the georgetown herald wednesday april 15th 1942 the georgetown herald buaaauftioh nxras 0ui4s sod dr united sulks b s yur atss ctslr to jrtilf bulf sh w stttts ca m wjxtka o ttnam oahkd l uoqilvrav m f vjk ooiur braes oattts f80nx no s j th ttiii wxtlr notcbkt ameaajiao tad it oetanoqutocc dmecb at ib owa iitre editors corner thanks theres a saying that if you want a job done ask a busy man to do it and this was borne out last veck when our enforced absence from the office left the complete editing of the herald in the hands of foreman mac mccilvray adding this to his many other duties mac took it in his stride and turned out most creditable job which included a guest editorial to him as well as the rest of the staff we are sincerely grateful for shouldering their added duties it was a change to sit at home as we hope many others do each week and wait for the herald with its weekly budget of the district news it was certainly a most pleasant surprise to see another letter frorrbur anonymous fugitive from a hockey train and were looking forward to his experiences at the high school commencement which he has promised to submit for next week and did you read the account of a radio address by eric knight on page six mr knight who is the author of the flying yorkshireman a book- ofthemonth club selection of a few years ago gave a graphic portrayal of conditions in england which makes a canadian do a lot of solid thinking about the blessings he enjoys if you didnt read it look up your copy of the herald and youll get an idea why our young men are joining the army and why we have victory loans and war victims funds censorship price und wage restrictions and all the things that go with total war we wish that mr knight could visit every city and town and hamlet in canadu and give us a few speeches iika this perhaps they would do more good than all the advertisements und hightoned speeches and high- pressure salesmnnship thot we seem to need to make us conscious of our obligations waste not want not the city of toronto has embarked on a sustain ed salvage drive in an effort to salvage every scrap of valuable materials which might otherwise be burned buried or destroyed canadians used as we are to liv ing in a land of plenty are only now beginning to rea- hre that we are wasteful und that we have slight know ledge of the meaning of the word economy the time has come when we must realize that we cannot continue to burn and destroy our waste paper and rags to bury our old metal and bones if our sup plies of everyday necessities are to be kept at their old levels we must reconvert our wornout products into riew material which can be used to replace them we do believe that it is time that the government stepped in and gave some skilled direction and organization to sal vage collecting it has been left too much in the hands of individuals and organizations who must of necessity give only aportion of their time to the work in georgetown the lions salvage campaign has been un derway for almost a year and has met as yet with only a small degree of the success that it merits we have done our best to publicize the drive and to give credit where credit is due president dick licata has been practically a oneman salvage campaign himself there are of course certain expenses in con nection with the campaign but these are kept at a mini mum and the bulk of the money goes directly into war work to date there have been donations to the sol diers comforts chinese war relief cigarettes for the lome scots as well as war savings stamps for public school children in the district the more salvage is collected and sold the more funds will be available for local war work so we urge every housewife to do her bit the public school children who are also conduct ing a salvage drive are working in close cooperation with the lions club and their receipts are put through the lions fund and turned back to them for their own disposition perhaps a few tips already mentioned will bear repetition 1 paper is not the only valuable salvage material rags rubber feathers metals are equally important 2 mrs k preston is handling the collection of fats and bones and these should be brought to her at the empire lunch on main street 3 with gas and tire rationing it is even more import- ant that pickups be brought to a minimum citi- t zens are urged to bring their salvage whenever r possible to the salvage shed and when pickup is necessary to save a good quantity before phoning in order to make the trip worthwhile 1 neat tying of papers will save collection time and expense as well as making a bigger and more