Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 15, 1942, p. 7

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hie georgetown herald wednesday april isa 1942 family travcl of telativ saterday bomlac allt s hifrr meat on o onbcaslt oerast and butkk5 retfdats u in death cttro wa th iwrml oaochtrr of th lau mr aod ful crtpp aod th 67 pr hrr dilh hid h th a ot tthtjta mi ha- u apaet tn lumninri artuttc nittu u tnlna4 til of u artl- oruh and etaottfal painting ot aoamc m cfawtv bd ptot of okot- ty r th product of ba w aim wawy myqa ot as mrtl day sen stttt pomiy trom hr elm it ymj1 tjld hv alaur tfe uu tea ornotje a baa for eoas ywra to acd 119 at qiinaiit oar- tufsrsr fc ruadtd a ktod ttrtas ud edat ottfitty cnatt r it is with vfeon i ftmanl canto u hald la tfe taniiml ucaaortat cban at c and lav it ffwwad by h hw at th ctoib of tl dtttipu of cfcrtii smttu of tlcb vdu vcm u smfijbfct aaattd bj uajar sanfofti of th 81- atton ajnj anapton both ben u to th rfchti hi of the and cud thtt on of clod oholdht somt bad baai till ed hotnr itajor saford apoka faatis j of hu rtiauoothip with last onppa nar that b hid tea an instate two to him and that h had aieeje com irora hr gnasn a batter and happtfr man mr ltrlnt eat an in- nnng aaarea on at paui mrtwar war vaa by faith not by alafcl oomxamnf in tcnowtos trtmd vtth a oomparuon ot faith and atrl a thry apptjr to thu ust and that i of th larr- family to hkh ida otpot btiomnl all har pmdkcaud htr raoaot ibr jounffat menctir wu ham of rcgssa saoa bat urm aroup of claom uttm rtiauiw and rrusdi vtll tadlr mlu th rr of uui ham vtuch ha bun th acao of many happy family cjathcflaflk and th liinns rnandahlp of thctr 1rortu aunt ixutni th itmet ura letti plamv of kmco aant ry oy th old n ii i on- a hymn much batad by ads ortppa a orraolh u ura charts k pirttar of oi a nlt th paouann s llfng aicar ortpp and oturt paitar ot ocerga- tora sttnlry omppa daretn ortp oivt let your liver oke you an invalid w tteir uir to tow ratom mi to tfiei fct wilt hi thhmil ilrtwiirwitpilii vour lierff ikcurftttorctalavottr ma lmlm1im to0 avltk it tmu baul7 uf htkdr lk iktt flmfrr taj uftifl fnfmtl toajikiul tin tjiupfnn kiln r iitr puur cm ni tu drm tooj n rtdff tut irvj alio proper rrr n tint- itiih ror r4kal vro iur lr i flunjii propcf jifrttmin an j tinnrnhalti itwilt putuj iii lb m tttai nnniputtl la iur ineitnr- nfow un fmj rtvrj mafic pins aria 0m lhi ft oabtxaxlx uxim1hlnlwoihn avttd ji a ctni oih pjpilf lh tkol urt t anifi and nj fl rrxitn b4 hkhj difjy uitj imii rfjf prr nli anj tlit w tlkjnjio4 pf tr ar nr tik bjt xjti nuap ran4 i rum ih mimtui tih rjpwrd truit iixt liter tmrt 7b ir nnrj vp ihr othrr ulini uocimmi ttiiiti nj i tn in kxm htalih rw1it la in n i oii tiri ra ttanad t tti i 1 ihunuuj il mtt t irwi iohi kj iou rk no is- fiml to ttiitna htitb 1 llk4 w l k a4ir at ark i lua4 vll- cja4 wl- iarai aca uiar ratal alj ha rma tam j i ifaaa ly4mla uratrau um st ivuitmnktm iu ittw m4- mkr i mtiu mi or ui t r tr aeaa ajla llyltaa mar k4ktaw i two keys to a cabin by lida 1arrimore chaptik xv km- ait up aimight in it chair braidr ur ton liipr wtrxij in k4t ty cdnvnoni draikini icom and clord ihr bufik tr hd tern read- inj cay and todd canvar into lha rvmi llrllo tn wkd removing kr reading glatara mrllo gay rrlurnnj hr grrat- ing t hrrfuily llrllo katv todd tatd imittng kutra krrn ryrt rrgardad them prx ulalivrly wftarr havr you bm ajvr ard driving in tnrvriirut cay diitd into itir thaif oppoaila rwie u its a hravrnly day grand somnifi al lait todd iuj brakdr uu chair looking rlt ittlly rurrdajimr kulr ihought in a fihi ftinnrl uti and a grrrn ahirt ilh a durkrr gin lr htch uutnvl ihr ihu in in hard ryrs tthii rr mi iittdini thr diction an id ualvtn laimhart ot thooiii uecxitobcoa c snttoa th floaw tetrcrt f9 omll llut crtdcft rrad immnp tar itcw mood ltunbart itarajot u md lo evanoo qaimifafi nttada anarviad oau itrajsipcen ac too avacb b actoo tvm a tatv tltfcawarl inj i a r i trad tntiahi ro- jir j i i you roil twi bhr wrrfc ogdens qigarcttc tobacco loyal citizens do not hoard hoarders ax paopla who buy and ator away rjooda beyond their immediata neada they want to be in an unfair poaition over tliejr nairjhbora hoarders are traitors to their country and their fel low