the georgetown herald seventyfourth year of publication wednesday april 15th 1942 5c a copy 200 a yew reserve army setup explained to lion cub at meeting ua h c ibctan asks fs cu wh la anay ksmtt- jmg btin grhtjahg in kirks cunhd binm oca it can happen here warned lion h- o moolure addressing fellow memcere of the georgetown lions dub at th regular dinner meeting in to mrmrthon house on monday tag uoo uccture was speaking tn hi capacity as officer onrn m ruling e- company lorn qcote px it r0 kid battalion lltaimi lleadmg his address aacrlflc or br he briefly reviewed lb war situation to del australia u new tax to tat with invasion and it la arts- now ihil w tn oanala may far tomorrow th ted wstnllm lorn boots u in need of nv to eta hundred man to ful up th rank 10 vullmt strength at tn uu bmr rrplaormrnu an not even equal iwf losses du to memorrt ool for ectlv aarrtor and unlaaa every atlgail ablebodied man ajrts behind trt regiment tb attuatlon win be nam serious to iwnt army it ni plslnd a a ore entrusted with tn defence ft the pnmlnton of canada- tn pre war yeara the sovernmaot and tha naonle war not warminded and u u hr to build up a oompet- sbt usj tor noma defme now tha ten has com whan this la a nt art and it this cannot ha dan vcl- tmlarlly w wtll b load with eon- aerlptloo the apeaker stated that tha lorne boots was the large b on actlr arnrto oversee in the an ttr fan army and had a proud record dating hack to tha war of ids several categories of men an ell- table to join the raterr men aged 11 to is and to so in medical data a to o married mm so to is dais a and d men 1 to s lower than d cjlta or axempt from compulsory mill- tajy serrtc due to war work are all ellffhl tor rearm army duty the count of tralnlnf include is dayi at aummrr camp at niagara 10 days at home on weekends and fortyflt tnmgb tn the year thre evenings correcpond to one day and privet pay la sim other ranla receiving cor responding ratea of pay la toronto a recrulunit drire for 13000 mm u underway wlthverloue aarvlce clubs playing an settee role tn the campaign it was tion mc- cluree thoufht that the oaorgetowo uons club muhl give similar impetus to the campaign in this district tha plan was ulkad over at tb condu- slon of his speech and it was daddad to get details of the procedure from toronu in order to study the plan and have a bails to work on no stanl night the dub deddad to call off plans or a projected rural night tn olen williams the first annual rura night was held last year in nerval and while true had been a success it was tell that the present system of gas rationing and the tire situation would be a bar to attendance this year a suggestion was made that the dub sponsor a bingo in olen willi urn sometime this spring and a decision on this will be arrived at at a liter meeting the weather by ii i iiuu it veatber frequently bica us big -uihi-w- alter what appvarrd to be a extra raxlj tpiing wlo th kjy avcraffr temperature rulng ttimiiiijf for four vvessu tt uddmly rcupuvl into tnlr giving us an all day snow storm last prtdsy taat vu so ha7 tn some pliota ihsti tansmisslon line vr brolom down and town aloclg ui aoulhrrn end of the county uuovn in to darkxatc unuj repairs could be made and uner foot ino drlfu ver reported on the llamllton to aurph hxxrtay as v are suu short oo our normal aov and ralnlsll the ill lath tnov- fall trot here wtu be all to tu irood tn sutilytnf motstur for naxt summers crops and as farm srork on the land uxd not become general sprtng worlt vlu not b much daisy- ed uuca bur to haw all th win- trr now uian a touch of it utatr when grovtn has bafun itouowrtna axa um larnl f f the week dsie tu anru 7 wed epru tours anru 9 ptl apr 10 bat anru ii 8un april u uoo apru 13 ii and l prwcspi- 1mp tatlon 7 u xt rala 49 n 40 90 30 tt r snow 34 44 xs 49 39 morris 0tt tfwfcr weufrs in toronto a quiet but pretty easter eddln took plorr at itlh park united churcii toronto on flaturday apru tui st 3 o clock vtira itn etlxtli luiie qtrandrr aj unitad in mar- iiic to oumr a uorrt bou of bnmpjon llrv j d