ttte georgetown heram wetcatfay april btfa 1942 besme wisslsl you have the right number consult the directory clear telephone lines for allout production year ititfbom b part of tul uatwarsiaj- eystras aav haltvfmmmtmemwbkhpratttiqntarimfy assy drptad 7w vfrw ibfwm ncries speak iiirtlf tlt la uu rur k be brief cu roar ua fc use offpea hour j tun the worlds new seen through the christian science monitor am lwtrrmsttonji dsmy nnpptt it twarifl rwnrln uelirl pia r tmllml odjuriab an tvaalr am4 ttfrwtrw ud la o0f ha toamfcar h the tokb hida imk make tfce ifaejra aa mail nnvi far d him th qirutua sclmwa pululuna socimy oni noivtr som bo mnrfintm pno fll 00 yuitr l 00 mouk bwa induouna gi scoot f i 00 a yr introductory offer 6 laam 2 cmia mill- i dunt fivl ttiut ti miuld be wifce john ann houithtun uld rruhon imy quietly it hby i imprrtimon iljlc und immulurv ii uoutd be iiiialaktn kindnrsk if you ii prrmlt me- to rvprr myhrlf frankly guy hive hir ill ihi time a tatr of iomtthlng ehe cant havr prrma ncntly im afraid the would be more diacontrntrd than ever whrn hc returned good lord mother john voice held note of irritation no- ody wants to eat fruit cake for rv- rry mtcl but ite pleeaant once in j while ann houghton mlled faintly 1 think that aort of fruit cake jut now the aald would be very id for debby with una notion ivr haa of elnglng on a radio pro- rtim or in aome place of entertain ent im afraid that being in new york with gay uould turn her head mnpletety i ahouldnt allr- her to do any- sample copv on bequest eaeaoetaab a oeeaaaaai vmiaviajihrm vj certificates you can help ihe man in uniform maraly by saving regularly because whan you ave you increat hw flow of labour and malarial from civilian lo war production and whan you land aecumulolad saving lo ihe country in war saving certificate and war loan you help canada supply lo our fighting man the arm and equipment they need seize thl patriotic opportunity pull your full weight i start saving now o we fr7ezecsoher the chartered banks op canada thing of wtilcfc yuu would disap prove mrs hough ton i dont question that but your life ts no different from our life her im afraid that the contrast you know debby is a chameleon mother she adapts herself easily io jny environment thats just why i dont she uiikf oil glanced quickly at john ii g iy im not presumingto criti- our mode of living gay but m onvinced that for dehhy just 1 tins lime- if it were sarah i ii uould be a different matter fulded her knitting into the baa i omuldnt think you would want i i fur visit after the scene youve ii wiifitstfd i feel that she that 1 m ou an upology no pleue mrs hough ton she ai terribly disappointed it wai i fault i should huve consulted u its all right i und erst und ov you feel but im disappointed km john made a lenilen movement on tin hrurth then its settled hivt it dfbby doesnt ro back to n u york with gay now may we ttik of boinethintt else food for in n tut tie im tturvrd did huldsh itiike chixotute douhnuts come out o the kitchen wiih me gay ann h ought un rom from her ihuir if you pit john id like you lo go to drrv with me oh ltt her ulone you know hu she t uhen shes hod a tan trum dont pluy up to her and she ii get over it i donl think aheii well shes itol oern herfrlf thrtve past few diiys youll turn her into a neurotic if vlkj dont stop coddling her d bbv is sensitive in a way aim h t think i understand better thtr you john turned to guy in smiling i mtispsratlon what was the use ol my spending four years in medl j school und tuo ears interning when molhtr by instinct knows more than i do uboul my profes- siun atiiiin it faint rhilling smile iniit i i un ltiighlilis 1 1 pi i hootd i k vu t- no uilh me j ho l rei 1 debby is niviv hiiiki si i tl probably noil i li put del lo nleep rh in ut- imii n und guy vill escus you for few m inula im sure certainly mrs houghton dock in a minute gay johna eyci uere pleading ilia smile was ttruined good night gay good night mrs houghton john went out of the room wiol tiih mother the door closed gay mood leaning against the back of the thuir nturing into the are guy did not turn when the door ope nod site remained seated in the huir besrde ihe hearth looking up it the j in ting above the mantel were you asleep john asked tuning to the chair im sorry ive bevn to long no not n steep ive been getting quuinted with the gentleman up here its your greatgrnndfather unt lt abner houghton yes you dont look like him in an mimr of intensive study i havent trfen able to find a trace of resenv hlunce im sorry its been an hour i wimted to get back to you he iwnt tp lift her hands lying in her iip come over here where we jtn be close together i havent kissed you for three days has it been only three days darling have you been muciav hle she drew her hands from hta sal looking down ot them silent what is it what nre you think- ing i want to go with you tomor row into portland i meant to take vou and then on to new york to morrow rut mary expects you to stay and the kids nat made me prom ise to bring you thata dear of them but look at me gay she raised her hcud seeing his grave and troubled face she gave a little cry he bent toward her her arms went around his neck their lips met and clung presently he drew away straightened took her hands to pull her up from the chair did taking deb by to new york mean so much to you i should have enjoyed having her but that isnt important that act she pulled must have been unpleasant for you it wasnt an act she sat besld him on a sofa with a high back curled at one end like a snail deb by meant every word she said he looked searchlngly into her eyes do you believe that gay of course i believe it ive been here for three days mother told me i hadnt real ized- i dont wont to discuss your mother john but you cant believe the things debby said were true they are true im sorry if it offends you but you asked for it he drew a little away from her mother is only thinking of what is best for debby she is emotional and immature and she has this no tion about singing why shouldnt she have a chance that isnt what mother