the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of publication wedneuby april lo 1942 5c a copy 200 a yea active service notes a recent gruduau of no wiif- 1jj school oulpo u jack smith ton of ur and un vernon smith of hamilton wriotx picture appeared lit a toronto nru rpaprr lost f j c u a gruulon of lxr u coffin ot georgetown hi mothrr bring thr fcx out ethel oomn of thu town urn ta uniform home uu wrlt in- cudrd our bustrt hale chatham lac leall curl butch oar bui ajidtrwon who recently olnm thr tncy end i iuuodm at camp dor hex a03 lawttoo beaumont trrn- ton pie ryans halt nrmaitut str broomhad oalt air training lac mil armiiront ttaiionrd in ottawa for the put month with the hoat has been transferred il aln and u now in vanoouirf dc mr end un t h uckluop of ttmmpton recrtied word uk that thru too njtof officer robert urk l of the floaf wu lyportrd vuutnc prior to hi eni4mnt la the rcaf in june imo robert ttc- kuiop evoted bis fethrr tn tne fur niture and uodmaklnf frblness dob went owruu in september iml 1q many friend tn qeoiwrtoan otn with hi family tn hoptny thai be landed safely ortmhir on thr continent a letter to hi family from ihe james oillntu tell of brother oerold wtoranj the faaihrrvtuht boxln fhampinrihln of the second division end enlrrtnff ow canadian oorpal final he melted a paid medal for hi boainj proweei pu otllerk had one tome boxing prior lo enlisting in th army in toronto and when he o at camp borden be won ft few trophlita but this u hi btayml eur os to dste and were all hoping he oopped the oorpa final a newsy lettt from pie clarence s winlicid rrteud but woe tell of meeting a german submarln- on the txip over and ripreatea his gratitude to those who har nt purcel he ti keeping abreaat of affair back home by reading thr llrrald and boa a good word to say for mor olb- bem and the council for refusing to lioenw mot machine in thr town hrre hu letter sunday march im im2 dear editor i un ahnimd of mywlf for not vnttng to you brfore tru to thank you for itending ma my home town paper you dont knom how much x look formurd to irrtung it to ec what ls going on in thr old horn town from tunc to ume it more than pleated me to read in one of your edition that the council had refused to llcctue iot machines in oeorge tovn thata the but thing that could hnpptn in any ton so mayor joe keep up the good ork betid et thanking you mr editor for ending me the herald i uh to thank through your paper all thor and the red crob and community clubb that hac acnt me paroeu and dgarctte clncc x have been over here you have iu idea ho- much i have appreciated them all dear rnenk and hop x uve to receive many more or if not to we thl ar oer soon and then there ont have to be parcel ftent to ua boys over here i had a very nice trip coming cner and i think the most of the boa en- joyed the trip we had no excitement to apeak of only aw one german aub and that waa made short orfc of x was ittnng looking over the rail just at noon one day whe it shot up out of the water not more than tuo hundred feet from the aide of the boat where i stood but it appeared to be a much aurprued as we were for it no sooner broke the surface than it made for down under again i had no idea that such a large boat could make a complete circle to fast as our did pull speed ahead and boy did the ever go around you would ot worn she wo going to roll over on her tide and of course i wo on the low aide when it made the turn at that moment to try to eras the deck would have been like trying to walk up ft steep roof th sea was very calm all the way acroa i have seeu much rougher water between toronto and the inland x only mlsed one meal all the way acroa and that was one day i went to sleep after break- rait and dldnt wake up till otter din neu was over the salt air sure give one an appetite i have had several very nloe leave since i came tuen eight month ago x have been to frfmirw twice to have ft look around the city and the old town dont look so bad for alt my three long leave two of seven and one or nine dayo i spent in different parte of the north of england bow a lot of nloe coun try and place and was used swell by everyone x met and every plane x stayed bo to all those x know and to all that have thought of me so kindly by sendlnff cigarettes and parcels to me since i have left the old home loncl x again say many thanks and ft happy cheerio and all the best for the good work youre all doing hoping well all meet again soon x remain yours sincerely oliajtence 8 wdipxsxj bmftw pte clarence a winfleld 1st canadian amy tank xsde ooy oiidlan army overseas a utter from pi n j wylie ex- xveatas hla thanks for your very wel come atutioa of the herald vhlclb i have been receiving regularly for lome time