oitiaans because by creatine ezceaaiva and un necessary demands for roods they alow down the effort l there is no sjtcuse for panic buying and hoarding everyone will have enough if no one triea to get more than a fair ahare hoarding must stop i every unnecessary purchase makes it more difficult for canada to do a full war job theres a law against hoarding it is aorsinat th law to buy mors than currant neada violation of the law is purdahable by unas up to 8000 and imprisonment for as lotto as two years avoid all unnecessary buying avoid waste make everything last the longest time possible id coses where it la odrlsabla lor you to boy in advance oi your immediata requirements- such as your nasi seasons coal supply you will be encouraged to do w by direct sta from responsible ohldals the wartime prices andtrade board ottawa canada anuj aavtmmr since i can iv iurit i i ttck out of telling people 1 haitnt ri u i though i i might u ii bji rtding in connecticut katr t ryttiuu lilted arent you ttuik ng ijnh- djvs 1 u h a a bustneaj todd jmml 1 iwie ttiih a hghtheartrd ft ui j iaied th eyebrow rugh- r an esiute the bank may ruk n urtgtfitt un we ere looking it irr tj muki hdve been a great itt- jj kate ad dryly moictj auppun guy uid evmli- i vf ioi u run along todd iawd il thi taj tuu rrly gay jutl atuxit fight i siaculd aaty hay ejiuird taiiy up al todd tell tur 0d i think ita a tutfe ritk riujjl lh1 the- wellatatfp though ptturujue is a fake ill remember that todd ttart- ro tuwiiid ttr door oye katt gud by guy sre you at eight voo should tram to control your v o i todd utml big tar you have katie tl kitthi otlotk gay dont iimjvr vu ksk loo comfortable i itur k i ii find my way out ilia foatrp aoundrd along the hall the grill cj the lift aiufird urvl luhrd katt ksoked at gay training back in the chair bede the mala are getting cr after and tianrr the autid vra arrnt they gay pulled n ikr wmp of atraw to uhkh kale irlrrrrd tttal one looka like a fer without it- tiivrl are you a khriner no im an elk ddnl you krmj gj pun tlvr hat on her irfinr any uord from moth r nror yourr going out for duv nrr yea and dancing aflcrwurda well thunka for ihla fleeting glimpae of you do you mind i uonl go if you do i know i havent been home wilti you much and it uk nice of tpu to uitif in cind atuy with me while kilty und robert are umuy go on 1 dont mind 1 have anthony here for company quite a lid too vc gathered from the por- turn ir ir ad tliua far v i i i u rn ind r r a 1 1 y t you wurd oh u on kate regarded gay in ailerut for u moment then i miiom- uu knuu vbhui youre do- in h niid w1ii1 do uu anrun guya linn tuirtid to the window t i ui ahich ihuuitl i glimpse of blur nk tirid tirly june aunhghl you hivovw lahut i mean dont pn itnd that ynu dont tih11 unttfintanda if hr do- ita more than 1 do you break our rniufmrnt upet the fiilire funillj and ihen you pro- niil to rp i purt of rvcry day illi him itnt hcold me whin im cheer ful todd and i are jum xery good friends wtm h 1 kuppost- is the reason hi- iinith in here fairly dripping moonlight and rosea therea noth ing like u good friend to put a song in the voice and a ahine in the cyea therea no pleasing you gay laughed when i stayed ut home ou urged me to go out now that im following ynur advice you acold me you have no sense of proportion ynu either art like a hibernating groundhog or a itligtitly intoxicated moth youre going too hard knteit browa drew together tn a nown youre ao thtn you acareely i ant a shadow and your eyea arc toe hig for your fuce it makes me interesting took mil oh nonsense t 1 dont like what tou re doing to todd that should be todda concern iiuuldn i know you neednt tell ma june of my bualnesa im sorry kate ita all right mid huh gotten all over being in ove with me kate looked ut her with an ex- lession of atudied derision which d not conceal the concern in her eyes i tuppott you think its charming modesty to pretend that he isnt more tn love with you than ever kate waited then burst out what has happened what about john nothing gays eyes fell from kates anxious face to the hot in her lap excgse ms ive wondered but youve been so stately that i havent dared to ask questions have you nothing really i hear from him hes well and busy theres a chance of his