrinv in ottr anouter 1u unite lit um tirr unite in tlw com riioi turlfutv jtd unllr in thrtr un- arioua dru rni ntlon to wnr to ue uuiiurt ol tnrir ahjlit not only now but ln tlw rrtoittrurtluji d ahrad korikrii an b- in iniuioai artur ln tjir frin4ln 1 it ldrl lt liujk- of u tu uir tntfiibrfb ot ukr ibm ciur tajtlrtir prur ooltrur to uu ritd 0r of the oouundin unirroru o m tao utj lo iin lair taicr uf ojvbriax of mar ma ul 10 ur canadian iud croaa lkikll at clnrdn tilrli u lie muct perfect military lujtjuul i hae err txn as we see it br j a mtmt ballinafao mr illterlork latrrman of tons uranrh n v hrnt uie arrk tnd lui liu pannu luv and un a o w rjrrman mr k in rrymen hits poruiard uie farm formerly oarted by mr c lie alrk and lu uiarn purjeaion atuk mr jowtji aliui hiu buustit mr inrrynian irm a second qulltlnn ue a a iwld al thr home of mrt j ivio when thjt mon qulluv ri fuilfjud theae are ulso bring donaud to the ited croa the wa met at uw- honir of lire j hnoa for thrlr marrh mreuntf dun rm uie hualnesa jurt of uie meel- 111k it ua iaivneil lo tuld rrokinoe ul rail in anl the 10u call aa arurnxl aitli diflirrnt rrclp lor uaiilk xitalorvt tl htgc to muhon 6ouar dam that has been under construction on the orand rlew near the vu lata 0 vvm has baco competed and u now ready to star isp vater vou vth rrrnwnftrr that part of the cpu hn from bar to the ofturect had to be moved htcauie of lh dam when fuu flooding ajbout ala mie of the rlgt of way and tnrliwtel in ihi noodad part waa a brttga oer the rrwr tna railway haa fawn diwrtco and lntiead of rxdiding new and tiivn lew lied brtd lh tftny now rroaua the vlter on top of the hut dam the dam will dot be aliowed to ful to oapanty thla aprln txit wiil be hoiliag bar qlite urge ud uxe at that when fuu thu lake m eatrnd bora ow lrtrn nui and will be ahou a mile in width at it wideat plauw it will be quite a notrlty having a man- made lair ln uie townuilp of we oarafaraaa and w would uunfc that it will poe to be quite an ajuet to that towtolup the tular of urlaood upuvmm from uir dam ahoat i miira i hern tnadr crter on account of pn of uie uu4tr lyu4 aloritf tide ur rlrr 011 ue lotrr nond hlnn to be motrd to hjttcr tpound tt- thifiound brlooitinir to ihr lllr jn un hiu kr tn ot the uad ana a rvr iuirrouiil u to be r tahuilird lit luud k uir if utunr jnail vllar unl mtmed lo tuid tllil or tnbr didr t do uiat 11 durliur uir ut lrnt tai or ut utr bulljllik luulu i bt 11 a r tk up utr iiilnl luitr bft aitd uuw lunvb uiat hair made tul air to be mulr ri m mm qjit an uprot emen t to the tiliar ln 11 anii frili und liur at 1u iiimm- tltr uir tmy br uanaformd i uiuj quite a cummer report and poa jb uitr ivfl a well much of uiat iu oprnd upon lie own ciuarn i wkull uiuik a uual wllh ton itrurikjrw of mi kind uirrr w con- 1 1 talir ikmujlt in rrtfard to the rrec t tt of ttr liutfr daji and plenty of irriuclmn uul jrllt may rr readily b lln unl utliut uiat wr luinnrd to i hut community we uiidrnand uiat i the ooounualon rnfcponalhle for the i uimii riojuiut axe doulg all in ttvlr i jt r to yiw lb lood a fuafe dl i in tnr vlbl 11 uie tltr jum i l id out and i ti uu ahlr to feet a f t iuii uf ttaollur i will brail i iiailuujf tur u b u111 mmjji u jk fxudv jm tn uud mjidnihi ll ja quli un uttru iiii for uklilw r dmin un cuitriktlun of uie dam ml nm ui it it l flnlshm and uw uft ulll huvr birn urtly ll ed at iiat ll llulljl auu juvr to b quite in attruttldti aks u there we yr ajjo ho dook the urn that did wtearj voold catue