Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald 8veatyfourtfa year of publication wednesday april 22nd 1942 5c a copy 200 a year ecruits needed now for reserve army georgetown district organizes for plebiscite vote next monday droy and poll cleru appointed open voters lilt allow every qualified person to vote tca film shewn at public school the noesiry machinery ha bam at op in uiu district for th ukm of tot puclsdt vol not sfonday april rm when qsninisn win b asked to aanrrr yes or no to the queslon are you in favour of rrleaa- th oovrmmrnt from any oblige- liana clak flfaatan ol nt arising out or any past commit- m layway ami carnal menu mulcting the methods of rats tng men for military errvleet for the regular dinner meeting of the the pas few week enumerator har oeorgetown lions otub was held on been msklng their rounds in town monday eirnlng at the llcaibbon and township preparing a new list of house pouoalng the meal th otub voter this ha not been issued in convrned to the public lienor audi printed form as u the case in a en- tortum where a pubuc showtnf of the raj election and rjolltog subdivisions transcanada alrllnr coloured will be supplied wtth typewritten list sound film skyway across canada from the name gathered by the enuwa presented under the sponsorship barrators who in oeorgetown were of the club affairs prank fetch jack saunders lion d brill was chairman and oaoraw pt thomas is lull wu- i first introduced june duma chair- iim idler and thomas lv lyon and man of the junior red cross at the ib the township lira p l clara school who npreased the appreciation b w ounnlnaham oeorr lasllr jr of the pupils for the senior the lion harold webster c t slofjst ales club had rrndrred them in inviting mckay ur clayton mcfe and percy them to th mode ii also mentioned hunt there rlll be known a open the help given in th war savings hats tht is any qualified voter drive when the club had offered to whet name hi been omitted may place the last stamp tn a book com vote tn his polling subdirtsioo try pitted by each pupil to date u taking the required oath and beta children hare benefitted from thi hl bor vouched lor by a voter whose nam and the total war saving purchast trrr ano appears on the uit of valm foeare dose to th trooo mark tn ad- ondsvllle in 110 and when leas thai ray thompoa tikes kcw pwttfee in rlespeler r17 h tbampsob hu awsptaa petition ss msrusjrr of hsrowxr store to lleapeler and left last week end for that town mr thompson has been employed wtth ur w o anthony tn his ualn street hardware tore sine iso betas to partner wtth ur anthony from i all to iw ur anthony then taking over th burin himself iuy as he wa known to us ao will be missed tn town tn the store and tn 8t oaorgst church of eng land where h- was a member of th choir he had alio been a loyal mam- brr of oeorgetown band for a num ber of rears but he has not fen fsr away 10 we hope to see him quit regulsrly tn the old home town it ass hard for ltr and ur anthony to ssy foodbye after betnf asso ciated wtth him in buslneas for thirty- three years both wtih him the bast of lurk in hi new undertaking lome scots lejion puttie to st 6a0tes oatk rltuj last sasasy kuala f l laassrrt rsaa letts a church parade of c oompsny lorn scots and branch 110 cana dian legion wa held last sunday when members of th local raftment and veteran of th last war some eighty strong attended mornln wor ship at iu ueorgr church of ens- j und ltd by the lome ocou bind the men marched to the church wbrre thry esrr wloomed by lb rector rtrv woo thompson registration booths open next saturday april 25th col cousen heads citizen coaunittee in appeal for rv serve to fill rank of lome scot active service notes h majlftaaix terra ootta nattve dfcfl in toronto kraal brasher waa bcra celt meeew u bntr oseatly 1st j s afarttuul a native of terra oct is did t hi bom tn toronto on saturday april 11th h wa born a b ous oobbtr editor of the smiths palla recordmews has enllst- thos ahoatunded tacludm go ztzljljz l ii bertram of brampton oncer t vj commsnding th 2nd division lorn 2 7 u scot pred uroartney end ool o b- ll ml i h 0n prudenvof branch l i a 0lm wuu and zone commander of th canadian legion and lieut ii c ucclure officer commanding lorn bcou c coy irrerne ueut j l lambrrt a mrmber of the lorn hcou rcenr read the lesson upealuna from the text whst u irsmed his trade tn the herald shop undr the late editor and publisher ur j u afoorr i ak3thrr promotion in the ranks of i oeorcetoan men tn service foe u lliu kjny formrr ualn blreet butcher no lecelved his corporal strip lssi fsfjslsf