the georgetown herald wrfaefchy mud 2s 1942 have you ver been on a hockey train or the last time i saw paris tt taaccitnouf t writ hit ctitriii cufe otttaf i cum a g4 sot when it plofcd up ij j mor nings mill on vecft v vert to tmtua in vjy lrut fcddrefitad to tb editor and lott no wm to nptrtf lu it turned out to be on of th wit tiest biu of noofcwu we hat rctd in ion u a in by a fin vtao mxdr th trip by apicixl train to th 0orgvtovcijls milch in oalt last ttiujut eight aecoaxpannnff u m a not plaining thst mce ha dtajt vllb the ptm and utdbrt tid tnci in a much mors pnxtical manner ekwbrr in your paper perturjs x can duptl tome of tne f loom tvy deauos 1u in actuation from a mora carafr anal we rot a food many uufna from our anonymous frtetid wt11tuz and t thin you hotkey uu alu p- prrdmu it too so hrrr goes wtll uj x wnt akin on that train dp to oalt th ouvrr nlfht to w th nocary run between oeorfrtovn and pan of court ew ryooa grt drrtsad up pretty anappy fw an affair 111 that ou know so x d4dd xd better dm in my bunds beat tar lb oooutaa ho i put on a shirt alth sra in it and nerythtnjr fancy iie tnat but x ran into dutlcujum wnrn x lrud to stuff my prilr into my kmvhjt boots so i just irft tbrm on the outud nrn tbougi it aatot rry tyluh itovrvrr whro x rot oer to the station and sw all in other popi all dourd up i didnt fwl 111 x va ahoaioar my clothe off si all allboufzi rvrryone did atae at mr on glil ikd bad the nrrr to uy ow look fellah tbat ruy la 10 run dovn at tne heels b ha to icn forward to atand up atralatit you kno xm very thrifty by nature but all the same i donl mind apendlns a dollar now and araln providing i bt alrty cta chanre trials why x persuaded the conductor to git nu fourthclass paattaue on th train trie railroad from oeorgetown to oalt a a composed of tmo parallel llnoa of rail with a hotel at each end x manarrd to tratrl er comfortably in ray compartment except ahrn it vent around curve and then the cattle crowded me pretty uabt of course 1 knew ho to handle mysflf ln tbeie for ie worked around animal before and if i do y o myself ie rulhcrad quit a fern horse scents the con ductor came in to set my ticket and aaid hmn i mru eau d oologn and x had to arce it iu quit an xau dr a abort ahlle later i decided to fo out among the paaentfera and a what tu roayr on thlnca aura larted to bapprn then a rumour vent round the train that there was a private detective on board vorklnff on one of thoae open and ahut caw x knew uu a true hocrr becauc x aa the guy aho caught him opening it a little farther along i tav a rather rue looking girl casually x cloaed my ey iter boy friend promptly cloecd my other one juat one moment then- buddy i caid txi cant get aaay with that and with that i flcxd my muclce drew back my fla then bang i lie waant auch a bad guy thougn ue helped to pick mc up and lay me out on one of the wau while i aaa- lylng there trying to take the dent out of my chtit home biff fat guy came aong and sat on my hat fortunately 1 bappenrd to be wtmrlng the hat at the time and this p re en tod it from being cruahed out of hapc xnaauy we arrived ln oalt since x waa a atrongtr ln this loan i decided it would be advuable to jiut follow the cremd 60 when the train stopped and everyone jumped off and rushed mud ly around the end and down the street i tu right at their heels hclorc x realibd it x found myu ln a larf room filid wltti peona s ut ta tally- whan a man airochd with a mop in on hand and a tray ln th other and amid pnutary whatll youw mora hater x knew x had taln tn wronjr direction bo back out onto th ttreet i nt and ambd aada toward th arena as x eased ax lb bright light of oalt i thought