tfaegeorgetowa hetmu wafaway april 8 1942 in small caulars fresh or sweet pickled pork hocks sausage blade beef roast rib boiling beef stewing lamb 2 ik average avutzb it c tta prune plums devon pears ubbvs tomato juice 10 oz tin graves apple juice 48 oz tin campbells tomato soup heinz cooked spaghetti 10 oz tin 3 for 28c horse radish 8 oz bottle 18c lb 15c lb 22c lb 23c lb 16c 2 1b 35c n z for 27c 2 for 21c for 17c 19c 2 for 19c 33c 3 for 25c sweet gherkin pickles shirriffs dessert onail cunuu balunsmek kraft velveeta cheese 2 lb box 69c maple leaf cake flour 27c tea bisk urge box 33c neilsons cocoa i lb tin 29c lb tin 19c prem a cooked pork specialty 33c fruit and vegetables sunk1st navel oranges doz 2sc 35c 39c nick mzs grapefruit 5 for 23c blc eattno apples 6 for 19c ran ouxm cabbage lb 5c oauttmlnia carrots 2 for 15c targe i head lettuce ihpobttd tomatoes waxed turnips cbjht celery hearts 2 for 15c lb 19c lb 2c bdl 12c c j buck phone 2bw free delivery thompsons poultry farm and hatchery r r 3 georgetown pnorw 48 r 5 alfalfa clover timothy and complete line of garden seeds no need to go out jot town tor your requirements buy locally from hedley shaw grain phone 195 feed skptt goofgwown local news gertrude otln school of the dne spmif revur orrory ttiitrr umj llth t trw klh of lfy u th next public hojlday the 34th victor day feullng on sunday uiu year ritwntion owtn to the leekx zone rjiuy at port crkut the lloo uinjo ai be held oa friday ntgtt april ickh lnjoai ot saturday us j k uabon of caxnpbeilvtue fiai been aptiomted hrtiimintf officer for ilalion 0uiit in the forthcoming plroernlilr o ttir regular raeeuntf of the tcfwtj oouncu had to be poatponed but evening when there rrr not tuffid en l rormbrr present to form a quorum narval junior parmer will meet at he home of turn uooee on april mui mrt krtth uurtwr and mr qrry or the acton yuca are th iruet speiaera walt for the ofuoinax rexa1x ove aarr uaxe apm 2323 orr 300 itenu to choose from you cant so wrong on the hxxaix bale itotx reult drug fllare euchre in legion room on wad april mil thu euchre u apouorad by the ldlea auxlliar to the lafloo proceed going to the soldier fund everybody weloome good prtiea ad- fjiiwoon he it u proposed to orvmnlie a unl teralty women club for ocrgcom and aujtounding ditrtct all women graduates intervated are cordially in vited to a meeting at the home of mr w cleatr on april 3ut at i pm church news kcrlstan int i all will tkwt their dtto- ilii aad will hrtag their mr usan itm harass when i sailed bene sud ejssw then i ssak ihey did net hur bat they did rill befsrv mine eves and chose llut in which i delighted bi i thompsons chicks hatchery approved and oixs flocks bund rods white leshoau lit sua black auctralonm end hybrids order jw may and jm cedes new sad avsld tlmintifal jamwwmj oq brooder coal brooder and electric brooder for tale stack an hand uam sresast delivery keep up with the news by reading the herald til- geerges cherch rev woo thornphon rector yrl runds alltr trmii italy com munion 8 jxn sun u tchuol 10 sin matul 11 am kvrnnil 7 pm 11 alhana charch clrn uullami first uunda altrr diatrr suiklay school 3 pin errwnj 3 pm basil church mlniscr h j e oblrom tlmr april ftji our lord utvlh trl iu ffmuur lor pravr and fallow- fcaip at p pjn uutkla april 12u1330 pjn ullilt tchool claahra for all atfw pm evening acxviop wc havp i lllru redeemer wecome st johna charch uuwarttovs rev b r oolsbrook rector 2 pm sunday school 3 pm cvroln prayer hl raota charch narral 130 pin sunday achool 7j0 pm evening prater bl buasaaa ckamk hankf 11 00 am morning paiyer olea wiouna vsltaa chareh r k lcmkay djl 2 00 pm sunday acbool 7 00 pin lit uemkay will preach ma farvaell aermon haly craaa bc charcb rev pr v j uonjan 1st ird and jui bundnya uau at u am 2nd and 4th sundaya mau at 0 am kan rreabytertaa cmnch o rev ohu o oochrana oa ulnlater 10 ajn sunday school 11 ajn ptaillc worahlp 7 pjn