Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1942, p. 6

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tu georgetown herald wedneahy april 15th 1942 seuthem ireland green and neutral live in constant fear of invasion to us utt w a h ef mnf el ik a i t tft aa fats to swews ef a day of in ex win or aser 9u away from nfars irrmrt to bend trwiimrig easy and d ftsin et iahtwg 8u ejat ibmbnud si a eweday hray a neutral mi to basraera inecsel it wta bat to jtnlbi et bib ljdniwtiu mia fct tost tfci savari saaas- iml nmmm a in only put or the tfeaeas whbb stays neutral not aaty rata-rs-asb- eat i took back ob h whs pi rift it was twrdnr cfurnecn wbso i ml ibdae uat wan astan other fiv eduara our tuiata put t cb the train end tea u goodtoe srjajst a sway wuh ban b tints oilt ttee earnalcea wnb anatrvad ettttoas of oaresries saraa oar rt- tbsi cusu tu ereer to to tee two hoe owimn use basted down eat et the air cad er- nvwd to baunii at the teats time u w did that openeaee he fern diirmitl man fully to another et thra eloriss i waa up eartr th cmt berclat baring alec tauty well on a irmreta en the boor to apti o the rsaptoa sound or abowubbf broken pleurta oct the auwrt m the artnssa toer so some discoliy about ihsvrmg tn a boiiroom full of broare fsae and with only a drtbbu ot cold rusty water from on las but the lady bsn- ur of the wre bout bad hrr staff aell enough oreament to fiw as lb beat bfteklaat i bad wnll tn arttain the nnuih omeat airway car picked me up at the hotel and drove ttuoujh emeu ot atore without tee to the window and paat eh- bah cottage looking out on the chaa- 01 to poole the nan morning while undrrro- tnc one more trndhr cuatama exaas- ipyy oaar lbe dork at pool the air raid etrro began to nil again the naure looked on ut with acsor t air raid bad barn ecaic tn these parte and thla was the wxna tn ae many days but i did not than ibrtr idea that three lew hut-i- wrr important en- ugh for the oertnan to und orrr raldrrt mat to eet ua bull it did add bit of eirttemmt to be rouuj out tn a trim eaotor boat throurn tne eun of poole lurtwui rtnrtaln the aeeptane trap and mine field to aim i the winced baukabip ot tbe eur he ffiibrt uundrrund rytne hoax oiefmau i rode at anchor loth draw for aeau i landed in erhat wi cabled the aper compart- eent of tlv flp x vu all alone in falrntaed ropbt full of bacrafe and ol beat tne eeat wae comfort- ah and the eteward came and arr- zea a exoauenl at on ufht plaetlc euehea but theoah flew tor two toun end halt orrr wfctt u pro- babrr eame of the mart wtereeun 2s iaf nothtnej at au the setwlndowe vera pelnsm oeer wtt aalok bleak paint i hadnt realhed on tne trip tram kew york to uebos to cocuad bow wivult it u to trtl around war time europe m a way that wae little abort of nurarolmia a i learned later the brluih council had wared aide the dubculue on tiutt trip tbe return voyage wamt quite m eeuy a i eat alone tn the aper com partment of the hue champion i read a lllue booklet luued lo war time traveller by the drttlih orn ate airways and marvelled that had ot out of enftand at all our good hlp would refuel tn ireland and take off tor portugal tbe next morn- tut i would be in urban end by bun- day i would be home in canada or en i thought traly the emerald ule it was early afternoon when the teat ahlp elided down to the water ao carefully that tliere waant even a ncdae in the eon t atepped out into the daylight again we were in the celury ot the shan non rtver at poynee ireland on the river bank to hundred yarda away was a big concrete and timber pier with a neat little customs home at the lund end behind that were two or three bullduikn nhcrc a couplo of railway cars crc being loaded with peat on both aldee ot the rlcr were hills last as ffrecn a ever they had been described bo thla was ire land i i nevtr ctused to admire the fact iaunch ot the british ovcneai alr- avaya it took only a few mlnutea to beach land the wait in the cuauuns tuae itemed unnecessary but when brief and inlornutl men in btecn put a fow chulk marks on my brief case and club bog already decorated with n imposing array ot atrllno atlckere and official seals they made ore znare entry in my passport none ot us knew that we were to etay overnight in ireland instead of nolng on to lisbon when an official broke the news we did not like it the countryeldo was green