Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 1, 1942, p. 4

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fhe georgetown herald wednesday april 1st 1942 as in to otj 11 n to q vi u th u t1 ho co tu the georgetown herald the f o a i kml oka willi l ii iiiri hlfumnat siwtilil aad ywr omte snfiksurnrc tutas canad and th united stats t a ytar singfe capias to aamtua lt a w ihui ca rumnm wains a bzbn oajipield i ucanvnat if r lflks 0ner blue ooffin pbohx ho s eg th fwmtrttm weekly hii snrttlon asd th obtarloquebac dtvtaoo of in owjia fire editors corner lost in the files this office is in receipt of an interesting adver tisement for paper salvage prepared by a wellknown firm of wholesale paper dealers the idea is a clever one nn invitation to business firms to clean out old files get rid of used paper filed neatly away in offices which will never again see the light of day and which is gathering dust when it might he reclaimed and used over again to help the paper shortage lets clean out those files now it urges dont file this away old man uw it to sturt the collection an excellent idea and one which we ure in com plete agreement with i but we wonder if this firms approach to the problem is the correct one looking more carefully at the udvcrtivment we find it hand somely printed in two colours vhen government sources are urging printers to do all they can to dis courage customers from multi coloured jobs and fur ther this 6 x 9 eightpage folder contains no less than five blank pages five pages which were not necessary to tell the story and the salvage of which need never have been made possible we sometimes wonder i it is after all 1 seems that a reader who roue in all her outraged scottish wrath recentl when we made the allegation that berwick was in england was u few miles out in her directions shortly after we apologized for the sup posed error another reader this time from south of the border brought us an encyclopedia in which berwick or berwickontweed is described us a seaport town of england it stands on the north or scottish side of the tweed within half a mile of its mouth in the beginning of the i 2th century berwick was part of scotland in 1216 the town and castle were stormed und taken by king john bruce re took them in i3ib but both were surrendered to ed ward iv in 1482 und have ever since remained in posses sion of england da yught saving explained in answer to u recent enquiry from us wc have received a letter from h j symington power con troller which explain why national daylight saving was adopted a few months ugo i his followed a previous staggered system when certain districts in canada were on daylight saving time while others stayed on the old standard time i his first measure was adopted to take care of a strain on the peuk load at that time which would have n ceisitatt d the installation of ex pensive new equipment if it had not lieen overcome by the staggered time system as time went on however an energy or kilowatt hour shortage developed with the continued and mcreas ing demands of war induxtry and is every extra hour of daylight thut cun be used saves not only peaks but kilo watt hours the government introduced nationwide daylight saving time u u u powi r const i v at ion nieature a new registration a new registration of all workers insured and noninsured in industries employing insurable men and women was curried out lust week in conjunction with the issuing of new unemployment insurance books to replace those which hud been completed to the end of march the employer was instructed to complete a curd or every person in his employ including owners und partners and the information will doubtless be used in future months in connection with selective service re gulations which are in process of adoption the im portant questions on the card were those concerning specific occupations and other occupations for which the employee is trained or experienced other details