Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1942, p. 4

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the cfct gctown herald wednesday april 1 5th 1942 umstxsbks at bet mini rets wmhtil bnrpim on lasatey apm sm to us and mr rx o vitittftm tn bate rsttai ol juctcb th ft of rlugtitrt acs suabetb iv uruiw morton la nikeorj of our 6av jru 1th isjt ire ut sad vjn our rstbsory lbij ere olt asjts loosj jbr ttw csr w kxcd to aeuxr hu asfssrr bwo cased evsj 9e think of brr in furac no fj u 4r u serp sut buc7 421fet tfej art- 4bd wfcics ocm ur aio 8lr rroittdbrtttf by hc iiier ttothrr bxrn uj bftbm church news trrtatajr trrt hi that to 4 oad una writ twvr har uw u tartbt ar bj4 of 04- 3 m t fl ilrr ii il ourtorou luetor 3 pm tudy actoj pa timing prt 1j0 pm uund jj 730 pin evening prajrr 14 mifkni ovik turafry it am uorruaf pnrr at mrft ckvik rrv woo thumawo judor a i ftaoucd bunday ef- ikoivuy school 10 am lixr oasimud- lan it am ewtuaog 7 pm l a ctotk cla fcrrnil fv aiur cutrr sunday school 300 pm j 00 pa bag cwji umiiurlirt j k oalrom thursday april 1kb tb hour or gafviiiitilp tn prar at pm sunday april ipqijjo pm oua- gy school dauaa for all agaa fp-m- sterling irnkt tba lord u our refuge and etrovgth wekceot o valla carci jafr r c todd huu ulnutar 10 ochool bunday and 11 am puhlic onup oarrlot of dedication of in chjiniin fiac 8ub- ct making de mocracy oaf for tn world 700 pm evening devotion sublet th oooquecl of the it r r riid il rm smitd or won purvi ar heactin inland tr i nuin li dinfi niltvr ud f dth r4 drtrctlv tkal why 1hw inqtvl itr rr arr innvd atard a kr vn fhlwrrn j tiw viiruil lukfrro orphjniir in llfirtdjilr paawr l ij tvtfimr ihtrtr lr ravd uwltr brfor dwfidni i kfily rrvdnianj ii khdd i kr ikr rfhin ind hlldiin tsrjn1 frm lh hnw4 arr f lami brnrfu fimn dmlftmi u lat efitfl tutfrmm wajvt- ti id hitb uu aakr iw ii j k mar laciafe to laal ip k ci dmulh la l auu r rvam t lh llmld a u4 w hmmtt aju m 4 kka tkal cast ai i tfrrvrr ad lukt ii it liaaa ukrfra a uau t what is umehuu ralr crm a csrarcb rt rr v j korean lat srd and sui bundaji ftt xi im tm and it2 bundaym uau at 0 oi rv obaa o oochnm da umistcr 10 am bunday achool u am pimlic vorthip t pm public vorahlp umahaom rraabrurtaa cfcafxh 3 pm nibla olau and bunday aohool pm public worahlp the apnl mrrurnt u hr llmr houm ttwnrn k irujitutr a iird at w home of mjt j k c tiuthrr- lard i ui- ih itoj cu mar an ttrrd by koiwfatiirm tpft tm ladiei ftttrndrd in tpl oi an mrallirr word had brrn mcivrd from four lucml rvthra men that thr cicarritfy irnt in januan hd arrlrd the crrtar rrporud lhat a cojrrtor had iflcrcd to bjy uie local wuftjrr the pcoplr in thr cdmmunii irr akid to hair nlhlnc to p irady by april lain a danor as paiuil for april mth at ibr kukpatxir home and a bingo at lh ixipoo uall ou april tht war work report for uw pam mx month waft rrad ahoalrw u7 knit ted articjr 15 quill 7 children a drrttftra and 1 pr oxfords lo ilrd rov rooms and 201 article urd ciothlnn and 8 quilt wnt the ualution army uone tvpent on max aork during that umf amounted to 13836 xtr oottdy read mn nrwtoni nuru a klndij mord a fhrr mllr j1 help ou uimjch ihr lonrti ml r mrv tlu rtj rt ad a iuimt toncem n itvr turn- fur currununi i inl-uu- mhicli ouul br carrird oi- in tit m lkttrmud tlir ntip f lidii- pimuiit tin thr drmariatratlun can iduui fxl run