titnumnjf ix on tfae put of the fuarda of lhoa that haw wrap hi all wcrw again recaptured with tha ax oepuon of the on who jumped ball over in the uflju wrapinj cwratie only lo bekfllad oear there on ould lmaflne that the rule ln the vicinity of pruon oaapa would be atrtrtjy ac- foroed to prwbt any eoctxet with the enemy and wrw curprusd to read reorntry that frrw ctrl had been ac cused of prgftny letters cor enemy pruoners up at estanolft on the horth shore one would wonder why those young- fju were allowed to oom in contact with thoae pruooenv of coarse they were rather tung to rwallsv what they wrre doing and no doujbt would uunk it a thnu to mail thoae lettera for prtuinera prrhap nro out of ptly fiurtly tometoody muii hare failed to mju that we are at war it hesuh that the pora that be have ruled that we are to he de prived of inng on cake ln the future eicept for wedding and other occan ca aim 1 liar importance at firu tunt it might vno like a tough tbo for the cake baker howrvrr we uunk that ll will work out to advan tage many a tough- looking cake ha twn mttde prrmtablr by the ar pjuration of a fancy icing now it will be up to the cake baker to produce ckr tiiat will be aaleahla without thv fxtxy tnmmjng and h can be don attain uie number of diifrnmt tart- uia of ttjrad uiat uir bakrr 1 allowed to make ha be reduced and that alio fjioald iuove to be advantagrou to ttitl la ollen a duferrntchaprd lual ti bflvn irn a fancy name and thrti advertiaed eatrnalvrly and h ualdnt be long until uiat particular luaf lkid be in big demand not br- aum- of any iiarurular proprruea that it utiiaiord bjt mrrrly beoaua ll tu difrrrrnt ahaped prrhapa other game bevdf anting are guilty of conduct inn rararu auction saxe iailm htock ihtumenth hain and tii1iihiem rjllltmivt tltr ifprrty of d a hfn4mt at hit hill uh 3 cull i mod is mllta ucmui ot llrrmo uo till rtv atbjl zs4 ih1 1 ulradat uirjudtluf l5clkjif itol- m4ln co a rrrmh n nrcpuon- ull tnu tuii uj 6 rr old nuir iguo un humrly uuclor iwu grain llmdinii alml a full lltbt ot unplcxornla j a ijjjott aucuonrcr mew advertisements hm in toad wwwfcui out b st mr butt ofairlw st six pt around n ua affij a nzwnb komi sulloo- llp food brampton wrll uu wanto woman for partume work on bandar and holidi phonk r or aprtr 11 ur humrr huntar inn rok hjlii pirm rd mua rrd ciovrr ai xr umcoij vt ckr anrj aad oat otvid am nou rajtrua au m oradr no 1 vu oovsk tt bon x burruvlllr oot 1111 wtvtco nrat appranny miui or oman fa full oi pjrt turr mora dtrltkjuni frfir idintlnjr tarrifi arid laklnf ordm in iliatriijn hourly rat writ ilox -l- ifzjlau rox hum xo acr farm m sow hardwood buin mllr from fulllnafail brick bnuar tatna bam vtu alfalia aadd apply jaiosb nuaoixu mp horrai faumko aj4 dtcobattno palntlnf and decorating at at pneaa durutai fraa k aaljpaprr aamptoa d uznjunoton mp pbont n wanted lit and drraard poultry luatuot maraat price a i1ajint7tt a son pnonr uramrxon mi r it rrrtrta cbarraa i ob malt 3 jrrw coaia du to fjrjihm april dili lui and uay 3tu llrrd fully accrrdltrd and ruvalltr to blood uat almj tao rjr old toll alvly o ii iiujjk a don itn llvunc ix 1 u ulllon out fahtt m wavrrn l t hi lor 17 h ad ol orrttlret lliiin raltlr amd for lhl lum nrr lrnt vj muter and trtadr ap i1 o w huiuuoi hornby it r 1 lip itmij- milton 71 r t pure food store avlmtr plrt orange lime marmalade if o fancy jar 21c westons cljx boda wafxbs pks 14c cratlit vanry fan honey l ik un 33c maple leaf soap flake 1 caac mapla leal toual soup rrtk