getting the sort of work he wants in boston he isnt particularly interested in general practice and the doctor for whom he has been substituting has returned x ought to start to dress if im go ing out were having dinner at the heron club the food isnt much but the music is good denny ocon nor is there again i adore his songs thats right change the sub ject has something happened i was afraid you were right it isnt it hasnt worked out gay lifted shadowed eyea dark with pain which contra dicted tho halfsmile trembling u cross nor lips east is east and went is west an mr kipling pointed out whats that nbnut the rich young man and the enmel and the nocdloe eye you with your recto ry training fthnulri iinnvrhtnnd it applies to younu indict who huve too much mnnuy tih well lie ei down tn her hands fdli i g tn a gesture ol nope it sneu l m so tired kate dont go out go to bed ill brirt you something on a tray sht- ttil erect forcing animation into her gestures her voice her itmile i want to go when im dancing where there ar people she t prang up from the chair oh how i hale good times gay kate roe and went to her therea no tenw in this you know go to bed youre as white chalk gay atood by the windows look mf out into the clear atmosphere mill bright with the afterglow of sun june she sad barely audibly lla lovely at the cab n rvr ttcre aire wild itrawbern in the meadow uuak the road und the ferna are uncurling along the lane i wish youd rrttri m t n the cub in do you i don t i wiuldnl havr iinhmd it im grati fut youre half auk cay kulr ritd desperately i ens go t ud im going tui to ddrtv bhe turtied from the wirdn not pwa lug at kate if it utkra ttvr rain to make uc pretty flowrra siw- aang a little off kry have you heard denny ooxinor ilea murelu well if that a a anplr are you critkiiing my voice hhr swayed toward kate dropped ht r head against kales shoulder it juat takes umetfoetnt it kate how much time does it tak the music stopped todd led gay to the seat against the wall uphol atrred tn peacuikblue leather are you having fun he seated himself beside her has anything happened since this afternoon i am she turned to smile at him brightly no nothing has happened why do you ask youre so quiet i thought you njued this afternoon i did she rulavtd her gluaa dd you tell your dad that ut thought the property wua a pretty go risk you re unhappy gay thaif vrr ungruteful o me win ii h gentlrnun taken u lady dam mil lite least she can do is tn be hr im unrt mi rr i don t are a lout thut tdd i ot in tn tonventional black uil alute of his dinner clothes was ver giaive a there anything i tan do she was silrni foi a moment then i must do ii myself she naid slow ly limlculy i should have made it a clean break three months ago ive otways disliked loose ende guy he bent toward her do you think of what i told you of what ive been telling you ail spring very often her glance lifted then fell to the table her angara twirled the slender item of the glass will you he aiked very low her eyes lifted ogaln met his eyta ateadily 1 ceuldnt do that to you todd out if im willing to use a chance well neither of us have any peace she as id thoughtfully un til he john she paused glanced away you know that you can talk of him to me yea i know youve been her voice faltered i cant tell you you do like me gay you are my best and my dearest friend then why not you say that he that john half expects it wouldnt it be the most simple solution we could go away now tonight down into maryland you cant keep on like this youre making yourself 111 i know you love him but you love me too in a different way and if hes it would be a simple solution for htm for me too perhaps but you todd youre too fine to have any thing but the best youd be sacri ficing yourself to have you oven the part of eou that has always belonged to ma thata not a sacrifice its pure selilshnsss gay im conceited enough to think that in time and youre probably right i dont know weve always come together again- after either of us has strayed he smiled you remem ber when i was pretty craxy about julie i woke up on morning while visiting her in charleston and couldn wait to get back to you i had myself all primed for abase ments and declarations and when x burst in on you at southampton