enough but unlnvltlae two modern buses waited outside tbe only thing unusual vaa the name of the company printed in two lan guage english and the strange old test of the oeellc language not till hen did x realise that southern ire land was munguol sure says an xrlaomsn we can be illiterate in two languages novl it was a drive ot twenty miles to antra where we were to spend the night but the roads were winding and barrow with wills along each side and plenty ot stones u11 left la the fislds tba tiny whitewashed cottage mm rjotunsque butpoor by the wan w duued into adare the apsed- tbueths- ttadacatte- h bllw bwht i wlkta with knatat and the eobaubi of ajat a ttistehea mhaw p 1vawbs ss ou heraub tower eew em ef a qelhrvv- tnvw psai favaest bh u s tum bpenk and cat eoae the bm enet ef to rtrtasia h ehfaf was foi lrb lea ana a btt of a pcm ii sld that adare wo the bob beeottftil rtossw tn th wsea sortd frctmuj bee nwbl a wnrrai ul aaatcst i went to tktasd with a prejontee rggrirt th country i bad list come tram rrgur1 sbsr tb peopl were sccuna tor tbetr wary be and tor th rjeeoam of th void here sal door was uuand not only uutru bts refbsatsf seen tsae of port to rita cflbartcea yet theae trub eua enjoyed the prtrueaw of kaa- ptre- i came away wltb th teacng that inktad to bauairul and th iruh proccr are kindly hoapuatsaf but be yond in tfi of oao ocean with arouiab blood um u uwt adarv the trtcb peopu chd not uea to underatond what was antns on in tbe world today they une in i the tar paat one bight ha thought tnal oroermtl had come that way oat last year and laid tmt th cd x rt abbry and ui frenrtgep ab ort and in wnlur abbry not fonsh- ung rximrvl oamlr down by in atone brass owr th nrcr cm rounr or valera boaa mat ireland wul defend luau agalnet any aas tiom any aourr tl ratnrr puiful down by the bridge there were eoear tank irene at aaaal that a mdrouy what they in- tsnned to b a bren run ranvr mtxht hea aora dlfanilty annrsing mem down a titm of a medium tank would hardly notm ihrm in the last tso were in rnghn the army had bem on manoruvrr tnr algm waa impresari in ire land too the army held manorutrea word had brra ami to adare lo hate food enough on hand on friday for a couple of ratnllmi but thry did not com the following monday thry arrived there waa no food ailed why they dldn t comr on friday ih rokarxl aeld it rained that day ar thry postponed lb rarrdaes appar rnliy ih iruh dont iralll rt that modem wan don i atop became it ralna llut though dr velrre may aptak of rrpeuing any enemy ihr peopl of ireland know thrtr danger and ad mit frankly that they themaclvm are helplra lo met iv 1 talked with two mothers at the foil courae and ihey aaked if i thought itlurr waa going to attack ireland i waan t very hope ful one of uwm said she had three little boy at home tb conatabl a veteran of in last war aaul lhai i30o00 men from soutnrm ireland are in the nmuo active rorr they allp away lo ulatcr lo are a football game and for- hrl to come baefc- and down in the village pub one nigh orallan oxeary ot ottawa a pure buoded inahman of the third iirmrauon in canada aurped id the lore and poetry of ireland waxsd eloquent on our laat night in th vtl- uure lie aald that intlrr waa the cromwell of today going about burn ing chuichee i mused that apeech tssi bee tbat i hadnt seed absee pluofced a tray to est ef a ersek fa te rati and put h tnatd an enrilnci mta7tookt bees bom three wrih later i tousd tt an dried eel bet it was phcsad asmta tt la that enont eeev to et ts th that was tb baser booa uaelf b dates back m yure or ao and look a- li a wmwng cake on the front wall la en ibsonnuoo sfclch went eossmhlng iste that thm poodle hotu was bcdlt wtlbout fcb- tng faareowtnf or coaeg is bbt and iorumslery i tvrw tb goodly fcoua la wefl luaoen tinea rtew tram the net ef adare rvrbspa u youre iruh you know the poes by oerud ortauha obi bea adenl ob lowjy ttlet obi crort mueal of dttu nor cbbtr u nor borelsg ct err hallad a sere more eafuy tender uettng back i feeall tn donkey ran fotng pat wtih can of mat rtery boning the tratffintm esd nirvtnm of tne peopl end lawd dunreeene cob courar prabsbty the snet uufeaung in th world wttb one outlr two tosrym end as old i m mil in it bound not lunti a trout atjvam and an anrtrnt farwav oooo may axd pastub ghkjktuu to ttomoiocai milk pboodctiom ltalton tarmrra