Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1942, p. 2

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the geor hwld wedatxfay april stfa 1942 the georgetown herald sbbbcazotlosf ratss ossta trd u uicud aula fast a rmi at ojia it uwukf sub to tudj ifitftin waltbl o tsw oajutelo l uoottvray h -w- otiber broot ogb raons ha f rre editors corner another guest column the tick brd having again cdught up wild the editor it agsjn falls to 01 lot to m that all you faith ful rradrr of thr krratd grl your wrrkly copy we vrre about lo aay on time but at you know our taff changrs and extra commrnrutl woik have left the krratd in a father belated ttatr although wr did manage lait week to gel bark in the old routine wr air glad to rrport that editor behn i well on thr way to retovery from hit rrcrnt attack of plrurnyor wu it a hand over from a long hockry season all wr can say it it lucky it wat not tail weekend at wr had our hang over thrn only it wat of thort duration nrvrrthelett wr know you rradrrt will with him a tprrdy rrcovrry and return to thr office the easter weather thr weather over ihr eatler wrekend wat per fect for an rarly eattrr old man tunthine did hit brtt to make ihr holiday a pleasant at pottiblr and on good friday saturday and latter sunday gavr ut full dayt of bright warm tunthine no doubt thr wrather wat a blrting for thr faithful nnd thr good friday trrvicrt and eattrr trrvicrt in thr churchrt were fretted by capacity congregations and many rnjoyrd thr tpiriluil uplift of thr eattrr traton in a wurld torn by war and itt effrctt to be able to practise ones own religion in a democratic way it tomething which many church goers arr tttll thankful for even if people urr not ad herents of thr chrittian religion they would probably admit that jrtut chritt led u wonderful life of human service and that putting him to death on the crott wat an act of atrociout outrage hr was a man who went about doing good with no tclfish motive but thr rulrrt of hit limr hod him put to death beciuse they were afraid hr might intrrferr with their own telfith action it wat to dark day for the world in those ancient timet on the first good fridayseven as it was a dark friday in 1942 when thr rnemies of the chrmtiun religion would do their best to persecute those who would follow the risen chrnt but as in those uncient times easter day held a great significance giving new hope to a war- torn world assuring humanity that the enemies of the church will be dealt their reward and the peoples of christendom will experience a lasting peace gasoline rationing after a week of gasoline rationing we fail to see where the system is causing any great hardships at present no doubt however as time goet on and the war continues the tire situation will become acute and it will be then when the family car will have to be laid away for postwar days according to the number of cars on no7 highway during the weekend it would seem that instead of trying to save gasoline for the war effort motorists were trying to use up their quota so that none should be left in case the unit be cut from five gallons to a lower amount or on the other hand maybe they had filled er up prior to april 1st and just had to burn up the gas by going away for a holiday jaunt the fortymile an hour speed limit will go a long way in saving gasoline and tires if adhered to and we believe it will be strictly enforced spring and housecleaning with the coming of spring- comes houseclean ing time when the womenfolk take it upon themselves to give the entire house a renovating from top to bottom after the long winter months but it is different than in other year it will be