tfce getm hmia wajoctvrky april ftth 1942 carroll canned food sale aytaur peaches k claav tomato juice a amir tomatoes dessert pears awwr gamm fl bantam corn aawkxd peas and carrots wou nut snack i a peas ayltbot ceuea kettiel copb l cohbrwu orange juice bnamidi sardines vaaitiril asrsi peas s lie cunltt dandee coffee ijw w 32c aylmcr cherries r coffee ti w aylmcr rartlett pears it far a fua rwar raliaa pouflor 29c 49c odex soap 4 k 2sc mui wwmm r j t ayllteb catsup a djfaraa daun atlmer apricots smu taaa frmar pure marmalade pitted dates 11nul xc 1sw i k so k ar p mm 4k f pflncess 1 flakes 2 p 29c raaav fti french mustard kr 9c tomato krtcttui 14m id 19c qub corn flakes 3 25c cvw park saaaialrj wccotash s st age auiavama f m c vanilla extract s t e ferial quaker muffets t le balk rolled oats j fe avuliaa cma sandwich biscuits i to marshmallows 5 7 36c harvr harm pancake syrup r ioe acajta codfisb uk te naphtha soap s k sse orahgs doi 29c33c39c seedless grapefruit 5 for 29c l new oiuzn cabbage mlrican apples pipb new reeth or carrots buikhm lb 5c 3 lb 25c 15c w rrv tk rlckt t tlml qumtllin w all food t umof m1umi if fuuit and vegetable prices good till saturday night onlyi 1j phone 357 free delivery main st georgetowr lookoutasick liver is dohqerous da you have penlttent headkhet and backache are you tortured by riteu matic pain in muulee and louitst a faulty uver it cloujns your whole tyt- tem serioue iii health may mult your liver ii the larbctomn in vour hod ml moll important lo your health it tuppuea encruv lo mutclc mtue and glanda ii unhclihy your body ucki thit energy end become enfeebled youthful vim imappeara attain ynur liver pour out hue to disctl food bet rid of watte and allow proper nourlthment to reach your hlood when your liver acta out of order proper dlkcatlon and nouruhmejit atop youre poiioned whh the watte that decompoica in your inteilinet nervoua trouble and rheumatic pain arlte rrom tbt noiton vou becorneconttipalediioniachand kidney cant work properly the whole yawn j affected end you eel rotten head achy tuckechy dluy tired out a ready prey for alckne and dluatt thouianda of people are never iltk nd hate won protnpi rellel from jheae triuerlea with improved prultatlvea liter tablet the liter l toned up the other oraip function bormallr end ffttw ood health rewllf today iraproted rrullatltee are canada a laratil mluna liter tablet they mult be oodt try thee youwllnow let ilieilve but na beck on the road to laiuiuj health taajukatiearbahoa 15cs0c aw ahtavalht ala haw oraadalauat ahla to climb a ladder raara holtiar with rhaumatum or naurltu andadvlaa anyparaoa euaarhsaaa i fcjtta to uaa ivult-a- tvea thavelta quuk rallal irjlium j vieairi xnroatat oat dtk raralaimatartil i had a had caw of btlumiaaaaaabd coaalant bead- achaa ana hack- achea i bacaata tall trlm tnukf hateliatillatartaa taklbvult4- tltaa in a tary autttm j trei naomi vanova onci eocond nroirrainmc in iho concerto series will be heard over a oonattocoat network on monday april 13 ut 10 00 pin eot 1100 pjn ast naomi yon- ova the distinguished canadian concert pianist will be heard u soloist when oeohroy wadding- ton conducts ttio ussb hungarian pantailo now devotuur herself to solo work miss vanova was for merly known to an international concert and radio audience as half of the brilliant iartian twofjuno tcaun oblea and yanova wahtovto unirosm iwttbhattohal sunday i chool lesson v b1sold v lvhdqv1st d v 0t tttl uxkjbm lxu cat ct4 iltm fery btmrt m uma leihtce for april 12 lnvuf mt ttte swttssson of the firvxwtt lt1lvmi ttrrtum u i t n n 1 ootudcm ttjct t kju uv fti uk ut uuatrrt j tr 9 utflftw u u- u u jvj uam vh cto0 tlaul lavuttv tct tm tjj l4ex v t wcfkinc with out fcf thr 4 tstaon cf rrrn hst tro ths- frnvilrc cl bclirvrn tin lhr time hr ct the tttrlr w irsm