noa the arrival of thr pper is rjtfcrl looked forward to and thor- ouihiv rrd and i can juuir you tt u thr rruon for the pvixuit pa- itisl ot nuny an otherwise tecuou hour pu- jerry watson echoea ihre mntunrnu in another of his entertain ing liltrf dated january 31ft we rnd everything including the ad he uy and you have no idea how the ad spprll to u knowing that you cjux boy all thoe thing without a ra tion card we had a very nice chrtttma here in tht camp we had turkey and ohruuna pudding and were uried by thr otnrvrt and it tu tun good all the bo are fine and putting mi weight by the look ot them in cluding myself so you can judge from that we are being used good i had a letter from wheldon em- menon saying that he arrived home afe end auo read it tn the turald we ure mis him a he wo full of fun we had pilot officer jim xan tn to vce u lait week it aure look fine he wo on hi leve x gar him a few of the boy eddm ua hr could get in tojch with them we have a padre here that you ahould know capt brook lie med lo be in norvol lie came tn here chruunaa eve and 1 tee him nearly every day howr u everything going along the main street remember me to dick aiid ten duke burrows joe olbbon hill urn and all the uon etc cpt drookv wa rector ot norvol bfwarttown and hornby church of tjigland and when he woa moved to winona he wa succeeded her by krv s k cc4ctjrook id many trlendv in uila dujict ul be happy to know that he i safely oversea and in touch with nun of the men with ahorn he trained in the lome scou prior to moblltmuom our nurd tetrr thw k u from our morlry vnfry who reporta things prrtty quiet in cnund at the in snt and hope it tuy that a ay lor a uhlle anww he had had a iiitr from hb brother rilvu who iii brtn ovrrtea for some tlmr and to eeitinu in touch ith him a foon hr could contlnulntt uv letter cinr vurr sa i hope mn it marchmcnt b feeling better than hr liav been the past few months 1 uuh her all the lurk in uie world ind hope to re her in better htallh brlorr ions 1 am sorry to ay i havrnt been receiving all mv parcela but i have a lot better luck in recelv- n my irtterft we have pretty good orcu to lrep on in enund but cant rxiirct the very best in the army i ket along with the boa pretty well in engljid and the iiglbh soldier are vrr mxiable to the canadians nrtas i tro to all the dance ano hup a very good time at them all wo have to dancet a week in our ramp thursdays and saturday wr have a pretty good crowd at all our dance i had a 21c package of dntlsh oonol- donated to me by mrs emily marshall 300 jamleaon ave toronto ont canada i wa very glad to get the cigarette and wrote her a letter and thanked her for sending them to me acton man dies father of 6wietovsi residents charts d iftlswre pwsaea at acts n haar after lewgtwy tumesa following an lllmw of iveral month charus 1jiu 1 huuih died at his ittr r mi nor in alton on saturday lurch 3ut in hv kixt third ear bom in waltall ungland tlr llolmti wrnt to acon thirtyfour rar uo kxcih tor three eora n vuncouvrr he hid tince pent th trl of hi life in thr neighbouring town where hr took a keen interest in jiort and community affair tlir mrvke held at the johnstone a rumley funeral home on monday attemoon with rev k a brook of ht albany church of england offi ciating wo attended by a large num ber of relative and friend surviv ing to mourn hi loss are hi wife formerly rtarrno orwrn of waisall tmgland five daughter ur john klngahott and urw william tuck of oeorgwtown ura pred vincent owen hound ur roy uccvrtney vancou ver island and anne acton and free bora david charle oeorge and dob of acton and prank with the oana- dun army oversea horse blytii weds paris grt uttssbirdiy clr 1u tin ib ciwrfvb hodje wilton esquesinj native dies at ay inter kmal bumnnal b month fr wuon family a wellknown and htahlyreftpected cituen or aylxncr hodsc wtlon paia- away peacefully at hla home in that town on acarch nth atr belns in 111 health tor tome tune he waa a son ot the late john and hannah wilson eaqueolna township ploneert and a native ot ilorohy dlatrtet whan he tanned auooaufully until hi re tirement to aylmer he t survived by hla wife and one daughter adrah three aliura mra john buuell of toronto ura robert fox of milton and mrs thomas ft- her of the 6th une csquaunj and two brothers henry ot ashgrove and john of aylmer this waa th sec ond bereavement tn a month for the wilson family another brother ar thur apenoer wilson of oeorfetmm having passed away on february 4th f he eotjetown herald british wir vktw fund forwarded to toronto evening telegram usosji cash on hand oknow- ledged 3mjk proceeds of draw on oomf orter donated hy mrs w spenoe mm bmployom of meadowglen orower proceeds of dfww on bv4 lb rooster 800 a a no 4 regwimng