kc- alu paf 20c ciuuhtnru hot cross buns kraily orurtaa par 2 pltg 25c dcov bsand mincemeat 2 lb tin 25c uoraea ttoofcla crtaa cuttard powder lacli pkc 12 acrvinra 2 oz plg 5c lork llrand cnoica apple juice 20 oi un 3 tins 25c win glass cleaner in aprayrr caus lit ol un 35c ulliz sjutrolunlnj floor wax id o un 49c kraft telnet cheese 1 lb paj 39c caeorfetewn airman vtrltr letn pmt in orunt before it rell anrw rime a tttrulrr newt awuted on sttjtd mitvh 14th a utur addreaucd to hi iarenuin oeotveion iixilicd front h u j cndiion txmber of un itol canadian ah huru li aoa urilun from ultihuihjrt it tul tlittl juuiir bth ntr a inunth ix fore the japs capturid tlu urlilmi rtuiihud in uie orlmt no furtln r i uord haa ixx n nul from un tfal 1 tut joun oitiimii 111 rrlallvia and lriuuu uuail luitlur mvts u- to t win r about prailnn dial no it ls kood ikuii and uiat ht made hi cal fntm blnaitor sn ci iclitott riaitd hl training oi an obmtr wllh the air lout at kncrs manitoba and lt ytna twujc lau r triuufi rrliitf to moutnal lie fi rrud a bombt r over- as and ilncc unt ume ho txxn at dlfftnnl ikkut in ui ilrltuh iaioa luter in iceland and in tiouui wolfs ujxn hls return lo unutln on may zlrd a liv mttk tx lore tu cnt oktstili ttl crjcliton aiu municd ln toronto to margaret iitcpry l of ill cll our special coffee rlp or reuur grind lb 47c da vies easyspread cheese j pkg 20c mccormicks riain or halted jersey cream sodas i lb pkg 19c aiajix ixak ulnlillhh bacon uy the piece 25c k lb lelio pka maill ilar 1ultt ioilk sausages 16c ji lb cello pkg ivtluniton llrand hklnlot weiners lb 25c sum l tic kalmjhy the pjrcc cotugo roll lb 28c utts 1 1 maclilfie hllced boiled ham lb 59c httineldera hmokrd turk loin roll lb 45c average i n lb a e farnell phone 75 we deliver do you want to increase your present income we have an opening for two men with experience in selling government and other giltedged aecuritiea full or parttime employment salary and commia- aion to those who qualify particulars on request c r jenner co investment brokers victory building toronto imr mmmmmmm awaawawa parents receive letter postmarked singapore from sgt d crichton 5nsh laaltra pkrpesl ixreetor of the consumer bectlan departmrnt of agrlrullnrr eyes west notice to creditors and others a1x puuiosh tiamntf claims flrul ui ruu of uiltum unauter msntkk lau of uir ton of oijrhiton in thr coujit of llalton retired farmer formerly of the town- fvlirj of ljuil aorra in the county of ovfordi who did at uit buid town of oforyitown on thr twtntflrftt day of iuriur h2 are requiml to file proof of nim lui till canada imtmantnt tuu8t company 3fl iundas bir i woodstock onuirlo on or im fort tlu mfuenth da of april 1 042 fur uhkh dalt tlx kiutor will prorred to dlmribui the us talc having mand oul to uk t laliils of whirh it rjiall then hac hod not let uited at woodstock thls ninui da of march 1043 nesbrrr mckay nnd wllaley m tinkle strtel woodstock ont aollcltora for the executor pbyoff paiavef jrom a wa3nla fao one mora oprsog roca around as4 ooo mora th boy hang up tatr hockty ttiixit tad daeiate to tttt it a taaaori and a darned ood on aw that stem to m that thar j ta many paoplg ajotnd this town otta hix vt raalttad that lb ther altera vpo their toup rhimrfcwama thu yax cwatrainrtrthng boy it unl every wagr that th tttvi oaaia w o6orvetowa it haa barn a oan fought ccrla tca it took a 0ood team to elimlcal rmlra in oux tftr v ahtxivj bav takro part too but ww hdnl o w rent going to worry about tt 007 sxooday