all you ssld was go change your clothes todd were sailing in a race this afternoon i remsmber a faint reflection of his smile curved her lips encouraged by the smile ha went on eagerly persuasively and whan you were running a temperature about that aviator what was his name jerry conover gays smile deepened she leaned back against the leather upholstery looking out across the dance floor where cou ples circled in a wash of artfully mellowed light you called me up one day and asked me to take you dancing because ho was magnificent in the sky but no use at all on a dance floor and you took mo as j re member tho subject of aviation was novcr mentioned between us not for six months ot least yes all thata true she odded thoughtfully wed have oeethvg a great deal id try not to be too much in evidence you could consider me a pert of the landscape until todd he cried in soft protect she turned to look at him her eyes shadowed though tfui a halftmoe trembling across her upe the music had stopped it began guin a familiar tun a voice mtlungly tender ssng red sails tn the sunset far out oa the sea their eyea met our tune you bribed them to piuy it when you spoke to the waiter s faw minutes ego alls fair tn he smiled with a twinkle in his haitl eyes will you durxe with me gay in silence they walked to the edge the moor she slipped into his urns so accustomed to his dancing itthnique that her position her np conformed instinctively with his they circled out across th or rhythmically with practiced te moving as though they were i e person her red brown head nr to hia blond head her dress of m amcolored lace starched to i ii mb ua fragile as frostwork di jicate atlhouett against th ujck of his evening clothes thats the way it u with us tie said after a moment no use starts no stepping on each ihtra toes no necessity for apolo- c i d rather dance with you than unvonc but life isnt all dancing toda dancing is u symbol we under stund each other her head turned drew a little uway so that ahe could look at him his eyes met hers steadily thcred be sailing and dancing in huid gently friends a home children if you want them friend ship theyre good things gay wry good things todd but are they enough for you i told you im conceited he mllcd youre a darling will you gay ill think ill try ill see uaya evening wrap slipped from ner shoulders fell to the floor she ilkcd across to the desk between the windows when you killed a iing you killed it quickly she seated herself selected a sheet of noie paper drew the pen from its holder john darling the pen moved mcudily across the sheet of cream- l olorcd paper beneath the engraved address of her mothers apartment we hove hurt each other too much and too often it isnt your fmilt or mine i love you i have i ied as you have tried but trying oet no good im going to marry odd very soon by the time you eccive this perhaps we will have ten married he understands as ou must and will there can ha no peace for either you or me while we continue to tight something thatv is too big for us something whlcav we cannot alter or control i want peace for you for myself you will find it in your work t will and it eventually tn the life vhlch todd and i together will cre- ate dont be bitter or ulf-reproach- rul i dont regret having loved you you must not regret whet has happened keep the memorise of the hsppy times weve had and for get the others the pen came to a etop she read what she had written it seemed adequate there was notts ing to add except her name ashe wrote it quickly folded the ihest eg notepaper enclosed it in a enve lope found a stamp dr john la houghton dr sergeants address in portland her writing was clear each letter distinct end cawfuuy formed it betrayed no sign of emo tion she was glad of that there was nothing to indicate hesitancy she glanced at tho clock on the night stand besido her bed better to mall it now than to wait until morning she rose stooped picked up her evening wrap standing be fore the mirror she slipped it on secured the- fasteninrr with delib eration and smoothed back her hair when she turned nho snw tho letter u ctuumcnlnred oblong on dnrlc desk pnd she return ri to the desk tfloji ioi uii iiutmu holding the

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