oommunity euohre march vttb lojo total april t ima ammju tie home of lis and mrs clarenesi n ronald 4 homestead road pwru itruted with spring flomrrs and tern v tlte etttng for a wedding ot mueii tluiui at 4 o clock haturdav afurnoon ultro their eldrat daughter mil anne mary rorald wa united in marruge o mr horace blyth e of mr and mn robert blyth olrn wllumm krv r m oelget da minister of b paul united church part of ficiated and mm max bell jersey ville played the wedding music given in marriage by her father the rldc cntcnd the room to uw tralru of th bridal choiu from ijohcn- iinn fur wore a floor length gown of hite chiffcn ovi r taffeta fafhiond will fited livlinc and lonri full trv her fnarrtjp vcu of uk net ft irom a halo hradirn and slie ciilrd u twmiq ict of rvmrtlcan beauty rives and frn her onl ornament wrta a prrtv vjold locket miv ivs flonald wua hrr luatefs brtdrmald mured in a floorlength uown of heavn blue hlfton over taf- 1tn with a bandeau oi whlu carna- tiona and frnu in her hair she olo ore a nold locket the gift of the bride and rjm ind carried a bou- puel oi pink rcwi and fem mr puvld oiuiion toronto aha trtoonvmun ain during the iimlni of the revtster mr mix bell jttyulr uvnii o perfect trfive follwlnn the cinmotiy a reception held a ahich uw truest were receive b t brldes moth r attlnd in i gown of mi fotim blue crepe with black accvtkorlrs utul corsiige of pink amations a v- 1a ted by the groom mother wearing a poudn blue cret wm with ronusge of rose carnation and fern a threetiered wedding cake sur rounded by tulle and fern and flanked by tnk tapers centred the bride table which wa also decorated wuh plnkc and wliltc atrejunejra ctsuv wvre present from toronto hamilton dundaa brant ford jeraeyvule cope- town rock ton olcn william ocorge- town harrtsburs and strabanc the bridal couple left later on a honeymoon trip to points went the bride travelling in a turquolae blue crepe ensemble with navy blue oocea- vonw on their return mr and mrs blth will realde at georgetown cuuty setteix erpert may come and experts may go but the old observer keeps roliln right along every weekday at omk pin fiyt over obv the wise guys and the ones who want to know more about the world of sport comprise the smlurnne for the homey comments of this vet eran spoilsman the ieorsetown herald sobhm comf ou fund porwarded to clcorgetown soldiers oomforts committee owm osah on hand anknow- ledged t4w oeorcetown laoni club maroh donation 10joo total april 1st ima ftlftm lesion annual meeting last thursday i red mccartney head branch tzw far ajsatkrr terns trie annual mrtijna of brunch 120 can ijj u1oii ua held uit thurs day rvriijig march 2tth in the l uion room pted mecaruiey wa it- rected president to guide the deatln- u of the branch for another ewr trw complete slate of cmcers elected or cou- honorary prrvodenu capt sutherland imat president col o b 8 m tlx iittadrnt pted mccartney 1st vicepreeldenuor r bear month nd vlcpec ident ti p chapman hecreury if harlow treajuierf p blackburn canteen chairman p oumer izitertalnrarnt chairman it mutr trajuportauon and publicity b croat property ctialnnnwullm roney seriirantatartn p clark standard bearera 11 walklns and c davis chaplain rev woo t1ompoo auditor w v grant and col o o brown hmw j amott early home prom overseas j arnott buly arrtwod ta oeotfexowti lost friday retumlng from awftaw fter two years ocure ervlce cverea with the canadian army major daily waa among the first men from town to rnlut when war broke out in ivx he eruuted in wmmpeg aith the ptlncef patricia canadian uglit inxantrj and went tmiu m uectmbrr 19j9 holding at that time the rank of lieutenant bub- quently he recrlved hk captaincy and was later promoted to maor u n viable recird wtiicli btura proof of he ability he in- sjiomn in uiilitory life mavjor carl leaver for winnipeg next irlt vahrre he will ftprrid the next udt month a an uy true lot after tlii- he i xjmia to rejoin hi lettinitnt owim meunvahue lie la thoroughly nk nu hu homecoming uith mnv early the former margaret utumtn rul their three children bob ik it a id and jam- bob who u a stu- oiin at oxjrvtloi lluti hchoul ha ixcn tralninff atth the local company of the lorne tkvts luarve and ha ijiplifd to enter the olllctrh training course at brockvllle this summer richmond woollen mills lucky draw for st john ambulance assoc the weather i by h la hutt tie month of march brlt a com uuiatlon ot minter utvd prtntr i us ually thr mail variable rnonui of the ur and 1- often cliaracterurd by biioaixli and bleak wind on the tttvolr ihi tar it nav mild and gentle the mean tempemture for the month wa 333 j uit 7 degrees above nor mal ttu- know fall waa only 4 inches being 6 inches uj than normal now that wr re into