Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 8, 1942, p. 6

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tbe gearfttewa hcwu wctfafchhy april btfcj 1942 b guest of honour a uk vy eil kjtfgu abkaa brtuib aether evftsvut oeer c katienal k n b- y mareb tit at t m- cdt there 1 only on thing worth stwselng over the radio in any land at any time and that is truth- but truth j not a podtit thin it u no htolole bicb fpn brings his m truth colored by his own life his own prrjudioea his own pride hi own ions and hates tonight x try to bring you my truth that you should uk it or not like it ti a secondary mat ter only believe it u a truth a i we it x speak of course about the war 1 ve just come oer from rhgunrt i am jost freshly peel o an atlantic ccnroy i suppose then i should tru you something about belaud ahoul unpeople of london how thry carry on but x think perhaps you are turd of hearing o the fortitude the courage che determination ot the mm and women and children of nntain who hate stood up under the unkind and bloody rain from the heeens you have heard itit is old hat let roe tell you how you thr peop of canada thu peat rich land ot can eda lttell looks lo u i am not canadian thr only right x hee to speak plainly to ou u because i once came here and put on your uniform and eerted beside our own mm and caw them die tn another aer and ahy not let s start talking pu in ly onr of thr troub of our demo cratic front in thu war u uial e ere not onr unit we air wverel eountrw and we hate to he dtpkxnauc we have to be careful het ee my for fear of offending each other well herr take offense el ahat i uy u ou will but the plain truth about this aar u that democracy has not yet got down to the buslncea of war we all believe faocnehow miraculously that the horror of war by uxne pecial law of dfrlne irovldenor can t touch u the other fellow yes but not us and each one goes on ballerina that until the enemy u ten mile awsy lua lank cutting through soldiers armed only with rifles his punci bombing chil ians who hae no alrrald shelter and o ent prance holland bel glum denmark norway orccce ivarl harbor each on snowing intel lee tuall that mar was near but each one somehow convinced spiritually that the blood and slaughter and screaming steel could happen mxneahrre rle but not here we mutt learn to understand that if we are a united front when it happens to one of u it happens to us all re member thr line of john donne from which ernest hnnimrw took the title of his arjknomn book do not seek to know for whom the bell toos it tolls for thee remember that when a bomb falls and crushes the lie from a british child thai child is your own small son or daughter a ho nu be serpnv vffimirz no when a trapped soldier die in a malayan ffamp that your own grownop on when a polb csnaan treated ke a kiae cmacateo by banger fshs finely into a rruuj graiw that is you yoa who luvn now ir yoir fine comfotisbe home with yojr rood luvy candan dinner under yoor be oo at bt wj tr th r canada do no b ojce3 bo goofte- baaojbq miiikl whm c nazi cfciefi howl of xwehrajm 4 ywj think iei k- ljt h o urviln no a zjj lmi rvxn j bnuxn tha zry iuand o erro clkl try yj jjor mo- r when ue pajrjoct o ufs icrtam ahxrjt fojcb oc jjj ujt a ilw ahoj xia lt n uu urid or aoc- or- j y bps niar jriidrn jr if ms when the j1 iztl is a a tavw window k c ic a dollar aa f t- m aarrol frrn h j a- juij don i want rkrx ryi j jt- j niey art yfli gu n ijriimf cttjjmli ruii witti h tii h itbnurnk it r- h ri a hrr r k i iul o 1 it o r u a xila canada th i- krnit bji iiisa uiuti of iii xittiui raw mavrl vim iir uic rxil i naxl war cbtafla urljll itu ajl the tjliifid hav nt laid thai lc amid uxv 1 r jt un liul wlul uvuiu rwji tu hi aufcriue that will alio- ou u tjfojmi a in ort of wht native ui carry or ih ir ordtra h i true io not dilmlt ourwu whni you declfd to roh th hlcktn- jofj of a jtlud ord r would you teal mck chlck n ask our u that ko if you n nolnjc to run tin rlsk ot btln a criminal ou mlkht at well ateul the plumput pullou uiul uio faiut ktuso 1j not think bauic ou are umi1 to the t uilnc ou arc not rich to he point of luxury here you ftjo ch in a uny of llvlnw utut la luxury luxury while the wurtoc on how ahull i make you unutnsuind what youi rlchus are cuch one of you lt- ung at home now perhaps i can