the georgetown herald wednesday april 29th 1942 s the georgetown herald km l curtiuw kmi oltm wbimi haitian utsuttmi wimlfls wbl wt dtul subscription ratss ousd im uk unlud bui u a mr 81ml oople se aawrtuai biu w tt ca fhrilti waltbl c bizhh oawtxld i ueotlvray f u uh aumor bract oouuu telethons k s 0 the dntillin wrtly ktvipkwr anodiuoo and th ontartoqufce txruion of tb owj1a hre editors corner the gift of the gab along with our readers we are still mystified as to the identity of our mysterious correspondent who provides his fourth mirthprovoking column this week this time its some reminiscences of highschool days and though we never attended ghs one doesnt have to be an exstudent to appreciate the humour in some of the incidents he refers to we can remember countless things that happen ed back at patterson ci in windsor where we were put through our paces in the three rs one well never forget is the time a fellow student who was a fol lower of the ponies won six dollars on burgoo king that years derby winner in his exuberance he matched the nags name in big letters on a desk in the study room and was commanded by the principal to erase it not one for halfway measures the student procured a chisel ahd hammer from the janitor the name was erased all right along with generous portions of the desk a few weeks later he left the halls of learning for other fields of endeavour and for all we know succeeding generations of students are still re counting the story of how a horse way down in ken tucky was the cause of a major crisis in the life of a windsor high school student another thing we recall from schooldays was the school magazine in our case known as the p c eye too bad that this worthwhile institution has been dropped in georgetown just the other day we looked over an old copy of the challenge and the literary talent shown by the contributors was surprising we have half a notion to reprint some of the poems and stories some week just to show the presentday students what could be accomplished with a little time and effort tough on hitchhikers a local trucker has drawn our attention to a now order of the wartime prices and trade board re stricting commercial truckers from carrying passengers under penalty of a severe fine for the offence in the past aside from the comparatively few vehicles which cany a no riders sign truckers have been in the habit of giving a lift to roadside thumbers often we suspect because of the company in their long drives now hitchhikers will have to depend on passenger cars for a lift and with everyone tireconscious these days we may see an end to this mode of travel little towns a reader handed us a poem the other day writ ten by olive anderson snyder of elora which tells why the author likes to live in a small town the poem had been clipped from a toronto newspaper by a relative who lives in the city and feels that this ex presses her own ideas lifes thrilling in a city theres so much to hear and see fine churches plays and operas bright lights and gaiety but passing faces all are strange you feel an alien guest ab if youre sad or lonely then a little town is best for in the little country towns your friends are everywhere and high and low and young and old the common interests share and if you are in trouble they come flocking to vour door kind hands outstretched to bring you aid their kind hearts too are sore in little towns the people say good morning when you meet and smiling children atop their play to greet you in the street it may be little towns are alow but they are quick to see that what is needed most in life are friends and sympathy wedding announcements and invitations distinctively styled the georgetown herald trailed by german spies not pleasant experience tku to tw- scia la use twit of sitkim ftua a trie ubrhull us hrplrsasfr aaa ocicfc tw writer uiw ttasatta t af ute tie ctbtllui wjy kewfsasjrri amrulu ajli u ctwu ere wrulra euaaatrety fer tt veeely atrvtsasot cat iu never forget the night we urt lrcund brhind and flrw any toward portugal in uie large toapune intr uv the good ship tjerwvk which later became famous hen it canted winston churchill back cner the auan tic from bermuda to britain we left the peaceful little vluag a adare in ilouthern ireland about ten 0 clock on friday night driving by bus along the winding walled road through a couple more uny hamlet and down one last hill to the warout one again there wa a burned me llon in the utile custom houae though no baggage wa opened for inspection one more entry wa made in our d- poru and we filed out on the pter and down a ahaky gangplank to the launch it all aeemed alrangt to me that night tnenr i tu in ireland wnere 1 had neter eapectes lo be behind u on the hill light toon in the fw bout which wa not what we had become accustomed to during month in england where errything would hate been blacfc on the pier powerful earchught awning around pttsung out at ume the shape of the big winged boat out on the eatuary throwing it black shadow on the clin behind untu it looked like two hlp one grey and one black one launch had gone out with the mall and i climbed into another with a dosen fruowpaengrr one ot two load had already gone aboard trie bay wa rough and our launch went out put the aeaplane drifting back put it the crew mbaed thr rope thrown from the plane and tried again the second time thry had better lucm and we climbed aboard the big float which u part of the body of the plan and down through thr narrow door the interior looked familiar thl another boeing plane similar to the clipper b which i had croard the atlantic somr wreka before ern the pattern on thr uprau- uut