wantn for ucbby what does she want for debby shu wants hor to no to collcgo so that debby an spend the rest of her life being graceful to her her voice softened oh i am ujrry john i shouldnt have said unit you con say what you like to me what you think how you feel no i cant when i do we quar rel debby isnt important insofar an we ore concerned but your mother i slu dcxnt wunt debby to go to new york with me be- cuus4 bhrb afraid of me of the ih ngt i tan do for her she wants to be everything to at of you thats natural isnt it natural p rhup but selfish veil selfish john citnt you see if you knew wtiut mothers life titr txen her every thought has bn for us it would have been better for nrr for you if he had to plan for ub guy there wasnt much money you cant understand i suppose mo frankly i cunt thots because you huve the pro- lection of wealth ht- tjuld stiffly oh money because my grand tuthert tell u trust furvi for me we hu ker und quarrel antagonism tiurptmd her voice u enm of the 1 ntunre widening ht tween them you uttuih i no muih importame in whot i have it isnt becuuse you have it now or hutd slowly with measured de liberation its bet a u te youve at auyk hud it prom the hour you were born every thought youve had every move youve made has been colored and shaped b the fact that ixjth your grandfathers were wealthy men your mother how absurd we ure she gave short strained luugh in new york we quarreled bees use my mother did not display a properly maternal attitude now we qusrrel because your mother is a modal of maternal devotion oh is it impor- unt john we are each ol us the product of our separate environments he und carefully thoughtfully you nad nurses and gorneries you ere sent lo cumps to schools to ht seushore in summer to danc- nk cluss ror your birthdays ma i iun were hired t entertain you ittd your guests vi hen sou were nh there were nurnen mother did tithing for us when we were it k thr rouldn t iiltord to enguse a r n inml utitm rtirewttn ini itmim i h imtimment en t rt lining mother nii h fun fm u- it home she rcrincd and ked o send me to college to send sarah she managed it in ways you couldnt understand hamburger tnateatl of steak never quite enough heat in the house dried vegetables instead of fresh ones in winter sarahs dresses made over for debby and with all of that she has tied you to her for the rest of your lives you and sarah at least oh of course shes been splendid i mean that sincerely but its a sort of selfishness too she resents me tecause i can do things for you which she cant shes afraid of oh of course shes been splendid me for you for your work for deb by mainly because she wants to be the source of all giving like god like youre uncharitable gay im honest ive seen if i werent gabrlella graham if i had no money she would welcome me for your soke i being who i am she fears and resents me lack of security breeds fear when you are obliged to consider the possible result of every move vou moke you are cautious youre afraid too she said barely audibly as though the words hod been forced through her lips you dont trust me ho turned to look at her misera bly you neednt tell me i know her voice steadied the things ivo been thinking are true the things i thought tonight while i was waiting here for you what things gay that it isnt possible we hurt each other love isnt enough oh gay i do love you his arms reached for her passion lamed through the dark misery in ills eyes i adore you since i list met you when you were ilf- ecn yenrs old ive worshiped you no dont touch me she lipped away from the sofa went to tird leaning agaimit tho wing- hair buside the hetirth he half one to follow hor dropped back sat with nhoulden drooping rifj liana- sn ging between h v knee itk just biology isnt it she uskeo with a little brittle laugh t hojmd thue wo more than that x had the naive notion that biology wab nl u part of it that there could bt companionship too suul fuitli and mtunty cty he groaned im b ginning to understand nol noi that i gutb ive known but i wouldnt admit it do you remem ber christum eve in new york whin suk announced callers you uked me what you should say lo it tin i think i asked you what you haid to me you bald i tell joo i tow vou thats the only ihibf r can say to each other without quarreling what will we talk abodv whin but if when were together wa won i be here or in new york tin i wont be people gelling in the wa iur lurnily mine i vt told myself thut but it isnt uut we tunt escape our environ ment well tuke them with us wherevn we go well quarrel and make up und quurrel ogam but eacts quuirel will uuve a scur lets not spoil it john he started up from the sofa gay do you mean t he askadj hoarmly she held him off with an instinc tive gesture uncle john may hav known she said steadily her hands grasping the back of the chair bui he was d tng we must live john you und i we cant let somethintt that wos beautiful become tarnlshm and scur red lei stop hurting sack other lets end it now neatly anal definitely he stood besiu- her ut a utile duv to nee his lipt moving ht lijiss searching her luce she glancass away do you aunt to do that he asked quietly yes her reply was as coo trolled us his question hud been i want to go homt lumoi row und start to forget you it will be difficult but ill munuge it you forget any thing dont ou in time do vou mean thut look ot me gay hei head turned brie looked up ut him thmukh film of tears i mean it her voice faltered cluiymk lo ihi hack of the chair me swayed as though her streegfll was gone he caught her held her for aa instant they clung together urgent ly despairingly then she broks ft donns chan j anrlhtag john docirti ut oh cant osjrt 1 love you ao hla arm held her again her tac atreamlng with tear lifted to hi face when im with you like this darhngl how can wa 1 doeft know chapter xv flat week hon c o power mlniiter of national defence far mr ool die bon j l ramrkoff minister or national defeooe j cooke floor contractor raoat latino runmko kksurfaoina iikirsbino m bpeouuzb n old noon oood workmanitup ileasonadle prtom 8 kew bt bpblinotok