Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1942, p. 5

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the georgetown hewm wcaifay april 8th 1942 ml for you 7ft ouuaifm volunteer today joto the fans service font and htlp ontario farmers product food for vic tory be a farm cadet or a parmrrrru uui makes real coeurihutioo ucu- edae ikf effort this summer hun dred of bmm have rrgiuerrd their need for help already and sort an registering every day lax year more than 1 4100 young mea i aad op and young women 16 and up rskched in and lent a hand thousand mort are needed this year gel full particular from your high school principal ywca ymca or write on tario farm service force parllamcnl bldgv toronto volunteer today w jv b ousti firm smut lamirr mt tmtaud y m w diitmtu i creil rift rsf a frrm smut fot ontario interdfpartmcntal committee agriculture l labour education and department of labour ottawa harold reed joins army family made ptmcntaiiaa at sort aflurmnlli llama prtar t leavtajr far oraaferille the followtna item taken from uu ilhejburne free praa and ccoiiomlfti concerns a former oeoreetoun district family and we reprint it here the presentation was made on the eve oi the departure of the need pamuy tram amaranth township ja orange tllle where htn rcd and family will make their home uhlle lloxoid la or active service n3n uooday evtmlnir friends and nelghbourb gathered at the home of ut and ura harold rcvd north amaranth to do honor to thun be fore ura heed and daughters move to orangevlllc and mr hetd offtra his services to kina and counuy during the course of the evening mr john theater jr called the gathering to order an addroa wa read by mr ros petcnion and mr elnin ulna- ham and mr william snider present- ed urs reed with an ckctrlc floor lamp and end tabic mr ray put ton presented mr reed with a wrist watch and hurl and mildred each reorirvd evcrharp pencils mr reed thanked all thoe preaent for the glfta and also for their kindnesa during his stay in h community several speeches ware made by neighbours who spoke ver highly of the reed family who will be very much missed lunch as served and the remainder of the evening was apent in playing cards and dancing the addre follows dear floaty lurols and family we our frlencu end nrlghboua have fat her td here on the eve of your re moval to orangwillr to spend a short time in sociability and good fellowship tonight our feelings are mingled with ilttrct and pride regret that you are all leaving our midvt and pride that you harold have answered the call to ileitnd not only king and country but olo the liberties and privileges which we chcruh and enjoy in our o a n canadian homes we therefore ilsk ou to accept these gifts hoping they 1u remind you of your many irkntls should your duty call you afar we hope that in the not loo dis tant future you will have a safe re turn the a tr e friday april 10 3 sons o guns wavne mart murjorie luimbrau the getaway ihrlltog with robert sterling charles winnlier fox news earuw saturday april 11th this woman is mine stirring ura story with franrhot tone carol brace comedy so vou wont squawk cartoon land of fun chapter 9 adventures of captain marvel matinee at 3 p tuesday and wednesday april 14 and is birth of the blues mulinl with blur crosby mary martin bach cater march of time sailors with wings pete smith how to hold your husband back soon vomits walt disney realm caiteaa bbituh rm fighters continued from page 1 as a rrsult ot the efforts o member of your drpajtjnrnt owirur to ctnsorshlp regulations we are not allowed to give figure a to casualties ultmi by our brother plre fighters and their fornilto in orrst britain however it can tell you that tn proportion to the numbers involved the casualties have been greater up to the present than they mere in the entire canadian army dux uur the war of 10141818 thu wul klve you tome ooncepuon o the number or famllle oulxted by jour contribution