Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1942, p. 4

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th georgetewa henltl wtjatwhy april stfe 1942 a little nonsense mow and then is relished by the best of men utaonymous istooday mall brouht id another to37 wur tram our frtred wtoo wrou gccb an utfareaung letter oo hi trip to til fart gtorfelows fcoofcwy par ltd eadeavour hiog o a tul of yltiing and do doubt fill b read wit u much mickit m lh fim our aland also prwfflia a toot hlgnngtit on lh high hool wwiwiwth to waxcb lb herald frtausa ooorvttovncrs and com toymen bed me jour ear i cox 10 bsuror litfnturr dot to prmi k taa know ta by now of courstt rm anal rugluw iran a hotkey train yea atr itn u guy vbo cuacrttabd lh tni to oaii debt from th nomim kit oeorgvtowii until lh train ocad bom u loaded and ton ot lb pajaragrra did tbr oar bo one sum 1 ru lh mhah unguag vtoirouy by tbr throat and hiking lb ante right out of it i ka tbr hy- ptmu to ail wbrr ihry may fiomr of ou may br micrwuad to kddv that afttr my lait alory aftwwjrd tt lh lerrald x had an offer from lh toronto mar out i m fairly well ou cd where i am and after thtnilnf lh gutter enw carefully 1 decided not to aorvpt lhelr propoatlkm ifcwrtc im ayrttng a ulu too old to daurvr i wa rather ounrxu to know how ku itor had apprecialed my x- eouu au i decidad to conduct a one aaan oallirp huj to get your rnni tou all know by now what a oalkip ofl it of courwt you jdi go down the auiret and aak a oaubrrrautw what thjni of tn lather la than ou gallup weil tnyiv from what i calnartd u seemed that evrryoc bad baard lhoae atr before bo ou ttoaift what coom of taking it or graded that no on tn town aiaya jo tat mouth to bax eddl oantor i aww hard lorn paopl aay that my jtofce reminded tbcm of bob itjpe joiga x fuea thry anouldv that itm 1 beard them- that bturr than ib ptouira ua too dart la tn picuir eoar to copy down hit oaaa dul donl t m wronc i uxa llop ptcto- wx ir inatantv x want to nil lat ptcturt wnlr h playwd oppoutt taaulau ooddard tour tunaa 1 mual try to that ptctur aaain torn day uid aa what llopa looaa ua but an ttd back to tha almuarlty brtwra bon hope oca and mint ill tau jpbo what hpmad to m lb ottur toomina x wa waltona along tntrrt vbco x ovtxbrrd aomt ptnno who wdpaitaauy auxudond x wa reanona- ida tor thaaa article aay to nme othar pcoolr thar gnta oaorfatoama exuy hope by that afternoon titty nad moktd to acton i co com of you paopla art ralhcr fft to know who x am but x know th old protrt about th cat curioa- tty fcimn foe cx saq i m hardiy thr tm to 11 lb town cunoatty kill me x mjppmt uojgh that u lt onjy fair lo ffv you a hint a to my idcnut urtf aomc ot you mutt havt rcn me vttlng m tor 0ji arccav it would hava been cj- raiy to pick me out ot ha crowd you r x wa thung right brtwvra ihem two pope on cither aid of im prrfcaaa you may b ah to aywnfu me by my feet laxt winter x wwnt to a lady houu and whan ahe xmxa tba door ah aid well wall itav ake ctff your akl and oom rtgh few why men after i got in and ex- tdainad thai x wa not wearing akl ah tl i carad to alt down or if id ralhcr atand aod roc i cum you pcopl would i to know bow i think up tli in iwwf m my arqcia so ru ta you now x do it for inifanm x may b qwxj mod om th atraai dctsf y tn paucuzar wnm all of a uiddvo doa eg of utu hy atart running through my hrad katurahy x dont ty a word about lhrm to anyona at lh urn but be or thay can atcapa i ruth bom and daan tbaas into a ora bocik which i kap flapktau lor lb puipoaa lheu i jxid tha book abs oo lbam auj to all x gua axy uu uory mmant any too good at lhat but lbara plant mora than water gon unovr lb bndgvworw tine lbm and to 1 ckddrd to hair another try at uory lalana yew itn pmlurol in frt i taa ftfs nrauir in- ccaipatng mjwli to lbr farmer ho rruxad at an eaxty ag ui hall a mllwn douar when aikrd tiow br had aocomnoihad uu amaa- tng rat lh farmrr repud wru by xy 1 maon x owe my halt miukjn dollar to lbe fact that all my ut f brru rht tn lhrr pitcningwnd lhat alnt hay brothrr krajly lhooth x oont uunk i did too badly with that lat tlory conudrring 1 only had four hour to prrpar tt on hour to write tt and lhrrc hour to ttunp it flat enough to to in tbr rm lop ll thr i uiidvftland lbe nrit nrot of any lmportanor to t own u thr lugrt ttrtiool oorninrncemrot on anrll tkui ao i think 111 ft on my hori fttord u anone named uu ford read thl i might aay butord u a rry prrdv horir and romr u to trr it in fart i may rstxx art around to aiiung an account of my rrprclrncr providing lbr editor will print it of comv whra x get atartrd ttijig on a ijbct i nrvrr know trrr i m going to end and