corr- ed the wus wu ihr snw but this a later model and lamer there were no brrih for thr p- enger tht night tiictp maxnt room for uicm we rrr packed in too clonrl and r ul up u nlhl in thr comfortablr wu after f row from thr water there merr no llghu either tlie plane a to fl down opposite the unfriendl coast of rrancr ala ln danitrr from rnrm raiders end the onl aafe i to gu was in the dark and rven lht an t too safe a all realised bo we aat sprawled around in all ort of queer shape trying to sleep and halng some suocea at that aboard the berwick i don t think pan american airways would have tried to fly a clipper on a night like that the wavea were high and the wind offshore that made it nceary to go away out into the mtuary and laxl toward the land with the ship gaining height fast enough to clear the rantre of tow hill bealdea the plane had a heavy load three times the captain tried before he finally lifted off the wavea and into the air each time he went farther out into the open ocean i sat at the little window and look ed out at the wavea thrulrd beyond anything x had known on the trip be- fore i oould see two of the four big motors and the long wing with a green light out near the up the wavea aplaahed up oer thr window when the motors speeded up t ice the we e were so high they came up over the wing- up ohacurlng the green light then we turned towards land and there wa a louder roar and i oould feel the slapslap ot the wavea on the bottom of the ship growing lea violent and finally disappearing and we were in the air the great ahlp circled towarda the south the wing- up light and all the interior light went out down below utile irish village and the city of limerick showed through the clouds tor ireland has no blackout minute later there were two or three light house and the moon shining on the open tea then nothing more but cloud for hour and hour lbbon aa teen from the air la one of the moat beautiful of cluea the berwtok arrived over the mouth of the togus river just before the aun came up over the hul behind lisbon the interior of portugal la quite mountainous in spots down below a fleet of fishing boat could be teen on the atantlc moetly little sailing ships but a few steam trawler then there was ei tortl the health resort at the mouth of the river and then lisbon set on several hills a new airport was being built outside the city with broad modern roads leading to it ln contrast to the narrow lanes of the city itself an oriental cemetery with little tombs inside a high wall provided an odd touch twice the ahlp circled the city los ing height and came down on the river beside a pan american clipper pre paring to leave in a few hours how nice it would be i thought to transfer from one plane to the other without even bothering to go ashore but wartime travel isnt that easy ln europe lisbon is one of the most romantic cities ln the world at present its a poor magazine that hasnt had some story dealing with lisbon and its re fugees its spice the oerman gestapo and such like there has been a whole series of moving pictures about lisbon such as one night ln lisbon tho lady has plans and affectionately yours the general idea seems to be that anything can happen in lisbon i bellevelhat is true anything can hap pen there and most of it does happen some of the things that have happened are probably more earl ting than any thing the fiction writers hae produced but alas some pf the true stories must be kept ucrt until after the war i djdnl see much of lisbon the first time i wa there but on the return trip i saw far loo much and i do not care if i never tee portugal again- dmi when peace cornea again x think r would decline on invitation on the eastward trip the short stay in lisbon and suburbs held some ex citement but t was pleasant the clipper arrived after dark uy first lmpreulon of the ttqru rlrer was that it consisted of acres of mud flats- the ude must have been low that night and the bright searcrulgbt on the plane and on the shore shoot on the mud u the clipper circled around in search of it anchorage the trip to shore wa oer a long pier that ended in the custom office there the british embassy people picked u up supplied us with plenty of eerudos the forusgf money and gate the tan driver direction where to take us there followed a wild ual ride through the narrow street of lisbon and out to toru it wa far more ractting and undoubtedly more danger ous than the clipper trip across the ess at the eetortl palaoa in finest hotel in portugal hi u this hotel you see in some of the movie there was a midnight dinner in the mseml- cent dining room along with the crew of the cupper then a few hours sleep ahd away again in the early miming darkness to ctotra the airport that 1 used by british dutch oerman and italian plane and so to england on the return trip i spent seven days in lisbon which was about fire loo many it was mid october wbtn autumn storm wtre interfering with the clipper schedule at first seemed x might have to wait ten day for a place on a cupper uwn l wa more indefinite it might be three wrek as 11 ha since turned out it might be nnrr a promlnrn csn- adlan who returned a few aeca after had to go by way of africa uxaxll and tttnldad to get out ot lisbon the city u full of people trying to get out for some of them it is a mar ex ot life and death thry must leave before the oerman get them a place on thr clipper w net to be measured in mere dollar thougn it com over 600 weatboundt oo i rutd in lignn with ecn obw canadians and ua thr d paud slowl our plight become so deprrste lhat r returned at last on i refugee ahlp part of a carito of cork ujjiu rrnlmun put it as