Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wcdnearlay aiftil lit 1942 farm seeds timothy sweet clover fancy seed oats hybrid corn various varieties all above seeds grape nqj wm couse son streetsville ont pbooa 18w did vou mm andt cuuuct au wt to ultra to uk lieltfcborty tfews braadcatt last sunday mernfew w were rather disappointed when tuning in at us inoittwnwl hour of to o clock to find no poena th air it aecms andy had a lot of oomplatoti about the early hour of th program v he derided to chine th time the program u now broadcau from 10 06 to 10 sunday mommga pain and dcatu of warb viottus curbb with icc read in the american weekly with this sundaya april 5 usu of the detroit sunday time bow the numbing by cold hu proved a lalltfactory as anesthetic drug and more to in experiment to remove the lhock of major surgery especially u the field oe mire to get the detroit sunday tune thi acek and every int imkovto unirorm internatiomal sunday i chool lesson e rbssli otthitfj wurmvtr ttfiw pari ana lcttoa for april s cujt tms cmtuft ust ss m kwtlim try lufliwiil iuizswut kbta uw4 w chaust and live aftcb deatbteasylib lcatou mriart u hu i om- carrolls festval bacon prunes pears cocoa cavroffa sliced side som to a pawl aylmer bartlett carrolls bulk luuo tin pound 14 aylawar cwt sieve 3 peas x st sfe rocnj golden syrup zrbtia9c ckruliet praaaiaa sodas ur t9 suuik lcll rab creams 190 carian aml faaj cake xoe chrutu h crm bans 6 isc s5c aflm peas i- lhur wufcy- laverena cuaa aavd pa boaaral t- hmmi cuumt snap ii- hn foe fuar wax ase have pollaltao a oil ife 13 9 x7c 16c 45c castas eatr catarac dry ginger ale smarts pie pumpkin quick cooking cereal quaker oats pure clover e eyfeivt sweeten wia 2tv mmmm2s m honey sava sowar tin a fcr xi 3a tia la pit- ns tomato catsup itl lac qaakar carsal puffed wheat a ise atli foe coaiatl masks 11000 a day far is day i old dutch xs3e loc try tku aa bat for vegetable saladr davis gelatine 8eip pk xqc krfl vleta cheese m sic jpu aoe clarks soups szo makes clothes whiter without bleaching super suds concerted- a za have you a cold kleenex s- v 29 mir x5 toilet soap made from pure olive and palm oils palmoli ve r 4 x5 sandwrieh spread whip jeuy powders hlho puddings salad dressing blackberries ayir allsorts mecaraalalr caaa vrabb iwsml mixes candy kernel cera avuub coldih in aaime lie pitta lie i3e jar 3c ioc v toe v ioc iraic a hohtn wn x5o cri5cd 65 aylaue cbolca tomatow ase carroha daadea cehe sae sweet juicv oranges 29c33c39c 8bkdlbbs crapefruit 5 for 25c nsw owls cabbage 2 lb oe pbesii bite tomatoes lb 19c celery hearts 2 bdla 25e head lettuce ea 8c we man k ritu to bam iiiihn u ataaj har raaaiaaaaia nutt and vegetable puces good tux saturday mght onlvf il phone 357 free delivery main st georgetown colcem textbst thuka fee u ced ej ftoi a lb trtrtary tkrouft w lsrtf jteas ovux i omluium u rr v for victory i dy that sign hav many proplea tndicatrd thetr corv ftdrnce ln a victory to com it ia veli to have victorious outlook but it is even brttrr to be able to took back to victory already at tained that is juftt what we ere sble to do as we consider mans ftrst and final enrmy drain that victory has bren won on brhalf of su who txllrve by the risen christ oi whom ue think in a special way on this eattrr day lie is thr lord uf the living not of the dead those who even though ihey may have left this world have snly isd ade the corruptible body for the uncorruptible thry are vic torious evrn os we are over death i urtar ne4 dead mark 12 24- h the sadducees a rationalistic sect of christs doy drnird the resur rection and so thry were much dutrrsmd by his plain teaching of that truth they therefore devised an intricate hypothetical case see mark 12 1623 ond sought to set a trap for him dut they only caught themselves for he pointed out to thrm ond to the people that what was wrung with them was that they did not understand the scriptures nur the power of god that ts precisely what is wrong w ith un niodt rnists of our duy thty muinurprit god s word and thty deny his power then j bus turned to tht m and in pluce of their funuihtic suppos ing story hi spoke of three rtal characters from the books of mows which they taught hi said thut god btill colls himrlf the god of abraham iauc und jacob bccuue though they hud long tx i n in their gravis they uirc btiil alive gods itkmbhip with his piople is not mtnly for thi bruf lifi tspun of this cartlt but for i irmly that foct of course carries with it the truth of the resurrection ii incorruptiblr not corruptible i cor 15 50 it man knovvb thut his earthly body is markidefor drcuy and d ath thut fuel is written in its very members he ulio ki oab that such a body would be entirely inappropriate for heaven