and although firemen throughout oreat britain have been aueaied from their pay cheques the amount raised still falls far fhort of the amount needed- it u irnrrally expected that in th nrar future the bomhlruj will aaln ik on a ery lanre hcaic m that from jkui experience e con expect that thr ramialtlrk 1u be mtioua and the need for funck cer and ever krtater so t us be urt that not one of our bro ther hire plghurs flimlllra u left in uunt tb thom- of ou ulio are carry iiik on the niniimlkii und cndlrut hi oiir suu4 rlptloiu rckularlj ur ay lluiuks u million for a job mil dom k33 ntf doujuis jtowino i t iikii of ius resolve that in tlic tir of lfmj u will march foraard uni otiuunt ulth contlnuoiu ontrt liutlon ulu tlur tin j u lunrc or small mi hint ul lhi tnd of the tar uc v ill ion itiilloils im libit to miy our jiib hii tcn will done uiikirlv mid fratirniilly yours r j ircsiiop dilou ulll be found a lint of tin tun itleas made by nearby towns vll- 1 tijts and cities citorkitoun 13000 alton boo alltston 75 00 urnmpton 37 00 hunt 60 50 coolcsvulo 133 68 dlindas 33s 00 rioru 8900 ouelph 80000 kluhoncr 100000 milton 5000 oalcvulo 2030 trafalgar 10000 montreal 1331778 toronto 3007408 notice to dog owners every owner poueuor or keeper of a dog who has not prooured a lloenw shall do eo on or before the 80th day of april 194x i have been inatraoted by council ttiat qua law mutt be atrlotly enforced ton era assure your tan from the undenlsned or the olerk at bis offloe w o icaraaaui tt chief of police social and personal ura ahrls cvntd u vuhlng with ber sister ura j h usieo svuy oocer john eaunrraon who has boes on leave for the past fir mocths iran the royal o nay to do important war work at local plant returned this week to tor onto from where he wlu be sent to oin his unlt- urv d campbro un w t sin clair ura harold cleat and ults uamle campbell w in toronto last gaturday ai tending the trousbeaj tea tdten by ur harury ilsxrudb to honour of her daughter uaxgaret ur w w rrownndge irkbrated hu wornl blruuliy quietly lut arek st hit home on usrtrt lit we ratend braf wlshea to six oowrnrldge and hope he may enje axxiy more blrthdsye word come herr that rrv f c ovrtrnd formrr palor of oeorgrtowi united church has rvtlgnrd hit pas torate at drsylor ontario arwl tn juj ill retlrr on ujprrevnnuauon hi 0rrrnd irft hnc latt july for drayton mr r kmnrlh lrmia who has been the studmt mlnisur el oleo william unlird church for the put to yean inht thoruy for vermu- lion alls ahet he will uae chargr of muuon i if id of the untied church of canada those from ouloflown aho st- troded the funeral of the isle cttarlea junkln on fndsy afternoon acre u and urs o luewan urs oath and ulu cosh of bobcayceon dr ivan junvon tn w t junain ur and un o ikruth and two ozu of to ronto nuuvf of the deceased ura annir adams and ulw jean adams of dusalo n y ur h w kennedy mo uargaitt kennedy ur and urs j ii tephen of toronto and urs t thorpr of kenora another district citlsm u rugihle to otn the u and over birthday club mtirn on uonday ui wullam ouman of ciun wluarru relrbraled his 00th birthday ur oilman ha been faitiiful rrsdrr of the hern id unce coming to thu dutnn nearly trnt- fitr r jjv and ir rslrnd htaity curitrtrtulstluru hjmj brtt ijitr for brtter hraltii to rnyoy many morr an- njrretrrfi ol uur naud dsy ur oll- nimii haa prttt morj of thr mintrr months at iiu fiarm home but with the udvuit ol upniih f hofar to his ismilult fwurr ornrr guin on our main titrnt and iij to trtrrt him st thr oiixr on ha tuinusl vuji t cpl jojj scrymrrour and urs ucrymgrour vrrr lsltors in town on tuem lr cpl ocrymgrcur ir ovcnesa last fsll with thr 3rd armour rd llrtfi omrrnororneral s hone guaud txit rrtumrd to oanada last rrk to do bptrcial inuning here at prrrnt h it on ltor si hu homr in torono but rxxt oiortly to tsar up duties uj u minnro ln true or ot a tamp no tt dtv ujiuttrd wt mrrr pleawd to mr john bcrymgroui