different this year because in the process of cleaning and discarding old and wornout articles instead of burning litem or of sending them to the town dump they will probably have some salvage value there is hardly an item that cannot be salvaged for some purpose or another so when you are giving the house the spring cleaning remember not to destroy anything without first offering it for salvage purposes the lions salvage truck will soon be on the rounds again and if you just telephone 71 it will gladly call for anything you may hove spring cleaning does some thing else though it makes home a better place to live in it gives one a brighter outlook on life it does some thing that is aptly expressed in these lines ws vsih th windows in the opting when looking out more perfectly may sm obta lowly uowrrm and tho budding tost tm when ss til nature dressed civijbrlm wr ov to mk souls ft toys a strong de- agriculture carries on bravely in wartime britain under difficulties tvu u la lilfc u wfti- txtfalr reaatuaa br ttatiaaa tuuaia 4 paru t trr eu- u far tt wwjy miytiwi caaada fry la vbb rrtawfu- uw umt trmjxm r tit tern stutntt ctt a crlain etttm ration in rrlum lit l- u5 lev htn w tiu can dl- pur cf uir gxb thry tit uaoy umct aod filial faajiie ttt7 fr firm or nro ptr trliixg tferm the tup or a pkf euy be trot by a t i jtr nil sr rrmj atilxm pto- i tjit m rpa tx3 tuuxf uxar ta th no dvj i t ft aiii r j cnrliui tt- kj i- mistji vj liu xq ulnt iltuui aii j ftvb va- ftnnrr tj trtjixji llii a gruup oj uur of ctj pjr l iixa il mjtli cisurtujuiy tu uud frmlrj cciilllimi x i aould hjr ulrd but i tu 4tr lo ixi u rood dfj oi inlorttiuao ui uh ojuit ltnrti miiorit purr ihr vudrr w z jtv zzl if wtz ttr i trbr r of lmxlar tu ur ta uuad jjwix4 or uaa c4 lbcm 77 ttjsr to otuuda in ft count7 bhrrr 40tune za fuei ou ar la- ttnuj atcrcr x did dot expci to to any melon but uo ni isothrr iiqo of tn daiprrvl il of luod prtt otwi fc u inc djprslrrd from tnr ra4 but uw moxuuctn wtii or rita inmt m kxnrticcufc of otuudixn lumrn but tttuir ttkerr qu br axnr 0vxth in cnd urrr u donr in itntln4 nd tkotuxus urtctrr uw r tnocr ihm tials uw food contumrd in utlsun u tsuiort al rtukrf from drrjau tnd oukrr curvfirtn atxmtrw- or from oajina inj ouirf ptuct sxiqfc tnr oornft not oojy itut but am of uw fo4djr or tnlaju u tniportni tuvd urrr pn of uw ciurlra and no fd ttw tro of ttniain nisiai ru a3 imoarij from lorupr tair bw cul ufil rurm ckmtri hlpttvnu o cifsvnrr irurn ihmui id ihxvjxbj all unponrd food movt br brow ant fium otvnsmla or ftruwr tliat oku mut auj lur tuiijn4 hk pttotjk it cuusut br urd or hi till tklat or bou 1 icista ch at int 1 ucrslsvttvi crrral and rvro ton ol rstra food uut can br itoi cid tn lij uln u diirritrlr rwrxlrd ct ia btvjmr a broondar ouu4rtton lajmrf tu vh4 u kattf a lr nvotiuu brfuxr thr r ac- lujlly tunrd a buriu of wxnr moo arrw- v oflrfrd rwt i rr o lira luj broiht under ttwrr u onr hamicao atikn tbau larawr ckr to airport or akxa in maicu roadj svuilrr aukis outit not or usjufht of by on eho nad not rrti uwr counlsyaldv ttw fludi tr iixu of lratv or ptuna and aom ustn for lanka at ru ttwa a ol mitral tjrpaa bit all tax up apu ttnd u mitt ux tunr and uoum dnnf around ttwm la imiith uu in iad hartttvun4 oprrauoo pcrmrr otarnv uw aaait biftok out rrfulalkxu a paopw tn i oviu nd ruaa i am not mar thai uu u umpubjary but it u uw wlr lhlnj to ao trwrr air eelui tnatancra in rarur enonuu atwrr noatiir ptx ttat frrn a await of lbjnt from a arm and hatr dropprd a bomb oo uw- cnanxsf uit it tnliht br a ftrlory hwrr hir hlo brm war lnjlanosi lwrr fanzur arrr auacjd in day ugtix raid and uirir toc macnjna- runnrd rum uw