parte onvlal- ixl the bride aore a dru of hya cinth blue sllsi crepe with maunlng tlomer trimmed hat and vru and blue rcrori hrr corssjpb was pink taoumsn rauw and buddlrla iter at- undsnt tin jorin uorrts vorv nsa mpe and blue alth comae of pin irtiert peas and fern john uorrls brothrr of the groom was beat man a rorptlon a a held following th cetmony at the home of the brbw aulrr ura btanley winter wl- mount ontario a dainty luncb was tned tha table and room er de canted vuii ekster colors of yuo and mayr and sprtng sovert the brtda and groom uft for a trip to windsor and owen bound on thatr return tnry alii reside at 77 weal bt brainpcon mrs thomas rsmshsw buried in toronto roxmeb oeoboetown ustscnt dkb at nostt in crt funeral services for the late mm thomas tamshaw were held on thursday april 0th from p lynettl funeral home 33s0 dundas st west toronto mrs ramhaw whose maid en name was catherine aula spent her early life in the acton district w1u her late husband some yearaof her married ufa were spent in george town but she had resided in toronto for a good many yean she passed away on tuesday at her home 1ss boon avenue she ts survived by two sona oarfleld of oahawa and leslie of toronto one son harold was killed in the oreat war and a daughter who spent her girlhood years in georgetown died in toronto a few yean after moving to that dty interment took place to prospect cemetery united wjwa easter thankofferrno the easter thankoffering meeting of the womens missionary sodety of the georgetown united church wai held on tuesday april 7th tho presi dent uk a m nellsen was in the chair the devotional exercises were given by three members of the nerval united church mre ouy wilson mrs george brown and mn wllbert cleave miss florence laldlttw ot nerval and mrs howard wrlmrles worth rendered very pleasing solos miss hma king and mre norman bums payed tho organ and piano through the afternoon rev b c todd addressed the meet ing having as his theme the easter thought of the risen saviour living and always continuing his mission or saving souls from sin refreshments were served to the sunday school room mrs r h wright was in charge of these tr rangements mrs john kennedy and mre w w tyndoll poured tea 90th lirthtuy celebration for georgetown lady ramuv rmhtv rost fiovezb dibtsuct auaidcnt jlecalls davh of lono aoo atn otorge young oeorgetown formerly of itockwood ontario cele brated her soth birthday on raturdsy apru llui at the home of her young- rt daughter un ualcoun ucnabb hrr family ur and itn john mc- alpine eden ullli mr and mn ar chie mcnibb rockwood mr and ura albert young acton and mrrsl grandchildren and great grandchild- drrn laited with her during the week end one daughter mn heber oookr died twentyfour yean ago in saskatchewan her son ranson cooke of drantford sent greetings but was unshw to be present mn oeorga ourrlr oeorgetown ts the eldest of mrs youngs id grandchildren and fwiglsi ourrte ts the eldest of is great gra mn young recalls many inddenta of life tn the times when people either walked or rode in wagons the present war is a great worry to mn young who recalls passing through tre times of many previous ones her husband who died z yean ago waa a ittcnn or the northwest rebellion in 1s70 and she valuee highly the medal he redved in recognition of his erices at that time lornestots remiitifrg for active service it oroaorrown and outbuct men aiuadv ckumitd swuoum dcntzd that tttooth wluk fita- tioved hksz to date eighteen oeorgetown and dutrtct men ha erulstavl for acttv mrvtce with the tome scots tn ttia rrcrulung drive in sugars ted two weeks ago a recruiting staff at the oeorg own armouries corulstlnar of cbu prank shannon and cpl o da tea is autung in the drive for recruits and there are suu a limited number of varanctr left for prmprctue recruits wuhlna to enlut for acure serrlce the eighteen oung men who have bern accepted st the local armouries indud nlna from oeorgetown oor don jamea abbte kemshead oeorgv l timer john collier j ooir j oliver a whit w oauvtn snd k o murray others