afr fjnrt to iow th largeu acrvege lo rvmg gralna that tnry have town in many ylara i ut rvueuta of opinion ot the italum agncuuiuaj war hrlor catzxmjuee ttelea agnculuuwl itrper- miiuir j c wtuuix ate u act ing ftxmary to that commute in any event three eaa a mtxb largrr arreagr ploavd laat pall than for a great many rar that la du lo the fan uiat we had an eatrrmely favor- hi pau tor getting this work done and la unfortunately atele ul wnileloca dumly tied up wllh th fac that there wrre few aitlifarfnry ralchr ot rtreda laat tar and further more a large percentage of our old mcedo were badly winter killed a year ago th farm aurvey recetntly rompli4o by th oommlu inrhra lea that ltalton farmer are determined lo produce lo their capacity of thorn fjod products ao urgently required by ihr cmpur thra include muk ba ron and efga this aurvey taken trrtn ortaeto 0 and to per cent of ltalton a mlaed artnrr indlm thry are plajuilns lo itep up thru number ot mil coaa 12 4 per cent over im uoa panned tor thu year ahow an uvcrrasr ot ii j per cent over 1041 and lien 2 per cent inmaa over 1041 thu la moat desirable and to be highly commended in view of the fart mat cur kederal aulborulca are asking for sco million pounda toon mil clan ae produced in imi in or der w furnish the lncread require ments of chce end oonctmtratd milk praducu for lantaln while comparatively little of our milk in ltalton l made into ihottar diaru ncvertheleas the more milk we produce here the more will be released elsewhere for th manu facture into those producte rlc planned incrraa in milk cowa ahlle most desirable does however natkmai parks as wildlife sanctuaries ah oenadsw latvnil parte tss wtidtti eanetoajtea tbry sane a m- lull masmm wbve tactor can ee- joy the neesfiu of toabacd trejoaia- une wub hhiiihb ef lbs wild h5g ixmswa and ttnmnlata1 la that way in pass not eciy bike a bote- woriny oooutbuoos to wuanfe eea- aerreiidb bat also ofler tn osorumky to study ecology kiurable ottirmvyis wutun add maierhhy to tbe assure ot tb park iwaor haw ever ohubiag lb emeery he beaaty and interest are tnnianh a b-adrsd- fotd by th ngbt ot wud creatoies a forest the eengof buda ta tbe trees the shirr ot non smnm tb ear- taw of the water or the leap ef trout frees dasp eddytne peel tntae sdd life to th smes and are aa e- aenual pert of tbe parts tass thla fait baa long been rceaabiaad by thro ctuuwed wub niivmil perks drarlccskent in cat nana wud intmali lirtnf trrtrr natural ccevnimna pres ent to the park rutor s ptctui of animal hi scutb sewer could be ess- tatned wuhln in tmtmm of a saos em at larg von no adequat protection ta auortad no doubt one of tbe moat fcsetnatlag festcaws ef these riaiumel parts la lh ctxrruauty they petxts to tody end pbntedtpb wild tn their natm taifst a wudrroea tnraded by ibreegs ef hms- a ai may aeem a paradae but there u really nothing ronrnrrng tetsean tnr idea of a wldu aacta- ary end e epartrx ana et bskmj beaaty where hrmmaaa and ibntwinrte of prrylr mey go ttfi year ta werca of healthful recreauoa aruially tbrrw u wry hnl etsturbance of wtidale tn thea pert and tt is rrstraaba bow ejjdby lb irmla and btrda have ennovtrwd that thry ei cotb- log to leer trom san ficrne jf threa haw bream urn lo pctni border teg on imprrvtnre thl i psrtlculaity tru of lb ttaxkbaer but her a word of camion vaun lo the parts ru be well adrtarl not to feed eg atterept to -pet- the an mi la eund- nres dor cot ueaje tegrt ntndnin oo svae of i hear f bare aot yet learned when u rxpaetad of them tmder crvthawd rulaa of ooddurt yrara ago canada waa th tut r-e- fuge of many wild antifula but be- caui of ih aoarc of aanumaril a thla ocuntry th hamthimi paruru- larly of tag gam were gradually tak en over and th animal hf waa be ing tnraonhty wiped out- tbe alary of the patlns buffalo is a ease la hwol a sew years ago bobs but tb saeb turoua who was eeeueh tn ejar1 diss and py matt to tb iltsmtir i a ae such as bfxift- uun goat and tn baxbosb arajg ta tbetr natri aurrotbdhva tedsy tn ncior to th tvfnwi psrksauy eaaw arxoss bany of thai sm a- e atte fast boos deer tear tvk end m aom of ta pafca kal- taio and entrlop without bastas ta o eery tar tfiud osnavd- naiwrwl paras are trd acenmruhay one of lbe partant alas wtdeb was ta tb bind of those who fhat conoarrtd lb ida of great natural iniwii iniia ot wusttav the parts are