Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 22, 1942, p. 7

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the georgciewa hefsjcl weririeatisy april 22nd 1942 frt women institutes take part in hutrition summary ty at mirton cay ee- itateaa cafraspeedass bay fa tb oow wt to k la jtsbtuob- was bald to uw rf bf cfcaw itocaa lettes ta- ty aro jtb i im wan mr t w ii i us cooay mikiim of tb wbii tbmttau ta tb dbalr th tretr tasaettd fey ataaas tfa i eo tema by tb lxsr iraj itr- uott j pt- s ta us ennatfvw end ttmrwt mi iiiii to tbl vary taspsust aabyars ta wcrttaa bgfct mixtn tec put ta t program lira wbsalocfe wkb issra ctfao- wsu trees llu crirn pal cb atfebsttis ik9i twanrw wtfla ksyfawteattl bw segu ta tbatr nparl csaauba pape task us term e a seal tw tnus it t t ta th w- dan ul year whiet wetild irrfli lb lyaifcjtttfi to piab wand nnfmara bm m ariranrrtfauy and eraefciy is etoeerfcl ml or aeostf ful of pa help wr other tea and keep up moral tfl tnual tn tad of ihwmm tn h hpon iu teas sarjodjeed uku ujt- mi pan a u iwiuikiiihi -y3to- pawrrnur eta niut auch f acuut poos can b srwrfwli safht id ta csnsrra ataa pun rat tfaii fey casserttoj ib frw pf rete eat na- tnuoo and practice vaovr u lb a ttss iflari subabrvsi tad v re- prchbud th wj brerjeb of lb dot cf acncoui ai tb fim rrmurr day of wfcai k nw la mouiocb- to br hrij ts trrun ttary hon cnwjunity ta rum mach f acuut poos can b rwrja1i fetgbt ueard with tb mgty eo asd tb masse and sfclraaraa ta fee sag j trey aer cbaytd cca oodissqx oochcntliiad uiom axtendsix oe ufcis tw too ksss soaklat eoetoa vxxu nee id od mum a bt c or nauw uu cvuuu reiiij bu ts m too bhkb bs sticft ds ttnwjd niuna oufaoay4j sadthr coat it won me cod t j mt9 fci tnrt ef utma orj ol cjt 2 nirrtja ppr oj vtrti uiad to tt laiiond cd- tvrcd czkd ocbrr ipw tea vaicsr frrgtrj fttoo rirrr of cood vrten tsa uv u rtftocd to export oocan loasd iowuab trwgla coosxtwd ttf ttt uxir etsuo u su u tor iu utr for a h- r tb pru 1 1 tb cot vtlr o tb wxarf i aexmrtijaa tw nzat potnu to r- use j7 b i o aibiro txv a vtiim tor vuaui tor ttrairr t ouiuicd u ialo bj wjl wjtx vso avjch cdod kaau virtot i vlu wiii salraw t 4 to puae by un otjj raid pijirr oa uimj ill ujit tr etc itcc b w 1iu turton daaw l homo ouuuoi u lfqau erriobd pin tvucb otkh yi b of kaa auai cs varf a cvl tii uoit tr uiis ttt t r f ri u lor uaot ob cacte ud eiictod tb tma trx jr itiuu xj i uu ub4 sajo rtx4targtrtvr toad 1 au scj rad a net 07 do and li hit ljk raoxpood nccrtad tanw ctrto o2eua- tboooi u e fcand ta pwpuiig i uou b emu mu nd oiit- nrtn tirtiad stooa 9ok 0 tetattit luw oi fcnim of art wt ta tb oo- iji lwut ad 3-prtear- mui bii teuoor tmcfr lo br ajany it pm ct gf tnrt w im uax wo tb tvoub btaa inbob tab ryool ioruuj auad otbsr wm uu poxur or rturt lo bh datu vtu 0 plmnnd tin jtjr uiib uakf ul la tb burolrnitin nbtat ktwrroa tmai puh itrtcsy r rauctru wbnv toud u tttsbtt- ill u kioo nhrai prouct bj lm cnr j office of the ce1ef plebiscite offlcel public ann0unc1 ai every canadian citizen 13 hereby advised 1 that a proclamation of the governor in council data the 9th day of march u ordered a plebiscite to be taken in evry electoral dutrtrt in canada on the question set out in the ballot papers to be used thereat in the following words and form vote by tnaidntt a crow thua x after the word yeeor after the word no are you tn favour of releasta the ijot emraent from any obligation arlalnft out of any past com- mltments restrict- infl the methods of rajtiflg men for mili tary service f vis no 2 that the date axed as polling day for the said plebiscite ta monday the 27th day of april 1942 3 that polls will be open in each polling division from 8 oclock am until 8 oclock pm daylight saving time 4 that new lists of voters have been specially prepared for the said plebiscite 6 that the said lists are what may be termed open lists which means that in either urban or rural polling divisions any qualified voter whose name has been omitted from same may vote on polling day in his polling division upon taking the required oath and upon being vouched for on oath by a voter whose name appears on the list of voters