todaj 0t therr rr si lrst irvrnly mef tani hv ccftadrrrd dprtvltl sjvj morlhy lo t srnt forth kticrn lnj kow tflrf txm ticf llts tfrslh lhr bvkur curi ctm- mulorvrl and mrnji cor tfrm st ltry rnl lo by lo prrcvuy to rfcrgrlur in erry city rtj flcr i- l u lurr ctuu4 w 3 prsrr u bck u thr rstixrg cl uburvi fcr oirul cod wsiu r his pre pie to isy beftr htm t ntt and lo rnutt his grc in m ving upon ts orr tvo csn brit wrr hut thri is mytttry lrrs which v cannot fully undrntand tut it u prfrctiy ctrar that prsrr u th povrr uhich has en given to the church uith which lo mcvf thr hbnd cf cod the rrsion t u borer ar to few ewn in cur duya la evidently then brcauta urrr hua teen io little prarr ootrvr that the lord wnl ilia servient two by to so that they could encourage and aiaut each mh- r chrifttisn uurk la brat done in chruttiin feltoahtp the itar per former or the lonr oli may be occrptabte in business or social life but he hat no piece in chntt s prrgrom unlrtt by ills apectsl call and guidance fur tome particular tuk such as p enter ctil lie mnt them to go before his face vthsl a dloriou place to bet that meuna that he ai aching ever them eaptclinii them really to labor fr him uut notice olo that in loving thcughtfulmta they rre tl ratulmd by cnriat vv 7 it la wll uhrn uorkers go out that thry have proper backing we apeak of the bourd vhich in be hind our muau nunc that la right and prop r but above all there must be the afurance of the pro vision and protection of chrtnt they were not to be concc rntd about money chrnt had atri ndy moved upon the hearts of his peo ple to see that the laborer had his hire which vmix food and shelter v 7 time is what life is mode of and the servants of chrut were not to waste it in lengthy oriental ssluta- uons v 4 or going from house to house to be entertained thus losing much time and strength nor was he to strive or become sngry tf some one did not receive him and his greeting of peace v 0 in any case his word would re turn in blcfttng upon himself v 6 and he could go on to another house the point of oil this is that the ex pectation of the christian servant is from his master christ whose business requires diligence and haute i sam 21 fib the outcome of such service is re vealed in our third point iii satceaifoj through cfcrui w 17 2124 the seventy returned rejoicing that even the demons were subject to them in jesus name he still tins power over the demons of our day would that the church wielded that power more eltectlvclyl wlille it is u great thing thus to sec the power of god at work jrsus told them tn verse 20 that on even greater thine ih to have ones mime written in hcavt n that means that we outht to be much concerned not only about having our own nanus writun there hut the names of all those whom lives we touch at home nt work anywhere the secret of the diciples vic tory is found in the statements which christ in all humility and hon- isty made about himself vv 22m he is the one to whom all things are dell vert d unlimited in au thority and power the mystery of his person and work is not some thing man can think out or fully comprehend how foolish have been the attempts to do itt for ho is god the fact that the father hod revealed these things to the beventy humble ordinary men caused christ to magnify his fathers name in praise and prayer spiritual insight vv 21 24 1b something only god can give and often he can give it in full measure only to humble and lowly men men like d l moody who became spiritual giants were usually humble men from lowly walks who save themselves wholly to god b l olmstcad need to slow up the world is soing too fasti even the church needs to slow up for it is attempting too much in social pro grams and is losing spiritual poise in many places paul said to the church put on the