such as marital status physical defects languages spoken dependents etc served to give a brief but com prehensive picture of the available manpower and vromanpower of canada with the exception of certain classes such as farm labour civil service etc which do not come under the unemployment insurance regula tions doubtless a canvass of these exempted industries will be made at an early date in order to make the sur vey a complete one mr v it you want printing of distinction phone 8 answtrins four questions most often asked correspondent who comes back from britain tku u utr 1mb f a arrtra i i article ata rtullua la gr4 bh- tala la warttaar wrtuca rxttaulftjr fw ih whdy srvtvaim af caa- 4a 7 hail traaatia u the ffstfa nrwakrra having coroplr t thr lnt down atorlr m lhu wrlen prrtiapb i tliould lakr uror till nrrk to atvvrr the quttictu rnifel ofttn afstod mr tine 1 cme txict to canada i fchall not i btlrmpt u unacr thrai all of court but onl four of lhow which ittm the nitvt impoitant and ahlch urr roobt imjurnl ultrd wiit cilanfifctf i the war m4js iv but huita1nt this tn liiftt twt u rnttlarwl uimi ihtxlort i aniiot jiurr trwn m tmn twriikr but amoitf my olhra trcnillrr urr mm nil uhu hud imu birn in thr untlh mrs or had i mil nm on utril occttrkji- ikir- iiik nt ritiy in i nuiid i met proplc oi ih iliv m liint inrludij lultxl jwimhu oi atluiv titbur ul pioml- luim jiki i ank 1 truviljuj b m m ii ul t ii inn jhmutttxl m ul inrt and tjlkiil uith imup j i all tlaj i 4tnd rui a iv iruni tin hjuji lo 1 jilt t jmof ij hill winking 111 lilt if jtdilr u ttu mill iiwj rftimi h rail inn ttiklunirv in m lutoru i inrt man tinwr uiuluu in luini in 1 i f 11 riv in in iiumoiii iitto itixt 11 i tlmtik in 11 tut n havt ki lt td ii ttr l that inoit urr mill in in mi mil tliul tlniik- r til tu r lm- tlu tim a tin lsthi miii u foil tli w t im tun a km it hvillliik pnwtfs lv nkliui pan mom in oi ii hi in h ii rait not in lukurtia itatwmint uinilu ui ul nohitttttr ho- nutn ilv oi rlotht i man hud im fori tin w i in tan l iy iuti tin suiu nmiiui mra t tlit j tun lu i ibon i n ui tlu quality a ii u ultir b ii tvtit dial d i -1111- tlun t i l u iiirm u dun nn thii tint n k- m iit diui i i otiu u hi niil 1i til m lonn il i i u m i hi t4l to mlltii in a ul n tin ho i tin t uu an n tu ii li iki md i tuoi ii i tl i n tlr ink 11 y uin jmintitl on to im a u uj i ildp i ij t kullibli vl in uu ll u n tin v ii t c in nil ui t ib m t nun 1 r a i ii 1 i ul jm on mi 1 i i i imtll in t hoti 1 a i i i i 11 tl ijti i t i in u i im in t nn it o iii ail nu uh ii ii i l 1 it ii k ins a in ilrllain uml lioai ihi oft- iim i n uli i ii ii i h him uu tuim uioikht in rtiklml n niiu i iv ilnsrmi i p ptiirlitilc i- 1 1 in w t litl t mini in n tv id u n ilitil ii ul ind i14s tl it i i u l i otnpli i llll 111 till m i1i o ifit in i ktl ii n t ouo in 1 h i 1 i fur 1 i r m lurtunr lo tlrv in i mill piihl ii i tnl lib pit ll a i iikul up l lort hi hitl lini tu h tli ti in ill aii i r ulk o it i h ir ul li 1 i it i i lilt his un ki n thin i i tut i i i n i i o t i 1 tin i in ii i nn thm 1 monlh si i it i lu ll i ii ui n i i a i in til llllli llll ll till in n in 1 y n in mil third ik i lii i i 1 ia iv ti ivi 1 at tl i i 1 mil h ti i oni jll ir h inh n i niii f 1 il k h 1- phv i iht i i 1 i ill id in invtiiim th hi ill tu ul 1 iii a i t hlllk mini ii il hi r it ollmllp ii will iii llll h ilth 1 i u i i tlllm4i 111 mhii wit ioiiiis1 i llt u l i 111 i on ii hi ii v i d uill o i ill i 1 1 i t v i utml ll tll i i f t 1 1 ih llll i i i i i 1 a rth x trted them twice tiia ucood time lo ii thry could potxttffy be sla bad as j thought they were tba liru time there a no improvement oread and tcelabt were not ra tioned with no many otovtag lhelr on veffvtuhlrb lajt year and with a favorable uaon there a no tcardly uf nrtube i taw orangea for ale once they vtte tot chlwrtn onl atuic titrr bui but i never uv a qurjc lined up to buy food although then aere llneutir in the