eight cure with oorv- town leading part of tb usi ws hearthrtmker but now that part haww put u oji of tb ran rung we aoaid lie to xe them go on to the tap of the hoc key udder tnt ha a fo organlxed tram and with fkotty liar un on their uneuj they thould go far wr hve been trying to pick out ft few ttar of the game but find ti lmokjhr to rlu one plaer a bet ter thaxi anouirr pur pari bcottj vtarun and lhrlr gole inr a utax juttlanding and wr trunk ttt tiarr on our tem tjiojjd har a tar iu un y arfe oit uirtr kuing uir fan a good ahow until thr final twll leo alrfi ttvr knt uierv watnt a chano in hl urld uh- buj a ul ut all thry had into the game and a ww orrhrard one iart apxlaior remark inr oecrietown team are damad aitd rwja uta ijis haa written th u raaiui o ujr puofl rr for hii r i fuid that 1 loo diuit t1t a liut chapter to 11a off palaer it un 1 r rithrr a not nrn tialf of ihr nl hip i mrant to arile ahcit oorttt loan tiotkry oub tue brrn arrun and i am no comin to ui conclusion uiat per hip utl lolcun jjiouid lie brtn atarted tirurr la uir temjn hut 1 certainly can t inuh the chapter unul i glie em tlompon a big liand for the hard work he ha put into hockey lhl year youtw top with u emi and e are be- tannin to think that your theme aong miiat hae been wr did tt before and r can do it again and here hop ing th wr have anouitr hoctoy team nest year to that we can do it orico more joe hall did a fine ob on monday nujit uj it aa rathn hard to be lli vr tjuii it u ont u mvond team of uie aeoaon ii was t urprtic far ii t ot ua to ltv ken trotter on monday rillit a wr thought he would im buiy 31 ihr itavlna but he certain 1 didn t hurt our ireling by tumltg up ln a oeorgrtown aweater and doing mil a kood job sure looked kood to tee uordoo uc laaat bock in form utfidn afur hi art bock with that krhurid hand and i liear by way of uic gtuprvlnr tem that the boy are amlou to comr bock again next ror and play for u wr hrti axo ticjird that uic hockey club mikhl put on cither a bingo or a dtnor to raiac fund if thla u rufltt uc aant to make a tpeclal aj- ihoj to ihr people in thla town ea- mdally lhooc who hac been behind uir club ou year to help put tbelf flort otr with hang how about it folk and to c write the flrtlah to our mo w iropo jou have enjoyed tt fltiid jvur nea item in carty t1k arc appreciated b our reader died macuonaljdon wednraday uarcti 35ui ut her home 00 parkway aw toronto uay tinuiry bekned wtf of a o macdonald tlu funeral u til be held from th home on saturday march 28th at pm btusskm fcgald the tnotit off bayfooal point of the oflunlff mtui itm thu hntfy look rttawt a utorwir ftiiltm urd 00 untj tha puma vtiaw rortftrwhwa ward new ubbwov to auadw taia wrlwaoni vtotopitibd ijtiomatkn om iilillt a ii ll iolkviint order ftrc in ihr ollrir lrw ilinlrlrt unlrn ntust be in by uo paa for after noon drllirn for ruitunirr in the park dilrlrt urdrra mnat b to by it 10 am for morning dellrery pastry flour w 73c large prunes 2 lb 25c jewel shortening lb 19c navy tissue 4 rolls 25c dread r issif lb 37c vegetables fresn spinach 2 lb ltte fbesh beets 2 bun 17c siiotust carrots 2 bun 17c fresh leaf lettuce bun be stores limited will t flakes 5 lb 23c rlusu dates 2 lb 10c iim beans lb 10c uk iimmlo coffee 3fti allmhlc catsup 2 btl 27c ascot 32 ox jal p jam 27c braeside butter ni fruits and fltesli oranges dor 10c labqk grapefruit 5 for 25c ripe bananas 2 lb 23c 8dnki8t lemons 3 for 10c dominion ylions m

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