the georgetown herald wednesday april 15 1942 carrolls cmre bart romar coffee lj 3 cutv peanut butter iw 23c sodas sv5 tiuft uuoutoul to cherries wultttu on j wheatlets green peas rim ttaca ud- drano uaalalaaj soap k i cla94 pwui cuv st 25c xtb 2 we s3 uakutui 8ifto salt astnua sesjtaaa raisins 219 rudy cut macaroni spaghetti 2 fe- 9c aytmw boneless turkey 7oa tin 32c par e wilts waa emrso ort soap s0 xtts r cuum wiut r r um fowaj 3 safe babbitts cleanser se i fun seal claceel floor wax pi 59e w icwe too kleenex to s9 e lurtnl dog biscuits ljxe aawe tomato catsup cantsbefts vegetable soup 221 for sap we super suds u-pv- 2 sue tkae sealtrl c palmolive 2 19c 4as25c soups cmabapple jelly 10miu aje a- w s7c ijv tu ifc ae esse mustard 27e iio lyu vallar lima beans it ioe i fn tluaruu eajaal ta tk jala f 1 tree aw t leman juice u io eaaectdraak choc malted mfllk aak h t ga ttwhomlk cri8co v ow aaf cn b1enoed juice mo seed bra bdu gravel far wulilir- lavkrene laundry starcb grov maple syrup sr iac iv tae tr7e anbwica biscuits tw cashew nuts bu a cu witt cornheal balk bak lima beans ckrutiae yafuw poundcake ckr4ll lemon roll te poal 18t k aoe bijnkist oranges doi 27c 33c beedix88 isufe grapefruit 5 for 29c new cabbage lb 5c new lars boaebea carrots 2 bun 15c crisp w1ute celery hearts bdl 14c w rtmtw tba trie i limit jutlt ml ttl fund ttt umil h ft- fruit and vegetable prices good tili saturday nich1 onlyi ii honii is57 free delivery unifom4 imtmmatiohal sunday i chool lesson my iusou u utwdquist i p of 1 uy sua iw cf cfclfcia f bv wra kfr ta lcuoa for apru 19 cjuwtno vcnnon www false trunrin uma rcrrluu u n uu coijoi ncirh tul u i to txuio aa at tv ii b oppoailloo to ojtit nd to cfcriav ums uftchuvf hss com dovn thouti th cctturlr crrucauy uzv chacsvd llmr find in otruts 4unj wiih ih ratmin ci his dsy helpful indacsuon cl utet my b doc in our umi it 1 sad to notr ikat t cfdrf epposiuen cam from uicsa ario trctraard to b tufkous uadrr it is fipmrd thst lr world l 6ih tsd in drvll should fm cod s truth but on might ripact brttrr of thos aiho profras his namt th difficulty u titat that is aavry tro- ttaioa artth no nal itst t brf caasiasd rv tl main sir g eor ge town norval womens institute elects officers the annual business meetlnn and lection of officers of tho norval wo mens institute was held on thurs day april 2nd at tho hams of mrs it ialrd jr the secretary in her report stated that with a membership of u m whom it were active 36 quilts had been completed during the year and lent overseas throuah the ooorffetown tied crou ten dollars had been pent on wool which was used in knitting for the local boys in the vari ous services tn whom teventeen boxes bad been sent at christmas and sifts of 300 cigarettes each sent at three dlfbmnt times during the year the following donations were also made mm to the soulers comforts vtmtt at oeorcttown km to the women wuhurl- oentml ftind to buy seed of brtusn mho to purohaae tsyo mirvnti for britain and uojoo to buy jim to send otetwaa the following oincen were elected lor the coming year prctdcntmrs frank fendley stxrretaryufaiurer mrs w 1 graham directors mrs w clogs mrs l lalrrl dtitrlct director mrs n robinson work oommlttco mrs e patterson mrs w clcgg mrs hodway mrs i laird on a dibtt mavbx tod dovt nmd r it depends on whether you are an endpmorph meeomorph or eotomorph ssyselenltota as robert 0 potter voala tn detail la ibe amedasn weekly with this sunday april u issue of the detroit sunday times be sure to get sundays detroit times for the amertesa tseekly and other attraooons the detroit sunday tunes it tututtnt most itattnat- ing kesjrananer the cboss wu wonder olt who made the crost on which the