to mywlf ah this would bs th life to be ajblf to in in th city ahrr pop only aoffc ten hours a day and make taenty dollars a wetk boy x with x ttxbd be a t ukt that x r- x could too if x really tried after ail th way x figure au a ttuy dtcmu to et algcj in thka world 1 juu a ltue btt of puah nd qulla a bit of pull by now x had armed at the arena and atepping up to th wic ket i put m dim down was x embsrraied hn the man told m x had to pay thirtyfur cent however it could hate been ion for luckily x dldnt hatr a heir in my aock when x took off my aho to get th extra money well the game brgn at flru x wm snratly iroprvtud then dpreaid ahrn paru lrcrrd whrn lhy acored again my opinion a etpreaaed when thrv bcoird fumm i had to be aupprea- d iw arir we opprecaedl uer time an acorrd the jumped up and down on it feet rvaifxl iu appfotal when oeor fuiaily unored trtr crod jumped up and down on me the luna tram a ore uniform of good atout matrriai with the txttp lion of one pirr on the teat of hi panu wa prtntrd ltnk ito fvxlt company ithonr 373 trotter played an rartpionally good timr for oeorrrtowm ii got around ko fat he had laru thirjung h va tln alut and dont e wuh he had brrnt no fooling though he wa all otr the lc and in eery play always batulng one rather mournful larl fan remarked trotter trotter evrry- ahere but not a drop to drink dowman alio played hi uaual vigor ous game at on tiro in the gams he and two part plajen a ere scram bling cner the puck finally uowman aald oenuoman krntlrman let there ikot be any violence tc thajl aettle thl matter peacefully x u tou ou for the puck they cheerfully accepted oo uowman lotted them right into the fourth row centre a reprearntathe of ooodyear tire co ran oer to buy the victim for hi company lie tald anyone aho bounced ilk thry did muit auxely contain rubber near the end of the game the red light behind the net burned out due to over work and a drunk man with 1 1tnc red now had to be aubaulutad by holding a hat cner hi nose and removing it at the appropriate times the rune a a finuhed on the aho our iram played their uual fair mid aquare game and were alaaya willing to help the referee find hi while ran and dark glaaaas when ever he ku them for that matter the paris players acre polite too in a way very seldom did they hit a georgetown player over the hea 1 without firat kg him whrre he liked hii hair parted on the hide or a bulnch part down the middle a irorrfron fan near me kept up running commentary on the whole kjoir hoarier tome of the pari fan didnt appreciate hi comment and the lum ume i aw him he was just running x itot ln a rather heated argument mmlf with a fellow from paris final- he krew quite angry and said if ou don t beat it why xii kick you right m thcuhtheuhnght in the spare t ire well dad drat it i said and x ihoimtit no one uould ever tfuoas where i had hidden my spore xin watch our window for weekly ice oreau 8pbcoals and oonpeononert pineapple sundae 1 5c longs conlcclioncrycsrsn the a tre friday march 27 washington melodrama rank alorcan ann km tier ford kent taylor mexican spitfires baby lupc velei leon errol fox newa saturday march 28 the lady from cheyenne frontier comedy wllh lorettm yoniif robert freaton comedy x marks the spot cartoon the little theatre chapter 7 adventures of captain marvel haunce it s pjn toetday and wednesday march 31 and april 1 blossoms in the dust tmhnlcolor wllh ureer gaiton walter pidi comedy how to take a vacation novelty in the zoo the heck with experience i rtprtrtlsd tram toronto globe asd uail intermediates elumrttted in first flayoff series out of group park black hawfet too good for papcfaakcvs and fore thee out