Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1942, p. 2

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the georgetown herau wednesday april 22nd 1942 the georgetown herald neva el grttm kiml glm wbabw liiaehavu fuavsrilsam blmuulti ul tern c4ls bubscwptiom ratbj canada and the united states 13 00 a fwr 81nte oople sc jherhdni bate ui be aaaj mi laahotlta wajteii c bnswn oarpihd v ucoilvray p u ulkr glimoir bruce ool urn trxephove ve s uenvber of the canvlun wrrd njipet ausoculton and the ontartoourtbec dwsion of thr cwna the editors corner shall we sink or swim next monday it plebiscite day says a press release from the plebiscite committee of canada and every canadian voter has been informed that it is his privilege to exercise the right of ballot the pools will be open on april 27th from 800 in the morning until 8 00 in the evening daylight saving time while the typographical error was not inten tional in the above sentence perhaps it is not out-of- place after all for it suggests a sink or swim policy for canada if the plebiscite carries by an overwhelming yes vote the swimmer johnny canuck will be a few strokes further on the path to total war which we mult achieve if we are to lend our maximum effort to winning a victory over totalitarianism if the results are indecisive or if god forbid the nays should have it we dare not think of the consequences certainly we can imagine german and jap newspaper headlines distorted to read that canada wants to drop out of thr war to many the plebiscite seems like a waste of time and money the reasons for it obscured in a maze of contradictory and confusing statements by cabinet ministers and members of parliament particularly among our french canadian citizens whatever the real reoson for asking the question are you in favour of releasing the government from any obligotion aris ing out of uny past commitments restrictinr the methods of raising men for military ervice there is only one answer for a patriotic canadian with nwift sure strokes each swimmer must indicate yes on plebis cite day and avoid sinking with the conwqurn drag on the war effort embarrassing questions with houses and apartments at a premium in georgetown these days the herald office is faced many times each week with the query are there any new ads in the paper this week much as we would like to help by answering before the paper comes off the press it is only business commonsense that we cannot do so part of our revenue is derived from classified advertisements and last year we learned a lesson a man enquired on a tuesday morning if we knew of any houses for rent as it happened we had an odvertisement scheduled for that wednesdays issue of the herald and we told him to get in touch with the advertiser the result a few hours later a telephone call from the advertiser informed us that the house was rented and to please cancel the advertisement since then for our own protection we have followed a policy of silence in regard to classified ad vertisements do you blame us a story retold on a sunny day last summer on energetic young man walked into the herald office and introduced him self as ray davies freelance writer we had met mr davies once before in the pages of the farmers ma gazine where he had written a story about george towns unique hunters inn and indeed we had in troduced the author to our subscribers by reprinting his story subsequently he endorsed all the fine things he had taid about the gastronomic delights of the hunter cuisine by making frequent trips to georgetown here in our bustling little town was conceived the idea of writing an article on the war effort of a typical small town in ontario a town which had not felt the stimu lus of new war industries of nearby troop concentra tionsbut one which was nonetheless conscious of the war effort and was playing its own small part in the gigantic pattern of canadas battle here mr davies spent several days chatting with local businessmen asking questions observing and absorbing countless details which later must be sifted out and combined into his completed article and when the article appeared in the october 1 5th issue of macleans magazine the issue was completely sold out a few hours after the local drug stores hod received their quota in every corner of canada georgetowners read the absorbing tale of what those at home were doing in canteens overseas our men in uniform picked up copies of the magazine and devoured the news eagerly mistakes will crop up even among the best of proofrenders and much amusement was caused when we read that four georgetown barbers uncle and three nephews ore officers in the lome scots while georgetown actually boasts five barbers this trade is not b family monopoly and the capital b was the object of an editorial in the next issue of maclean s skle from this there were only one or two minor err- as we see lt ay j a atrsas i tffokc of uh who attended public school before we commenced to would bmath another fiai m hocfct u not allowed to b played on flunday here in ontario it ha been a very unusual