pro fitable load for delivery in toronto if everyone cooperates many hundreds of dol lar worth of salvage can be collected in this district month with the money realized speeding on its i i ttt rlit f as we see it bf j a stttfif w ouhnasy occurrence will often rakea mraanrt the other day br aerr in one of ihr tiort uptown nd a r ratrred a noticed that traiellrr au thowinj the proprtor a ue of calendar for iso it loci cjj nud bar 10 irw jtu beforr the fun oreat war wr aere in bu3- nr at the time to northern ociurto and lh tor cmtra xxounj 10 drrj baxrwlor thr vrrr in the fcrrjta of tjuymg cattle ru them in lbe txuh ail bucmrr and lhri fl of theo to iw lumber cmi in thr ll1 their buim aem out of date- and with omr cjb on hind thry dffttdrt lo tw a aroarry aide in town of count thry wrrrol ue cnj oik to think that anmdr can iiui a grocery tofr tiut rrr honeu and thought that oco wr dont think that trarlirr tit of in hlntifsait type kt that mr n moe than thr airragr treirr u tody noarrr tro a trarire cmad on ihrae to grocer the thought thai thry aire in djtj bojnd to gne him an afdrr in other ord thry hadn t lbr atrtr to rrui lo buy ttoti tock toon pud up nd no doubt ur btlu did io and at uai ihr fnxr brcan to rrajjw thai thy rfr bumf too nrakuy to communion wtut th amount of buitnaa thry nr dja uid thr dcidrd to rut down on utf twylnj md of in burl 1r morrun aftr tnry hd miin at uua dcuiod tlrmuui callivl on uvm trjunf cirndaa and vhnt aakmj to placr an oror for oaj itmlirs lfsru n ma a loliowa lfutrr voju hjtr to irt a off oil umr in tllui a aoout a lf muutf afirr h had calrd on uin iit trfurr nirnuond that liad l lu3 tnrcn ivr lunt ktunj an of hu futtomrr off uu uip hr u cf h ofiinian thi tnr ould hr purrd an ordrr nfrdinaa to add uumtiotwo ldi l lavt lonji ui thr uroirry buum httartrr lh- did tfrt out brtotr kkon all thftr monr wr har knotu a frw ohrr oil tried thr trocco tui tliat wrmil uiat unn s m x a a ontt again it ha becomr nrt4jry that wr pxirciuur a lladjo ucnf at umn r hrt cjltkcuxd of hauk to purchaur one tci rr and rt me ait uiur at the moment to think ul jn imrunrtil that oruyu uj ort- trr rrtumi we grt thr w irum lhf ftxii cornera of uvr tatui many timr wr da a r carr to litn to k aj1 it it u rntrrtinmrnt that e ant it l rnjit tjverr for u ui alnit jji qoajiut it l difficult to rraliar ult th radio hv brrn on the o0 4k jim a- it hav thr othr rtealxi r no uiat our oid frirnd amos 7j and arrr cenaurm mwix mui nnirraar on the rudjo we he to lund it lo uiorr to urnurtntn thcu jiom i sv lntrrmtuitf a it hen iirv thr aurted it and thr haa arn it clran and enirrtinlnj and xfo human u rll at the raomrnt e thini r aoald mim the radio li e hod to do without it more o than r woutd mu thf car and f hie had a car mncr 19m a i x a k jidgincj bv tb ftrt uut gvnr in the detroit red win toronto maple lnat suiue cup tinaia we hvc ooocjiidl that the person who made the statement aoov tunc ago to the effect that the detroit tsun in a difjerrnt ciaaa to that of uve tor onto lewra muat riavc known wok lie 4u talki an about the mufcundcrstan- dlntf of hia sutement by detroit ffafw thoae few word plenty ot publicity drtruit understood it a sukuoji their team waxnt av jood k tne lawx knd he may rtae meant it the other way around anywky detrolta inlerprcta- uon of the atatnent etned to ji them cnoutfh pti to go out and win the firet three irmmoa in decisive fashion no doubt the aeries will be owr by the time uienr tine a pear in print x x ft ft x the mnow atorm ut prtday wasnt a bit morw vloom thkn u tfa first anov storm ach mh 7b boda bkd apmreouy fawn faoadmr btek m ex pectatloc of auch a uorra fertup when the hockey cu kw kb fluuafa- ed we will be feuistj warmer waajur the ou iiwmi to be in rood afupe tor r- ihla flprtflsl but the weather u howink up the opeeatiori law rfvty fgrny kouols kttobtacc or- r ajtm ulboty the recent wney oaodjkled by the hilton ajrtraitansj wax brnioe oom imttee udvmtea that ai leau m per cent of haiuxi farmer 11 they haw not ofbceot uboor to mi jit i in their 141 pjodjctioo irttu thu u a teet- ou uuiiuon in ww of the nacd of irnf m prodjfuao to order to til our corcmlutqu otrtaa i u the oexnin of many that food prodjcu mi play alcot aa important a pert in thr preamt conflict aa aimamar unlortunatcjy canada u fkxwd with m horuir of labour nerywhetw kod comm3texur there doca not ees to br rry mjrti relief in chl in the hnktf of oftrttu of thw uklton agri cultural war twrvre ootnmiue mere rr onj uiree aoiutlona to the cta- auan the flrat 1a lo step into th marke and pay top wajaa and theew- by hcui on of the comparamaly unau prrorntaf of