whole armor of god the whole armor takes time to put on yet it la dangerous to leave off any part of it rev a e gregory timely t0fics for women iy atofear bbt rosvt was rouaems win cr iaw for loi attrr the rouuc oi hoauiiut ae vlu tcci ur efltcu ci the sax fct th mux now u txa loo haoa to give fcqtt ucjht to the potar dtiujt pvihtvpy ye oj xt- irnl fttakrj cl oj- fjltaipeaiuri aorlit in mm vr- h un that r haw tiud do vun fur uie futuir co lutiiriejee olimo oi thr irct ue hooto t mhr w vlion of tha ucijd e hciord to jir tn tclov ro auo ahlch to txuh our ux kx lo iti j ft- tif i ra i- t ii jad corrupt but at lvu thry hae hd aiirj and ci r aje uriig xi boa iocg and lao iraiul lh lr ltfl tjrix pix to trur st u and how caijt- faj thor fktt rar tarn roctjiaiad rvn to thr i dtil fcuttl e ho air aiilirrf u ltnt to ur 0j for our irrelom iua kno lt fcr at our twttrm of ulr in live ljuur to or borelj r je rt rrdv tn oiot oar frxrtr to that trd ui chjchj mm ur ituuertit took urf lirtt tirp u pobtvmr liulj tn lit- kt ur ht aliartr chnrf u va ftji tn turi lhr oi t3 ct tuoirio ll ur oul u r am uji that it many iretarr iiutti inoirtf piitvmk oi rtronavctan that sj 1 1 uitrttvt to ue tu iuduai and j natiotu ttvr rxrfjt lmaxuit of uatr uf oir u ur jwum vl dra-obl- itptc ci mile rn ahor utf iar uu datjocalrd by ar bs into cjiln itr it n t ji -i- ot hiu tj tm oi uhujuticn thai fc4 i0 u u iid in ortu at b to v nt tlr rrm3lf4uj unlit wltti ihcur atnaiaj unur u adjut ueavtl to a cilun rojune 1u u wr ujuantj tj nain tnaonrnt w one thing ia crrtatn i rr n l- cavij ait lo r hri vhnn aauung the uu uiahr lo fu3 iul rd uritvur to frard iheu chlldiwi ar3 aim u trijunrucn tl nm ukerr u1 come other pttmj pjuurcn oi trr ulullt to ut il w ciuirn ue vtvm of changicg mrr irwn iiuio peui tcnoo the relaiauon oi aartina corj- w ovr uijraiaiita u pll induttr the oraung oi etnkotdrnt tff lu oiv ue drktttrit oi rjxuj and oi our natural rewwros u- unprvacmrnt oi our uciaj usiuun to crlr morr rqaaiity of eco- rkkn c outoil un it ad oriaj ircujt in addilion trje ai1 br ixitiunnfcue minor protcrco of practical jiuitu ikirf u ikm ran r tlraj omj ciue- of tlunn and give vvrry fnij a ufcur jomrt vht about further edjcatior fo ts sod iriru mtao irlt mu at luuiiitn oi llitrrn to into war tnduiirlasf mull mn fit tfttir ou bwk what tl ilappm lo lh somen thay irparrf wtibi iui rtru ih f mplojirvrnl in hray war induvilrle ie i nir aoren and 0ru with the rd ol lhr thtrr i bojnd lo oomr a prilod of es haution and utter aeanrr hen inituthe u at a low etb a period nirh f anal if t ill take adantae oi to rry foeih iheu peculiar pouu- i ari woeioenir doctrine and tms ii ae are to ln the peace it t irmh- imiiortajii ilteitrwe ihel ahm uial unve ftnof h ft vjlcn in our tirwru o the aorld r aant to rtcreate for ourteltta und thai r the rttojvjbr cituin oi the land have a programme oi rrctvuutin carrluj uunned and readv to put into acuon at once i or ot it hi hap booh itr hat rnwii llilnl u m fool he that mill nm u u blot itr tha rtare no u a jave andir- cjnste uomtla notionm tim j precox jirr d and eveo houiie ii on the lootoat iu ijuruuu to mip make lxaetnrpui rai 1 hope that among uu loltrung luevrbiiunt oj u1 find tome idea that will be tueiul to you ii tou ant to krp xnjr krtur free of lime keep a martile tb it l the umi fahoul tin te br lime in it nom fill the settle with dc ir wild to ttuion borax und boll for hail an hour the urns will tlrtn br ktmmd und cn then br thrown out ume in a ketuc wastes iul mme it take lonfrr to boll x x x x hf n i in idra lor thr ho iiki lo jend homemade candy over- ra lm u halifaound or puund coffee tin aith maxed paper and pour cru into un aitiun a hall inrh of lhr top lrt cool cover with waxed ivitmr nt on lid und iral altii a half inch ftdhealve tape the candy will jrnt in