b1u h been in toronto with conception of manbjr th ejerrnaras rxjox ilnce joialn the army japanca and brtusn with oods view of man and asked th question whst do you think of yoursclfr oauiaf ea hot prusnt u reeser lh djisarr el thetr manhood a child ren of ood votera nnn uu uu un u vc for are close to th ojooo mark oca pauln division th poll wmdluon he mentioned th chool carrsce two rars old moved with his parent b open from 00 us to i so drive to which the pupils are cooper to bruce county a a youth h oenually vpeaktor rrery penon si aun with th club three load of on hu father frm and a years of are or over resident tn salvage valued at uooo hv already sor for the township of bderslle canada during the last 13 mtr and been oouected nd told by th f ur working u a bam builder end resident in his or her polling district lion brul thm introduced if o merchant to dobblnlon lit on llarch 30th can vote in addl- i hartlng of toronto traffic manager then engaged to the basrnaklng bust- hon to these every funsdlsn on for tjoa in a brief introductory nee in oakvtll and stirling retiring tier urvlc within or without canada i speech he outlined the working of eeral years ago to a farm on th rerardlni of age i entitled to vol on ths company clan to add more bumhamthorpe road movtog from the plebiscite in advance of polling your future is in th air and here to toronto he 1 survued by e day pointing out what typee of work were family of nve daughters in order that everyone to this dla- available for them in aviation he nd an only brother trtct shll be certain of where to vote then sketched interesting detail of an can uarsnsll member of the herald ha compiled the following organisation which to it first year dun senate urt with relevant information lot operation carried u00o passenger oasrritm and to tml it third year maoo air ward inorth of church st west of ualn 8t polling booth at and two hon dun- the cana- acton man t11x jvnioew of u1h teab in ddisuu over a year ago arid ha been home on furlough lie will be transferred to another station upon hi return to duty ac3 am sense son of ur and ur wuuam bcheck olrn william sinwwar recently arrlred oversea with en- other croup of oihsdlan lrmen it town hall deputy returning officer wm j thompson pod clerk thomas i lyons ward n north of no 7 ituthwa- north of john u and wet of creek- polling booth to town hall deputy fietumlna officer hodgln bamea poll clerk jaroea kennedy ward m south of church 8t and west of ualn st polling booth in library djvo 8am walker poll clerk wuuam miller ward iv bsu of and 1tj000 pounds of air express were lokne boots dancc earned last year by tca plane at aautottblth foseh plane is valued at rjb0oo and the compan plsnv to add 0 more 1 n c o catertala ucei la calf ra at planes to iu service this coming year tafseeaal due ahlle estendlng it route to new- foundland and north to falrbanka the n co of c company alaska this is the first step in a lome scots entertained the men of vt w fcvw projected transatlantic and tran- j the company at an informal dance in y no uthemembtrs pacific service in the future uie armouries lsst friday evening to n i address of was a cold patsarw over on th boat a there were no heating facllltira ind lull reuur that moat of th mrn tom uary and doug uooee jere nrrtr lhrlr dothc off huddling t l 5 totether si nlrht to keep wsrm 14th the theme of the girl meet- r ui ass gardening and the roll call ar hrtxrt lie id son of ur and wss ansarred by uy favourite bouse mrs w n ruid norval wss guni pisnt and iu care usrlon dick read or haroir t trrnt party in norl an tntrucue paper on bums ebdparuh hu ahen frltndi and nclgh- uielr culture joy ruddell sang bji rs patented hun with a pen and oo dosei of plotrdy e3at uy- pencil set he joined the rcap stt rrsd a luir paper on loyalty is last july snd u now stationed at among the first of virtues uounutn view an evening of dsne- i mr norman thomas waa the goeat ing was enjoyed by the seventy people kliraarr for the junior farmer who attended with lunch served by meeting he gave a vvry educational ihe lsdlr at the close of the even- sddresa on uie comparative value of j inft john bird read the address and diffarrnt crops dealing chiefly with the presenuuon was made by jack pasture crops the boys received a luwson grest deal of knowledge from this talk l saturday at 3 00 pm pilot in the joint meeting plans ware officer jame p bvans wa heard on made for a spring dance rcu pu- broadcast from overseas featuring hrr violet dick bruce beld and bam mrn of the coastal command to mcclurr were appointed as committee northern