public worahlp ltmchaoaa praabyiarlaa chareh 2 pjn iuble olau and ounday aohool 3 pjn putiuo wonhlp gaargclaam uajlaa chareh rev r o todd bjv ulnutar 10 aohool sunday i bible it am publlo worahrp subject oontlnulng ood modem rules tor living 10 keep your dealroa wlttuu proper bound 7 run evening de votlotu oordul invttauon to u who truth glen williams mr and mrs robert momeoemy spent the week end with relative in oahawm mr and mrs harold thompson of ooolovlue spent ttao weelcend at the home or mr and mrs william den nett mr and mm harold bennett and donna ielt on monday for their new home near grin private raymond addy ot the ro abc spoilt a week end leave with bis parents mr and mrs robert addy george sargent left on tuesday morning for toronto to join the ro abjo red cross news the mothek8 ood bleu all the mothera all the aomen who miut aay goodbye jo ihelr brlovwl boya and watch them co uaay leaving home and all it means to taar the road alone in a word be- bet with pertu into the unknown ivhlnd the aornt the mothers play tlirlr unapplauded parta sending forth thrir vsna with plng eyei and breaking hraru sad yet glad to tat uir lade rrtpond to england a call they give to her with willing hand the deamt thing of all one branch of tje red cross work ar aer probably inclined to forgrt and lnat u the wotk of the canadian rad crona vultor rrovlilon has been mada or the immediate- tulunt of any canadian soldier sailor or airmen who may be in any hoaptu in tha united kingdom as soon as advice has been received from the records ofnor ttvrae understanding women bring lui them a breeu of home a oana dlan rtawvpaper ca cigarettes canadian chocolal bare or an offer to write a letter to a balmed mother in faraway oansds one soldier chap in speaking of this wonderful arrrtot said hr had spent one of his happiest chrulmaara in a canadian hospital hxwtno lay we repeat we can always do with more workers the rutters are in advance of the work and if you feel ou csnnot come to the rooms u arw you can always take soma work home with you we have received over a docen nore lovely qullu from the outtytflff lulrlcl heard in the bills mum my im so cold why am i out in th rain with only my nlhtle enr cheer up lucky i here a a mely had crou quilt from cansds to wrap you ugi in iuttijo we arr pleased u report that we hse received a ahlpmrnl of onry wheeling for socks from rad cross headquarters snd hops to be able to keep you supplied from now no with thin type of knitting we are always plraaed to supply the wool for knit ting- turtle neck wralers hospital we are aorklng on a large quota at ihr present time under the able utirrvlslon of mrs campbell each ar tkrlr is letterprrfect and we are al- uaya very proud of our oeorratoam ttorultal fthlptnrnu juniob bed cbohit we hate just received s lovtly sf- uhan from the junior red cross of ororgetovn public schaol let us tflve our junior red cross all the praue and support thst they to nchly deerve prom another part of our emplre children write we are very glad to receive dotiiea and we all thank the people who send us these clothes i bay we are glad to recehe thene clothes because when we ware evacuated from the channel islands ae wrre only allowed to bring hand lugffmrc with us i hope your country is still proceeding with making tanks for our country to beat hitler we like our homes here but we hope we wiu be able to soon go back to our own homes and that victory and peace will soon oome tiqe chan nel tblartd chtldrkn kohymount convent tolungton nr bury lanes blood donobs our nearest clinic 85 wellasley ot toronto a pint of your blood may save a soldiers life at pearl har bour hundreds or uvea were saved by transfusions within an hour of the first japanese attack a young pilot was carried into the army hospital the inside of his right hand and fore arm torn off by a bomb by the time he reached the hospital he was a typical ahock victim drifting