tbefrfore i aay thai if thrrt br ny man among oj who ha reason to beboi that hr wiu be offrnded let him pek now and x u forrtrr bed m pracr at lhl pntnl howrrr i rr 1 hate j curttiur to mtkr for i iilrd a very mean trick on thr editor with my ut hlory 1 uvkrd him to print it hoping it would ipr hr boy otnrm a laugh you know the ud alnff nomina to good or our boi well i he bren lhinklng uour nd bvr decided that x did put tbr editor ot thr spot lhexr and lhat cmr thin can b too bad for our boy bo at trr onr more uory 111 git up and promie not to bother you ecain but apeaklng of tbr bo orrw rrmintu me lhat prrbap they oukl likr lo know bow lhttr aew r rr atrutions avrr asrctlng ua brrr in orrvctowti if you will brr ith me a little longrr t will try o trll thrm wr 1 thr ipocrnincnt u cutting down cm all noneurnual ludutnr yw lr anything which dornt helpi thr war effort u grmdualiy utng done aay aitb thry tell tne though that iherr b onr plant near here working taentyfour houri a day turning cut rearvlrw mlrrora now you probably wondrr ht good rear view mirror urr at a time like tru weu 1 u teu you afttr the united nation have uon this wr almobl every pem in the world will deed one m lhey won i gt ttabbad m lb bat by jan tkn there air lh clothing nmrte- uom they have men e clothing atrip- pad of all tmnimfcrary clotb now wot awpf tta a tesnl racket away with awery pair of eainu ao you t out of plant in a err m bt you woni battea a word of thl vhao i uu you about th ao2ar iltuauon ao i wont bother telun you but lh tfcwvlruf altuation u con than that twea of course you know m u rattooad nam nov moat of th people chcrrfuuy aocrpted lhelr ration hooka with no rttntt bat tharw were other wno wanted more gaj ao a lllue office was in up o rt cett lhetr aicwtlona xii ntter tonj the day lhat office opened and all tnoa propir came charging down th atreet tnouilng thi ume er u tn thr trit unr ilonratly though 1 wa cuarutlrd with lhrm the way tbry bargwd rtgnt through to lb u tic o3 lrjnnlrd my llur camp rtght into lb ground th tur utuatioo u rraly jv sent o u lbouh why only a aeek or ao ago i w ckjwn town and a groop of mm were iraning agalnu th hotel to hold the bote up o i went acrua lb atrert to hed the bank up while i va lrwnlng lhrt a btg car came roartng up and uooprd jj rout it the mim ttmir wrrr our tough looking guy tn lh car and x kirw right ay tbay were ciooka brcaure umy werw all amoklng cigar well anyway lbry all jumped out and utr itwdre hourjtd ok uugatf you fun tn and gri lbr caan while the ftt of u uay brrr lo guard the tpaie lut ye lbrr gotrmmrnl rralncuon air ufr cutting don on coo c turn era uut i hate a friend who had a luue fovrwight vfkrn tru war tlailed lie had an idea what a coming to be decided to frt ued to utlng aith out luaurtr lbm and lbrrr hr mad rverything hr nredrd by tumuli he uvwd in a homemade bouw uxrd tujaw made furniture more bom made clothe at home made cue ad and everything like that he wa get ling along fine too until tbry eauttht him ipendlng home mao moruy x ttven 1 had another friend ot alne oallad oredy who receded hu call lor compuuory training weu 8dy aent down to get hla doctor a rum ination to are if he wa phyaically it after giving uredy a thorough check tig user thr due tor said weu berdy up uu now x find ou ua prrfect inapt now all 1 have to do la teat your rye and you air a good a in the army noa then jut read tbot ic ier up there bryinnlnti at tne iel i well urrdy looked ahead a moment i and uirn fclj what letter why lhoae letter right up lnrrr it uuti hart of rourvr replied the docor omrwhat impatiently to iiril ktarrd a uttlr harder th time and attrr a momrnt or lo hr ald what chart well lhc doctor wu gclung pretty nr by lhu ume and he tailty ahoutrd at berdy unk here my good man do you actually intend to ut there and try to make me believe that you can i even wr th cart in there on thr wall ho berdy leaned forward little shaded hla ryxft with hla hand and iwerrd ahead or one tune and then h- finally nald what aallt ilut ot cour had ncwa come vot4i now and again only the other day 1 liuru an old friend of mine had been killed by now you probtcirj think i have lota of friend but 1 aon t have after my neat ftory la pu- uhrd ye my old friend doric wha killed while driving a truck alul poor done i knew him well x could hardly belie e the new when x heard it for i alwayn thought of doric iuv oowtanaj and mr betaayw cowtan of brampton na dorothy 8arfcet are happy to announce thw arrival of a ano oavtd bernard on rfaurtday april 2nd tn ooatpb 0crnj hobpttax mother and hajby oolb domf fin mtstwauro oorporal and mr 1c w wetlitll on bunday april 6th