do it through wnall thlnuj uiun to mo now clo to your window and lift your blind that is richness for it t on action that no man in britain dure perform tonight now look out of your window and you ceo ughta you ore aeelnu what tho richest croesus in all britain could not buy tonight to morrow mornlnff at breakfast tquoczo youraelf on orange you are dolnff what no grownup in britain will do today far ho has agrood that every orange in the land ahau be reserved aolely for the green ration booka of cbudran only mr your child out a banana- into bmrl of oeroal when you do it say that you aro cutting up what no mother in britain could give to her cfeuovabe eottldnt buy that banana mt for ttwhhimt douara c or there ftw as hnif not one not u a mmma adoiom daelared that chlldw swsmmh it wn not fed rttm ajvj gjni pour put four pat of butter on your hot cate then say that you cant hav any mora butter for seven day your total wtetta ra tion of butter is ftntthm at on ful you men as you go to work to morrow stop tn a store and buy a packet of dgareuea know that you might have walked into ten tobaccon ist tn ixadorj before you fot one when your packet u empty throw tt in the gutter think as you do that u you wrre tn ixmdon you would put u in our pocket take it back to the shop so that it could be used again to pack ten more rtgaieura tn walk into a shop buy yourself a suit two suit three buy warm under- clothea and woollen sa raters for your children understand that tn frfwirtnn you could not have bought them with out counting oor ration tickets for ihr ear think that thoe and ctolhee tkd glotrs and kau and tiurts end ett n handkfrhleu arr mttoned you ikum aivri so slxjpouia in uie mor- niiu wslk uito an shop you uh and uiink uist in llrltain you cod otu go into the one where you are trvutrrrd buy a can of lmon then ray to yourwu that ou hse uund up our pnlnt routuns on rannpd guooa fur ue nrrt tio meets you cant he any mwr tomoerow or tomorrow tru the tpuoro nun to arap you bun dim t as ou do to think that you are getting ahat arajih could not buy in ljiiund for to tr paper joud hae to cart hooie erry article em actl a it l unlive jou took a pre of m rapping paper to the store with you to ue again and again tornornra hrn ou go to the but cher b afc htm to ijiom ou laenty crnu aorlh of meat wo more no kt twenty rents eirtl looa at that piece of mett n imagine yoururif poin home lo jour hubbund and say ing this is all you can hae that a his complete rwtion not for just one meal not for one ha day it u his complrte rauon for one enure meek and if he rat it all in uc meal hes dten his aeeks upply at cne gulp oct into your oar and say you alll druc out into the country then slop and ay no hrre l no petrol it li rationed and none goes for pleasure uay you are tued and manl to go to bed and then tay no 1 ciin- not jeep for tonight u my duty night ahen by law i mut tit on the roof until dawn doing my turn at ftrr- mauhlng do you undertard do you tee mhat mrajih ut do you not e that mealth u not money but a may of living do you understand that evtry ordinary unal ir tore of uli that you accept here aft routine ha drd m other piru of the world uat mhen you y t me tmo frird gip or een one fntd es you are doing nomething ihat people in other landt dream abojt b i- can t oo wly in canada you give amay jiuxk- ev rf majchea olve lh m aauy do oj know you could ak into imenty jiopn in britain today before being ante- to buy one boi ah but you ia you 11 be hmart you 11 buy a lighter i cigarette lighter yee you 11 walk nx one hundred ihop and not be able to buy one of thofte cr thrn they re wore do you understand war a bit better row i jo you understand what wealth is wialih l a way or life and i tdl you these thingh not to make you feel norry for the bntiih we do not want ympulhy we ant to win this war we abad ftol wm tt onttl we are all fighting it no long ago i tood in a training pot in rigland ahere your oun- uiian boyr are working in three ilifht- tnnii fchuu at certain technical train ing phas a training ilk a factory on a clockaround ahift we talkid about fofjfl 1 aw the boys euung ller oa a guvt i ate at tht off lc rs ma 1 wimi id eaten wiui the men they all hiuj kactly the name food but the mm food was better cooked the ofirtj said ys uie men have to hue good cook we have lo gtrt