quietly into the coma of death with a prompt tramftialnn oolor oame back into his face he began to look like a uvlng person instead of a corpse i hardly more than ten minutes he opened his eyes and asked for a cig arette here is a girt which unlike sjumey unlike time or even work 1 a part of yourself a gilt most liter ally from your heart atralght to the heart of another to a canadian sold ier sailor or airman who may live to help save all you count precious 1 this world because you took one simple generous step to save him ail the olen was shocked and sad dened on tuesday afternoon at the news ot the hidden death ot mrs o r dan norton mrs norton passed away suddenly in ouelph general hospital bertha bohenk cwajo spent the week end leave with her parents mr and mrs wullam bohenk visitors on sunday at the homo ot mr and mrs clayton allen included mr and mrs kingamta ot aston mrs florence james mrs rorla james also ot acton and mr and mia ooldla masales and family of beamsvule taut week we incorrectly reoorded the pailna ot mrs bodlan sister of mr william wyereon br the name printed was barron instead of bodlan mr and mrs evereon attended the funeral which was held in toronto men of 30 40 50 pep vim vigor subnormal wsnt norma ncpy vim visor vllslltyf try ostrex tamo tsblols canliilns tonics annuitants oyster elcmonta- sjds to normal pap after so 40 or 0 act a spselsl introductory sua for only i6 try this sld to noroul pod snd vim todsy for ssls at all goad driig stores balumafad miss norma mcksehnl of toron to spent the week end st her home here mr and mrs archie kentner and family moved to acton last week- the wms held their march meet ing at the manse mrs foreman bad charge of the topic snd a ifr on christian stewardship was siren by mrs p j bhorull- ur snd mrs pred har purchased the arm on the town ur from mr j lettch of port credit and have taken possrulon mrs a aoprr has disposed of her tillage property and intends to eovt ut to acvun in use dear future the map syrup season is otcr once nioir lerone reporu havsog had a very good year ashgrove rev j o totlen brought a lovtly caster message in the out yet ma new story that easter always brings the choir assisted with two lovely as- ulrma and joy ruddell sang a solo i know that uy itadsemrr uitth- mr and mrs w j disks and m and mrs o r blake of woodbrtdga and mr and mrs p u blake of oodv erlcb were sunday rtsllora at the bom uf ur and mrs prank wilson plre destroyed the bouse and most of lb contents of lb home of mr and mrs ed llndfea on us arntuh line on saturday mr and mrs pred huts and vaj- erte ware wiithj visitors at cburoo on caster sunday morning the lsdlra of th w l bsld a quilt ing in ih basement of to church on monday afternoon april a three qullu wen mrnra sled mis pranoas wrsfglsaworth of mil ton vlslled her horns her for th hesodsy weekend th v p u bald an impraaatv service on caster sunday evening with cecil brenn president of the hakon v p u as guest p he took as ihr subnet of bis most interesting ad dress th risen christ bdllb wttg- glesworlh president of th local so ciety presided oubert wrlgglarworth took the senptur reading followed with prayer by john bud rvwrron enjoyed us tonal dust by marlon dick and isobej wrltalsawortb else the solo just for today by joy huddell the meeting closed with lbs league benedlrtlon th onllerttnn will be forwarded for the sunson projact remember the apadal meeting of the vju on thursday m seeing at a li with moving pictures being shown umehouse in lin louss lresbylertsn cburch on thursday evening last ins wo- mens insuiui sponsored m nto- esquralng township council held uiclr regular meeting on monday af- tures of bpruoruelgb poultry parms dranlford the picture and com mentary presented by mr schulta proved educations as well as enter taining for children or grownups alike the silver collection taken at the door was added to its war work fund of the wj the postponed