i har aoid ujbon u besuuful rum the sir tto is the rel of portur gl ilust i had hern from the plane from the ground port of the capital clt arr beautiful and everything 1a interesting dut under it ptcturenue exterior there lurk danger neo in peace time now the whole city 1 full of danger and intrigue put the rirst ume the que ion or money began lo bother us when we learned we might be in usbon indrfl rutely we could bring only 40 each in american money out of england under the strict wartime rule out of that we had to pay our fares home from new york other espetue be gan to come up we had a conference and pooled our rcaourcea at lat find ing that we had just enough to stay one vreck at our hotel in usbon we knew nothing of the language for two day we lived like paupers hoard ing every escudo till the british cm- bossy came to our aid and guaranteed our hotel bill we mord at the hotel victoria in lisbon not at the expensive palacla it hod been recommended to roe by an america 1 1 foreign oodreaporwsent ln london it new and clean he said so long a you dont mind slay ing in the aime hotel as the head of the oerman oeelapo m portugal i laughed that off in london that sounded like an added adventure bo on my recommendation we stayed at the victoria it waa new and clean and cheap and the meals were good and we saw the head of the oeaupo not just once but too often hi men kept a close watch on the eight can adians it gets on your nerves ln a few days the avemda da llberdale u the main street in lisbon the name a you may guess means avenue of urxaty it stretches north and south up a broad valley between lisbons ten hill the avenue is reputed to be one of the most beautiful in all the world x dont doubt it it is wide down each aide la a broad roadway in the centre is a fourlane highway in between the outer strips and the centre are gardens with palm trees and edible chestnuts and benches to sft on under the palms andnan the grass oooaslonally there are aide- walk oafes where everything can be had to drink from ice cream sods and strong coffee to much stronger things the roadway circles around many monuments or fountains with goldfish swimming in the waters and all the sidewalks ore of m to l pieces of colored marble laboriously laid by hand into patterns mot only are there scrolls and flowers but the history of portugal is written there for those who can read the language up and down the avenlda there is a steady stream of traffic on the roadways at the aide oldfashioned streets cars with open sides pass ev ery few bjnoonds i never saw so many street oars on one street any where the automobiles are mostly tiny cars and one could ride half a mile ln a taxi for six american cents most of tho people are on foot many of them with bare feet there is poverty everywhere in portugal and it intrudes even on to the beautiful avenlda hundreds of women pass ln an hour with bask ets on their hoods containing silvery fish or grapes or flowers men carry oases of wine or heavier loads many of them have little fancy wicker basfcu with a lid and handle x was curious about them one day i fol lowed an old lady she stopped oc casionally to peek things ofi the street at last she sat on a bench and x eat down beside her a opened her hamper mude were little bits of metsx oo the ud of the baakst she had a rorseehoe magnet with the magnet she tested all the metal tcrapa the iron ones the put to one pile the nonferrooe in another theres no need for awfe cam paign tn lisbon nothing goes to waste dot pop what is a freethlnkerf ihther a frwthlakte my boy u a man who tint marrud ssnd tn your pronj items to the herald for rmwatton they bus toteresung reading the trout fishing season is at head and the follower of isaac walloa wtd soon be malting their appearanoef along the nearby creeks directory f r watson djj8 ildjl omrtvtovd ooot hours 8 to t exrapt ttxxfar afuraoau dr j burns milne dtntal rcmqcon xeat owfrihi clifford g reid ocnttht rxxi 410 uln ou ckorgtlovn leroy dale icc m sybil bennett bjl burwm u4 ddrtun mm bum ofttwm rka u kenneth m langdoa burijiw budur ntufy rattle pint uortaa itaatr to lotn ooc oresorr ttuatri biog wu btnct u oaqdm frank fetch ucknseo aucrnontxb us all classes ot dtbimanok prompt bervc lira hi o po b 419 elmer c thompson dtstmanob sckvioe pu auto windstorm cr esdwrny as altttl broom excumsions ittw cr j o gray coseh lines timetable now di eftbot dsrmtk bmtaf nsss uuvb oboaorown misuiit u ttmsis itjhsjn clopm 8js sjn ajt an ojosjb us am uapja ium pjn tuuos pm 130 1mb ddubpjb t44o pjn sssus sjtt s cimt sun snd hoj tlaiespt bst san snd hoi e sst bun snd hoi r dslly swept bun xwo kltebsner y to stratford w h vng rhsas h keep your name in the public eye through cusslfied advt am nielsen tu wtl msctas chiropractor xray dmgws tberapla it obc om i otart o lloun 18 7j8 jo pjn o 4 tkanfaj rboa use radio repairing we specialize in this work j sanford son geoaotxown urn monuments hakkebs ani wrmim pollock ft ingham gah ont oaslfns on raqasstfhoos mf iiupcet our want in ormnwood ommsrjr robsrt p worthy cemetery lettering and monument riua ms fa bm a 1u qwa 8 w islhrioh ralph gordon the venatll e tor your nnct t niuitibtad olrouur free tomonto sub onvfwi m c n r timetable dsrurkt bsttaf osisckssi puuncer aj jn psueocer snd usll wm to puiwik and usll 64s pjn pumoier sandsy only ml tun rmuenror dsily 043 pjn stop for toronto snd east of toronto puanien only mocwmt puunrw and usll sjs jn psuenrer bat only 316 pm paahofsr daily sombt saturday and sunday im nat puuegu and uall m pin btmirmir sundays only ujopjn oalbf narih pauenger and mall 4b sjn oatb8aui paawncar and uall an pia paph wttot othns faias mm