ireland after saying hello lo look altar this to hl aire and parent pilot officer oray of the acton vlloji- pt n an international plug t gave the herald ahen he ssld he was year he rroelvlie it regularly and keeping up mr the movie which carried tu own hich all men in uniform were invlt- rjcrmarkt atiendlng ith the hometomri new commentary told of both the daylight fd during the early part of th cimr cnool and overnight fllghu from east to eienlng ihe lome scots band pre- j ruldc 4 en ehore ssng ualn st and w f jljti wflsl ju a p 1 duct and oeorglna bcclea recited david l puckering of brampton husband of the formrr uargaret emily tnemcmherswere urged lo attend jam of oeorgetown has enlisted tu atrt hoil trt e lome scou for uve ser- otithniumtomllnb boom o jonn from hallfaa lo vancou- for dancing following which dancing taubrarrjtcl7osssllf and that of the foley family as enjoyed to the music of a wur poll clerk george dohvm toronto to vancouver the liuer the adlm of the womenj ojt amvt to uay ward vast of creek north of sceirry vwlous wrvlce offered to ausulary to thelme fjcou operated hrn uomr j e wmuiock d p i ojijl polllmr booth at t r cave i posserigr hsnlllng of baggage and a refreshment booth major and mr dbo freeman itersey rjoll i associated wrvlcos vuch as the l if bertram or brampton and meteorological bureau were featured lieut and uni h c ucclure at- in the film tended the affair home clerk jaok blunder ward vi south or cnr nrt of creek sooth of portion of john st lytng west of creek and north of no 7 highway polling booth at barber floral co dro p w cleave poll clerks t r cave snd t s hill csfeealng tewnshlp ward i polling booth at 8 8 no 1 esqesing dao peter peddle ward ii polling booth at norval parish hell duo r w cunning ham ward iii polling booth at stew- arttown hall djto harry r brown ward iv polling booth at 8 a 8 wkquealng djio h webster ward v polling booth at home ol john a miller djio w j mc donald ward vi poltrng booth at qlen william town hall djtos wilson beaton and robert cujth ward 7 polling booth at home of pred wrtggleaworth dro milton ward vtq polling booth at home of harvey norton dbon a mlno basts m il moves teixh ladies group op angora wool industry the oeorgetown local council of women held their april meeting at the home of mr 8 param jest fri day afternoon mrs o hayea the president wa in the chair there waa very little business a pleasant part of the afternoon wa presentation to mrs j b menken ale the address was read by mia bettle lsvwaon and the presentation was made by mrs r paul mrs mac kenzie ha been a very faithful mem ber of the local council and for a number of years wis their president mrs mackenile replied very beauti fully and wished the society contlnu success mrs u h mayer the guest speaker was then called upon her subject angora wool ranching in canada was an intensely interesting one mr mayer had with her an old spinning wheel which she used to show how the wool is spun into yarn oho also showed wool dyed by herself using the vegetable dyes procured on their own farm the angora bunnies thrive on flection and live to the usual five or six yean of age mrs wright moved a very hearty vote of thanks to mrs mover for her very interesting and instructive talk to the group and also to mrs param the hostess and her assistants the meeting adjourned with the singing of the national anthem it ollroy v111 be guest speakers diplomas and awards presented at high school commencement full house at gregory theatre last thursday for annual event play gymnastic singing highlight the even ing r b foulis crvairrnan the sundlmi room only sign uo hung out early in the evening lavt thursday when the annual com mencement ceremony for graduating ntudents of oeorgetown high school was held in the gregory theatre it was a gala evening for parenu and friend and for the itudenu them selves wtth a variety program to ad- dltlon to the usual graduation pro cedure when the curtains parted mem- bets or the high school board were observed sitting around a table with mr r b poults chairman of the board tn the centre seat he opened the evening wlfrr a few wellchosen remarks pointing out the value of education especially today when all our energies are bent on winning the war and when technical and aca demic sklu are important for a man to do hi jab property he paid tri bute to pilot officer carman sutcuffe former choir leader and organist st oeorgetown united church and musics teacher at the school for a time who lost his life in a flying accident over sea lost year rev w o o thompson presented the shields for general