Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald eatyfourth year of publication wednesday april 29th 1942 5c a copy 200 a year c brown koaotired by district mtions rvu man cttohoi grand hiujuniujuint wluikb- ton dlftttult bavl 0w2 o brarn nonil lntiriiyc roan and dray ctilox tgml wo orand buprrtntradrm of wel- datrun ra1i t the eon- of orand chsptrr hrld in re fu tut wednradiy april d fit ex oomp brown b put principal of luilon ctupur ha and an arttte worarr in uaaonir in urmbrrs of the local chapter aho ed the oontocouon i ca nt w o o thompson oeorga jotrpb banford and ootnp c whlrler to speak at nfcwspapermes cohvhtioh ih toronto the feofsttowa htfsld brititb war vlctiau fund pomrdrd to toronto evening tebgrem oash oo hand actnov oa e 8 no eujumsni community euchre party total april jui otjsol tks 6ersetwti rlsrsla souw comfort fund tatum to oaorgatown boldleir oomlorta- onrmiti ei oaab on hand acknow ledged ft j u b 8 00 total april ath tnoii x- a at ui aowa ar4lv aewearr un raattlbal lit pviawum al l war eflaft altl ar la lurmr anra uuuria and rarart nratajarr ftasjuaxr n4 tbelf alte naifiv in tafante n rrtda atvd kitaraat slav at aas sta tw amratai tmlm la aakuthm mill drtalr u tatlwe iriaar ilufmm laej ui 41 auanlnf ll af lae rx al and ivm nrn aunl- i dlftnt an fiksar ri rhaj la fanl ipitr rulp r i rrakan irlt iu ull raaaltlant la niuai britain at laaraeaa an mlaroar aara lb taa wtn w riu at the taranu dalr lr ik ro bml star vtttrr litri clark ijhl alll csrrv an irlln futfcaa bralwafa uuas aas ull at ik br craaa rrlluh barab vlrtlam rwa plaaural rnnk uar- lalrr uarr irfl will take eatsnure af ta arraiua u aaa a till aa brhjtl af la aaalktim la ik turn mr ctark in tare will hwiil u av af ik aaaltah ik fc jawaa t clark mrmartal lrli unur aan last rar kr mr maclalrr and tk unadalk hrrald far ik krat arrklr nraiaaarr aak- uka la a uan tulai af u ikaa ij pa ta traaar la awaaarr af mr curk falkrr tk lal aaltar ta fcw af tk taraau dallr hlar aaa firm la ih aoarlatlan ikrr yrara ar 7 tk hlara pri i l atalnwa v maccormack howard may head red cross district campaign quota 4000 as canadian red crou seeks 9000000 neat month concentrate on house-to- house drive v macoormadi oonrt0ti and llonard may turst oi ueatnff toaiuhlp alll head a mltt in chare of in canadian ororm campaign in oeoreetoam dlitnct winch bnjlru on may lllh tht two nk campaln in the bd croai i1l w 000 000 town and dlatxlct clumu will aikrd to contribute mooo u thrlr a preliminary plana for the ca ere laid at a meetlnj of the boclety the library laat thuraday evenlna hen a c welk rev w o o paon and ralph rou were put chanre of publicity work for the palcn a further meeting waa held nlgtit when the two chairmen ehoatn and other offl ap- td iroy dale kc prealdent the oeoreetown branch will be in ire of special namee the town haa been divided into with captain harold cleave savlnga j d kuv wu deans in chanje reapertlvely in arda i j s and each of the ptalna will be rwoonsme for en- tlrur eanvaajcre and other wotkera hu district it waa decided to concentrate on a tohouie canvaaa in the cam- n and there will be no canvau tlhe mllla o there waa in the pre- red ctom drtvea in the dutrlct in our mail bag april lath 1m3 mr editor j e oeorgetown lesion who at the uest of a publlo maatlns of the tin of oeoreetown ontanlred ue 1 oommltteea who were reappn- e for buln the vote out laitt day wlah to thank thoae who so eroualy contributed both their and their time in helping- to get to vote and also to thank all who aided the committees m the vote a success all your efforts were amply reward- as this community recorded one the largest yes votes in the pro- nranch 130 canadian legion j p mccartney prea destroys cltorcn sited at erin disastrous fire of unknown origin nletely destroyed the large sheds bums presbyterian church st erin s garage owned by nathan del- n on the property adjoining the ureh the loss runs into several usand dollars the blase started between tour and ive oclock in the morning and had ined considerable headway before was noticed the firefighters snd lunteer turned in a valiant effort keep the flnmes from spreading to er buildings the sheds were in a e state of repair having had a new and other improvements made a years ago stewarttown the wi met ut meek for quuun uiothtr quilt imntj uif svnrmoon ft beautiful plant prcwntrd to un t trxxn uir member apprktuon of her unurtna work or the ixutilute lwt fr very busy one and a strrnuoua