homr antin und ntdrv to sy hr 4rmrd to rnjoy brlnk in thr old town aftrr i wlntrr in rngtanj hr told tu how plramd thr uo in iudand rrc to itrl uir ll i d und taid thr mlsd rry i oll try new advcrlisemcals in the spring they iring results bojuuku wanted girl boarders wanted apply it phone foet sate erban seed oats oood quality and avll cleaned apply p a- dick lip pnone 833 otorttss apastiazntb fob mdtt ready for occupancy by uay 10 3roomed and bath apanmecta tn new valley view apartments uarket bt it j b uajckenzte bon ros bewt tao extra urge front rooms can arid bright houieaeepina or other li apply imcaix omcr tf or pnone 21 roa hale frame buudln- is a m rood coo- dltlcn apply fjiakk ifezwak it terra ooua it kaiat 110 to 170 but carurr wed ou apply oj1 paul beer h ii 3 oeorfilown h phone 91 r 12 pomtion wanted middlearrd aomsxi will iuut allh housrsort asm lift monthly m aomld corulrter jsjllon in fsctory pply box c iu31au a vol nctment mrs clsrs king alshrs to announce the marring of her daughter doro thy jacqueline on saturday march 28th to john joseph stamp son of mr and mrs david stamp of olen williams ont- engaglment mr and mrs thomas lona oeorgetown announce a engagement of their daughter charlotte lenore to john wedlry son of mr and mrs john wedley toronto the marriage to lakr place the middle of april execttoavm auction sale of urtag lin bearaaas dlalag basaa aa4 klukea farallar mwt articles almost new and in llrat- ass condluon property of the eatats of jie iste uaooie ituaueu at her late rnldrncr east end on lllgh may no 7 acton matfsvnav sna uih trtt st 1 00 ociork dm at the utnt tune rral estate con lmlrui of mvcnroom bnca house at comer of young and queen and 7- room roughcast house on young will be offered for tale subect to rttarea bid tp iioy iiindltv auciloneer stewarttown the strwtirttown wholans returned irom uic mumc listiuil m mi final licld ut norul ttst wik uiui the lol- lowuig rtiulu brhool choir lt fjra- nor 8ml tit vociil solo lit harry c ijsiuum oral solo 1st ikirbaru cro- mur ii no solo im t3 unor biniih und llurty c ldiusoii vocul duit lt they will all go to milton shortl to compite in tu finals ut tht miuic tvmuu to be hi id tnu hliortl si- turully uu ihiltlrt n urt ir puu td ullh un honours luittj and art di- trrmlnts to do thiir otsi at tlu un- uls wt uish tluni all micctss vulton lor kmmi kridio mks muiiil mtmin ol ctxik ton lsld ulth m josiph abtandlsli mr nonnan iliilt ol toronto smiit tht iit ut hls home lure mr llurold wilson or toronto spoil tht holutiv at mr und mrs ii i 1 ulumills mlss joan vounk ol cioirlt timn uus vlsitlii at mr und mp io i biuilhb mr und mrs itnnlc jinkliuson hlm- bk and mtrulmi of mount dtimli mr nut mrs utrk tstandish tid richard it d kastiuur of thorold wire all ultors with mrs jinklnson we ucil nil pliabed and interested to read in liua ucekb qcorgetown lleruul news or uev w brook lc cpl jerry wuuson of oeoractown mentions him in his letter to the editor tliu iiim we hoard of oapu urook he was at camp borden now we bec that he b in england bcrvlcea held in bt john church oood friday and eabter sunday were well attended a special service was held sunday afternoon for the children rev 8 r oojdbrook conducted the servioe miiis ohrtmlne dlcketuon read tho easter fitory lois mlloham and bui henderson collected the lenten boxia mr oolebrook talked to the children about easter and the restirraouon il lustrating with bulbs stones and ieda he then distributed prla ol books to the primary claw lois ullftham had perfect auendance others feoelving prizes were oenene and betty bump- ixajtino auction sale in ehql eking towmhihf iarm stock ha graim asu mpllment etc the unflrrsjknpd nuttlonecr hui rr- ceiwd irutructloiv irom pelrr mrloae to mu b pubuc suction at his farm mtusled on thr east half ol lot 20 third conotvlon ljquouig toruhlp on wrdnehday apkil isib 1m2 onimrnclng at 1j0 o clock dst the following horses bay clde horc 7 