for eternity u he then burrid from god s ettinal kingdom no indeed for tht re is to be a glorious thiinke the corruptible bhull put on incorruptibility whether we shall tarry until je- buh tonics and be transformed with out dying or whether wc shall await ili coming for a time among those who sic i p there will come that trumpet bound and in the twinkling of un eye wi shall be clothed upon with incorruptible bodies like unto his gtonoub resurrection body phil 3 21 there wi have an asburunce of victory already won on our be- hulf which run and does strengthen our souls against tht trials and tor rims of lift iii victorious not defeated i cur 15 55 5h whin nil hi n ullt r n loni struggle nniilh hid christ s body in id uwiy in the tomb lu thought hi had tht viitr hut just then umu his rtut hour of dt ft it up from tin ktiv he arost with u mighty triumph oer his fois dmtli t uuld not hold its prey for it sought to hold oiu htrnnner than itsilf tin lord of life him be if he hud broken the bond of bin by his sacrifice on culvnry und aince it was bin the violation of the law which brought death in the drat place gen 2 17 3 1719 there wab now u complete victory over both sin und death the one who knows christ need no longer fear death for him it is notn leap into the dark or go ing as u trembling wayfarer into on unknown land president john quincy dums was right when aged and frail he replied to a question ub to his welfare quite well thank you the house in which i live ia tottering and trembling and i may soon have to move out but i am quite well he was ready for the departure into a better land and a better body such a hope haa a splendid practi cal application which paul atreasea in verse 58 with victorious assur ance the believer stands steadfast and unmovable at the center of life whllo always abounding in the joys and duties which come at its cir cumference like the wheel which can be useful only aa its center is established and steady so man can serve the lord and njey a satisfy- faig lite only as ha haa the stead fastness of which paul here speaks w trust that- it is your poeaes- atoh by faith in christ if not make it so on this resurrection bos dayl timely topics for women ly larbr the l o d e adoftzd schools ipt ou familiar with th ijjrjdid war work of th usrneraj publc ksoms uaj of the help given the chsrrtsputr h j fjnary alma of the i o d e ever tlace tta tuaeuoa ha been th education of children and the tnumin in them of th ida ot patrtotlj in lu hlchrat aenae one of uitewjrt method eawtovlta thto end h been the adopton of athoola in uouted tmatrwat za ontario thla wo lint began in im when i o d htnnuwn pxraented to need j mhoou in eparerljaetued paru of the provtooa olsaa inat time the aotk ha groaxi enormoualy and today ml clemcnurs mhool are being helped w to dopt a lehool a primary chapter mil make an inltlaj hit of at jeui 110 00 in addiuwi the chapter miut be prepared to five wtno whateter ritra help the arhool may need freqjantjii and aide variety of equipment have too imard jioro the order tuonpuou to tehool mf- picturea to brltstaa drab all pejicu iliaipenerr eouipment for cporu and samea nuleru tor ewin and knittuir ainderirrten aupplire firet aid kite man clobat bulha and uiu lor ithool ardent and in a few caxe wto and fch3- trl indeed iane uhoob have been fortunate enough to reoera rrama- loiatin a1h rrcordt udk otvam or piano gnu of benefit to th wbola irtlement time olun ue arhoolhoui l the only centre of ccanmunlt nir and uutl lor uuulay vhool ronteru and loeiala aa well aa education l the younir 1 mould like lo tell cu about une ol theae lonely uule aoboota txjiu oi uitm air ui tho1 tow the tlte of once floumhinf lumtxrlna nd mining nu tut no thr grae ol lost hope with mrnea deacrtadl uiki mill alenl imjinr hoenr and tchool rondltlcru for uxae left behind in turti uare on thr cithi r hrl hjiu ol the adopted urhoou are tn brand nav boom tcaiy ahrrr a muung yndlcate haa uina a ahaft or a wr imu luu ueiun cpwatlon vvoiaer pour in and in no urn a town of ur- llr nhuck ha sprung u chlldien mem lo appear from nowhere tn lxiliirlmem of tilucalion a grant lor a new khool lo be erected but nmn rtnu ale neednl and hrrr lilt 1 o d c tlepa ln lciu inuirmumi is u little school ln a new barktolheland lit mini htr life u u primitive as in the day of our grandparenta sr mrfiuv our nmut htandjkenls dyt ihe people all angio6aaona haa couraf and opumlas they provided everything for their achool ihimsehrt lrr uho ir ihe loto the building cupboard alovra out oil tlnimsi rverjihing ticepttng ihe blacaboard wlnttoai draka and ot toune the teachtr the govrmmtnl provided thrxe other very netdy schools ate in farming district ln northera ontario ahlch ain once milled but