cpervnoad me2s stallabw umortunauiy the volimt of trisfrr- u not auflrtenuy lanje ob the tax majority of itajlon farms to prrmit the paymrnt of auctt waawa the oniy ahrroatteaa tor th ma- onty of our farmer would ibervtorw appear to br a qjaauon of oo-opertt- in with nearby farmer or at ututx- inc urxperlecifd help aueh aa mxb actkool atulenu from urban oentpaa urvir normal coodjtioe few tarmaet ousd cooudrr thr latter but u mtgtu br potnl4 out that pnor to the war anone ho would hk i hi lh utuiraiion of miuionnalrca yaxfatk motor boat and fuhlne amavctu ui mrvu of rraruatxna traopa from kjjroyr aould haie been ooruudered w tut ark in thr head the epuode at dunkirk howtnrr indicate thai un- drr prrnt condiuonx w muat b iirrrkajed to utillie wtustee- la krall able furthemiorr a number of llalton men ho had illati sonool hudect m fir ago atatr the boya were au ftfm bat in moat cavsea thry didnt atay long enough thu year the nunlrmma lrtkd uiey muat remain on the fkfb in order lo ircurr their yeata haj bren ei tended already upward of w haj too fanner are reported to have made application for ifigh ttcbo uudrau and we would judfe from rncen statement of an ofidaj of th department of lhour that prnpi loo ail be avallabte for llajlon pro- ldmr appliokoona n mad at one it uiudpated that a peroenta of the boy who will be comlne out wto luvr had nome prrvlou experimoa thom lntertuted in lhla type of hasp and ho are prepared lo ftre tt tnal hould make their appuoklionj at once application forma can be necured from the axttcullural oao in bxutort or an application by letter can be made direct to alex ifjaciareri dipartmrnl of labour parliament outldlrura toronto i weekend service buses leave rmom onoaarrown u toaosnto mos un 1s la 11jj suss jxs pjn 4 m pin sm pjb des do rmost otoaonown u utmam sm m ij8 djb st40 sub sw djb bun sad hal t dtltt skmc4 sua ituum dsjuint bsftat tibw gray coach lines mas tmt iiii u w lomo mission of help isnt that worth a few minutes of everyones time now and then we think sol telephone rationing a new order of the wartime prices and trade board instructs telephone companies to do all such things as may be requisite to conserve any and all tele phone plant and facilities this has been caused by shortages of essential materials needed to produce tele phone parts and consequently it has become necessary for telephone companies to inaugurate a system of ra tioning and to allow new installations only when ab solute necessity is shown present plans call for the acceptance of orders from business establishments from those engaged in public health work and for those occupied in war work whom a telephone would aid in the performance of their duties the bell telephone company which ser vices georgetown is anxious of course to give all ser vice within its power to district residents and when applications for telephone installations are turned down in future months as they are bound to be the company hopes that the public will accept it as a necessary war measure which must be token in the interests of the war effort if any citizen wishes to have a telephone install ed we suggest that he think it over in the light of exist ing conditions and be assured that is is a necessity be fore applying at the iqcal bell telephone branch even if it is necessary this is no guarantee that his applic ation will be granted it depends on how much materi al is available and the company will have to give priori ty to the most urgent cases mark every grave maottfaeh of oitiketrve mnriinmiss rfsnritsrj lctuttec core potts and mark no agents to bother you no salesmens rnmmlstlfint to pay designs submitted lilft in kl rtaifc buy dwect frc vl us a otci r utut sna w t u x otm oakville monument works f ceofb st w oa hfcirway oakvrlle 33 you want printing of distinction phone 8 directory f r watson bjaaslbjs ql osat bases or j burns mftjs dsbftsx iraioom lukf clifford g req l djdjs bcntut i i9 kaonatb m laagdoa in trig atadur imuykuti pint karlasas umy s lbsb oses ortswt ttuatn amf uu1 atrwt rwm frank petch uodoks aocttomom saa cuuoh or oncumo m px bos us efanar c artfw a vrttsvtfltb op aa amu atashk sm uoa1kmm pfeaati lis as j robert p worthy cemetery lettering and monuments st tabntt sib qaatb bl w bbampton gray coach ums timetable am nielsen radio r we specialize in this work j sanford son oaoaoarowh u j cooke cement and cinder blocks brick and til attjnjpauluuu with s t ss sum atakt ab sshs aay tismar i ww tmtumt bcxumoton monuments vtmmt urn larnrawa pollock a ingham gab oat ralph gordon tba mnstos satsrtslaar tsr ysar bart qiihisss mastntsa etnolsr tss cnr time table