ta tb best cotawas poatuon to pteani wlldaf ynfiigt thatr iriinrliin lo jriuru eaasga band lbe wboa ccenpaa et eartb and water hia and dale toreet and plstfl rook and soow that an to babe 139 a paik a long aa the national parts ere kpt a witdufe tanctuarla tha will nmltniu 10 present a roller e lut of tbe f uiiial oantda and af lord rensynsri a cbano 10 enrtda thrtr aperunc by unlnplirli av eountera with prtmltrv cattow bighorn sheep imtnarnt evnoilirr proablrtm ram mm lj 55ss sz eundpolnt ol the hay and peure allu be and 1 wasnl aurprtaed that he hac i the men of adare all anrvms 10 en- lut at once nalntt thla modem dc- atroyrr of religion the nctsreaww vibag i have aald that th village co l a thought adare the most beautiful spot in all the world that stsummt needs to be amplified the bus that look ua to adare drew up in front of a picturesque inn the dunraven anne the sign aald what a uny hamlet like adare did with a large inn like that waa something of a mystery until i learned that it be longed to tawd dunraven and waa uaed in peacetime to acccmmodatc true hunting parties now it house the pejaengera flying over the broad atlantic in the page ot its register there are aiany famous name the inn waa comfortable and not too modem it lounge was full of easy chairs and chesterfields bitting in front of a peat tire waiting for after noon tea and cakes one could talk with ferry pilots wllh men who knew bagdad and singapore and could com pare their airfields with laouardta and croydcn in that utile irish vil lage i was aurprlsed to meet a young american pilot now taking planes across the atlantic who waa quite familiar ftiih the landmarks ot my own utile ton of fergus lie had flown over it oltcn i don t suppocc anything as lovely as adore just happened i suspect that many enrle of dunraiisn poured the profits ol tlulr w1w1 nhneslnlo tills viuuki i kno that they rebuilt are in ihete crops our meudoas cer tainly in most cases went into ihe winter in a weakened condition due 10 close graung last fall and oonse- auenlly it la the opinion ot the agri cultural war tierttoe committee that oocat consideration on many forma snould be given immedlatels providing 11 haa not already been done 10 stimu lating the productivity ot catttlng pas tures and meadow and also lo sup plementing existing acrrage in hay oiid patture with some annual hay and pulure crops the qucaiion ot stimu lation of axtstlng mrodows and pe- turvy by means of top dressing wllh mmir or commercial fertilizer or a combination of both and the subsidies 10 be paid an such commercial termi ner a 11 be droit with in another ar ticle at this time they do ted it ulse to suggest that many fonnera should jive consldcrallon to planning romc supplementary annual crops for ltay and posture while such annual crops cannot lake uic place of more licrmnncnt stands ncverthcless under lav oracle conditions annual itusturtv can am do produce a tremendous bulk of feed plot oco italthby ot the animal husbandry department oac riciiinunds ttudun 011101 shlrh should ut soon ul the rate of 30 lis pi r acre uboil the end of may on a uootl firm ui11 lutixircxl mcd bed and should not be soon too dip tlio recommended depth bcuig not cur 1 1i inches deep in itof hiilthys opinion ii thouul nol un ikisturcct unlll belly deep lor cultlt two ot the ancient abbeys presenting at the oac last year b iicrts ol one to the catholics and the other 1 sikinn onush saved the day for uicm to the anglicans and uiey laid out i uic- suvndiomt of uiclr dairy their d- musiio so that there were hi rl suud prof ilalihby imd further- view down cunllned atxctle and post thatched cotlaks with honrysucklc growing up the walls i even suspec ted that the old thatched cottago that stood directly aero tho way from more their cows certainly milked well on 11 krum tin sumclitolnt of liay unnual crops are not the best hcvertliclcisn oats ut 3 bils per acre und cut hi uu inn could never have uttalnixl ulc ullc stage has real passlblliiu that sppearahec of extreme age and yot be so well kept without being planned that way whether the cottage wus old not there were plenty of authentic ruins tho ancient stone brldgo over the maluuc river had been thcro for alic hundred years or more no two ol its seven arches qulto matched the others in sire or curvature though thoy had stood through the centuries