llnuand fnish a 11 lre our kjuhen m e m m not mam of u arc aor to have our kitchen floor waahed up every da no but lo uving the paper cover that come from the cle ith drrjee and ulu on ute noor tn front of the kitchen sin or wort ahr to catch the drin they do not tear or nimple a caaily as news paper and cm be folded aa uhen ou are ttnifthrd with jwir work and iwd afrain and aaid a a x a x if tevrrol wnall piccra oi mtap have accumulated ue them tightly in a pecc of white cotton dip tium in boiling muter ul oft then id very cold until firm when oj remove the cotton ou have a good bail of fathip rtsd m x x x x x uw bakinp txia to bleach babv clothe x x x x x um an old pair of turciin to cjcan out the accumulation of lint and hainv that couecuv in the pipe of th aojsh tnuln and bathtub x x x x x cover your cook book or recipe jieeu with a piece of glu when jou arc baking it krepa the page flat and keepr them clean x x x x x a chip or a small piece ol wood maker n cood pot bcruper ix jou hair noihinc tmii4r ut hunrt till rook of tilt week majuon auve- by vicki baum mrciellnnd isteuirt sjum t325 marion aim b much the bem novel vlcki baum ho uriutn it telu tlk torj of marion tioniu u woman ulth untlriim eneruj and i buoum mlrit who thoiikht it ireit fun just to be iilit fahi pieu up in vhiinii in the vcii- juit tx fore tin lirst oicut war and tnrl root lied anuinit pan ntnl rtitrnuu she hid musical ciftt but ui injur to ht i timid m u iuhvav nccldtnt endtd lnr concert career suilt lu si uticitl lur t lo v nlliiri lur mnrrlneu hir iiliihi hip with clira n tntitt lutuvs her tnuen and parullcllojr it ill cwiits ol woruliliakuik imikutmict kirot caiue the orcat war md i hi lust biiiuiiu up ii i tlillditn mid the dciili ol her officer hiishaiic in a tuiiuion luuun diliattd md torn ulth inllution her timr iii itihihi ol toi a bilinins trli to n humii in the throes of iivolutict in i imiiuih there with jplri spiait in american industrial it tin ustt ot utalth and opultiui in niv york ius hb wife then litir uuk in chi iimn and aiuitila llkhtnik lor the ermfht ot her son in iht wmi whin ii iuliiii of at was muin coiiiiuk to the boll uio svi iioin anvtiii when tin ouimuis muched in tlu gtvtapo tho iniut nt ruum i iin i iu hint tn vri hi r on s dtn tor tl un a widow again in swjttiluml th it lur mui mlkht c t ftirthei tnatnunt her mcetlnff wih chilmophtt a dliilhuiloneil fimllshniun who nevertheless boos home to itkht when the wind coins that france hni fnlltn the ihiok contains a wealth of muter il and many odd bits of ln- lonniulitn that will tickle the rtaders fancy a seemingly unending pro- cttlon of charnrtera parade airoxs the paues and all from tho i ichch to bluk ipnomlrv contribute something to tho story vickl ba mi the author nl thti unfortiettublc book una hcrmif born u vlcnnn and is now an american citizen himm triimt nto would you like to serve n dessert that is elmplc and cosy to make when the lnluw come for sunduy dinner then try this jelllod prune ring with cashew nut custard 2 cups milk 3 cffgfl 3 tahiwpotms com starch j totupoon almond extract cup chopped caahew nuts 1 cup prune 3 cups water cup sugar 3 tahlepoons gelatin 3 tablespoons lemon juice finch of salt soak prunea over night in 3 cups water oook in same water with half of sugar when tender drain pour hot juice over gelatin that has been soaked in a little cold water add lemon juice remove stones from prunes and add prunes to gelatin pour ftno ring mould and chin until set to make custard combine milk and slightly beaten oavs add to com starch blended with remaining sugar 6ur well and oook in cleojbla boiler until tlcjcened add aktwnd extract salt and nuto qt alr nuts are available you will perhaps prefer them to the cashew nuts tttcxl tjnnsold jellied prune ring tnd serva with cold custstd-