ahlcli are no all but evacuated few t4iue ihr dillkultlts met ah pioved too great a a a x a i aali 1 hud span to ttu ou ol othrr school in ihe north country ul hit little krrithctwedian schoolr ol the indian ichoou the ftfolavlb elickij jim the many school it muid nuonalitlre one rural bthool rrtkirtv an trunlmini ul ielve pupil ith eleven dllferent nauonahjta riu enud tkortt of such school are in urgent need of outalde help x a a a a flit lo iii tli nk that btrnu thi e children are poor there la dx mfirlimnl li ln i mikbi lift their utiiures jire simple the school fair ihe sciickj nittrl u lulimas timt irom their chapter bul tnjotntnt ts n lt rtal beulle of thut much depends on the leacfler it is jit io m ut- ut hid muti oui ti irlrli and women are gtvttaj im il nihil ltnltrlin i tl t e utlylng d irlct at greut aaxrtftce tt ilwnist im i x x x x x d i do no pin ihe e thiortn uo much ttic mi need our help hut uhv urt alr a irs telirn nl northern children compare fiiotirubv in ix r tl behaviour htalth lntelllgrnce integrity and nchlevemt nt ami diut of ii crorwect on of older ontario the 1 od a l to ht iinjrutiililtf1 in its share in making this passable ion ol ii tc rap book u m m i i nil we te th i tr 11 1 liuiruin pun nolhlnt i aorlh tht making if ll tot not make u man witt h nlil hit it t cloroiu it nun unbiilltled ot s in vim ut bind tht world ul ltse tl t b illdt i i so trow no or know om rooo facts how at i urt oa ip tn our vitamins con you count calorieef is votir funulv ftl bilnritttl mtil litre is a food quu mhlch w1u ahov ou how cm rati ut u u it worker on the homr front tsec an ana at erifj of tolumn 1 wlinl un lit ircuctnt foods 2 llnw much milk should n child hvve every dav 3 what portion ol inch dollar should o lor milk meat prull and vrvrtftbliv rtriad irid cfnitls 4 which is thi bttttr soiree of vitamin c canned tomttoe or ornnsc julct is krk liver us no irlsliu t as calvts liver g nnlnt two lootls hlih in vitamin a 7 how cin ou iie tht w rtr in which vcsetnble are cooked fl whit is tht minimum numbi r of cnlorlesi needed ln a reducing till l to provltlt tht tsse nllnl protective food f is tht xixruivi reel salmon more nutritious than the cheaper pink varlt t 0 eihoold vt n ililts to bt cooktcl be statrttd off in cold water or boihnr wattr till iiook ol till ultk ihui lloilftions oxfoiii ut n jjaii by fatth balidwuf itnlli i i i nil itlv i i 1 tlth llil lu in s mo 1 tut n i lit fitsluoniibli ml nil iii i itohhlt illmi oki i mi ii nd i iviiv soul tl the keynote of iiiiil hint hullcms tli stttlngol whlchtl mil 11 i rlorld i cavs uf ul u uli lionit in which ahc offera hex pll illtv to in txlil usstutnii nt ol utsis who come and coat will when icwphlm ilrutt uupitl mr klvtis ofltr to lccomt her private seo- n tnrv slit tlul so with lonsidti visit nilsivln as ijlue iloruxin wa ooob her old homt ilul now she ntixltd hit itntroils saluo offered to cars for hi r wlilowtd rikihir intl hunt and s slit was iht central flrinw lu n dliilliatlc mtiutnct ol tvtnts first uobblt s sttfucin lanny bccanii infatunttsd utth her clvarma ittit inoit st nous computations irost when josephlnc found herself faulnff in lovt with bobbit s own son johnathan alrtadv rngatnd to elalc mcra- illth and the apple of ht mother eye flu vou ran trust miss baldwin for a happy cndlnr and ho does not ut you dovvn this time savoury baked beans saturday night cupper in many home is a special occasion especial ly la thi true when the mon of the houae flnlahea ms week woritbaturlaw noon as i the case with many office and factory workers and look forward to a leisurely and enjoyable afternoon and evening and what could be finer for a gala saturday night upper than a pot of savoury bean brown bubbling and delicious fresh brawn bread and a tossed green oalatv ik cups orown sugar 1 tablespoon molasses 1 teaspoon drv mustard i teaspoon pepper 1 teaspoon salt 1 lb lima beans teaspoon soda i cup diced salt pork 2 large onions diced a cups canned tomatoes dover beans with water add soda let stand over night drain and rinse cover with boiling water and cook slowt until tender duals die salt pork and try until crisp add onion and cook until colden bmma add remaining intiedients arrange in bean pot cover and eonk ia moov- crate over is deg p for three hours serve ten artrttvlrkf to food quiz 1 uuk and mttk nradutu ni ind green veawtablea whole crain cereals an bread nar and the nuow and mm canned troijoes eur meat and flab a on and a ban dtata s acok me meat mo fruit and veawtablai we tnark and eereaii ma oranae jtnee 5 yes and not nearly as copenirra 8 butur aaat canotf t vae it for aouns or ravico at it contain vltauma a taw calbrioi no lo in rsautnr water

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