bosldo the river just upstream from the bridge were tho ruins ot nosriiryiil esstle i liked them but ot all in tba library ot the inn i found a book with the plans ot the castle doting back to about 1100 prom ln- elde those walls many a plugeraw or deanond sallied forth to terrorlso the ootmtryaltte elnoueh is left to be able to see all the rooms ot the old oastle with the help ot lawd dan- wrens utile fjans on tne wall and the use ot a bit ot ijnaanauon one reaiiy afternoon i ejanbed to the top iiftrie tower looufw out tbrougb the loophole whew anbatw one allot tbetr arrow aim stories uka iran- the bighorn twieep m oanada i now only found amldat tbe high m-oua- uuna of the rockies and throughout brlllah columbia and the yukon terri tory although catlln and other early writers make it clear that thsy uaed to frequent the foothill country for a con siderable distance oryond tbe foot ot the mountains proper their natural range la on or just above the umber line although they make many excursions high up on tbe rocks or down into the valleys there are several varieties of the bighorn sheep in dirtrrmt parte of the country but the difference are auunzy of coloration the everege wrlgbt of a alxyearold ram la 900 pcamds while the ewee are considerably smaller uk domestic aheep the latghorn la atrlotly graminivorous snd wul only uo when driven to it by hunger the bighorn la s grscrful animal much given to alatueaque poaee it la coloured like a deer and haa a whit note and rump the ram ha magni ficent curving horn in a fullgrown ram the hams mey be 34 inches long measured around the outride of ahs curve snd it inches around th bass tn which case they wm weigh ebeat pounda or oneninth ot tb inline ays total weight ewee has small aw boms nighorna are splendid clhsbsre though moat naturalist agree thsjt thry are not the equal of th roomy mountain oast t tastes makes th distinction that lbs ace to essentially a cliavber while the tb la a auretooted bounder uka taw can adi am beaver other croiv lor this purpose include millet at 10 to 30 lbs per acre soy beans also mukc excellent hay but present a problem when it cometi to curing owing to their sapptnceii and consequent tendency to mould in calls and even otter being placed tnttie bum if tripods ore available soy- boons can then be made into excel lent nay in brief officers of the agricultural war service committee point out that late sown fields of grain are seldom profitable and consequently on many farms consideration might velli be given to sowing the last field to annual posture or annual hay crap and wmmi might also bo given tto sowing an extra acre or two ot com which can be utilised for green teed or rcoillkig s required last weak our reader sprecisted the ion ut ef rlsttars in our boeul and personal oolumn help keep this column newsy by sandlnc in your so cial ucfas the beaver is closely assoclstedwilh the exploration and hfctonr of censde became lis fur was the primary object et the fur trade and was made the medium ot exchange in ill barter for other fun or ccrnmonllle as a na tural consfqiietyyi the beavrer beotma the emblenutle animal of oanada and a picumd btaurer was taetudw onttie royal arrnaefoiiuaa tinul 11w wben uirtajr wwre mvihhi the bsaer is an smtjiibtou ani mal wllh wejted hind rsst and btraad tut tan weagb from to to 2 56 pountls it uvs on the bark and still lots of them in northern osnsds it is one ot the most inteavatlng ot lb worlds animal specie because it darns streams and the outlets ot lakes twigs ot many deciduous trees its favourite food trees being the aspen or poplar the cottonwood balaam and willow together with ponduiy roots and other vegetation it never eats coniferous trees alrhouth it outs them down for dam tguudlng rjurpose it was originally distributed over the greater part ot north america tnclud- mg the whole of oanada except the treeless darrens of tbe tar htam the besmr has vsnlshed trom mutth of ua original range but tbere at order to conserve water at a onri level in relauon to their houses and to ensure a sufficient depth of under any nonnal thlrlnvbs of wlassr lee in wnktt they ean mote about pond beaver build noma of arsm and mud with ualetarster ar tune bajavtr uw on wr stresrns where there to no nwaoo corjserwwwterajjdiiewaaajrdaglbbt besrer 1

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