march meeti of the otrls lookout club waa held at the home of mrs a w benton on monday evening rev o c cochrane conducted communion aervtoes at the presbyter ian church on sunday afternoon recent visitors in the neighborhood included mr alex wright home from to ronto loss ivena home for caster vaca tion ur and mrs e morrow and babe ot toronto mr and mrs bob lstne and llttl daughter ot oeorfrfown mrs vad hsu miss msrjoru beu and mr sod mrs wilfred mceeeharn and bat of acton ell si mrs r lanes sunday mr and mrs a w lane and daugn trrs of toronto at mis r lan ob oood ftidsy mr and mrs mills miss helen mbit of tot onto and wlratasj irstracsr snd mrs william mn of brutioie spsnt th weekend at th old heraa in fimhrtn mrs mummery has returned froes bring with her mother in bradford peon for some months mrs head and master oradweu are spending esst- houlsys with her mrv yrales snd mrs king of lon don and dr snd mrs allan yeatet if hamilton visited mrs 3 r o sutherland over bsaur mr nd mrs o a orani and maw pegs bmethurst of toronto sbtrst bcincuy with 111 and mrs bmet- hum ut and mrs carl soou and oarry of maltoo snd tbeualna family troaa olen williams spent sunday with mr and mrs joe scott miss shirley wright spent easter to toronto mr snd mrs dowdy stalled tn tor onto on isirmtay mr and mr t l osnxfutl and children vlstted her parents for r terra c50tta real eslal is g to our vtl- lag this spring mr john bdge we undersuad bsw ixirchased th old stone dwetttni house on the corner of main and la st us street- 8oooss to you jsok mr a norrts is making cam decid ed unprovemenls to bis bsm on th mountain which when com dieted will sdd corstlderebly to its sgaxarsno mrv r moosuiry who had bar wrlas fratured retwnuy we are also patia- d to lasm is now ahss to be xrotmtl again as usual mr w p hunter we ar sorry w rem is now on th sick list w bans soon to hear of hi eomptats m mr and mrs lurrey puckartng and family of toronto have moved beak to their old home tn terra cotta hot mr puckering is still working for the john inglis co at toronto all our local quants erpsct to re sume operauon her shortly and as oect to do rushing trade to atone this mrs harold hancock of celadon rprit a few days with terrs ootws inrnds sirs a dawson w are pleased is uam u still on th mend and sincerely hope soon to hear of her complete recovery mrs m ucnscy who scant a tew days with her daughter mrs a lewis in georgetown has retumsd horns ur oeorge eaves has moved into mroraya residence on main street mr and mrs johns and family of cemrsbelrrni have moved into mr oeorge townsende boas on maps ave while our nalghbourtng village have a number ot industrsea we would ukr to she terra oocta indue torn line ot industry her nplervlh rail way and other tranaportailon tanuv ties etc com early and avoid th rush mrs j eaves who has been quit seriously m for om time ew sis now pleased to leam is en th mend and we hop to hear of bar oomplau reoov oon miss jennl itiswsrsv of delnl spent the week end with her parents here the spring hoods have pasted over and we ar pleased to state that very utue damage is reported moving is th general order ot ut day pure food store monarch fancy 24 lb bag ojlt pstry flour oh pantry cookies it bfeg 20c pdate oloves honey bthua 33c nnniiaraws fruit cake m as alas 25c wtea plain ar halted soda wafers i lb long bag 19c chats qwattty pumpkin 1 5 oz lint 3 for 25c oeu medal ciutard powder 16 oz tin 25c red las fancy atet salmon y 2 for 25c york brand apple juice t us 3 for 25c devest bread mixed pkkam t ee jar 12c domkstic stsoriening 1 bk oarten 19c a freaj tock of steel briggs antl rennles seeds now in ooclt maale leal fail ass bacon cottage roll by itosasst lb 28c cooked ham eseijilne alleel m ik rf 25c wsukpabt bacon by iks psas lb 34c lb 59c maple uuv wetitagtea perk bologna lb 17c by ttogaeh sausage w lb pkg 15e mealed by the alee back bacon lb 39c 8 aefarnell i phone 75 we deliver