enlisting here in clude a oor don u w uaster j h xunvhall d 8 wood h l blmpsan uad c c hubbell from acton o u robertson erin p turkoa hilton and j w harris cheltenham there u no truth in the atory that troops will be tuuoned at the local armouries this spring a rumour has ben going around that this would bs the ease witto tha tartoua ctortes claiming all tha way from uv0 to 00b troops to be stationed here this ap parently started because two or three lads from other towns haw been tem porarily quartered here during their enlistment period and th story gath ered impetus as it was circulated chinjjuacousy farmer victim in fatal fire bjtotbek of georgetown woman lores life as home razed by fire thomas cation wellknown chlngu- acousy farmer was burned to death at an early hour last thursday morn- tng when bis frame home on the third line west at lot fourteen was completely daatroyed by names it la conjectured that mr cation who waa living alone retired at his usual hour and was in deep slumber when the flames enveloped the room where he slept and trapped him death it is believed was by suffocation the fire was first noticed by j it breadner a nearby farmer in an swer to the alarm by telephone james eeclea was with mr breadner when they arrived at the scene of the blase pitmen hsd made terrific headway and the walls of the building were collapsing when the two men arrived the bam and nearby outbuildings were saved neighbors confining tha names to the house it is believed that the blase waa caused by an overheated stove friends and nelghbon of mr cation were shocked over the terrible fatality mr cation was a bachelor and since the departure of his housekeeper had been living by himself for many yean he resided with his brother matthew who died tour yean ago he was rl and favourably known and was a lifelong resident of the district in an accident during a threshing operation many years ago mr oatlon suffered th loss or part of his right arm when it was badly mangled to the threshing machine despite this misfortuno he had continued firming nnd his many kindly charaeterlstin had won him the respect of a large circle of friends ho was born in ohlnguaoousy about seventy yean ago son of the lata matthew cation and hod fanned in the same district all his life he was a member of mount pleasant united church and in politics a liberal sur viving are two brothers welter of london and edward ohlnguacousy and two slaters mrs a poynta brampton and mrs qoorgetown the georgetown herald britiab war victim fund forwarded to toronto evening telegram caah on hand axfcnow- ledged total apr nth tasasa ttolm ghs cader itupecticn held last monday caps v c reid cssigltsaewu l- ufufi ssvg carps a kficfkimry htadrau prrfsrsa gytaaiuira dasvrea the annual lrpeuon of the ororve- toan hjith school cadet corps ws held on uonday morning on the cam pus captain c c held of the tllh ifignlanders toronto wx the irupeert- tng oocrr he compllmentrd the in- suuetors and the corpn oo the effl- clency of their performance reprclsj- ly in view of the fact of uie dtmcul- ue lnoled in training ailh no in door drlu shed due to inclrment weather the inspection was curtailed nnd the platoon and company drill a dispensed with after the cere monial and the march past the corps marched inside wheir the boys gate a ir nana tic display and the girts performed a number of dancea ii j lledmann is the cadet officer tn charge of instrucuon at tha school iterrrtahmenu a ere sened following the inspection john uowman was officer command ing the corps lt replaced dob early who left last weekend for qjockvlue where he will take an officers train ing course alary paul was 2nd tn com with ormle carter com pany sergeant major no i platoon was under dill long no i p betty paul and no 3 platoon jane early mr and mrs alexander bobbie feted on golden wedding anniversary tt bcnton bxjuons as imiiw umtatatoour bxtflf at the regular monthly meeting of helton oarage opera ton aatoclatlon hrld in muton anru 1th the resigna tion of mr art urnton of umehousr st secietary aa regretfully