saviour died who nailed in place the shorter piece acrow the upright wide that umber was a worthy thing so toll and straight and true it never could have been a cross if left the way it grew twos human handj that fashioned it with arrogance supreme that dared acrosb that perfect thing to fix tho lessor beam oh woe to him whoeer it was performed that cruelty wo censure while we pity him yet we ore base as he this very day we made a cross and on it crucified the fjord with spikes in feet and th pharia profrtstd grvet in- urat tn th obssrvanr of rvllgious is but thtur ccncm was fcr th outward spptarasc wtul cod judgt th htsrt rirst w not a fats profrtalon of cltanunass ovrut cam to th phartsm ubl flth claan hands but ii had net arvrd all thlr crmonlal waah- ga when rabukrd llr ilruek ncmr ith trrrlftc ore at th heart ct u tahotr msltar v 39 nsmaty that inusrd flllhina of haart which clttn mawra folk meticulous about outward claanalng this leads to a substitution of technical obtrvanc of th ictttr of th law thst ignorr lovr and judgmant v 43 which ar so precious to god thar can be m dead dry and technical ortho doxy tahlch entirely mlss th point out uorat of ull is the coerlng up o spiritual death v 44 bcme tlmea ue apeak of thoae who ar drad and dont know it and thst may artuaty be true apirltuslly there may b desth within snd ytl l a brav and sometimes selfdelud ing outward ahow of life ii tfclgteal dadass c- deasaed vv v4i th lawyers of that day er thos learned in the moiaic law heoc cre really the teachers of theology and ethics they came un der the rebuke of chrut m he pro nounced three woes upon them first they ttere guilty of heap ing upon others burdensom rquir- ments uhlch they did riot them selves keep and which they did not help th people to keep thr sr such teachers todsy who set up standards they do not themselves observe a sort of signpost pointing the right way while they are not themselves going thst way then there ar those who present high ethical standards without the spir itual dynamic needed to live up to them to tell a man to be good without telling him of th saviour who can make him good la mockery then thos of christs day were condemned for hating gods wit nesses thy wer willing to build spulchrs for th dead prophets killed by their fsthers but were i not willing to hesr the living proph ets how true to life that lal the very ones who hste and hinder thos who ar preaching goda word speak and sing smoothly of the faith of our fathers and claim aa their own the witnesses of a post day christ also pointed out thst while professing to interpret the law they obscured its meaning they threw away the key to knowledge so thut neither they nor their people could learn and yet they continued to teach have not the false teachers of our day done likewise they deny the integrity nnd authority of the only infallible word the bible they reject the deity of our saviour christ and yet they talk about be ing christians and prcacherb of the truth woe be unto them in the day of gods judgment and wrath what hnppcns when huch men are condemned or unmasked we find iii knnilty intensified vv 53 54 the scribes nnd pharisees had two npproaclieh- they bought vehemently to provoke him to overspenk and they craftily laid in wait for him the writer of these notea has seen both methods at work in our day liberals or modernists ns they are called profess for the most part to a suave courtesy which makes them speak smoothly and gently about the conservative and orthodox bcllovei or teacher but if one only has eyes to sec there is often the strong and cruel hand of iron hidden under the velvet glove whatever may be the approacn be assured of this every