air raraarr ara gt rrvmacua in many aa uic onuth farmai tt twubajw brur ofl than rrrr b totr llu hirtid man u in uw tama ikaiuoci frier ol all tundi of farm pruducr arr art by uw oovcjrimctql ttzrtu mout to rmurr a profit and iruwr i of rwtn ubotrr ar alu art ulwu 1 a in dctand in october a pnlian trilin jjj ummum arm mould br at lor uw liniumf lor lu thr mr mrn n aialn that uw must dean and moke things new and fair in omo small way with nature to compare bvon though thr task may fill us with despair then when all thlnss are dean and freirh and now and dust and dirt has vanished like the dew well enjoy the flowers and the blue bird too rrr cr ol und u in uw thrrr 4tr iu uiiil irimi nrii r ltar llil nitlrr hum jtt tm itncri tttdmil uod jnd itiimu nuttnii jr rrcr and m luxljri arr uwrl mottl ural rr jiuilrr ulin in uiu tiiin and in in i iuk rwjl nd d 11 jt ttiluil thri 1j nijih a u und no unl on latti rtir bj on jtiill larm hmi j iti- h m urr ii dianiid mridotl ulil t rr ui n or huiidrrds of ar hur brtn turn ti ocr b thr ptra jnd aclujll niuikj is of jcim ut tra und iri cuiuird what ihr armrr itom s on hi land ui tanimi l no u hu jjdtt- mrnt trr count ht lu war aj- tituliiil coninjin- mid lit- a in tun i rommilrn in till ills- trie- tiwm comnutirrs iut not in iti u i ip1i11 il but i ra- m frmt rs land oifr nd nn morktrs tin jkti cll iut btui iomm mil proiewrfks und ojrfr ixjtrrjv mnr x ulliinu il- vxs rs on thts ummittt err armrr t uttnld vry rur ur oiuwr lit lv told alui hr nium unm tin anumtt m wn ico m far as to ii him a pi in ol hii litkls tilling lum lu to plant m ixch field tliit soiuid drxtuc and u drxstic aciuall hi practice tin yatrm u unfrl tiuntar becatim nearly al famirr jic ulllinff nl jiurlout to cooprnu xs i tiutrlouc duty thr pnde uirnwhn uiat un u11 hv in a d nitwr111 country- and btxji- uitir on ncitilibori ure on uie oomnillusis the plan aorlu largely os a vohmt iri coopruion hut to an ouludi r it look- rathrr dillrrrnt if a farmrr hl not cook rate uif oommituc lib powir to one hnu to do so ii la u tntlrily iiuomimtna lo product mr hr ma be tak 11 roni h s farm a li nnrmd indi vidual nave tun none to jill trntiii rood fomr i irsl ii th hritmi finntt dm s no pio- duct- more mnn iropl- lll o hun- ury uiui om ma siirc tlirrrlon thr committees concentrate on uic production ol those ood which u1 tfo artlicsl toward ferdlntf lu many fka putkblblc and thc try to cut out vioate of all klnovt wheat and po tato production sttnu to have soaiod oau arc lariiely rovn und alfalfa mhmed to me to be a favorite crop the ffrontlntf rason laat year not excellent lth a damp ftuiruntr and a ion jr sunny autumn tlie second croei of auy and alfalfa oa excellent i iaw t ran tre ohjecls hi many of the rieldb which i took to be stack of hay or grain wound around with what looked like tar paper and net- tins i learned that they were tem porary alios qnphals ta being put on enllaffe ru the beat method of producing the mast cattle feed there are other makeshifts a pro cess has been discovered for making a pulpy focd out of straw on farms with sufficient water supply straw or chaff u cut up soaked in caustlo soda solution and then washed far a loruj time in running water it takes the place of turnips school children are paid to gather acorns to feed to the pigs quality of form stork improved live stock is controlled by the committees as thoroughly as field crops for instance an attempt has been made to weed out inferior cows leaening the number while keeping up the milk supply sheep are also considered essential hoffs have boot reduced drastically in numbers they used much imported feed 80 did tho chickens besides it doesnt