early mcr nlnh mhne clurettei aere tcid three to a tiutomrr a ii at to htmd iv pjtkcfxh 0 iood to 8iutain wlui li mnt lo cunaaian cmitr in iliitoln u lrrl a mailer of individ u il jr ft- finer ttve right alloaanc l iiurul and u if urr few rrtric- iiuils an olltcer at canadian ajtny lit adq urlrtk in uiiulun tutfki4a bul- ttr mtr mhnnnluilf fruit juhre tall in uils razor ludr srun and bruits anotlitr fcutfh tt candy paru- culuil rhoroute i aiud many yoldhrn what they aoutd like biu icot a fra uviuon tliry t4rmtj to br ejl fuindinl hh cltrartua tiiogh therr utir ttuiny complainu about tiyar- ttii ko n tru i imitlnr uut it i- not rfj much hai l in jujiru lor mjdura that coinus to much at tin i art thai lhr arr unt iruuuily i1n ukj- to kno- that thr peop bock honn hae hot fornotrn thrm lairts ft r civilian in urtutin mutt l- ilium irrfu the atltihl umlt iv in je unl lisclimhjig the mmpiung jnd iinat thrrr are fooir ictrlc- in ii iixiut 1 1 numb r of purkatn aliuii n av h- unt und thr coitinu 1 tin putr doth not comply with tin nmf ionv it will not be drluerrd ilir r t jin to uhom it li roiksunrd a ill b notilitd but tlie cohuiila mill ii lurnstl ovtr to iutm- orvaniutlon ihtt k irv thun no tidui a paf- 11 t ill cuuii ui un aln uiircuile thr ihii mih thun in inorr than lh ixivv i ih inini rviri tl i urr in on i i i i mn icmki a pound ol bjiu irt i ivt d lr ill ctnuda lor li ii i i t al n o on jt r- n fi i vi n i i i hint l a dtliniu i i iial i p- o i it ur i nn ma aiit j k hi 1 1- ml im in bit in i i i it iaiii u ui i omitl i li m in uu uk ah i tli v a i il k li t il mt 1 1 win j nt t m ir in i ii iu 1 1 jfi ibl ba r li jii in 1 t i t ttt b b jh u uia i lit ird ot oiu u tl lad alvo rr- vtl i nwi po ind in i bittr t tim in ul i st t t i td 1 it uhuois in ti i 1 n iv il pit- r 1 trd in st ry itl prutttl l iio moults la ir ju ml hud r l i ti r in i txl k tu i- ii- im oi il prut m in i th in ao i mi i ids tl hi i jb m t- ni i lr j it in livt f i d pr t ik no m ml ilolntih i i i who in im it il u nn i d hi tivt up i lot hi m toaikiru ill h im to vtv dutv iis fklll lii mi i i in tt t lvilarv tin i s nti tin iln l lnli ti a i tl st till l 1 iii r i v lllmjt4d yil uininllv intntloitd bi idi s tii t r a h rtnm i nit iu particti- 1 it 1 i n p ui i t n u iiiiuni iic ii tin tin i tntit buttn vluiniui 111 i ih if i it t ii il oil itlv ui m i h a hi pn lxli p n or sift t i i i inlm 1 t v iblv tart i in ii it i an i t i ui tint turkir mil inn ht liki lipstu k m mw caihan mhoilrs mmtltin iiritihii 1hls i t ill tv tlll ls u ubjttt tlllt i l ould nut uius it h ni u u ti h in chtt of th ounr tdiior tl t ip vvi ti klxnii it in t wo rn ui in u iiin uki t m dttl quiu a tit i h 1 i iu in in m mwi mtr ii tin uhji i ind toil i ihi id a ml i ui r iioin oin loronlo wo rn in who i- t houlit ii wrttini tor dmi siu is ipuu imh in lur rc- ilk hot tllllv llhklt liu but llm idi hi ivii 1 ilijit t u oik ot lnurost don t mi vh i houiii tt kt jn il i hi i nt mm two hundred thouaarvd dber yottbsj mn over th oecui sery coa that mar- rla in attain will not b ttm to marry a otnarhiti fcirt if ha retma and adowaaw and rwrkttnna to tha wiv o moat imormt to a eotv lidenjbia ttem tn um uany omaniin aoldura ara marry tsf fnilkh uru soma are marrylnf scottish ctrl th co of ob ontario battalion told ma that over one hundred of hi boy had majrtad flnor reaching pg that la a hlffeer percentage than vould hava married in that time if they had atay ed in qgnifla thli officer had no obcuon tha wldierfc could not marry vlthout hi permlifloo lie tnlted on tnterrtew ing the probpectlvc bndea betora ha gae it lie taid they were mvariably ftm typea of gtrla who would ba a credit lo canada after the wax if ba did not think u he withheld permlft- tion to marry i do not think tha proportion of air porce men retting marrtrd ovenaaa u large tha reaion eemaobatou tha air puree u conunually in action there ti itothlng monotonoua about life th um- bomber or fighter iquadron