proficiency to the top scholars in each farm these were form i cr w robb shield oral alexander form n dr c v williams shield richard orlohton form tu c d dayfoot shield mildred eason form iv w v arant shield martrarot roszel form v r b foulis shield john aulngham next camo tho presentation of dip lomas to tho graduating year with mr o b dayfoot presenting the luirehmonts graduating students were william ocorje alexander decree herbert arnold lawrence h beau mont mary beem suzctu- btency wultrr prederlck cook mury alice patricia cummlru iaooci louise dob- son joan may halt ivy ireni han cock eleanor may muurrc dorti may mitchell mary kathleen paul marlon ktlda margaret bernlcc rohael erma laura rutlrdge thomas elliot wat son two of the graduating studenu lawrence beaumont of olen williams und thomas watson of aeton are members of the itcap and uie for mer who is stationed at trenton made the trip specially to get his dip loma a double trio or girls sang summer clouds members or the group being misses mary and betty paul late nielsen ruth ooldham alva crlppa jane early mary moyer marlon hep- bum marjorte lane betty ruddell deri brownrldge and phyllis one other musical numbers included morning bong a baritone solo by ormle carter snd caro wo ben tenor solo by wuuam kelly they were aocionipuued at the piano by usrlon hepbum dr a mcallister presented inter mediate certificates to the following successful middle school rnnlrtte margaret o alexander doris if armstrong beatrice o brill joan browne ormsby carter north a cleave barbara d cousens richard r orlchton barbara x farom rum m ooldham bensloe a hughe mur iel e kean wuuam kelly mirjorle a kontner ethel y leslie jean b lindsay doris mcoleuan mary p moyer lois r- nielsen doris f smith next oame the presentation of ath letic awards by ii ii moyer new member who replaced rev d da vidson when tho totter moved to smiths falls last summer mr moyer was introduced by tho chairman and ex pressed his pleasure at the cordial wel- continued on page 8 the weather by ii u hutt ait4r a roupk of reul uurm d i ulitti the furnace tire could be for cotun f time hud name ruthrrclulb prinn wt jthi r no doubt mom xir umild like to sci it warm up with lull mllvuilnr but tlllv cool wcallk r is best inr uu- vrarritmr uil inrmir the for- nur can kcl his kurdtll dug wtltiout uctllntr hls shirt and the farmer can ktt hk horscs hardened to spring sork without unduly tiring tlicm and mare imiiorlant than all vciretatlon has been hi 1 back so that it may more likely cwaic late spring frosts that often do rnal injury to crops r uu lvjlowing are the local records for week date ii l ttmp tues aim- 14 01 32 wed apr 15 75 03 thurs apr 10 57 44 prl apr 17 00 40 sat apr 18 43 34 sun apr 10 40 33 man apr 30 s4 33 no rain for ten days watch next weekb itihue referring to our editors comer you will notice that we intended running the story this wk comnum ity war a vivid outline of oeorgetown war effort a told by a writer in mac leans magazine at the last moment it was found necessary to hold this over until next issue so watch next weeks herald for this story with pic tures and other feature articles regimental sergeantuajor balfe bradley of the algonquin regiment who recently returned from england ahrre he had been taking a special course has rejoined his regiment af ter spending a leave in town with his wife and funlly aw1 uargaret long returned to her dutie wtth th rgap women division tn brantford last week end after recuperating at her horne in town from a recent illness which con fined her to the hotgiltal for several weeks lance cpl sam rachlln son or ml and mrs i rachlln is home on fur lough he la a 1th the irish retf ment or cansds uen in uniform home lsst week end included acq lawrence beaumont lac bruce krnnedy who is home furlough odsm wm p smith oowmanvlllr harold bchenk on of ur and urs william schenk olen williams has joined the roaf after training at oalt aircraft school and is stationed at no 5 manning depot lochlne quebec a cablegram was received today by mr and mrs ii harlow informing them that their son pte ray harlow hid arrived safely oversea are you helping to keep our columns alive with news by sending in your social and other items of interest hie geersetewnlherald sobberv comfort fund forwarded to oeorgetown soldiers oomfarts committee bs 54 cash on hand acknow ledged 897 junior red cross oeorgetown public school 10 00 total april 32nd ms 01 a recruiting rempslgn to fill th ranks of the 2nd battalion lorn flcou to t ii regl osnauian army rrsenr gets underway to oeorgetown rvril saturday whrn re gistration