one for the president the preenutkn as mode by un h p lsawion the duit tn the vtlugr has cot bod during the lut tvo vecks mr bob karris mr and mm lauty with daughters june and bar bora of oeonretovn vere visitor with mr and mn c llodffe on sun day mr and sirs f jenklnaon herble and uaraxyn of mount dennis mr and mrs r- blandish and uur chil dren of thorold spent the week end with mnv jenklnaon the twins tuc hard and rosemary standuh were to j cars old on sunday umehouse the olrla lookout club met at the home of orace beerman on saturday last a threeact comedy the improper henry proper sponsored by the young people of lunehouae presbyterian church and directed by mrs c c onchrone wa held in the church wednesday april xi there were eleven players in the cast all taking his or her part exceedingly well th actors included misses doris harding owen hill shirley wright kay mcveigh doris smith and ruth smith and measers gordon price donald land say george henderson harold brown and walter gordon the plot held the attention of the capacity audience throughout v on behalf of the members of the cast mrs c c cochrane was presented with a silver flower bowl with glass flower distributor for her capable help tn directing the players the comedy is being put on si wood side school by the same players again this week between acts rev c o cochrane favoured with vocal solos accompanied by mrs paul af georgetown at the piano the w i are planning a htngo the end of the month mr and mrs jos noble of chelten ham and trooper a gamble of camp borden visited the merediths during the weekend mr and mrs d m dowdy bruce and barbara of toronto spent sunday with his rather mr wm oowdy eight more oases of measles have been reported in the village during the past week most of the children have had them now with no serious compli cations so far born htnclair at the ouelph general hospital on apru oth 1043 to ml and mrs herbert sinclair nee eileen oostigan a ton daniel douglas danny active service notes orortioanern mesring the kiim uniform no include in clarrncr ktnnrd jsw ounn luv lioowt uiwl art arrnalrormi alt of hom are uuunrd al cm ilorovn jvck kcawitad tan uf mr uui mr j iceouhrad ha rulstod uh tin canada n nnv from osrrvaa twin mord of thf promotion of ii k fihen ttvt to the rank of twrttrsnt oontrraiu lationj to the former oronrrton hoc- kr stalaart lktncecpl jack wataon in a rrcrnt idler home un that the bos tn hu unit hae nlanted a irarden behind their quarter and exprot to har aome greens to add to the revular army menu this summer onra bud junicf and ik hale arc home on four das lea from prtssivs mr and mr ii staple ton of ner val received mord laat eek that their son onr c edurd staple ton had arrived safely overseas max k strang of toronto son of mr an 4 mrs j a btranu of oeorwe- iowti leave for brockvlue on may 15ui where he will take an officers tralnlns course with the rcoc itaxtov deaveav the sprtnjr meetlna of hal ion dean ery was held at lowvluc on mondaj betflnnlna with a celebrauof of the holy oommunlon at which the cele brant was the rural dean rev w o o thompson and the preacher rev w b irwin rector of the parish din ner was served afterwards at the rec tory by mrs irwin at the chapter seoslon held at the rectory an excellent paper on re in ho id nlebuhri beyond tragedy was preocnted by the rev e arnold brooks of acton cheltenham native died at reemore a coj of t s rat over the ulju of cht uuhsm nvtnil hn l ft as ailiomicd hut mrs nleibrth lfmr aido4 of thr lite wtlllam llrnrv had ikiamii im at the home f her daughter mr d c ciurulheri t cm murr fnlo inn tin i1uvtsa of mral mimtlvs durutino tlw uu- mm hi nn us horn tui7brti loiirt on thr fourth urn rv1 cht itrnh m r8 viurs two i dmikhtir of the luw tieonrr and ann hamilton lon and praurall all h r lile sin nhidtti in the dimrirt of rxr birth in nuttlon jie rave 909a per cent m says hartort in plebitdte vote georstown la hxlton munkipallties in releailnf government frocn no coascrtpuon rcdgeall can- iin provinc eicpt qudec answer ovrrwhelm- tngty ye with final dominion tlgum tufl inrorniiirie istest return show aa overwhelming ye4 vo in every pn of trie nine povtjfr ecrept qotbct tn the pletjisrive vote last monday 7jmqjo cluirns answered ve com pared slth lm02sl -nos- itaiton county as mrj tn thr for rround ith ww per cent of th voter rriijytnc tn the afilrmaut to the oo ernmreit quwuon oeor- ton led the parade wth i00o vc and v no almost m pw cent of