jears hay clde horse 10 rs dlack per- cheron horse aged oattlxieney and durham cow 3 yrs old calf at foot jersey oow b yrr old due umr of sale roan cow 0 yrs bred aug 1st roan cow 7 yra bred aug 2nd roan coa 6 yrs old bred aug 10th roan cow 0 yrs old bred ug 31m red cow s yr old bred june 13th jery heifer bred january 3rd 2 roan heifers 20 mon ths 4 yearling bhorthom heifers 3 enrllnk shorthorn steers pios and powl yorkshire sow brtd march hth ii pigs 4 months old so barred rock hens grain and iiay 200 bu of mixed traln 40 bus ol aheat quantity of 1ood nilxrd hn about 5 ft of ensilage harness etc set of hcai team liarncs sl of jjnglc harness vet of llrht single harness 4 horse colhrs military mitkllc 2 hea roots 2 horse blanktts ha fork roie and policy impllmtnts n mccormlck- tk trills ii ft cut blndtr onl cu 100 acri mism viiiirru moutr 5 it cut mnsmllarrls lui loadir rxtriug ha rak lia tidiitr noxou srttl drill 4soctlon horroa mas tuirils man ure sprradir 12 plate dbc sprlnn tikitli ciiltliiiltir ttil roller 3 drum hi rat k triu k uaton turnip drill lunibir umo i and ik j btlicli sclih ili istirt sli lull uhlit uikon tutttt 1 rubbci t rt biaux 1 mitl tin buntt load inn r mill tonc boit uui truck scnfllt r planks foi totu boat criutlt 2 no 21 ploughs ex tension ladder ilm planks 2 new ionian iraln bits root pulptr hcn- trenh scales root fork forks hoea chains wlilmuetrics crois bars shotcls and other small articles purn1turf pandora ralibc coal heater 2 beds springs and mattrci sideboard ruiboard kltclien tabic floor mnoleum 6 kitchen chairs co ich 0 dining chairs uashtng machine coal oil stove and oven barrel chum milk nalls mclottc cream separator terms cash no reserve as the farm is sold hume currle cleric frank ptttoh auctioneer it phone 301 box 413 georgetown fob rale w bewt cement block house on olen road for tale or rent pommlon uay 1st apply oeoroe if lbelie r r no 4 oeorrjetowa it phone- brampton writ fob rale private sal of household furniture apply urjn c d hodgson phone m it raoralnza or unra wavtcd ure and dreaaad poultry markat prices a barnbit bon pnona braaptob m r 14 revtraa cnartaa faiwttno aaj bcoobatdio palnuns and decoraung at naios able peltaa jktlmatea trae rev vaopaper nmp d insulthotoh mn pbona 4m fob ha1x pour rae ambs four twoyeaxola ewra all good breed quantity ot brood sows one bog two year oli quantity of rood millet wad ona dapple grey pvreneron mare rlttnf srsen apply j p dlack f phone 4rl to vjhoh it may oonccbn li the party or paruea drculatlaf thr absolutely untrue stortea irajardlaii our daughter continue to do so cearrl aruon will be ttken against anyon raucrit repealing same and win b prareruted to the fubeat rateot ot tu law itp signed oboroe loots dancing omum brampton onsoffbotd oanetat pa- to 1 so dat bray chicks now nd be hwbsor wtmw eo prtees climb eat fab sea eaa or plonr me 11 my pwrwmsj attention pmmpt ekurtry george c brown nor v al rborfb us r tt lueys betty barrow evalonno bmlth and ruth mebrlde mrs lawson spent easter in wind sor with ut and mrs will lawtoa the many friends of mrs cash an rorry to hear ot her ulnars and hops to hear she is well again quite soon oet tout blank oounur auecfc books at the herald we be t sup ply on hand your eyes if you attach aa much impor tance to oaring your eyes ex amined as we do you win be patient of ours wc have kept uptodate by taking postgraduate o urlnff good equipment and has over twenty years experience ia eye examination far a camplete eye barrios- ejtl quality abuses at city prlese consult 0 t walker r 0 eyesight specialist who will be at his office orar the bell telephone co alaln street georgetown the second wednesday of each month or you may consult o t walker at his office in brampton phone georgetown m brampton sw meadowglen compost weedless odourless unexceller for lawn vegetable and flowats delivered price quoted telephone 143w

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