of hockey picture for 1m2 scot firtt game 10 4 second game 8 s cunw bwilmi fill u pro fcocarr m4 toroalo mi lrak ti u nprru4 to tear ut loafs la ifwu rafearor u raalar lao suaw ca ta lafi arr uui aa faaw aa a uao wrt havlnc aaot la first l aa4 d la lir uu nlgil im sew m stnarrw la frwirtl baetxey carrlr yesta lfti anywn th gmn ouas hip dy eiau treat tklaga frwaa hlaa la ut halarw gaaa ta ta- rwile bk was alas aa w 4 th tare atara ltocai 4k3rudom aaa keyd up to a hih pitrri a caorgahown intermads paixac into th firs round of the oka pls4own octette thctr grougx onlr to have ibtu hops suddecjy lathed to utter ousappntncatnt hn the fan hawks swooped down on them with all th vengeance of a w-u- lrairfl and highly perfoneing aqoad krtj xuo boardfd the thud hocslry special fcr oal rrna lat tburwity rught for tre fu t firtjje- in thl puh axd u aa not for lack cf topport that th fapermaker r fuited to take a 19 lrounrtng at the hand of fatu whrn a uy th llaak wr food e nrauy rrrmn lhy aer ttrflr per itfllifiif un oalt ate thursday night orrtainj lrfi no doubt a to ahlch i4un tu th battex and thrtr ellm- lfalic- un aa tru to tor riprcted rk tj end hn piar uankri thr 1 c in thr tirt iracie that it taremed tir tir tum icf piarr mjrgron ai ation pi of th lonal squad anr bixkm up ccfuiauntjy and our tar tyvtur urjjulkn and th uu ijoard uil ofdxrar ahrn ataca- td up airul thr iil un ol orut jjanm ij cjuuj wrilr r ca not eiptvt the htxkry wbiuri to etatrr to tjrh an abrupt efkd crtlit ir t tr glwn tc th utffl f a t rmtm a ouburomu- aiu- cajojjj no rad icr uu lite iptitijranf hjp id eavrrnt rriur- uitimrnl pjokldrd thtoukfojt tht tra loll lt tkanalay oaaa pan took no chance on hatn oorgiown prontd an inspired t for th icond gam in th pzayos tnt brs they wed out end plvsd tp k ccoaj anargm in thrtr fsor to tj firtt fim lau thnday ny utirig the game by a 10 soarw wiib th diop cf th park they kai no cor m runtrxg to 4 poaii in th tj rrtod imvong oaorgrtown secrw- ln ln the eiddir atanaa oorwe- town rrtaltsud aosrwhat and t in tao italt in th fin two mlatitsa of pay only to hair th hawks rome back with fojr mar to he tear st th end of th lrurr an o j the uam rv bvort or lias on ntn term ln uw flnl period and axii irfofrd tau making th acore at thr rid of the game iru 10 0org- t oecfgttoan in th u un tru lo tor tipneud i mrft lioar daxconr ituvman drhon4 cotrr i y in or ltaat ttotlrr alternalaa tacie f ijridaay uuonry luchardaon ward jru ooai l england nafenra a turt j uutcher cratr kamo wing oimit kurun allrmataa w itog- lajj j toru kisphorne khjtur- vh luywaid uahrr ltrlrr orovr llayra ingartcu i- xi now ae mere all ready for home of rourrr x rode in thr cattleear again i a a urd lo the cow thu ume though and the unell didnt bother ro a bit talkewlw they djrfh i reem to mind me either llomrer ahm the conductor aant lookirift i ijpprd out among the pauinrr ufaln xtatdoati bealde one old gmtcman who feemrd to be auffertn z fnm h ternble rough lfomcer he proed to he a very aue 1rraon for he had thought fully pro- tided htnurlf with a large bottle of rough medicine drpite the fact that he drank all hu medicine the couth hung right on in fact the poor fellow coughed o much that it quite owd up hi rtrcnih and ahen the train arrhrd in oergrtown he m too vmx to aand up alone and it re quired tao utronj mrn to carr hin from the train in concitimon i ould like to si that all charac tcr men t loncd abot aith the exception of the hockry play- era are purely fictional and any slmi lartly betseen perfton living or other- lm will be conl d red a pure flat tery by me tiiim anitiiat in sport dy o atac uoaunay its ratiixr hard to mnrt thr col imn uili