Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1942, p. 3

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the georsetowa herald wednesday april 22nd 1942 tit- hndatks rmt coal and coke vcderal buildings province ot ontario szalq traders addressed to tn tmdcnlgbm and itii tender tar coal will be received until l km uslby yluarwsr hay t 1m for tne supply of coal and ease tor the nnrntntnn bulldmj tnroufn- eat the province of ooisxlo vcrmt of tender wltn umtinn and mrmttlons atlatned can he ob- tamecl from tnr purdmlag afrut department of public works ottawa and tnr btiprmilng architect adelaide at- east toronto ool traders should be made on the forms supplied by the department and la accordance with departmental peculratlons and conditions studi ed thereto oosl dealers liicru nura bers roust be glien when lenderlnj the department reserves the rlshl to demand from any successful ten derer before avardlrur the order a security deposit in the form of a cer tified cheque on a chartered bank in ca made payable to the order of the honourable the illnuter of public works rooil to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender or bearer bonds of the dominion of osnada or of the oansdlsn national rahsjr company and 1u constituent compan ies uncondluanslly uarsnteed as to principal and interest by the dnmlnlon of canada or the aforrmentlaned bands snd a certified cheque if re quired to make up sn odd amount 6uch security will serve as a guar antee for the proper fulfilment of the eon tract dy order j u bomjtvnir secretary department of public works ottawa april 30 1w2 ip the quality tern hamaiia mrs retort mcckutn acckknt victim die4 in ofcamgevilxe hoatttai rwmn itstleavtb keatteat turattt y blnlr hwub u lajtrtta mr robert ucclrlun 77yearold onusfcrviilr oman and former it- idrni of jlutlonviu and dnmpton liaurd am ay in lord xxifxrrln jlatpl- ul on thunday april trth a few day previous jw had barn struck and knocked don by a bicycle receiving a tract urrd leg and cooruvloo and thr failed to rrgain oonackmunrw be fore her death ttsr ulr un mccleuan what maiden name tu gcanor early u pi edit raxed b tnr htuhand about uurtylne year afo at that umr they mere intng in huttonvlllr and lr afcclelun later menrd to bramp ton and then to orangrrilje wttrn he had since reeldcd oh leaves family of uixrr luxoid of llutton vlur ho a formerly employed in oforgrtoro vtth j n onrlll it son 11 of budbury and sir afb ot mono ului bhe was an aunt of un frank fetch of oorjrtown- a funeral aervtor wa held on sat urday april llth at the turner fun eral home orangevlue wtlh a ser vice in nonal united church at 300 pin the aanw afternoon interment in in luliemtt cemetery nerval dancing ottfi brampton ri ttm4t a pl to i am dat stboouul otawihwnh o bacfcliy carrolls carrolls own soap flakes 4lb box 29 unsweetened grapefruit juice 3 29 doejuts eucuits choc mallows 19 ik i ik a special i aylmer apricots 2 iatib 29c for delicious chocolate cowans cocoa 14s i 24 la 4m oomsj frsd al is tlaw of salt polab bandee coffee offee salad dressing i 39c oalcl or rruur ceessl rolled oats 5c tv new blewlw jewel shortening 19c lt tkst real toauts fuor heinz ketchup 19c corn syrup 53c i 23c for btxtar pu ck monarch flour rhtare caolc r4 fee desseh pitted cherries 18c llb ba 39 mlb ua 32c 84c concentrated super suds p 22c mildly perfumed ooex soap 4 25c green pea soup noodle soup mix mo 20oxtln he pt- ioc ioc custard powder prepared mustard jr 16c christies fruit loaf ch 15c angel food cake ck xoc cream of wheat pw 14c lie mclarens freezeasy pancake flour ii w i irllm is1s lemon oil r 15c floor wax ii age t v tr comiwl camay soap i tor whiter wsiu oxydol 4 pan- 8j jc 24c 65c pue ioc 15c ml asc vi 45c evaporated milk 3 xsc aytmav slrsirsml infants foods 7 c chicken haddie iib n xoc polchards is01 tin 7c iqc 10c kipper snacks blackberries cornstarch mb p rri iiii wi1-1- u newport fluees pun 25c 39c ihyr kiml l clolhr- ivory flakes or snow x3c an a i washing soda z t 15c kr ril- 1 llwt spa wiri while saniflu8h t 15c 29c i of a tjatlrtr siting- x in i shoe