booths will be opened to sfcolbbons store longs confeotion- try the legion rooms and the uunl- clnsl office in sedition to these ap plication forms will be svalishte at lb to bsnki snd t the post office a melting in the armouries last night dlicussed thr plsn and made arrange- mrnu for the campaign lhut ii c ucclure explained to these sssrmbled plan of action bas ed on the presrnt successful drive tn toronto it was first only a local ides to swell th rank of c com pany but the plsn has been extend- to lo cover the three counties of pettl dufferm snd halton and a uniform appeal will be made warn ym caaae in at the outbreak of the war oan- ada had a very small regular army the real army of canada wa th nonpermanent active ullltia or whst is known today a the reserve army at the outbreak of war the unlu of npajf were nvobuued a snd when required to make th divi sions of the active army a each unit was mobilised it threw off a coun terpart or horn defence unit the reserve army prior to the war any man of oy age or medical category sho was moderately physically bt could join it today however there can be no encroachment upon th field or msnpoarr for the aottiw army in consequence the iteservw army is appealing to the following categoric to join th reserve amy for home defence young men 17 and is year of ge in medical categories a b or c oil men 17 to 60 ear of age in category c single men 34 to 90 year of age in categoric a b or c married men ti to 50 tears of age in categories a or o haw vm jala snd what vaa d at the speclsl registration booths sppucation forms will be avallabl you sign an application form which does not bind you in any manner whatever and hu nothing at all to do with the active army it doe in dicate 1 your desire to be ready and 3 where you can be reached to em ergency in due course you present yourself to the unit for medical ex amination which in oeorgetown will be made by a board of three local doctors if accepted you train an average of one night a week you go to camp with the unit for is days and throughout the year you attend ten full days training on selected week ends its easy a that and it helps make you fit snd useful should th enemy strike st canada osmmlttee farmed working with col cousens la th campaign will be vlceehalrman j c kelly secretory o w mellntook organisation and registration w v grant and a c welk supply dis tribution snd publicity w il long an appeal for voluntary worker will be made to assist this committee in manning registration booths and cooperating with the oanurtgn in other waja brother of georgetown hah dbs at bolton following a long illness john wood passed away at his home in bolton on sunday april uth th las ur wood was to his 0th year ana hod been a resident of that own far many years he is survived by a son edward of toronto and two claati- ter mrs l currell snd mrs j basw man of bolton he wis a brother at frank wood of oeorretown mtr ment took putc at laurel mn osms- tery j yes vote urged at meeting held tuesday nigh a meeting was held in the puhua library last night for the purpose of securing on overwhelming yes ma jority in the plebiscite vote next monday mayor joseph oshbons wis elected chairman of the evening and stressed the importance of getting every voter in the district out to the polls the vote is nonpolitlcal leaders and members of all political groups are throwing their weight be hind an affirmative vote roy dale kxt said that the was solidly behind an affirma tive vote and this earned a great deal of weight with him reeve howard 7 at esqueslng was in favour of getting as many people as possible out to vote although this would not be easy in ths rural parts where far mers are busy with their spring seed ing col a b a cousens was of the mooting snd agreed to handle trail opinion that there an a number ofportation on election day people who arent going to vote at an or who ate going to vote no and it is these that mutt be contacted and an attempt made to chance their minds o01 cousens was chosen as head of a committee to organise a yes not in the community with reeve may snd ominclllor w a wilson panifif details in the township ths tjojub represented at the meeting by lata bom mscrenrie snd mretj l lam bert are contacting district clergy asking for their support from the pul pit on sunday and have also taken charge of contacting organisations who in turn will be given the job of getting in touch with all their mem bers president fred mccartney and secretary b harlow represented branch 130 canadian legion at th 2

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