thcu- ho voted brtnjr in faiour of rrlesulni the cknrmmrnt from it pedjr the vte in town was soma ha leu than in the 1mo domlniao etnruon u vote belnt txued ob monday compared with 13tt in thai rar it u estimated that beb to and three hundred of the icq eiuarna ncorded on the voters vm declined to make use of thrtr fran chise the balance of those not eot ini would consist of elderly realdmt and lmalitt who were unable to laav their home and men in uniform hose voea will be made pisbuc whaa re turns are complete in the county ii 170 votaa wv polled compared with ujlt tn th 1m0 election the vote came at 4ut unfavourshle time of ar for far mrra who are busy seeding and th four townships accounted for th main part of the drop tn total eoua a warm sunny day throughout the count aided maurrtajly in brlnglnt urban voters out to the polls while in oeorfetown the canadian txlon who were in charge of transportation faculties were responuble for helplnf to get a lafc vote the weather i l l hju afu fitonets bflna may fwaers ilsil atist if thetr are no april tho- rrt aiurt fium a t inch tnow fall on ue 10h of liir murttn aid a cojple of uifht hlrikl st the bvuinin4f of fir nvarttri ar fibvr not had a drop of rain fur nearly trure vrekb irutesd e fiavr hjd a wr rek of unbrokrn unhine ioi umprrsuir ntnsrirui frum w to aj in the daytime and from 3 ul 7 at nignt or an svrraire tetn- prraturr for the eek of a little mrr co drrtrr all thu has hetard to brine vrfulor un rnith a ruvh flo mjct so that r ttr ojbjiim to mow our lawn last lis turds for frar thr grass would be too iotis b monday the ewlieat mowlnc r can rtenetober it u to be hoped r do not hste co suffer a bfinnf frott later ltast jrar e had a heavy one on the third of may i31owln it the record of tetnprraturra for the eek tues apru 71 60 wed apru 23 73 thurs april 33 14 prt april 24 tl flat april 23 uun april m 71 if on apru tl m loral 34 37 57 67 u waa a prnatntertan and ahen union came into effect she attended the unit ed church all hrr life the late mm henry nan rvouxl for hrr kindly dlft- pomtlon and uioukh fjir had n ached on advanrcd atorr uf life she always retained her uinnuitf uy and olwayh rlcomcd her old friends and rrlatlvca with a hrart aelcomc the late mrs hmrv ts univrd hv lour dauahters mn w j lit no li wm hutch- in on both of clieltimham mrs harry drvenqux of ocorueunii and mrs d c camjthers of ctremorc one broth er hamilton lyons of cheltenham also survive- puneral wahheld wed- nesda afternoon april bth from the residence ol her douahter mrs wm hutchinson and was larnely attended the lmpretvaive mtvicc qs conducted by rev john hurst of inglcwood and rev c c cochrane or the acoraetown presbyterian church during the ser vice mrs fred mcdonald rendered an impressive solo interment took place in cheltenham cemetery the pallbear ers being six nephews pred clarence and llarold tyoiw oeorge townsend james ccclea and james mckane the floral tributes were many and beaut 1 ful and spoke silent testimony of the hurh mteem the ute mrs henry waa held in durlnp her dally walk of life tetakah unknown friend banquet on tuesday evenlna- apru 31st at 610 pin about fifty mrabera of verdun llehekah ixxwe no 1m sat dowti to a drlciout banquet u being the occasion of the annual unknown trvend night the tables aere very pretty with prlntf bower and paper decorstlom and candles in the lode coon of pink and rtren at each place ssa a parrel with a name which aarvid a place cards after the many good thin on thr isblr had been eaten and much en onl ihe nobe orand sjiter ivar lauico aakrd for the toast to the klrur wluch rrvponded to by all jonuv in mittinif ood save the king blmcr pearl bcott proponed tlw toom to tlte lodjie qter llaiel wheeler mvlng he resonse hlntrx marie da propnrcd the tooat to uic unknown friend and sister neoma wslters re sponded hlsler olive retd district drput prrejdent of centre district no 33 short talk and thanked the members or thrlr support during her term aa dutrlct deputy bro donald son an called upon to blve a few words thrn the materlous parcel wrre opened and each found who their unknown ptlcnd had been uirough- out the year about 8 30 all ffathcrcd in the ijoclge room where the regular meetlnr of lode a oa held plebiscite vote results in halton halton county results in the vote on the question are you in ravour of releasing the ooverament from any obligation arising out ot any past commitments restricting the methods ot raising men