effort to reveal false teaching in its true light or to deal with hypocrisy in pirltunl things will bring intensified opposition christ took it we too can take it in hli name and for his soke a spear thrust tn bis aide across his purpose in our btea so loving kind and frag we set our weak but stubborn wius and tortured him anew praise the lari i will greatly praise the lord with my mouth yea i will praise bin among the multitude for he shall stand at the right hand of the poor to save him from those who con demn his soupsalm 1081041 4faiije mode jtodieu lf waruaiia tea bags timely topics for women ly irtora jitow ho do mov oct auokq wtth tow kejgkaftocbjt whtthrr iw th tn urrr citv 4vdrtneci houat on cnti nuir j tniu home in ilur or en loratlj nuch on th prir kfrwf nr r x txt nrtjtibourt ttwy y ur rtfttntt t x3t ttr labjcfcjtru cl u or a to pit tut roc- or uirj suy b iaj iia froaiarn v14 or ivcaobnd hub flat vtsfltirr rkw or fr cur rlxtjtxus tu urrt esorrvtsri fcrd vj vtur tlncj hptslrf ornd to do d on vlut ktrd cf nnjjiboor yj hatr axd bow icu frt ftiartf vtlb thrfn whm ribour tut irm axtd ttiwrf3 ur a ttj umlou r it u uxtini7 osrcj joj buu find frvtuhip snet orwnpsitfeytfhif ba it l to thro ou pui katsb or hsfflp tn urn of wd x3 ujstr in uhi vt frrt htmiri ot m ftjlu or ftulnc rvcr u lpcrunt axtd via u ur orftm uor thrw rtfrututaat mho ctmslst s smjaa par ton rvlurtiiri ttn ail hu rrixteboun on itv oosrr ead tsro ou at hrttmd tn tn rvatr qjrjlm on rrr wo lr ruthusj puijllraf 4lhlnj humanltj n1v u lb or uittf tyf ptaoar lsporiaar aiad ihr prostcrm tbro bcraem bo to bda ojr rr4lkboir dutftnctr ho u prftrnt thrm from tzitrtnftaf oo our nutu ho to korp jxkit rutymiajp vntab tnrm oo turttoy m- pnxtl bud ajed brlanr mc it u wibmruznsr iv uoaxi protm tt m rird iv htootrtu nf uuvf tt prrtttpa in oomfort- itif hti ficcr in inl city or levn in ft qsxc wtvm th ti ajjia rr far fnojti tiotifi that th r6 or trvr tmjtn rrinf vu no botnrr sour rtvnl nrixtibour atv oj ran rtur mjt toicr to call uoiuln to junker iroul brtnc hrrd br riau ft ctoarn ochrr funltl trrv your bnt fnrrsdt ur vlthln nlkmc duunrr but tr not rwcrufttuy th pgxrpv rvni tvrr mhrrr tj find plmtv of ouurt for your tvocul truunru and i hr prhftrv and qulh n6 prcxr ftl homr rut tnn undrr toi condiooiu it ul rtqulrr torn thoujtsi ju rflcrt to krp in td trm with all nr nrlttbboun ifrrr at a f rrrwral rui lkt mlfht rll b ott1 by th family moiin into a rrt rtxruttmniiy 1 br frtrndly ith all jour nfltvbckin but loo tntimau nth doo 3 rrfrain from iroraunj foulo tatar dridr in thr ood aporannrr of your hcovr and fardsn that toj ma br rorvjomj art nxuti to thr iwljhbdufhood 4 do not mikr a habit of borrortn uritiaartly from your ntrbouia r of runnint tn and out of thru houtra uruntltrnl ft l not frrl i u jour nrlfnboun duty to tupply you with unirwrr or o rtoir n ttlt fcr thr wavon ii cmrrou ith thorr tio nrd io lr hi in an rotfywey but firm uh habltu prtu ho ould ultr adiantajr of your klndnsak- 7 tic that our chudrtn do not b a nulaanrr by approprt- attnf othrt chudrrti imi or by lrarlrg thrtr own on other npia uvtu ct idrvtvlk fc v far ptvflblr fta out of cnlldrrni quarrtla ttiryll prob- ah br on 4ralllnf trrm in thr morrjne but you wit p it ru rrmr a rat cr dot ir that thry do not limi your reihbour vtexxrix or tar uo hu kardcn 10 in rn oihfr rpi thr u mlr to apply if ou wnl to krrp on trrntil irmu lth jour nrttitibchin u lhu do unto othsrm ou cmkl thr ould do unto vou 0 wahtt no rittbljl- watr no rubber houd br thr motto tn rvrry home wuuaa knighib thr national dlrtxtor ot balaar haa anrtouncttd that thr tov- emmmt wsuiu 2a0oo ton of uwd txibbrr lmmllatafly 6o look around our hotnr and her