april we feej mrr that spring u really here and every day or ro ntrw bircu srrlve on their xprtng mlgruton poi lowing are the local record for oir pot week lste ii and u prtclpt- tvmp tatlon tues mar 25 wed mar 4s 23 thup mar 46 36 prl mar 77 m 77 hat mar 31 45 30 r snow bun uar 30 36 il zf rain uon uar 30 43 tues uar 31 44 m mihhion band rjistcr mect1no die ittit mlsmon band of the united church held their baxter 17 uik offering on monday afternoon ni the hundjy school room the iinitnia a- oh1h1 with the call to uonthtp by the president jum- cotell mul th lnui cttrist the lord v uimii 1k1a an impnwlve -or- hlp niivltv followid wiui the mem- ihts itrniiited about t beautifully de- contud rorv s a wonshtp centre the en ire conslsied of scripture reading tikei torn at ma the a itotpcl the ifutl chapter memory vers- prayer and nymn jemts kei me near the ctwas tlie pnmilent then ueloomed the ladles ot the auxiliary mul other friends whe by their presence en- cournked botli member and leaaer of the band trie temperance vecrctary jean col- man uvlsted by jane milne and lor raine em merlon gave a hot temper ance lfvon and prayer and a horu by the band smile and be cheery oa enjoyed a chinese klt deplet ing the importance of etiquette tn the life ot the chinese- people wa direct ed by mr graham parncu and vi ed by the following members in cos tume ann crabtree joan buck and uhlruy dabble a piano olo by jim buck wo a plcaaing number mr clarence buck presented lan tern mide of the life of a chinese boy who through the continued in terest of missionaries and by hxs bright smile and beautiful character had become a great influence for good in hl native land a generou thankoffering waa re ceived and the meeting cloned with the benediction i w mcuntock hfyjuui at junior red crotis mottno on prl day afternoon march 37th the junior red croa of the public hhooi held a meeting in the assemb ly llall violet barnes the vlot-preal- dent wo in charge of the meeting- the pragram opened with the no tional anthem after which a brief bulneju meeting wa conducted by the vice president the treasurer betty hunter repotted receipts lor the year amounting to 910 ewprodlturea of iv4 00 leaving a balance of 37 0 the circulation manager jack king iiportrd that up to date the pupils had broorht in about 1 ton of papet und mo pounds of wrrop metal tow- rd the third load of halmr he re quested that the pupils do their best to complete the load by easter the balance of the program consisted of nqiik by the school a dance by the mnlor glru a recitation by a group from grade v soloa duet and double i no by prospective music fretlval tonlestanta and u talk by ixi o w mcuniock the trravurer of the benl or rxl ctots society in hit talk on the variooj porm of money he t racial btleny the hwory of money ts vailoua tomu and development irom the time of bartering up to the pit fnt he also complimented the pupils on the nucceftis of their loclety at hm- cioac of the meeting doreen mulholland on behalf of the senior tlrts presented mrs p b coffin vice- president of the senior red croiva uiui an ufbthan which thry had made fltinnn the winter term ul glvea u geergeteem brfgosa rram kale ef tuuu oa bualts4 a clieque for 1460 ha been pre- ienled to uj t ortcve lady dm kional superintendent of the bt jotsl ambulance association by ura dean nr atockley sreretary of the rlcrimond woollen mlui this reptttznted pro ceeds of a recent lucky draw on blanket donated by the nujugeenstti of t- local lnduary the draw was made last saturday night at the lrgion bingo and the winning ucfcat no 311 wa held by j wilson r- r t campbeuvule rive hundred tlckste acre printed for the draw and these rre bold 100 per cent and the apon- bora of the draw were sorry they had not had more ticket printed as u j frit that more than this could haw been told ura plorenoe rogers w0bs a motor rug for topping the tick sellers with ten book sold the membrra of the local 8c john ambulance brigade are moat appreci ative of this effort tn their behalf and extend their sincere thanks tw thobr who conducted the draw red cross news wbal if r hava to do vilbout a luxury or tvo what if c csjuvrt t lh lhln weve bttn aocuawwikl lu wliat if a sacnric l uim to turuwr kwry wt still abwdanct oi sood uuna uwlnriunl oi or thr i dominion store manager weds brampton girl a quiet wedding waa solemnized on niursdav march 19th at dixie when harold burrows son of ur and mrs fred burrows of brampton and wrilfred clark dauiihtrr of mr and mn bam clark of orangcvtur were united in marriage rev c o oke lerformed ihe ceremony the bride uoa charming in a blue ensemble with conwagc of red carnation mr burrow s is manager of the do miion store in georgetown and hi bride is also well known here