along ith any kiwi e can litur i talkid with uu ocncrul 1 k1 i u bi in canada oon do you want rni to ny unythlim to tht peupli thin hi thoiikht a whll tin n he mild till i m hiuuomf iuukii itidirawant u i t iwtun till uu our heart and plril art high say wi arc in good h art hay wr want to c t out and in t tht hun on equal turns till cm wi vr not tunkv hut till in w want mon canadian tjnik i aul wliy inuliun tanks hi aid why ti unn it 1mw4u1m w ji canadian rfildli r mid ki want catnulliui things yi s u 11 i in to stud us canadian tunics 4ml till mi w m alrn ht and tn lood in art tlioi an oui own lm p tiph of canada thty will iiot nt uuk anil kun and plant quitk iiourh unli i you tul tarh om ol ou that 11 your m nsonal job to si that il ihi uitm you will not htl it i jour er- sonul job it you nre ruminoil that the tuir u sonuthlni fir ut ro a ia that ls nivir conniik to your door- iu p 1 till you it enn come to yoir door- mep i tell you it is lit your doorstep so many peopli uhm tlays uilk or nbuiltllnk our umrld acu r we win thls wtir of course for the sake of what ls called morale ue bhould nil iet up and tell you that we are bound to win it we are not bound to win it the thing to bh in our heads l that we can lase it as long ua we think it ls something that can touch other people but not us many other lands thought that until the enemy planes wero overhead and his tonics ten miles down the road and then it was too late it can be too lato for us we have to stop thinking of what we can do in 1043 or tome date dreamily far over the horlson of time and understand that it ls what we can do this month of april tn 104z it con be too late it we o on suwoslng that because the yawnqn man and woman and child of britain have stood up to buts and fire and bembtiuy wul so on atandlnff up for a couple of more yearn until we aet ready lo really riant the war is it bad for moraleto aay that 1 1 think ojss and mitt modern equipment wins the day thm thm potfi0lou ittik ol povi4o i oodt for ot impka ol w con bm iaanokan by conodoa ooykwa w4 li mopo fkon eve bao i 0ie to ie feign dee of oojioo of ifca foem mit hoo bt oovao bafoe h oubaok of wo motteyhorth uodaruvp in ika dviopia oad bwjdio of men tobortavino eo4o- aar4 lor form l rscoowlld wwoooovt 0m woitd ond has fwhd a ot amiobu reputoaon for tmt 0 act conodloa cowry w4we 0owi it giown tl it buf notol tafof lliot o cofporr wch oraof rauxhcat tn ploe xkjt ond pinca thould be cfcotaa lor po- tjction of voomt fmunittoni of ar svoj ryp ol iku ocfoh wwtgt ond porri ond tqpmit for mjiary itomporti o bno twndoot wlfhfk hillond flkirtcy wtitos kava mod th no moivay mohi omd twowokow fm yton for pooch of hgktf avality moivvf moti u poud of in port in peo- idg th lmptfniti vo aivaotial in mod ten f arrung wdmt war condinont ond tn urntx- ing frxjntrom ond tqxpmnt io vilol h fn ultl of our flghhng focv masseyharris company limited buikbtksof good imim implcminii jinct 1147 tt as we see it by j not is it bad for morale to say what any aoldit r of the last wur inou uial for 60000 killed you muy hae an tvtn greaur number maimed aitii arnu with lega with iacrs torn away i think not i think it will be good for morale if you know th thing and know that uny can happen here too if britain falls for then you will under stand that thls ls your ar oun jut iu urrly as if jupanrm tonics and bat talions of slanteyed mm vere ten milnt down tin road from liere you lue and nad squadrons of bombert were right owrluad now ami that u uu only aay to think of uik war i say uils not spurning nor forvetttng what canada has alnudy done only one who ills mi n tin- hpu mild and k iktoils work of the oinadlan itiil crii in llrltain could say thank yu jls itrintly as i do only om- who has jiii your min training and working in the armies could prop rly reconi4 the trift ot ih in n you have t nt urely om who ills iimii under the protecting wims ol plain s llown t your own dumdum lads who ko up to fact any i nemy houm m v r ail to rttognlav their eouruci uid thi ir di urmlrmtion for all th it canad i iil kuelilwr mi iltli h r nuuilumml hi r kindnts i sty th ink yi ii i attack timplik i hi y in tin i ontliu m i am not lorii hint what iii twin linn liy nur iiimils wliiki ims will turn to lur iiorlwns llm 1 am not it umi anything more loi i lltltlltl 1 ntu ilklllf ou to