in thr army torn of tha men have baen tn southam a tor tttora tfaas two yeara tramln for a oght whvi soma of than ara bfflatad to phrata bomca and hava baoama praeucall one of tha family otbera at ao- qualnted with dni at dasoaa and entertainmcfita put on for tha troopa for tha eiwaaiw girt vfao haa iafii her toldlar oweraaaa thara aacoa to ba but on precaution to tih mn a oontlntjoua atraam of lattafa mlbd nrrartonitiy with boaaa and photo- grapha and leuera are mora tmnorv ant than boxca jcooke fuoor contractor fxoos laying kasdjso uxmvfltacdio rtnuuino wc uvctalizk in old noons oood wortrmsnihlp nsgrnihu prus 1 new kt ruoneim b v u t i no ton f r watson djx una orawm ofbo hours v to tbursdsy stursoobs dr j burns milne ocntai itjmoftoh xray olllgiltsn i i fi i i tl cufford g rejd um djjjl dentist phone 110 uslo auttl otorfftsn leroy dale icc m sjrbq bennett bji banmin sb4 bomtsn uu otrett gtrttwb kennetli m lansdoa lulu butuatkuljttmiue plm mortgac uoncj to losn offlc orraory thmtrc bldf m1u bttmt pbss ts of frank petch licensed auctioneeb and aix classes op insueance prompt service pliant jtl oesrfttsvb po hoi 113 nn n i li ilnti li 1 l in on in i i i ti hul i ii tlitnk hi i in n li i i i i i i n nil in hi uilili n i h uu i in i 1 iki lutt i l iiini inn nn ml llll i mil i inn i il- uu illou im l hit sum two mint is i ui i k i lilt uluiu u lii ilmiit hh sli ami thukniss of u quirtti fir i in h mi il it utll inn butiii li ill a mil on kiiikiii innru- int i should thi rnnill hit bum r ullouiho lor oiu mini i tisitl lx oi ihrm or tun tliiys nitltm on oiic mltx or hoi toam il ls liiitd tn ilntt uinthlnlt for brrak- itsl in ilrltntn i ntvir ate nn crk vk jillt i vtiu thrrt ttliu ruttoii ilk two oits n month iur iitrmir in uic lon don dltrjct in act i miw only one pt rson t ittinir tin vim in itlmoht a month urcrc arc no packatxed corcaui thov rome irom ciinnda and are too bulky ic chip oatmeal could bo ob tained occasionally when one could ffet milk with it the suaar ratton u one- third the new canadian ration pried tomatoes seemed to be the staple breakfast food last pall sometime with a slice or two of fst bacon meat is severely rationed the allow ance is limited by the price paid one shilling tuppence a week per person that would mean a roast on sunday and sbspherdls pis ones or twice on following days there are two excep tions oome and offal are not ration ed at the hotels one ate luuatlooed moat venison rabbit pie grouse chicken guinea fowl or such as tripe sweetbreads and headcheese bogutii aauiat are amaung things they look like sausage but taste like nothtagon a mmum m dancing evebt wednesday kvebv wednesdas b oddfellow nan brampton o oecbmtaus l ing 0 pin to 1 am djbt jj rboular adaaabiom q o hockley uanagsr weekend service buses leave rwt aaosvobtown u tobonto btm ajn 011 ajn 11 u abl 33 etiru sl pjil bm dbl m pjn wmou ohhuuriown u lohoom 010 ajn 10 pjru tllm pjb bm pjn i a aim and hol itntlallti aaaapt 8oll fbutern daylight satmt traa firay coach lines tmata aai mfiraiialai rt w m uhm y elmec c thompson insurance 8ebvice plre auto windstorm op hallway and allied hummtnthi bummer excursions fbone hsw or ocorsttswa a m nielsen tftfe tear ag rwtrtaa xray dragies tbenpatt imji ituum ofbcs ortr nrrntnln kan o hours s tj0 j pfo cttrrl twarcasy fkmt usw 2na radio 1 r we specialize fn this work 15 teara es j sanfordson georoetown us jcooke cement and cinder blocks brick and tile manufactured with aptftdst pa mifhlat au sties any qoantlty s new rr rnnk tu burldioton monuments markers and lhtodio pollock ingham gait ont oulgns on roqurphons vms inspect our work in greenwood cemetery 1 gertrude cain school of duncing toeadara is svaa lsgua osargsiswai boys snd olrls prtvate cuw branch studio olsn wiulams ill phone r if ralph gordon the versatile entertainer for your next program niuitrated circular free toronto address shb crawford m b ii- si 3jlti

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