series when th im1s knocfc- ed off the fianfwra w all thought that the aunley cup waa as pood a in the baa- for th laafi ltowwr the had wines took the fust thr gasm in a row and chen ww thoutbt that the cup was aa good as in the ba for ue iooo to date our correadon- lvtroit ewn art roas of boston drnce were familiar with quite a num- tj jjjl to utr of poems that are uu uj olten ttiu uuizx liroarim age oray fcirijt wrtten in a country church- ard ti one of them and another would be oomlth deserted village alter huenhrtm by hubert southey would nr anottiit uid ldjnfjriiomj hie visage uuckumlth u one more that r often ee quoud another poem tint at- did like wa john oijpjn by thr ltvaf took the 4th same and at the conejuuon of that same jaca adams the wine coach lost his tud and attacked the referee thus gat- ilng an indefinite suspension it atvtcaa too bad that attacks should tie made in 4 rink especially when there are to many place ouulde the rtnk that could do with at tarter today the jth game was noted for lu total num- wiuiarn cowprr it vnt perhaps asi boilu 1 which was 13 the claaiic a poem u wrre iome of the 8una and the wine 3 tnt oihrs mentioned above but it same was unusual also th 1ii uely jnd rry human dy the way handed the wlna ft shutout and be- we noted recently an article uttnv lld tbml m waa plawm for the thai john quptn rrauy existed and luu w mtrurte of play without one a not merely actional character p orlna handed out the d- whittlera jack in thr pulpit troit team must haw redeemed tnem- anoiher one and bruce and uie bp4d- w their customers eyas o rr by kltxa cook u another that u often mentioned abou ben adam by hunt and a canadian boat bona by uoore are ottier famluar one the latter betna ud as a real oru now uany of lher that we hae mentioned tie from the third itewder which we used at that time hovrter we never can remember whloh of todays grades corrwepond u that book anothea poem sometime quoted today u popes though they did art tiutout by their irentlemanly hockey thai night bob ooldham the georgetown player with the lsiwfs brouarit honor both to himself and to his home town in this aeries and most of us would have a thought or his pmrnts as they listened in on those etxlung games xt would never do to ooaclude this paragraph on the tertea without a word about one wilfred uffvwiild the weatem five provide j radio with one of its moat tnurlnt anomalies the programme is dswotad to the tonga of the wtde open aifioaa the music oomas out at brwaknack apwed and is plyd by as smooth a pack of sopblstlomtaw as twee stsertd dear of a rodeo sunt evatursd at ifceay on uan and it was in the pmu- fef f jlhwzf 2l header u we remember oorrectly of that umr another old reliable poem u the cotters ustunlay nigbt by course u his rdokname bucko has been nuytng the best hockey of his career all winter and you will kabert bums however we eem to s f vzhfh llsl ffst unable to connect it with haring been ued in any or the old vchool readers we aeldcm ee any of the reader that are ued uxlay but we do aonder if any of the aem uved in todays tschool bonkji u1 become at famous v did those old poems that hae mentioned in soetry swkwwrd ten- tnce are at umen used m order to get the worcu to rhyme and me im agine that it the very reason that we like pnetr because u mskra u think in order to art tlie full meaning out of uie puem rkadcng tirt uah newv from the hiuman prunt these daj makrt one think of the porm after befihelm tnmtloned in the p iiit imsruirraph yoi mill rrralj that the main priori in ihta pom werr the traruud who i called old katnar jj1 lli to randrjilklrrn wllhelmlne jnd ivterkin aa thr rurt ln tlws r vr jir ortvud uwl wlliflmlnr mttinr in uir un uid ji- ijo u pu in ir on thf iftiv iiul 4- mir iu pro- cfix hr l hl foniid a m ind b- t ahrii iif tmif to od kimr to enquirr ui i ttut ir 1ia itrkrd up rul kvjmt tifoiiv him hut it li sornbnct jtull uid jut it no doub brjorured o mnr jimkt tlutt lud mlm 1m ttilf hit h1 ijrrn fotntht in jia trmit hir 1 wl want knir hi it jii shixit and kiitjikir oi mi inpliiti hat the tjuillth htd ljssn hf rt nrh ikjw- evrr lr vaavn t able o nuke out he vijd luil hr hod fought ihout out he ound up tp teturut hun ttit it was a pamotu vlcjiry in a thr ruriln falu in thr ast wt of jie jsnem lhf oonit rfirl wanlt ui know what trond came of it at utt mean- intf of courv what 4dantate ere gained by halving had inn battle and uv old onindad wai unahle to tell her of in advantages aptined but still he maintained that it was a pamoua victory bometimea e wonder if thotve reaponmble for starting modern a an has e advanced any unc the days of ie en h dm as devrlbed by kober southey we ftixy expected that he stanley oup serim would be ill finished before lajit weeks hrrald was placed in the malls here it u friday once again a we write these tlnes and the senlea la all tied up and will be decided tomorrow night which u sat urday the lath that is unlea the game should be tied at it 43 which the full ilaty minute in many of the games lie earned the freight all win ter on defense and