polish on xoc sliced side bacon pound 39c cujc cleanser in 5c sunkist oranges 29c 35c 41c rlox bananas 2 lb 25c grapefruit tsrte ai s for 29c carrots or beets 2 bunches isc tomatoes firm ripe if 19 wi iv- hbt u halt ausslllus al sb fate ss ausflr rsnutnesiate ftimt anu vegetable prices good till saturday night onlyi phone 3s7 cabbage wrm grsea fl fe free delivery main st georgetown improvtd j uniform international sunday i chool lesson l obucse he wmjf k usm leuon for april 26 wa1eide oonvcrsaytons lesson ttxtua u coldch tcirr aixj btosorrer set aeax fctt crocs sa ccae true at esssei w atj unte lose ii lamlnf by ulkln arltri clirtst u ihey walked from ple to plac such was the training for sarvtca hlch the disciples reerlvel thst was the gteatest school thl world has ever known for while h had no treat buildinf t no brsutlful cam pus no learned faculty it had th eon of god himself as preceptor and teacher with all due regard for our fine collrres snd seminaries we ssy this is still the outstanding need of chrhtlan worker to walk and talk with christ on the day of which our lesson peaks the subject considered u how to be saved snd who should be saved srvi rsl irinds of thouf m emerged but all pointed in the one direction of a diluent following of gods plsn in order to be saved w tram a man must i make as earaett msrt w the question rrgsrdlnf how many were saved received no direct an- rir for our lord lhed to direct attintion to the far more impor tsnt question are ou fjvtj get that settled and the other matter will care for itself here some who assume thst it la n rosy thing to be saved will re ceive a surprise for our lord soys v 24 that it is something one must egimlie over for so msy the word trlve be trunsloted the door into iternul life is so narrow that na man can pass through it wllh j his sins they must be taken away srking la not enough v 24 one anum strive to enter in ii eater while ike dsar is opes v 2130 i the door itsnds open for all who will t come in what a friendly thing is an open door but men 1 idly ignore it or definitely reject lla opportunity or they seek it but do not strive to enter in and all at one it is closed then in a freniy they seek to enter but it is too lots what an oppalllng ihlngto be eter nally too late sj note lh ir claims of acquaintance with the lord v 28 one is re minded of those who think they are christians becuuse father or mother belonged to the church or because they altind an occasional church aupper or listen to a sermon by ra dio unless we know him personal ly as our saviour he will have to say to us depart from me y workers of iniquity v 71 let us make that matter very clear to those to whom we minister leat they be eternally lost iii fallow the fearless christ w sl33 to know the high and unwavering character of ones leader is to go forward with reol confidence what about the captain of our salvation here we find him facing the indirect threot of a powerful and wicked earthly ruler in perfect calmness with the very poise of eternity upon him christ conscious of his divine mission ond with determination to do the fathers will heb 107 knew no four of man as we ore in his holy will on christian men and women we too may boldly sny the lord is my helper ond i will not fear wliiit man shall do unto me heb 13 0 consider the rebuke to herod v 32 tht re i probably no place in scripture where our lord spoke with such mine mi mntimpt of any man it is almost is thniikh the black cloud of euinil jiidkinent already had settled around the head of this man who was so slv and criflv that tin ti iiderlieil lid jesus tailed him ii fox one wonders of how many hi would have to siy the same in this our di of supri me and mali cious ulikedness we uriel nm more vitall impor tant uiiiiikm here our lord offers ilmisell iu calls sinners to re pentance but they must iv itespoiul to his llivifsjlon vv 34 as to fail lo accept his proffered love is to be left desolate to re- 1 jcit him as saviour cither by neg lect or by definite net ia inevitably to brlnt judgment to the jews this meant loss of their