accepted due to increased demand on mr llrn- umi m tune in connection with certain r orders he felt unable to carry oo the tecrrurlal aurk in an sdequste maimer at uie eruulng election mr joe whetham of acton was elect ed wciclary for the balsnce of the esr the educational portion of the pro gram was provided by dectnc auto- llte co snd consisted of two sound ttlcturrs autollte on parsde and ignition ermlneerrd this firm al- ao donated tao valuable door prises which acre uncerely appreciated a social half hour with refrcahmenta concluded the meeting in a very al- iijlntc manner on advisory committee airrsur bkavhont mr arthur beaumont of th joseph draumont llcolrry uuls also wullsnv ruu been named a m of a trueemsn advisory committee on heavy aool hosiery to work wltb the tratlles and ckmhlng admlnlstratloo under th wartime prteaa and trad hoard other members of th com mitter an allan code of th cod felt and knitting co ltd perth and j v field of j g field bob tavistock the georgetown herald j solreer comforu fund poraarded to oeorgetown soldlrn comforts committee hum cah on hand acknow ledged mot norval women s institute 2nd donation sao major barber cables thanks for cigarettes smlen canfru casmawlt casta hhlsswnil arrived hsfety the oeorvetoan boldlrri comforts oommltur rtently reorlred tha fol loainir cable from kfajdr john b bar ber aith the lome scots overaeaa all cliraretua trom your committee urrued sulci now being dlstrlbutad thans for trui kindness which is much aptirrclated by us all tu date all cigarettes sent by uta oeorveloan boldlen comfort com- mlttec have arrived safely overaeaa oser a period of tao years this ts turel s tribute to the canadian a dntuh navire ctxewtatton at the scow hovrehtead fob lihzsocbx nattm fvkjk or oous rmsaanwb to ooolb mr and mrs alrxaadar dottie t itamllton celnrjrated their goldaa wedding anniversary on sunday april 12th at the bom of mr and lba john fkott wmr house a very haegy afternoon was spent when ralaoaaw and friends gathered together to e gnlulate ur and mn dobbt oo oh memorable nrmrvvn and a brief jro granun was preaentad fotlowad by bountiful luncheon after whieh purse was presented to the hlghlyav termed coupl by un robert taust and james dobbt a brother to rot lowing address was read kmsfmoa oeat apru uth imft dear nell and 6am we your sister brothers rtlstreai and frtrndi oould not ut this hapw islon pass it being your ttnfcvaw wedding tumlrtnmjj this is a wonderful achievement ao life and trust you both shall be bltaav ed with the beat of health tn in to tun yean to come and shall bv paw mlttd to eelsdrat logather four esa- mond anniversary on our behalf w would tubs yea so accept this purs of gold our atnrarw good wishes go to you and may gjoctw richest blessing be with you both fugnedon behalf of fustara brother relstlve and frlenda mr and mn dabble wer both born in ltmehouse un dobbt be ing a daughter of th let willies and rachel brott and ur dobbt son of the isle mr and ura jama obbtr the wedding ceremony we performed at th bcott rjomeatamd the ssroe fsrm where the annlrvraary celebration took place their brides maid was itn robert lane ot urns house who was present on bunder and the groomsmsn was th lata bob wheeler who passed away a few year go rev o edge of acton waa th minuter officiating at the ceremony the couple ire membm of th prea- byterlan church thetr two cons frank of snd winism of ovrclsno we ent at the gathering last and also relatives form toronto llamllton acton snd dody varden total april uth tjum enoaqfatznt mr and mn a rartrlersnn wish to announce the engagement of thetr daughter jean eleanor to revfru royee son of ttr and mrs d e royce of thombury out marriage to take place early in may army firefighters active service notes onr buster lisle and onr james have been transferred from chsthsm to pctavawa onr a e caiman with the cana dian army overseas has written borne his appreciation to the soldlen com forts committee oeorgetown united church and the alliance paper mid lt for parcels received by htm re cently ac2 lloyd boyd