ibo at ivel memoral hospital brampton a ton both doing wcll ckaddy cweneaa dud junkin k oharte in kecora qrtt i on wednraday april ut 1kz dearly bcknwd nuwband of myrtle adam formerly of ororgetown i lyons cuxiwth widow of lh late wutaa henry and mother of mrs w j itmry mr uarry inreaux mr d c oarruther and mr wte hutcrilruon in creetnore on mon uy april etb iftc aged tt yean notrrohat ouelph oeeral iloapt- tal on tueaclay april 71b 1mx itujpy may prve brmd wife of oameu llodertrw norton tn bar 34ui year tlie funeral will br held from th rxxnr of mr jtmn norton olen wuuam on thurulay april 3th er- vlfr at 9 odor interment in olen wullasl ofmetery rcdoy at hu realdenor walkar- ton ontario auurday april 4 iml jotin t reddy rrtlrtd opjc ao- gtnreri briows huiband of ada iteddy and dear father of jean ida and ul lan t udjotum dear fatrer a ho paiaed away april eyji 1m0 tio year have paaard alnr lhat tad day when the or wr lewed waa called i away ood took him borne it waa 111 will dut in our heart be uvelh uu rvrr irmetnbrtrd by bui a niaahrth htjigiftholme in loving memory ot a dear huaband and father arthur arflgtitholme who paaaed aaay april 0 1w6 vr cannot clasp your hand dear arthur your face cannnot ltr ilut let lhu little token tvu that e rernrmber thee lntrtly remembered by atfe and daughter okhaaa lian in loving memory of mar jull jamra vivian who paaaed uj april vh ivu rvmdl lov ed and deeply mourned llart of my heart i mil you go ofwn my darling my iran will flo- ihmmina your picture brforr my eye lijt n vrr he one in my hrart lhat lira ttic uiri srrn dim av i ahlspcr low m omii dur ing boy i mu you to jxer reoiemfcrred mother fwlher btsters and broth crt being ao tough he couldn l be klltd he b to tough he ued to aork out ude in the winter time at twenty be low aero with only a thin cotton htrt the only reomm he wore he tjilrt uoj ao he mould have something lo ipr the aueat off hla brow weu mvuitv to kri on aith my etury it beem done hod been driving hli truck loadtd uith ten tons of dyna mite along the high ay when all or a udden hi came to a railroad craulng jua oa a train got there too a ii it i i mbarrn4jik time to arrive at a r ulrcud crohing with ten ton of dynamite you a ill ugree doric tried to stop in time but the brakes dldnt hold very a ell and he coasted right mw ihi iruin you can t lmaglna ulmt doric ft it like alttlng lherw it plncjy fchiu hls truck and the tr an canu totfitlur ulth a terrltic criuji naturally lhcrc waa a tem t n ion ixplo ion and the nrckagc i both truck and train were atrewed lor hundreds of yurds in all directions hut knowing doric as i knew itm im pnltlvt he would have come out of ili a mli ulriuht if uu tcrrtblo tx- ittiuuit luid not klllm him m save your salvage for tho lions salvage campaign papers rags metal bones and fats phone 71 for collect ion r med tuttm eaa to hint mm ifm u rt ctak to ntlirlmt tali i isktr mark every grave lttusisg cemam petto cad mufcen no amenta to bother you no salesmen commimioaa to pay- detign submitted luf lirtrtaril to bluli buy direct from us ft cms tr imut btaf cm inln to tw dm oakville monument works 19 gane st w oa wwmy oakvsjle i notice to taxpayers change la time of payment tku year your municipal council haa provided that tne tun for 1942 ikal be payable in four immnu as folio wa it instalment april 1 5th 1942 2nd instalment june 15th 1942 3rd instalment august 15th 1942 final instalment october 15th 1942 taxpayers are required to take notice i no discount will be allowed for prepayment of taxes or any instalment 2 the taxes are due and muit be paid on or before the doe date 3 penalty will be imposed on all taxes not paid on doe date immediately on the expiration of that date 4 payment of taxes not paid or arranged on or before due date will be enforced according to tba pro visions of the ass act kenneth m langdon coacter this week only sa1je horn remedle tolletim rubber good stationery candy and drag store suiuiriaa at half phlcet maccormacks drug store phone ot qeoaarrown pastry flour is t 73c domino baking powder nuj 2c aylmer tomatoes t nn2 for 25c clarkes tomato juice 3m u lutiol h bujfw nomlstlc shortening jb 19c grapefruit juice 2 20 oz tins 23c tapioca 2 lb 21c utthll mincemeat lb 10c wtstovs golden drown sodas 10c frebll 40 prunes m tin 2 lb 25c freeh pitted dates lb 21c fruits and vegetables sunkibt cmbp h1ute oranges 2 doz 29c laboe lemons 3 for 10c oookino apples 2 lb 17c dguoiods apples 3 for 10c celery hearts 2 bun 25c lahgk lettuce 2 head 19c fbesh beets 2 bun 18c tomatoes lb me dominion stores limited aaainssiltlsssswwiswaat phone

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