what ou can apare hrre u a lit of artisrv in common mf thai arr brine aakrd for old urea includ ing uorr nr thr boat docku to prrrnt damaffr to boata uhss uud u poultry trough and cardrn bordrra bicyclr urw and urea from baby buvslrfc and socaru doormuu and fttalr troadj hot wmter botuaa rubber ihfrtln por inlnfir bulb clothing uch aa baby cap alicfc- rnv bab parmrnu lootwrar including nibber lolrd ovrnhor trnnu thorj and port ahor to dolla pucka tcnnla ball and other rutkber bavlj football bladder belt ot ahlnr machine vacuum ctesnrra and mwinp machinr rubber knee pad and ouhlona floor mata of cars fucucm hooka and ah trav nibber drain pad and dooratopa mhbar lied cloth innrrtubc balloontv and all other artlclea conuminj llv rubber for ovu kcrap book mifortunr u thr try mronrft cemrnt for binding people toffether prom in the btepne by uaxlm oorfcy tiit book of t11e wtek bridk of olouy by bradda field mcclrlbnd nnd btraart 063 pp t3i5 manx ct ou are familiar uith the lor itor of the brauuful and pitted uul hamilton and lord nrwm the ihrme of a recent movie but in bride of olorv no har the complete mary of the mranjrwtued armlirarted little country plrl nhotsr meteoric rw in fortune brought her pomtion and power wr irr introduced to emy lon ftrrt uhen she 1 about fifteen s lltie slnr bur- urn out of her outgrown clothe but ccn then with b prtftt loe of fun and pnctj and n wiirm beauty that caught the fanqy of th mnacullne re on n shopplntr trip hhe pot mixed up with a mob dcmonaumung tapftlnnt roprr and uns irciud bv a dnshlnr naval officer who becaros hir iirm proiictor when lit had to ko to sen blr hjirr- fvatheratonauffb put in a bid for hi i riours ind throuch her association with him she iirm b cnii tn learn the social nmrnturis and her letters her blnwnn beauty and voice were known to many young men about town btcitie ol her siniiltiir and xvslurlnfr at the tvmple of health catered to the btau monde but it vmih ns a model for the fnmotia english painter oeorrt homiitv umt she nalnwl mast fame and many of tho pictures for which she jat mich os bacchante are greatly prluxi today it wn when isht met the scholarly francis orevllle impecunious ounger brother of the earl of warwick and nephew of lord hamilton that bmv wally fell in lovt they remained companlona until oreville was forced to marry nn helresh to retrieve his fallen fortune then tear fully at the ripe aye ot twentyone she joined the ngtng blr wlutam in nnplets nnd shortly after hhe became uidy hamilton but this time she wils accompllshed in lnngunrca acting and mulc a proud beauty who became the confidante of the queen and tho friend of lord neuon iiridc of olory 1a a long distinguished novel containing soma very fine character ht utile and a vivid account of life nnd custom at the time of the prench revolution pincifple snow combinations of fruit whipped cream and jelly eon be mads is taito just as good as they appear and u spring approaches there sedflm to be a definite craving for lighter desserts and eepciolly for the traits which supply us with vitamins and minerals pineapple bnow has ion been a favourite of mine and j hope you will like it too 3 cups canned crushed pineapple 1 teaspoon lemon rind 1 tablespoon lemon juice 13 cup sugar 1 ublespoon gelatin pew grains nutmeg ff 2 tee whites pinch of salt soft custard or whipped cream gotten the gelatin in cold water and dissolve over steam adas the pineapple with lemon juice and sugar stir thoiwignlt add the bb me- and salt and as soon as the mixture begins to owceal beat wttb s watt until frothy fold in ttie ottffly bean eft whites pour as aherbet passes and onlu serve with ouatard aauoe poured over or wsss whipped ereaja