week a it may be the lat for the season eelng ba how the intermediate ojijl entry haa been cllmlruud from the race toward an ontario championship we milst udmlt that the tudden crockup ol ihc lot il mxtcttc came oa u grcal surprise to tins corner ai ac had n informed our team bid fare to a lontf wiv in the pluydoaivt and ilutt tin parts hawk were not ruted as in their clav ho ever bcln nilsiniormed lt not homelhing new in pli nil pi cdiclioils und ue havi iiixl to our ixjrror tlut paris has a lirht rate tum tlicro ti littk- to arltc iiuout on lhl icrlcs as the crdlci wits o rjiort and decluc for tle lltulcs loolantr over the parl una up vv find that one of their wing obi tii unt hulu iiom midland and ls the big rcorlrur ace on uio team hls elforls in the iarlsiirt dover merles for uio group championship were outstanding and in the fourth inif of the jirries he scored 4 goals and ussuukt on the fifth in a game thut ended in a 5 to 3 score scotty martin u veunm indian on uic other wing is another outstanding player while easto at centre rounded out t forward line that will compare favor ably with the best it heems parts have lined up a team with players irom far and near and aa a result have won their group two years in nucccslon beforu mcetliiff oeorse town ln their teooud round paris eli minated ho orlnuhy team ecorlng 14 goals to 2 in the first game and arlmsby defaulted uie second while geo rue town stood little chance after the first affair with vatia they went on and played the second same man day night in order that paris mlffht reap a few gutc receipts thclr chanocs for a largo gate were how ever ftmall as they had run up too biff a lead on georgetown ln the pre vious game liast wixk we did not sot time to comment on tho e3niiraoo0rff- town aeries for the group cham pionship th series went to ftvv ffamos before oeorgetown finkliy em erged with the croup iwnors two yean ago oeorgetown won the croup when they mocked out xiraniptoo and went on into the first and swoond round or the playdowns eliminating luoxmow bepoya in the first round and belnflr eliminated ttaenuelvei by aunooe oupr oordcti dr lt pro goifrr t lkr- blew ooll club alwn not plsln hoc- ke h l irktn for tiiru jumny da- vidion alto it aith t oakvlue irin a ff rf6 bark a rteran at the gmmr u married and hat a daughur dude lindsay ho was tint hraid of in hockr cirrlt 1th jurph ulrnoftt iur lth ac tou jprrmkri thl rr aerr the rvr- giu ttiuikw rn r pfct- nut aiili mounc and titlr last wajn ijmlra and ouelph t oac tlie oac team ule they ped good hotkey did not term to hae the aconns punch atd a a re ult lu t all utrlr garnet and ended up in the cellar ivrfut had shout the mr quad si lait nr ith dkk cuiioll a coach but thru reimed to be rmr quibbling tn uir initr clrclea vt uie club and after a tmo- frame playoff uh fzmlra tin- cond puce uam th huru up their hkatr for the mt4t out th elmlra club wa one of uu- falrrat nd diiinct lot of iuck4 rs to pla on loml k- in lome rav they alma put on a real wideopen hocki game and during the group game and the uw play- cfl kamr tiree of mhlch mi prd on oalt lc i th lus lul u icood fokin wlul e chofiiikmn iiljied hie gioup ui iirm puce the umlra mm lortxd um plojoff mrti lo fue wumia and were no lor bthlnd the auirmr in the final frame th lo cal team returned the compliment und plaed a clean and exciting game in return and only the best of feel- injia uere hi id between the tmo clubs uith xumlra iolkj lr uieir uralse and koou uwiea oiler the lot and wtnn- uur tramc iwf heard ome players nninrk utter the rccond pari gam that they mum have oftened up a lot plnlng aith ijmlra and were not able to dig ln the pine he with