for mili tary servicer georgetown oakvule acton bkjueslng trafalgar nelson durllngton nassagaweya total yes yes no vote 100s 70 bom 709 si 08 flo 1h1 laa 03jso dm 70 tun 1011 100 000 14m 107 mm 1300 170 h47 is73 100 874 410 68 8377 10158 oom how ce0iget0wn voted by wards yes no ward 1 ward a ward 3 ward ward s ward s tea 13 1u s 177 8 1b1 10 187 13 an 30 vv iravt bereaved of hihter in cast word was received last saturday by mr w v oront of the sudden death of his slster mrs horry mckercher of maavulr ontario in the ottawa district mrs mckercher tufteied a paru lytic stroke while attending a red cross meeting on friday evening and passed away the following after noon mr oram attended the funeral which was held yesterday charlotte lyons weds toronto msn last week on tuesday evening april 31 tn ft setting of cwjla lule and spring sow ers at james ouhedral chapel tor onto was the scene of a weddlnc wtua charlotte leoore daughter of m and mrs thomas lyons of oearffa town became the bride of john wad- ley son of ur and lum jobs wedhr of toronto the very rswerend deab riley performed the ceirmony and th wedding music was played by lit hewitt the bride given in marriage by nr rather woa drcmcd in a queens blu redlngote with matching hat ihoxilder length veil beige acce and wort a corsage of butterfly roofbudj afsa white sweet pea miss kathleen lijoq was her sisters only attendant cndoo ing a dusky pink ieney matching ha and veil beige ooceasorlcis and hr corsage was of brlarcuff rosea and pints and white sweet peas the grooma- man as stephen lev an us rcnvjl the ushers were rosa campbell ans reginald aoomb the reception was held at the argo naut rowing club of which the groom s a lire member the bride u graduate or st michaels hospital at the reception the brides mother re ceived in blu faiwmhl with ccrjuv of roses the grooma mother wts 1ao received wore mauve dreat matching accessosiea and a cartage of rose and mauve sweet peas tbecdupl left on a trip to montreal and point ernst on their return they will resld in toronto reserve army rtxruitins drive continues this week rsm john murray spoke last saturday night recruit ing booths open day and night as citizens committee seeks recruits a reerutlng campaign directed by a oluiens committee headed by lt col o b a oousens to fill the ranks of the lome boots 3nd battalion re serve got underway last saturday night in georgetown when rflit john hurray of btewarttown who is stationed in brampton appealed to the throngs of saturday night ahoppera over s public address system set up on the verandah of the moolbbon house by j sanford bon the speaker appealed to men in the designated age groups to realize the 1095 70 seriousness of the situation and sign up immediately for reserve army train ing which consists af one night a weeks training during the year plus 10 full days training on selected week ends and attendance st summer camp at niagara from july 10th to august snd those eligible to enlist in the reserve army are young men 17 and 18 in categories a to o all men 17 to b0 in category 0 single men m to so in categories a to o and married men si to bo in categories a to o the campaign is progressing fa vourably and ltcol oousens an nounced today that close to twenty volunteers had oomploted registration forms during the daytime registra tion booths are open at longs con fectionery the legion rooms and the mmnwri office while registration forms ore also available at the post office in the evening the booth in mcaibbons store is open where some- lone is available to answer enquiries in attendance at this booth are april as ltool oousens and sgt major carney apru 37 s d otton apru 1 d kelly and e mo- whlrter apru 30a o welk apru so gordon martlg may 1 c dobble may 9 w v drant and o w mauntoek hockey club dance last night a donee was held m oeorgetown arena last night sponsored by oeorge town hockey dub with the athsoa- doyd orchestra dispensing sweet musts for the dancers a good crowd was on hand to enjoy the evening the list of patrons snd patronesses ta- csuded ur snd mrs j richardson mr and mrs em thompson mr and mrs w o ben mr and mrs sara walker mr and mm n b kffl and mr snd mrs frank fetch dur ing the evening the local red cross bocioty operated a refreshment booth miss margaret bumbentone holding ticket number 1 won s table lsmtt offered as s door prise the dnu was made during intermission by ur leonard bell

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