who has been con fined to the rap hospital at clinton has returned to exeter where he is oo guard duty last week end saw two oeorgetown boys graduating from their roaf courses lao leslie dark who wma formerly on the hera staff got his sparks st no 4 wireless school ouclph and ts now taking further in struction st jsrvls as a wireless ah gunner bglobe doug sargent re ceived his observers wings at ftngml and has been posted to new bruns wick 8gtpllot jimmy jones of acton who is married to the former olive mscdonald of oeorgetown graduated thursday from his pilots course at drantford and is at present on leave os ronald mendham son of mr and mn w mendham ouclph st is training in hamilton with the ro nvn acs bruce kennedy of toronto i spending two weeks furlough at hie home in town on his return he wul be pasted to his new pilots course men in uniform home last week m eluded lao leslie clark jarvls bgt joseph hunt brentford edward sugger son of mr and mre george stlgger buddy drill son ot mr and mrs d brill and bill ton of parts son of mn k preston are in hamilton taking the roaf wireless course at westdale techni cal school friends saddened ly sudden death of mrs 6 r norton olen wuhesa iagy ewaast away la a bets to meet the threat of axle flame thrower- the ria amy tram m williamson crows of the tighter woo win nil an important part when oanadali gol- dlers come to grips with the enemy here tao ur fighters train a atteam of water on a roarlnc bush tin in hptte of birthdays if theres laughter in your living oheerrul speech upon your tongue then despite times crlsseras wrinkles youre unconquerably young years are little things and futile dustfluffs flicked from mounting wings how can one more birthday matter whllo tho heart ot you still sings gertrude bowen webster ruby msy price wife of roderick norton passed away ag suddenly in outtnh oerteral hosprtsj on tuesday apru 7th mn norton born in osmpbedrole t three yean ago and llred there tmtfl coming to olen wtthams aa a brldw four yean ago beside her husband she leares to mourn her pejatng n voung daughter myma roe bar ra ther thre sisters itn hkmoton oaktlhe mn tdcalns msten and mrs anderson hamilton and tsr brothers tn ckunpheurtrie the funeral took place on thursdaf afternoon from the home of mr an mn james norton and rev vt o o thompson conducted the funeral ser vice interment was in olen wunanst cemetery the pattfbearera were normsn nor ton jack norton joe norton wuuani norton oeomtown jack putkertnat toronto and jimmy norton ifanrlhon three girl chums and other frtano from campbelhrdle were flowet-oear- ers for the man beautiful floral tri butes received from the husband as daughter father and family mother nnd father norton and family tb staff and employees of the olen tac tile industries mr and un t norton hamilton mr and mrs tom norton mr and mn p w norton mr and mn herb hsneoek mrs jo hstnes violet and louise the wtflah family mr and mr cardtnau aeonretown mr and mrs t sr molly hepburn mrs hlggma br milton mr and mn wnf oatn and oertrude mn myrtle ptows valeaa and wayne kitchener mrs joserjhm orlchton and ramtty among those who attended trie fan- era from a distance were mr oeorga beaumont toronto mr and mrs jade puckering toronto ur and mt coles hamilton mr and urn tf norton hamilton mrs ooolaon an daughters carnpbertrule itn andetv son sr and daughtwa hamilton and mn myrtle plews tateherter help keep the aouve serrlae vet uptodate by tnfonnnvt us of nearly enlisted men and address changaa of those already in the service mistress tve asked mr and mrs bmlth to dinner at seven mary but i think well give them a quarter of an hours grace mary well mavun rm religious myself but i think thats rather over doing ltl maixino list corrected an eerrecuea nave been made in ear mailing hat and the date en your label insula be the ear- reet one if an error baa been made we shall be sled to eerreet ii if yen will get in teaeh with the office we weald appreciate payment from the rabsertbera in arrears in order a bring ear list np-le- dae thanks the oeergetewn herald