a few good bodychecka and maybe there a as omethlnff in it tool always at the end of the heatoh this column dot a little back- tapping and horn- tooting and lsiha ahould uc kay a little public thank you to thocc who mode an- o her hockey uaon possible in one nf the bcit hockey toans in ontario although vc uere late in netting tht elub under aav this year thcase rr- spoiiiible nou ha a eiim- of pride u a joi well done tilth ls one year lhit ill the executive nl uie trcorge- tmwi hockey club plaed ihelr part inn way or anothei irtsul nt jim uichardm wive the club excellent leudtrrjilp and hls eiort uee backed up b a hirl woiltljik txtvuthc hits ars executive includtd norm hill secretary tiam walker treamirci ryiink pctch w o ikll jick arm- trimu walter itlchaidson and the writer one ol the hardest uorkertt on a hockey club ls uie team ninn- av r and km thompson has filled tht mlsltlon lor th pust number of yearn a a iopulur manaker with both uie player and public kcnrrnltv trie club lirus had none better lie hos khen eiutousl of bin- time in order that t he ft port in i public of oeorgetou n might be able to enjoy their favourite sport for another wuson while his efforts have a certain amonnj of per sonal gratification uic thanks of the public is justly due ern tltompson the 1iovs behind tho scenes should also rome ln for a little praise ike hulllvant the btlck carrier harv ltibty tho goal judge- and oord spenoe uie flrt aid man who was a faithful doctor to the team ln case of injuries and wc mtumt forget our subgoalie steamboat emmerson who while not in uniform was a handy man about tho hockey room and now a llttlo about uie players the past couple of years oeorge town has found it hard to ice a team duo to the war taking our home town boys overseas as a result we have had to look cleawhere for materi al this year we wesjfortunate ln securing a fine lot of playvs who play together on toronto mercantile teams and were able to commute together these included ken trotter soaring i ooo of the campbell soup team he is smalo girls rues bowmen people stalwart defeaoeman married with a family of two ruse is a native of the milton district just below us har old uooney former acton boy who is uul urklujlen whote put m that hi too la faru mre aril man a fine ru maker of know litt rxipt married oeorgetoan tlifed with tht im lru and thc rr no atrangrr now nuiru endrared thinutlv to the uivr mith thrir jnurt puylng and plraoig pertonaullr thr other hall of the team a a compomd of our own local boj ut k horr waler itlc- haroon xkingy ward jack krm- iwjc xrank drahurm drfk welch joe luu oorxlon mrmurch for icmc of th it ls mrhpa tlwlr lam 1mk- rcvmjn out the plied well und ha the rottwucuun of anothet lrouj championship to the oilier jick knilhul in partlculnr it may u id tu mil buotrr thin to all it meant a raon full of the finest huek the mere capable of produc ing and u bit hand from a thankful public it may be said they plaed tur the iovt of the game looking over th acorlng average for the entire aeaon it will be ctully men that ken ttoiut and i1u1 mc- mull n iud the locitl intermediate to u group champlonmilp aith 04 imtintv und io pouits nixctlvely jack kinwieud ranked fuuru in tht hon or roll with 26 point and led the home un bov in scoruip jwlnt a leal he hb duplicated the pait tao man llcrr a the compl lilc b und- ulk oamc plocd 1 ob a is pu tiouit m 20 12 64 mcmuil n u 11 13 50 vi- liat 11 10 4 2u ki mslkid 11 it 2c moonc 14 5 j 14 lindsay 13 3 4 14 kkhmlon lb 3 3 13 davidson 1j 1 4 10 wnnl 15 1 4 10 iuunuin a 1 3 8 dcuinirst 13 1 0 3 mcmiirchy 6 0 1 3 wilch 1 1 0 3 1111 2 0 1 2 orouped with married and naldai hi ut danau uv