do sdiilt thlni tor oiir i it i inn a kliiu sou n uiuli island a in w uml bloody knxl ot world oniust ihil tlm tt 1 11 tlie in lite ol u can- alim and mi anuilian just us sim 1 us it tlo tin 1 lih o a hilton sic thl km at land ol can idn not tlirouli youi own i tl y ui me it as oilu i and mote t u uly t i ste it ill ink ot your wealth in canada iliink ol tin uuilth of youi way ol lhiiuthe only true utaltli of thu world it you rannot unhrtaml that you iv in plendld uealth try to uiulerstand that to other eoplo- the way you live the ordinary wily ol your lite look like lavish and luxurious splendour unucrstand that when uie nngfe talk of uibtiusruum they mean youi un derstand that by conquest uiey do not mean a treaty but a gigantic now mivago world policy whlcli bees your hplendtd land as a place where they the herrenvolk reap your riches and you the freebom canadian ore a sub ject slave race to work or to bo star ved and shot as the pales are being starved and shot undemtand that if wo are truly united a bomb tn fjondon ls a bomb on every city in canada if the enemy were at this moment twenty miles down the road you would not live bliss fully as you do now the way to fleht this war u to fight it hen as u any moment the enemy tanks were just ten mlue away down your own road suggests canadians grow victory vegetable gardens hon jamts a mackinnon miiimi i of trade and commerce sinn in oiu p i nnil items thc it ipprihiitid u our rctuleri if ou work and toll in this war in ihil pun thin and then only mi nil wi defeat this cnenn we shall defeat him 11 iiioni in canada truly be lli is that this thls land or yours ls t he couiuliss t he n it miulmen arc talking about not a greasy sjwt tn a junrle only if you tintlensuuid uiat can ada no less than greece or norway or ihilnnd or chechoslovakia can be en- slavel shall we work and fight hard enough in thin war to win it and en sure that mie shall be free only if you understand that your way of life hero b so rich and full as to excite the envy of tho ordinary cltl- zero of europe will you fltht hard enough to see that this war is won and rifnipri can go onward towards an even fuller life with a continuance of her growing- social fmedoms her open spirit or thought her flowering educa hon and her even breeter economic strcnoth i pray with all my heart that these uiliurs ahan come true x pray with att my heart that the people of canada will have the clearness off vision and the firm resolve to make them come true only if you aet tn time can they come true writing in the firarle oraln com pany limited official organ ii o l btrangch article the world of wheat fttreaae the need lor victory vegi table oardtru thls year we print the article herewith as handed to us by an interested reader britain is becoming gtcatly con cerned about her supplies of food- stuffr particularly about certain ani mal products bacon cheese and egga which tjrltaln cannot supply for her- elf but has to import in larye quan tities more and more of thro food stuffs arc tying sunk in truisit acrom the ocean by submarine and by other enemy action the quant i let of this particular oodmufti available for export in the united 8 tot vi and in canada are 1cm uiau the people ol britain require tin lati st idea to help beleugured britain is for people on this continent to cat nioie veketabus and iruits and it s uu on cins thetvc and butttr and in this way to mike more of these prulous animal product available lor britain thls i in all be done it ls miggctted if fu rmtis uml ilty insople alike will i nv i victouy vrxlrnaube oatt- lin tlicv theiefore who uow more kitabws or tin tr own table fur mim- nur use au lot pukling and pn-erv- 11 lot wintu u i willi it tinh be per toiuiini i mo t pituotli ut tint will lulp the biulli pmple to stand akalnst the em my lusubs whuh the nutrt- i ion i us nil us the lonmimptlon of mon euttb and liulus containing larce qutntuus ol pi ti tons vluunlns will ti i talnlv tend to improve the health of younr and old alike it i ulso mitesttd and thls may not ilnu ileal with member ol the iiortlcultiiril society that if you ore planting a garden this spring plant ull eyetublet that is what our klnff us doing m why not fill flower beds ulth stuff to eat for we cant eat flow ens the ouyfjqox has been black so often latery that we seem to be