national homo their leading city but to us it means the loss ot our eternal souls v there is terrible auggestlveness in the two statements in verse 34 i would ye would not the whole secret of jerusalems desolation and destruction is found in the words ye would not the whole secret of the iobb of the individual soul is found in the words ye will not john 540 john w bradbury this lesson presses home to the individual reader the question are ou saved what is your snswert t also affords the sunday school teacher an excellent opportunity to atek to lead the members of thst class to a definite decision for christ the sunday school it a good viae to give an invitation timely topics for women by btriwa biimi madeoveb can bc attractive ah well am rafuottc drrulng children ru oo a lmlttd budjft cal forth all tha la- ernuxty and rtooixiuinru ixfjj by tkc modern honvmaiter but now btvlde trxhtnx tn pram u u alto our patriotic duty to mafcrclouirt mat taicr a leng u utujj in ordrr that there may fa tnougn ii and rayon and cocion to iiil our war nenla there u one pent that u taiponao though u you want to hva our ciludnn rj miteoser auhout any tetur of ihame uhout ft ortaft hit be vuie that the mxdtotr ggrmrm u not lunnyloaklnat that it i the type of thin orn t other children that it ha rood oyu axtumjjy it u juit u txty to he a madeff laihnahte u nott u only oy uxr a utue pirifc to punlt u uv jut ll u aell cutand trwt ciour mmuh or ronuatt tujtally aa the cte may be jlrre are wame 4uaiuom ou may find hrjpful ut maklnii lour chudrena ciotrwi er longer u hoy wrater raj out at the elnoat but rrn the toeevvs 4u cut out wnd the armiolri nratly hrmnnxj thty are tul iervlc4mh as tlwvrlt puum olrl wtur may be unuttd tiauliarly and took tsnn ith a mikiiau- tm arid uh biour the mime u true of irtrla aoolkn or cofdurvy jc4ru oiat hr brconir uni a the elbova jur ou er uird aiming up a jtui t yuxn rirr or cardliaa ith brmht cciourrd mool aihrwrry in a tlmpie patten it majtetft nr ltmiti out of an old one and if xi are tmirt ue tmhrotdery can vrn br urd au a ctmounur to cwrr up urn thoi and rulr r mr oft ur rubrct o 6rierft did 04 knm that hand anil cue un br imtlro the mool aauuxl and perhap died and knit up misllri to mke a ccxnpktejy nr tariiur jumper ojju ujpjrird by ttntp ner the thouldrr and irfpjiait mui a re txjd utjilcm tor ruu of all tntn jut run and bealdc ar pruuy tiutrd u mdttfi wouieu djtr m paruculaj trod iirnuet xu iiil utttunrni hlui 1 ortunate no that it u to lm- portaiit to muit ou wlim the utvt or the undtrarm becoma ojii iu limpk matter lo cut oj thr utre and htm the armho ts the krmiiixi mxainr mid prt tto ou lie a new jumper a a a a a ld ou kntm oit thr beauulul cotton and broadcloth e art aatunj to mtmt in mrp f hirt are bxomtn try hard to get oo ttlni jiuu itt coriiur ijouitito tunrr ujelhem for dutera it ou trr liaili iu our nrrole horn uhoji uaui the coloured ooea to malu uiirl itu ur bo and ihe atute wr to make bloui or the girl of ur lamii oi imihai jou may prrftr to ua uitm to make pinafores lux ikune atavr or apruo for jwjmu miii of lli tux tjiinv no that me had back the old mool afclrt r tan vi iim u couple of jtu ao or pure mool cemn up and louiu- rll u 1c ur ilo it imnit totthrr a aomant mi can qulta rrudily br lumtd and madt over into a jacktl and tkirt for her daughter jtn a utihi aelhi m jjj tuit can be mode uito a mart tint for ths innuttr ul and in uct uoau- uomen tut havuig umu hubonda out ru4ii tuxulur nuidt into mart tailored uit lor ihroutlvi mi bxtiu can of court br made into ulu for boo too but x mould not udvle ou niotlen to utuinpt uili job xuru unit a ou lui r hd tome uul clonal rip rlenct in tea ing uo clothe loos lrtt bud unlra thry air meu cut and mrll tauored v a k x lie urr tliat ou keep uu buttons bucklrt and nppcro aticn clothes air worn out and discarded boon they will be rry hard to get and they can b umxi crvtr und enrr agiain chudrena ckxhto ihould nrer be fuuy but jut the lame it is uninang tioa txm pjrtt txiuoao toox gay crnbroldrry or a fnah mute blouu- can lmpiot the appraxance of a