br adrenal uu unimai lj trxtlrrl li brforr ill idjf mrv krl xprrsal tlw uiank of tlif bniuli to uie txrt ilolnj tin niitunul arilnm u mklij half hojr lh nxni th w m b mi t ut tin home o mr- wil turn mitfhell on thurda htmnk uitji u ihrndld ultendanoi hu pttsdtnt mta a j hnnlhurt was in lhi rhmr t1m mertiruj oprn 1 ith uu miikihh of thi hymn lllrm it tin ilanmr and tin lil ini r m unlut tlie scripture rrfld- in follcratd arul thr roll rail mrv c c corhmnr o kiest sw akcr tell- uik of john chin hlch all rnoed vorid numberr urrr ien b mua jiun mrlkmnld und mrv hurler ano mus jam cambrl ureitd and but- i aere arn- save at chapples on these paint specials buy your spring needs now while you can richmond high gloss paint for walls and woodwork richmond varnish stain special colotth pal green spring- green i lent frrrn ivory medium lluft pearl grey iale lilur i rram llrunsltk itrd cuu llruun llrlllunl rrrn tubaoto urown rut while hit ivory uihl oak hark oik uulnut groand fur ardrrroatiiig clear virnmi quakt sovereign high gloss paint and varnish stain made by canada varnlab co colo kb cream ivory buff light green rial white hat ivory light oak dark oak all purpttkr clear varnlab alto ground color for dodcrcoallng special quart 69c sovereign quick hard- drying enamel ciltr a lotily tnijht hird doing tlnuh to wtmnluork fiirnuure und hour cololls ivhllr ivory tale rt n mb- rrii nprliti green rhc fmmmts m gn y mrdluni rry tun lellitu tttitl mrtllunt itroun special quart 79c any quality of paint we ell regardleu of price we guarantee to give satisfaction the newest and smartest wallpapers for spring the new paper rum tost anlmd theyre the fliuwt weve ever uhnwn thin new mack eeihlits prin cipally el trie famaoa btuiwartbj and banteated lines aik far the new baalu el aunplea well tudljr lend tit email sample beak to yen ii yen an net able to vbjt our lore all erdrrs will be ahlpped prepaid bjmbmbfr wk 0abrv the largest hklection priced from 12 c roll you save money on every roll chapples opposite new vest oom guelph hr rxjsakli and tra i1 all4r it mreunji mi hir mho ha been 1lh mr umi mrs nruturi tea the miner ha nlunnl u lrr lhnr in ihf utf colds utr jmvrtlrni in um- irlgbbor- fiood at imrnt mrs chumbrrs and moj er llobb of lunmto vlmted uu ilu1 a lku meek mi john mrttdjih returned home ut aiia aftrr fprndlna the a inter with tin fainj in wlncwvr and t- lofllaj mr wlhiam ood left monday tm rnlnu for wbaconain to visit her 1 at i r and ouitr in dili aiul ft lather n lh uha i mrs j miclin und mailer jack of ciiuiui ljt4l tmr kuter mrv min marion nort ir sirnt iiorl of her kumtr holuua aiih her frrund- jutiiiis in horkton mr viuin rtprrardung tb cbrya- ur cono ami gucat of tb y l u on thurwiay evening apru 0th 1u ibomid trral red of very in t r tinu onj inunjcow ptcturea ouirr numbrr on the program tn- rlurtl a vocal bolo by ul clfitb rihk vaorth reading by itix john uellbcdd and community alngtng led b mlv jo huddru at the uc i the pronram nrryon relrad to the basement a here lunch waa tenvd ind a kkial time enjoytd whan all too ihtrt in game undrr tlh leadrr- hip of miv joy ruddeu vldlora arr ailconied from ocorgrtovn nor v il and do ton brveral oung people from our rhurrh attended the rally of tb hal- ion yju held at uront on monday rvrning april uth xuu dulh wnjalavarul of ton ipent eater wtmm at bt here uiu