for such polling division 0 that national registration certificates are required to be pro duced by qualified urban voters whose names have been omitted from the lists of voters and by those voters only before being allowed to vote 7 that advanco polls will bo opened in the same localities and on the same conditions as at the last general election x 5 that as a general rule every person who has ordinarily resided in canada during the last twelve months is entitled to vote at tho said plebiscite if he is twentyone years of age and a- british subject 9 that voters will bo entitled to vote in the polling division in which they were ordinarily residing on the 30th day of march last 10 that urban voters havo been advised of the location of their polling stations on tho notices left at their dwelling places by the enumerators 11 that rural voters havo been notified in the notice to voters posted up in tho post offices and should have been verbally advised by the rural enumerators of the location of their polling stations 12 that generally polling stations for the said plebiscite will be established at or near tho same premises as at tho last general election is that arrangemcntb are being made to collect the results of tha plebiscite on tho evening of polling day as is done at a general election 14 that every canadian on active sorvico or in training in any of his majestys forces or corps within or without canada is entitled to voto at the plebiscite in advance of polling day by virtuo of a special procedure provided dated at ottawa this 20th day of april 1942 jules castonguay chief plebiscite officer in caens vtis tartf t43 tbat dutnuad at tb praam uu u rf tatporuat to our ax rfltat wib tb 9r at babs by- ofcfiemsct propr ru of ajutuon to avotcloj vocb vai ebt cat ka tarotatjb tltta lata buobna tavd lb croup to trap ttudmj and utsta old la prarur prop austnsa loo tnia tbouxb lb ail uj tbnr aoun 1 rtabtxd mm t itidv dm siwtowly at wtlktttwi nnlfut tuna fllil u riiam mu4m lrl a trastiasj ua4n daub oncurtad at lb strut county hocsul wadjr- los ta lb aartr boun of 8bo4u tnomtbt 4nru th wba ttr jobs mttr wcuttnsn rrund ojjl recta rnmrl aaaj from lb mm of a paralruc urab and lo- urua furuirwd la all itwm rt te am by lb trtajrr on tb ttrtrt ut on wrdortdiy rustu of tb prrrtou itr fudd it inain bad ton down lovn uut mainf and wall rrivmnm to hi hora on oolboro larrrt thoru afur ilmo octaca ap- pmruiuy usrrd a trokr abro b rracbad a point oppoat u r oounty duikllno and itj rmtnly to lb paitmml itotntuj oevr ouo llvovu on tnrrvln from hi ofoa in in oounly duudiixc at iijo ou- oarmd ihr praatralt man abo am tn a hale of com and oonirrkj bun ln hu car lo hi homr tbr family phialclan brlnjt miixunonrd it vu tow uut ui lladdy bad brrn kuuam iui a parajyuc arlairr at tb apot abrr ihr unfortunal man frll tbr conrnt roadaay u con- aklmbly lenrrr than tbr aldrvalk an aray rxamlnauon au mad at tb djrue oounty kotpttal wbrrr hr vaa takrn tbr fallowln momlru and it a found that hr had imtalnrd a brokrn couaroonr and anrrr brulv it vaa alio tbousht that nr auffrrrd a baad injury in tbr fall at tbr tun of hla admlaalon to tbr hoaptlal utu nop wa muarlalnitd for hla racovrry and b remained in a armlcocvactoui condition until hi death ahlch took place at 5j0 o clock on uauirday moraine apru lh the late itr reddy mho aaa arvrn lytax yeara of ace ni bom in man ural in parenu the late air and lira john rrddy arturd on a farm near oeoeteuyan where the decaaaed pent hi early ufr and aecured hi educauon in ib00 he aecured employment with tbr canadian pacific railway a engineer he waa on run from torod to to trenton and bobotyseon to nurkton in ik he took oer tb walkmonsaufho junction run and retired from active duly in ims since nla reurament the family conunued to make their home in wauerton se veral yean aco he purehaied the for mer u 3 ttarruay realdence on col- born street the daceaaad waa of a quiet and unaaumlns nature and waa well liked and held in hlstt retard by all who mad hla acquaintance he waa a member of the b of u t and e for over uurtyfle yeara seattle hla aorrowuuj wue whom h wed tn 1013 he la aurvtred by two