take so long to build up their numbers again a a result pork and effgs are very scarce all owners of poultry flocks with more than 60 birds must sell tholr eggs to the government they lor eo sjuuingk rrjy and rrtned i july 10 net about il hillina or bout 1100 kjrmrr acsn if not rnurrly ei- rmulcj from corucxipooo enjoy thr kimr standing at munition wotfcer rvm hrli la acaror of coura txir thr lunmi monuu last raii mviy ripriirncrd ftnurn no will the caoadian army in england cf rut to urm near urlr camp to lirlp out thry did a good ot oca fanner nperta uut thry arre far brtirr uian any hired help he could cvt in hi own country montlng far lotitrrr hours unirrudgingly onr of thr women auxiliary unlla in nrtutin u un wocwn aim i i no ai popular a aome ui uir other brancxira of uw arrvloe torwtby brcaum thr khaki uniform 1m not look aa aril aa the air rjtc t thr women a royal nsval fler- xiut their jobo may lack some of i glamour too out thr re ta oo loubt about tbrtr uetulnr x aup- nh that in some caary uiry take the pl ice of hired men but thoae i saw seemed to be working in thrashing jatii irointi from farm lo farm in iiroupa thrrr l ome grouching and com- l ainlng of oourw we heard one pojllry farmer say that he was ol mo- out of buslneaa in spite of the elmer c hiomj icajnty of ctzx he could btot fat rooufb feed or tja rather laxg fioefc and br dvtnn tmrk th dlslrg9uuea of eg vat 9u carrud out use of maetd ftxng bad la other cm tfa ttunt ootcjeiuaa erhdectly caeu ret aa jo ottao haptpcea ub farm prodjcsr an artkta that u oarce ob rj a j te orrfrowij in orl co uw tprirxi of ithj j ra docu to br had at any prtot tt tafl ther re too many ozjooa and dantr thai soeaa woum roc vcyaufcaea trr niuifjj and thy hfiird fill out many a rnaai ta ban aia tn ta paal few mrtttm itunj mujona of prnson mre crewtaa rlum tn thair prtiau gamece or auoumu thry bad aantfiosd many of lhtr nuwm though osaty mrry garden auu baa roaaa and th bloctsa m rpttsbrr and nvo la oe- tobrr cljm hut cherd bust b0s liih rye tnry ccd lbow of a ota fcjfan riiitor about the us z wt rm ptixj wtrlrfrr cfcutttlu wrau t euaa eexing of farmer and turn crtr now before hair fanrra and trm wlrr aarvd aacb hrary nmyrrulti my as jou 60 ta uo struggw h baior hoc yoj reaciondad to the eountry oau aa you haw done to tho last two yvara it to dj to bo esu3 maosura to u eflorta 70a hs9 atadr tn i of many e2oui- uaa that s cnd oaxmurm today ta a buar pouoa oa th toad front than at any rjrvrtou tta aot th war curtsd i directory leroy dtb icc q stmt u ktwnrtri m lanfdaa irrhtw tmhtur htur pint uongtm uod7 iss ooet orasarr thtttr ss4t uu1 mntt radio repairing we specialize 04 this work j sanfordson mm obomoctowm iv frank fetch uocnsxd avonoftwmm am allciasaas or oratmanoti prantm btntet px bos tu jcooke cement sad cinder blocks brick tmd tux uatmwummxo wuk it tk tmw sbttsst auttet any qatamr 1 frsw st ftnifts tss vmunotom umoo vicsi dravkakos sjetv auto wlndttocm alrny ui auu4 utaumfi eft exodkbiom usv r j o monuments and ixrmoro pollock a ingham gab oat datknt on rsquutrjod ksl btpsot our work la ontmoea hon w p uuiock postmaster oeneral ron t a orerab minister of mines and resources oastmim cam school of dandns taatttot u sutv tiktlm rsomb r u ralph cordon th wtttus tntsmalbtr car your ntxt lit ntuttrstsd elrealar prtt tosonto gray coach lines timetable how m dtyufm atstaj fbts lkavk oaotuuraown sjb da syub tua s ksospt bun sad sol d raoeept est sua and bol e sat bun and hoi dolly emept sua k to kltiobtoar y to blrsbford w n mm0 phsnt u c n r timetable osgltjnt asrta mac bat otttwkaha tad uatt ml ah otttw itajk 3ii u

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