hadnt missed a game the ranger jurrtes took loo much out of bucko even if he does carry some do pounds and in the wlngteaf frrvm he tailed to get back into tlrlde and as a nnsutt he was benched we dont like that word and in bucko a case it could hare been dmcttted as haring been honourably benched bucko may not be blessed with a much education as are many of his team males but he knows hoe to itop cpposlng player with clean body checks seldom getting a penalty and when he doe get one he knows how to take it with a unlle we can imaguve bucko enoylnt these detroit names from ru eat as a spectator and itettlnn jut as much kick out of it as though he re playing tne best of luck bucko old boy the rest iif lir y alontf the pro hotkey trail your tf you ttucli as raocb impor tant to hsttnc rear ns s ajnlaad u at da roa wto bs m pttlsnt at oars we have kapt upudsts 09 laslor pesttrmdusu ootssss 1 unnc cood aqulpmant and has mr cnty rrs trtoo ib i tf anmrnsnnn i i rcr a oiasslira kr santas sskl qaalirv oiassss a cty mass oowscir 0 t walker r 0 ho wet bs t his hoi th baa talarbabt oo stnat oaorsacovm ths wadbssday et asth esanu roa mr oobjou o t t st his obm tn anmotob fbonki ors which we hnve token the liberty of correcting in the reprinted article sequel canadas war effort is everincreasing ever- changing and grorgetown has not been standing still in the eight months since ray davies composed his article another victory loan has come and gone with close to 330000 subscribed georgetowns monthly war savings purchases now run closer to 5000 with georgetown public school pupils boost ing their total to almost 2000 the active service list now shows over three hundred names with more being added every day pilot officer carman sutcliffe met a tragic death in an aeroplane accident two gillevets have been granted honorable discharge from the army for medical reasons and returned home from overseas another father and three sons combination on active service is the davidson family of glen williams while the rayner family can now also boast this honour two emmersons are in england another in the navy one on active service in canada while a fifth pte wheldon emmerson was sent home from overseas when it was discovered that he was under the age limit the st john ambulance brigade is thriving training more and more young women in first aid and with the members now smartly uniformed the herald war victims fund has almost doubled in size while the legion the red cross and soldiers comforts con tinue their tasks evergrowing in scope and intensity and so the picture enlarges but while figures may change the basic story of mr davies article re mains the same the story of the war effort in one canadian small town which is the mirror of countless other towns across the great dominion that ore doing their bit left to rutu oral bchsar veesuat woody ma uiuflst atmml how ard laadarirrancerclutaaust oaas ccoutlar vkulnut and rud oailosar tha trumpst plrr vtio trtcus ta ryvoetaba and autoc baa tha w- tsrn firs bo into cwalmi tiimuts and thursday st 600 pjn djt directors f r watson djxa mji oeorgetown ofine hour 0 to 5 urwpt thurwday afternoons dr j burns milne ocntju himocom xray fi clifford a reid uji dds dcntist ptww 410 main huv oromrjom leroy dale kc m syfefl bennett ba barrlmen an hamchan sou street oeaesetawa i kenneth m langdon i pirn mortaav money to laui 0brr orejrory thetre dlds cu street phaaw u frank petch uctxhbo avrrnonzzm all clahmci or cvscatancb prompt aenrtce ptuta 2si po bos 413 elmer c ttaompaon inhuaunck hekvtce pu auto wuidstorm cr ailtor sad allied humstxb excusuiiona phasm iia ar j am nielsen csu tsar t nialan chiropractor xray druglbu therapist ladr ir1 office ovar domlruon store oeofipatoam icoura j 740 9i0 pin ctacad tkanaar phaa 1s radio r we specialize in this work j sanfordson phaae czobjoctows uw 4 monuments majuuxs and latrbuno pollock ingham gait otrt oastfbs on nsquast pbobs 3mi loapect our work in oreenxwd cftnaterr robert p worthy ce lettering uul iwsmltlhmaato pa a su qaaaa at w ithfton a gray ceacb lines timetable now at nrract dsjuffct 8afs tlass leave ocoaacraanr fialsaaad to tarsal ftos ut cis pjb isavm iis am t3a pju utpav sjm pjb tj tun ms tun siojds pjn iwi i sa pfl aiss ajn xl3m pju mltiun sjaa45 pin a sbmpt bun and hoi j eepc bat sun and hoi sst sun and hoi f daily except sun x to kitchener y tv stratford w if- laai phaaa t i keep your name in the public eye through classified advt ralph gordon the versatile entertainer lor your next program niuatrated circular free tokonto cub craarfsft st c n r timetable dartxfcs sastac ttaas oamsesat rannnrnr sjs svbl pasamesr and mall ism ajn pasunisr and mall s4s so psxstnier sunday only tm tin paimnfsr dally 041 pal toronto and beyond carat wast pauenter and mali tm an pastancsr sat only 1j8 pjn pasaencer dsujr exospt oattamay and sunday u4 nm pasaencer and hall s4s nm passsncer sundays t only itjbpjil oata ksrtk paimofeand uul i4 sm oafaursasasi paauecer and uatt im pju post wsfcst own raishutt m ij4iiji

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