having been associated with the vogue halr- dierng when a branch wa opened here lant year heuitm rakk plant to untvkasrrv coe theyre telling this story about e young woman from the cut with two college degrees who stopped in amarulo texas for the first time what ls there ot interest tn am arlllo she asked the hotel clerk well he replied we have the only helium plant in the world really she remarked t tt in bloom nowf c company lome scots recruiting for activ service ana haala ted battauan ui term part at dmstanal prataeiln unit oral anaswiaa haaiffir- tan far baoalttat announcement waa made today by lieut 1l c moolure officer oom- mandln o oomoany lavne boota ireurv that the roglment had been authorlsftd to recruit a aeoond batta lion or active service with a divisional protective unit major u h bertram brunpton will command the ind bat talion wwch will to made up ot re cruits from peel dufferln and helton oounuas o company is loounc for num ber ot recruits and a nerttuln eta- is stationed at company beadauartam in the aeorfetovn armourial whlob 111 be open all day and in the aen luc informauon may alas be ob tained by phoning number l oak rvank shannon and cm o davie have come from damp boroen to aietat ib reerultlnj and will be here for the next few weeks tor this purpose the new battalion will retain us identity as lome boots the rorjmertt la one ot the beat known in the can adian army and man from the lome soots will be found wherever member of the canadian army are stationed at the same time the and batta lion reserve are looldnt for num ber of recruits aged to b0 for de fence eerrtee in canada and anyone interested u urged to cet in touch with local headquarters oohino boo pf tfl oommunlty war oeoweoownt rtorjhy raymond arthur iwrmf l- nrsodrrom lucuiane utcaama watch for a 8ewdjo the ie1n executive wi lo thank all thaw ho helped complete our lut quota we are now torklng on a new quota which we hope to complete by the end of may lets all pull lourthtr carry on curry on let ui all do our share and ivfuir work of the executive knttttno as you no doubt are awnre the dominion oovrmmrat are taking over 11 vool produced in can ada in 1m3 and for uie duration of uw u and for one tar thereafter ooiuequrntly ve are not rettlns any allotment from headquarters until thr complete their readjustments we hne purchased about thirty fire pounds of wheeling to keep our sock knitters txvy and will try and aee that our service knlttinjr does not milfcr during this period of readjust ment hospital we are deltvertnf to g21 jiirvls st toronto this week im abdominal bandases these bandaewa represent considerable vork as they are quite complicated ionise red cross their majesties king oeorre and queen elisabeth vho are patron of the canadian red cross society have oractously given their kind permission for her royal highness prunes elisabeth to become patroness of th canadian junior red cross the oeonretown branch or the junior ret oross report that they have received ta 00 for papers and o300 for scrap metal which they have collected blood deoers prom a veteran of the last war we cant all march off to the war we cant all fly planes or serve on battleships or tanks but there is a lob tor everyone and we must each do what we can blood giving is such a dmpt and yet such a priceless contribution tcward victory toronto branch os wellmley st a new clinic has been opened at 123 afcrae drive leande which wilt be open tuesdays and fridays and has been staffed by a fully quallfm group ot men and women who have donated their services included are ii doctors m nurses u technical workers a refreshment staff of 11 and administrative staf f of 4 the reason there are so few ollnaga is because the cost ot equipment i a great it 1 estimated that about 1 will be needed tor the new clinic at the kitchener and waterloo hoanrtal boo from the kitchener red arose and a rant of at least moo from th ontario division rferttng aulllary during the next year throochoua the province ot ontario a minimum of 13000 women should be mnhlllem to take their pisces in the nursing an reserve nursing auxiliary toronto detachment oanaihin red onae corns urgently needs more nerutte new oourae will be inaugurated im mediately after easter quallhoauon for ambulance certificates junior matriculation and the age limit bee- ween 11 and 40 this advanced train ing is to prepare ajvueant to aerr aa nurses aides cvajjw in hojrjuaja already many members ot the nurakab auxiliary are on duty in christie 8 hospital with anticipation ot further calls for duty a personal interview at necessary at so bloor bt bast you motf nm help make our botdel oohsnti ft tensions by rrtak ua the namet of your rlattor and telllnt us wtun you nave been away on a ylet