handmcdovn or madeover aituajly it la jut thee little extra fahlonable touches uu1 maki our thldnn iroud lo arar uxm ioh oltt hcaap book tlirbtujla mere mjio the cream a tour tttir coflte n muddy and black ttu bub mhlncd uic gilb tiu icrm and dud had a crick in hu xxux tom jort hjf cap uie liut bell rang lliis jioe ftuing broke in tmo thinp all torn mrong thu whole day long can- mother hub the flu lydta brown mnatkn akl rccxmmended and now thry ku iu eating btlaren meau l often a good ide according to the nutrition bcrmces department of national health ft midmorning or midafternoon hnack may be jut what you nered when you feel tired and letharulc thrhr spring day ebprctauy l this true in the c- of mar worker and other of whom efficiency and epeed u uemanded a ghxub of tomato juice or of milk or a packet of peanuts und ralrvln are tuggiitted a aluohle pickmeup they ay too that mother would do wxll to gle their children a piece after chool a peanut butter sandwich or a cookie and a glau of milk or a gra ham cracker and a banana but the miack hhould be jut enough to olt4t the tired feillng and not large enough to apoll your appetite lot the next meal the book of the week cross cr1xk by marjorlo kin nan rawllngs saundtn 3c8pp 3 00 crav crttk a rich blind of auioblounipliy and folk lore reads more like fiction hun nonllctlon it is a dclluluful mory of the fecmi- tjopuu hitutrland of kiorldu made fomou by the yearling it tells oi an uichantod land of orange rows and cypns bwamp of blrda and an in 111 is und urovun tiling tiirh you uiomi ittqualiitihl uith mrh rtwlliib neighbour la cickvs cink uhtti and colour id childnn and udult tliere is martha old und ww who took up the sluk in the uui ulun money was turtx nul lutp ihiuitain and who likewise shared proikrlty when it tainr wiih dinitv lor mu wis a bom arbtocrat thoiich coloured a itiin pit 1 kin of 111 hiot s miiiii of hum martha progeny htini 111 the 1 lull t or m tin oraiut tunts iluy wtri a lovable lot but nnputlhiibt lor ou iitxtr kiuw w lit n tlu would bt token sud ilt n txiiu t ot 1 shooinil 01 luubiiui tioubu or 1 drimktn spree oull i njo tht son ol ttu kutnl iui ut the klods of th uilit dial ts vlin taint lo cms cink ol old biss who had lived in it nut tu itmim ol in in and oi mis hanlitu litindship wltlj od ius ami 1 ni lomkins and olluis ol ht 1 ntihbours perhaps xoili at it 1 tin iiu s cink utlk an a littli liirt id more than ft in h l 1 bu uu u iut tht in all lit i 111 tit tlttk 1 a 1 i mint nail itnt it l uilltin with in mi 1 11 v an 1 iant itut mi will i ml i in attn it ls u book nltht month t uii minimi and a uilabv tuaurv hntic of florid loit 11 uiuit sriii cakk llii tui iu ultil to lollow uuilii womans cake recipe with tliipptuntii umiiis what is her stint you siy well there if imut to uikuu a ii ht tuulu cake linn meets the tje it it is a butter tikt j mi hat in innul hue aie some of the thins upon which success 01 lalliire di peud 1 use a tisted ncipe ind follow it exactly j ue hooii luunduits j mimhiirt- luetiralelj with landard nwnhurliig utensils 4 hne all iiiguduntb 11l room ttmperaturc this b ery import 5 unv pan with waxed paper or spread ftu melted butter a spread butter ewnly cu into corners 7 hmc ottii lieu tod in advance to requlred temperature place wn a ciike is donr if it cprlng back when pressed lightly with flnafit or uhc o wire cake tester or wooden tooth pwl w 0 let cake remain in pan ft minutes after baking then turn 00 on wire rack to finish coollnff 10 when cold ice ii desired and store in covered cake tin to nap from drying out 2tt cups cake flour w cup butter or shortening 2ii tsp bakliut powder i cup sugar u up aalt 3 emw unbeaten 1 tsp cdiinamon cup molasses hk tsp mace 1 cup milk bin dry ingredlenu together three tlmea cfeeam butter and igl suiw cruytoream until fluffy add eggs one at ft taadbhl tffiouiw ile5 and wend add jsbssssli wllhisemuk and beat until emooth bake in tjw nch vjf modente wm tf degreea f j to mtaule wbu don out qpfead mearamel frosunt and avrtnue vita nut meat

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