eaki qbor ha raaomtd duuea alter tb cutr tacattorj i llrtty oprlght u a atudest our achool during tbii tmt uua upright auoceaa tn bar vork aliv cibe lurd and alexander both of th torotllo tnh- ing ataff spent th darter mmrtnw at their horoea hare frankie wujon had a holiday at th home of hli grandparent air ba uri w uccullougb during eaxtar arck mua muriel laldlaw of hoal pent a lev days last vvak wllto hr ouaini u1im joy and bttty roowl ajshgrove tlu llib ltind and mlvlon hand h id u jtuiu mt tuik for uuir lltatrr tliinkoftirltik lu u ituddell pnald- tit lur ihb lotl meiting nhlch iv irnikcd b uu itudifi of the to usint lniln wilson and uarbara iiiiikiuim ritiiihl und a tucct iolo uks miiik h lit rn let wilson uuo u dint b jim und murguret olrd ai- t r tins ltb hind number mrs htiuir hird ukbk rhurkc of u memor i1 mrv in litr little littutrt aumln fol- itiaiiit with tin irruduutlon mrlcc of i lm 11 iti itind niunbcis to uu mlv- i iliiki ortlon llird j run ulrd r in r lliul jimtnv titr uulic win mn miss 1- itka td cleorm un i bmiu lit i tutsaki ul i nrotirtinctmnt in th h idt r numbtrs from uu mi uu 11 mil to itiatd uiul ulr in did u lmil storv n artist wlio rorhol i tm lorn- culms b mr 11 c wrlg- i swtnth m irioii balliirs mrtplurt i it idin jul outtl l a reudiiik by lklt kiiiuu i inlit tut riimf r lory a uu tin itinii uul prut r uus ltd by m iix i win limvorih olitcos llmldt l ixiil tin mk um ii nul tunosi mul i kit is ltumnriiim unvi u ttmim ranee iiiihiii viol i ltrtidin rmorwl uith i will k i l solo a volt of ihiinlu mi txtiiulixtto mis 11 c wrlku- umtli und mlv mikaj b jessie i wiin hi hi for luvslstliik with the pro- m uu ajtrr uic tlohlim hjmn mrs i 1 wil on illmissnl um nuiunu with piir uiuit relrushmeiilfi wire scr- j- isl uml i vi iv one tnjoid u hoclal unit uuiuut i 1 uv j u moore of milton was i the ktnst waktr at the eatcr i llmnkolfeiintr meettuk of the wjib auxlllnrj on tuesday evening april li all ulto luid the privilege of being present uere impressed by the lovely tallica which were shown on palestine sevnev tuinular to our maistcr when be iduclt there rv j o tolton took ut hlb mirlpluro reading the rosurrecl hon morning as told by john point- in ic out umt jcsub first communion jwim given to a woman hory mogdai ucno bo it la btlu tile prlvueee of oluisuon women everywhere to carry on and proclaim his massage bins clayton wilson sans beautifully the wlr the stranger oi oalllm and a vocal duet by mrs o d dick and mrs n o wrlgirleaworui was much appreciated in a few well chosen words mrs hector bird thanked rav i j n moore or his inspirtna message i in words and pictures- the udlas airved lunch and a loelal time brought the pleasant evening to a close i avlmcr green tomato pickle n 1 9c braeside butter lb 37c jewel shortening in print 19c neilsons cocoa i pound tm 29c clarks tomato juice smus 2sc meats r conomv loaf husii bologna lb 19c m itallonl cheese loaf lb 29c lkrmi cottage roll iiiikakfast bacon lb 41c lb 33c lb 41c clarkh veg or tomato soup 2 tins 1 5c fruits and vegetables sunkist oranges 344s 2 dor 35c pineapples 27c larfe alia texsa grapefruit 6 or 26c fresh rhubarb 2 lb 19c oooknro apples 3 lb 25c fretw crisp celery hearts 2 bun 25c fresh spinach 2 lb 15c beets 2 bun 18c leaf lettuce 2 bun 9 dominion stores limited raonb

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