daofhura ida and jeann now of toronto and a atetmlauchter ura odred kneat the former ulll kurtburt alao of toronto he alio leataa two aiatera lira oubert sin clalr and ura wuson wuey both of oeorcyetown a funeral aervtoe waa held in the family home on sunday rdght eon- ducted try rev r o aforltchle rec tor of bt tnomaa ancilcan ohurch x large number of friend and neigh bour aaaernnled to pay a hut tribute to one whom they had held in math esteem the retnalni were taken to toronto on the morning train afonaaer and rested at the william speera funeral home on dunda street cm tuesday afternoon at two oclock in the absence of rev hunter a short service was conducted by the curat of st jdhna anaucan ohuroh the rev ohureher prior to interment be ing made tn prospect cemetery at the eraveilde a final tribute was paid by the member of the 8 of xif and reprinted from the walkerton herald jrimee inside 8tobjes of axis aanosnms wab uootiko melodramatic trade sometimes cynically oomlol read prineeas kara- powa artlolu looti stahlnr tn tha american weekly with this sundays apru m issue of the de troit sunday times oe sura to buy the detroit sunday times this week and every week if you are newcomer to town read the local paper regularly and get acquainted with tho surroundings two keys to a cabin by lida larrimore ac ta sm cbslttji kvtj 4ia placro ig oc u rfr r u ir du4wy tiod iplig 1 lu 114- lake dju fall rg 11- la i rtriui cf ibr uurl rw3 id fitxn ir- iai arlacr cf li in aai it ir a kx irmj 1 11 1 illy it iomti u a jv n 1 1 rd ui domf rf3 i unrd lo u f f r hr to j prrar aomrlmfg ij u4 1l t o il atardtrg if jjjlrl uci ur hraitb aim ro v hou fir rurr how b bad fir lo dfrd arllirg tapper yklttr m rvatj bn njrnpjiibrd tb d drftniiri ati and ruchi ba 14gan hr n mtif to get lbrouin iti d rh ll whit tb ljj k tw nir rhmg frxim lb re i ui i 1 a i ir rtt an earua lol br l y jl ol outa liut tb mama an untaiab y lonely hr at jdn i t r irlurrd to the on hr ild ni taarn lb kna ii uiil caiada hcfi h had halt plai id ban dr bar- irani had maiaitd 1 1- at h take a lav areas varatiri u id ibr ekkilon mettar wa riilii jy or n illrr hr iaiiif i lo makr it jit iatoo iir mukl malr nioir vjtnil aid wild iraa pain anywtiri 1 ilv aoi j acrpl h ir tbr bin illlo ith gfwu of u h i ri rirrhnr on thr oh ll t impla fallhu tfiio hrt i 4ld oi ih f li ij bra w i hriith it m k hulai i r itlii u tn i mini hg mi kn minna oul llilo ii i dtiol ol ih i1111 jir wild rul mo o- up o i i imr irb and imlina afiri u k mghl of alrrp in a ji rr and tha m ribljon aroui d hn hail hi hiidn i riianird to fr i aa hr i d hr hud ihnughl lhal hr ould abli to miikr ih drcliion hrr it hud not qurationtd hia ability to haik clrarly and logically to diaci linr hia emotiona blrangr ihet had not contidervd the pignam mbalrnce of mtmorlrs the ghoat i gay that lived on m lb cabin but he muat mak a drclawn if k acurrd thia poal in boaion be ould have lo decide whether he aa willing to have her there with iini uaing her own money to pro vide a plac for them to uv or nether it was wtaer for bcr ulti mate good and his own to mak a leanil break and follow elan th our he had charted for rumaelf before h had declared hi love to jay it was au or nothing there ould be no compromise the neat urne they met hut would they meet again it md tensed in her leturs a chang oi her feeling for him sine ah had rlurned from her visit to main le couldnt blame her it had been tally awful for her aa eatrenglng a hia visit to new york she loved im he did not question that he ved her bui waa love enough t vaa it as frcah and as steadfast now as tt hsd ban her at ih cabin last fall could any love sur vive tha mlsuticuretsndlngs the quarrels the bickering to which their lovw had been exposed wouldnt it b batter t he wouldnt think of it now he would build s nr la the kitchen rang and prepare supper making a long job of it to keep night from coming too soon he want out into tha dusk oiled a basket with chips and birch logs nona of his sense was secure from ghosts of gay the smell of pin needles and freshly chopped wood recalled tha night sh hsd slipped out of tha cabin ta mast him tha night todd