ffettlns used to u but whan compare our posluon with that off ca many other countriee such as erjf- land tor intiftwa ajyj th countries we begin to tfc that may be ew are not so badly off at all bat upnng u on the ay right now and th tulips arc showing sign of myjwh one more and the birds put on quite a songfeajt these morning the bud are hut waiting lo go all out and tho odour of bonfire is in the air oon- flrea are short of material this apvtnw with the udvag gatung almost every thing that at one time vct tmo tho spring bonfire the mltte are laid away for another sebon and the bar kneea are all the fashion uany off the winter program are going off th air far the summer rest and perhaps programs of a lighter character will replace them the other evening the announcer on one of the corn syrup programs after telling us to put uome of his corn syrup on ouj morala cereal went on lo tell us to put corn syrup on our shopping list uy woudrrvd if the tknprng us would taste any belter with his corn syrup on it next ume ie hate shopping um for breakfast must try il a a a a a if dtt to war conditions the care dlvippeer from the hlghaaya alto gether it will rem strange especial ly to the younger generauon that do uot recall the prroar days at als oars created considerable excitement wtid they were first introduced they arreu t plentiful in any one communi ty and when they did appear they us ually had plenty of cnuo as well a sdmlrers- the moat common car off aj during those early days was the uodd t touring and it was the cor rect thing to drive with the top down no doubt you rememher the coll bos that aaa on the dash at the drtvsrs feet of the uodcl t and the key that was in it when the engine wasrjt running the key would be uimad mraliht down and then when we wanted to start the engine the key was moved a little lo one side turned to thi rikh tnr conntction a made with uu magneto and mast ol u had a lew ur cells ljig under the front mat and theie acre ronncited to the lift lde of the coll bo and turning thr kty to the left bide vially meant unr tarting then hm c liad th iagni running wr 6w itched the key guirkjy to jm right for druing of tounf tlmrt wtre no bellatarters at thai luiu and lhc injjiec were ajsrt- ed by cranking at a country funeral iheie wtib onjy uie one qir and after th ptocis on tot ua thr owner of tht cr decdtd to fctar it up and fol io tin butiit- however try xc be muit lik car failed lo 6 art aa uijal he had ptnty of company wauhing him howocr none of them were able o hep him aitir watching the pro ceeding lor otic umc an elderly man that had betn uaning againm the car lod tin ojtnti owly oiat aorti his i way whin thty aned to sta the car th y usually tunuxl tha utue ttuui on the duh to the aide before smarting to crank it tht man had tor- uoten to turn the key wt remember one time urnng oil uie key bat the engine failed to stop a miiiu screw uimdc the coll bcx had become loos and made tin connection but it took ua ome rre to find uiat out oarages wire marct a that tune and wc liad to grind our own vahea and we can renumber being cry thankful thai th itinc would run after grinding those vahrs uie ftru time pcrhapa th yournttr generation that hae known only modtm cars hac mused some thing uxxx ii tilt stank y cup finals are a clnsmc a mrie oa was the tor onto mape leaf and new york ranger series the customers should iio haxe much to coorploin about tint trlts seemed to hae certhing txctpt rough play and was notable for uie curcil ol penalucs vou would notice ono that the leafs only mm red one goal more than did uie rangers n tin ix gum- again tlust extra hoil for the uatt came juit el tvonds belore the tnd of the sixth gatues 0 thi re can be no doubt about tin iv-nm-n- oi the tto teains u uio ditroit cuudun mrie tho two timis mored un tmual munbtr ol goals houvwi in the lxtroll lkvton erlos thi detiolt hid wuigs mured nlno toils to the huston team a inc your luev would bt as good a our a- to uu nuinbei of guils uuit each team ioie in the leal red wing scries ogdens cqarerfiirosa ecfi weekend service buses leave fboh oeottoetown to toronto m08 un 018 ua llm ta 333 pjb 433 pill 838 1mb 008 pm prom gcobflbtown to uomdoh 050 utt 340 pnu mm pm 060 nn e sun and hol b otllr omst son gray coach lines v

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