alo kt pi ji filrly accurate nc- rount of the irnalllcb ttiroutthoul the immni atul mibmlt uicm tu ouou to look al tlu mlntitcs sjhiit in the ihtiuliv bo it would mem that llnilu divulson uns the badman of the team nlth is minutes whllu dude llndmy and jack kemsliead inn a close rccond ltti 14 points penalty ln jimmy uavlilson dude lindsay jack kcmbhead ilimny wttrd harold mooncy kilv liou man ken trotter bui mcmullcn walter richardson dick welch frank dewhurst gordon de loot gordon mcmurcliy joe hall mlnutcfi ib 14 14 13 10 10 8 e o b 4 3 3 0 oames played this winteb including oronp game and ptayaff jan 13 aeorgelown 8 fergus t jan 15 georgetown 6 elmlra 3 jan 10 georgetown 6 ouelph o a o 3 jan 30 aeorgelown 4 fergus 4 feb 3 oeorgetown 4 fergus 3 feb 5 aoorgetown 6 fergus 4 fob 0 oeorgetown 5 elmlra 3 feb 10 elmlra 7 oeorgetown 0 fob 13 elmlra 6 oeorgetown 0 feb 33 ouelph defaulted gome to georgetown mar s oeorgetown s elmlra 1 mar elmlra 3 oeorget 0 mar 10 ooorfetown 6 elmlra s mar 13 elmlras oeorgetown 1 mar at oeorgetown elmlr i uar 10 aula la oeorgetown i uar 3s pari 8 oeorge b pduft i13uod puji tuu toranti lru orant uarunt j laru ku tlijutmr martini 4 pvi1 t ttru ivnattikjinaiunorth nowman nnxim itiuoo 1 cirotgtuin trotlrr lltc- xfullrnl 6 ofirvrteatl dr laat ttrottrrf 7rrl otaxil txlarunl a paru xurun 9 paru uhutllraorui kimpowmri u ivru knuixhomr hay artj lynjtk moonr llarun oram nmu rnuoo 11 oorvrtcan llncuay trotter i 13 parl grant tlurtln ij paru grant ilurun qutoi 14 ocrvrton trosler dau2jon p naltlri kesuhrao butcher 1141 14cb jl im 1u 1139 10 a lei 847 131 mamar mjfcr oaaa although beaten t 6 in lha aac- ond ifamr of the ojia playoff wtfa pru the oeorsttown intermodlalea took an uuptnrd and much improraff tum up to oalt on uonday tho fol low tnv oa no m lartrc only the truly dt dlnlheooi fan acre noticed xlnni the ldrtlna but thry weaa treated to two period of outstanding hkr ahlle in the third frame pan aent on a aforlng spree when the lo- rnls rdt the tak of overcoming a fivekoal lead too great they were then trading on the game 3 3 ocontrtoan acre short two of their rchunr puyent xfcmullen and bow man but joe hall very capably filled the breach on defence for his second came of the ear it aaa a different team that went out to meet the hank on monday night a torn out to kuv their bct vln or lose for oeorvetown i dont think ae ever sa oordle d laat aork so hard and reg hoare in the net was mar vellous to say the lcam ken trotter uho was upposed to be playing in to ronto wild hla mtvleea to oeorge ttntn came iltm and he as out there doing hi bet but believe me parts ls kood they hod to be they were and non uie round ib 0 stjkice dor not permit a detailed tlm riptlon of the play but alth a httlf unnklmitlon ou may draw a plc- ttrt ol the izaiue from thb summary first pf3uod 1 ccomctoan trotter 1334 parls martin 1334 penalties shulucworth a tortl ward kicond period 3 parts a tottl 35 4 georgetown trotter ui lantl 231 a- gettrihtoun ktmshead richardson ward 1534 pcnaltv dewhurst third it3llod g parls martin butcher 733 7 pails butcher a tortl 831 ft porls grant mnrtlnl 1009 0 pttrls cordlck 1031 10 georgetown de laat lllall ward ism 11 paris oram butcher 1831 13 pirls iiayward oordlck 1037 13 georgetown trotter dc laat 1047 penalties cordlck england oeorgetown aoal hoare defence mooncy lindsay centre davidson wings dc laat trotter alternate kcmshead richardson ward hall dewhurst paris goal l england defence a tortl butcher centre eosto wlnn grant martin alternates bhuttls- worth oordlck iiayward kempthorne w england j tortl refercehugb molean hamilton j cooke floor contractor noosunm udbmcbno tronoou oood