jsnaway had arrived his yes lifted abov the pit of chips they had sat there leaning abov tha logs shed worn a soft whit dress fastened up under her chin and her hair hsd curled loosely against her shoulders hd lovwl her go than he loved her now if they might hav stayed here he lit th lamps tn th kltchsn laid the or carefully taking a nat deal of time yellow flames curled around birchlogs in the stove ha collected ingredients for flap lacks buttsr milk flour egg thus were the fish he hsd caught this morning cleaned and salted ready for the pan commesl salt pork cut ln strips he had enjoyed cooking for himself when ha had been at the cabin at other times hed been proud of his ability to prepare a sub stantial meal it was work now something to do mechanical move ments to dull the edge of feeling- he placed the fish in the pan through the sputtering sound they made ha heard a car coming ln the lane one of the acquaintances hed made at the storo in the village perhaps young dr reynolds stop ping in on his rounds any visitor would be welcome whoever it was would soo the light and come in ho couldnt leave huh h brd tb bw of tb car rbc inci cu off itoo bxml- a aa iiiuxi aa- ass turcutu lii uo u no it of cue acsiu mrua bcj cuote car antb a jen puvcr h- ja rioag a la over lb cu- mr h lroed cu trt irrr 1141 a aeag a- ttt cu cut itr aaditl cr lum3 uatcl h ai tw wii4 jwaxo i m ltoga lfk- aa iujji niuu lb cirar cy fat ird xd cjrxal 11 to id to cvic ltar oj- jt canrt- uw iat biuhrcl basv tauy a liiu4n uar laid of tu vvcv td i u asj tar ur 04r atlacea t3 tjvar i rr ujij to rca ujvti uu calx ttaty h 3 taurjj l acw olrat lk lutui afrfie ds jou ccnr fiwm be eai3 ai i lo aa uj know i fativ 1 toiot yea a lrtlrr ar aaid ruy icujj foj tral i was ics lo ii airy tuuj i rar rot itrrd iv bo ii a u kosu a i hatv ou trn tf r r bi aaa rti rarad uary r aliig yuui nti io iia oy -oh- f lajsa o m gm tar tar tr sjigaig ai tai lata d mrrottl tr oe to il itad of sound rwl j yow atolr it4 lrolt bw aaard aby err you brrv tiati i dmln i nran it i cutw 0010 aftri i d mailed it rbat i cxiuidn i iravj lo fit to ytej utm ur irttri dl i diov lut esm to ivnlatvj inm on here to day liar ryr akvmad tbajaj c loard bh asayed irachrd out tw lb lablr john i h raughi run kid br she ctinc to him they klaard pr ently a die are yoaj glad to a mr tr aikrd tiladl ob uayt will you till b glad wtwea i uu you thai i n going lo stay are yout alaaya aa long as you went me hr luokrd doan mu hr uflett fair araiy bui radiant her eyas alflmng a illy itiriajgh lb trara that iniktrd ti laal a will you lke a iharur taiv h akrd gievely cai ii go ol il will you or hnji- li pi ol rvrryuung thai tia ipiaiid 01 alll happen fit oo alill av n io miitrv mr- dtl ni ro v ould i irfvi dllli iii m illlra hi lip 4hn t mi atnlro her o ir 1 l lij in thai inoi nl of ir irwilimiiiti ui faith and tiua t iinil i nrl im a ida hi arm i u 1 i a nt i a ir alrm g and aecur uik al hi i vital young body ptrn i ai i lor tn htm aaa a prom- im no ai uiamr lfoment tkkrd aaa on nnaidrrrd in the s curr fruhrui ul artka months yrara atrrtilnnn in a bright open vialu ahmd i beg our pardon e vole said frum the door they drra apart imlilng kate cemr into ihi kitihrn ii may mrun iras than nothing to you she eotd but something is burning ctood lord i john groaned its the bshl he glanced eround with a daxaat spresslon kate caught up a dish cloth and graiped the handle of th pan sh turned lo regard gay asvj john with an expression of stud ied derision which failed entirety to conceal the emotion tn her eye get out of her sh said to hungry i want something thats st to est still fuming she slapped th pais ui th sink gay and john isejxsaf at each other and broke into laugra tar than hands joined want out into th dusk ithe end th man i mr for this job be a leader tm your nun atr aood rodowme- tbe back you say rouow me mwchicik leie si georg c brown norval an tl qmaaaaeswa wiikin servici buses uwe ms am ant am utw saat tun m run flg pj oos txm tu ajb 1h pj- fm bja a6o pja asun and hol bduy esuept sun fsjuteredeynght nattag ttms gray coach lines w h umto

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