Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetown haram w april 29th 1942 i char tohphon tines for ailout production year telephone 1 put of vast ourrutcting eye ten now carrying an almormel wertims load dont let beecuree ieit bold up nnupt on wblrh pro- dactlon cjtuirocy mif drprad tmvsb about burt walzdfo duo hkn what terrible power turne urine ben tnto 7 mlndteee slew who mutt obey the will ol their mas ter met wallace ditttaiulilud nnkr c end world trueler apeot six month in lit weet tndlm before me bused the ml rawer which the rrtreli in the american weekly whb thle sunday ofay i lew of tim detrou bundey skxwm vob ooal and ooks federal ivrtvl pwntuw of ontario kalk linden rldmtd to the undertlened end huwwd render or ooej- via tie reeetfed imlll s ml iiaiti ttoelu ofay t imt or the supply of coal end ooke lor the nomtnvw nullrtint through- out the pmaa of ontario km of tender with spedfieauan end conauuao ottathed can tie ob tained from the pmrhntne- afent department of public work ottawa and the bupematne architect m adilalde tn east toronto ont trader should be made on the tonne supplied by the department and tn accoraanee with departmental epecinrallone and condition attach- d thrreto ooal dealer borate num ber mutt be hen when lanrtertne the department i mi lie the rtfht to demand from any eueaacbul ten- out before awmrdlns the order a crr- ufled cheque on a chartered bank tn ffaw made payable to the order of the honourable the of public work equal to to per cent of the fwmt of be tender or bearer bond of the tv ii of ouad or of the rtwmmi taiflfisl relta onrnpeny and lie conetltoent oompen- lee unconditionally cnoranteed ae to prtndpal and interest by the dntnttivw of quod or the aforementioned band and a certified cheque if re quired to mafca up an odd amntmt boon security will carve ae cuar- ante for the proper folfllment of the eon trad by order j u soubtvbix bearetary department of public work lotteew april 30 1mb reminiscences of ghs 1 funds available for dnctealinj food supplies to increase food production for great britain and the empires armies many fanners arc redoubling their customary strenuous efforts it is not surprising if they have to borrow to help finance their increased task if you a farmer need credit for any constructive purpose call on our nearest branch manager and tell him of your requirements he under stands farm problems and will cooperate with you as far as sound banking permits your business with the bank will be held in strictest confidence bank of montreal a bank where small accounts arc welcome modern experienced banking scrvlc lb outcome of 124 yean succcuful operation georgetown branch a c wbix maniget- war savings cetttihcates anonymous 111 fcuwe to 4dm thst i am very do at picking up a hint but at ust i retina wtoy that taertlttamt tor tha gtirvtll llonumcct worts va placed on th or ato of thr pact onrifatntn my etory of aprtj tn look it up ttwir motto u a card or letter will brioc our tenrtc to your door in u ol tbu thrt i wli- wrtla thli wreck story anyvmy tor wtw knows i may mm msl that whata uy namr- radio profrun yrc hovettr it has omo rather in- tervaunc for mr durtcf the past few weeks to u just what i could ac compluh with my ftrtyword vocabu lary thla werka alory u aflertiooauly dadlcmtcd to all thou pwple who had the mlrjoruinr of having to attrad ofcrmown iuth schooi while i wa intrroaxl thrrr or owlr brnrllt i havr akrd tht editor to kindjy prjit uu wvrucie auuah for framtns autoftaphed ooptm may be ji4 en rrourat you isppjy the copy 111 tup- ply thr rrqueat deface i begin oy atory hoeer t mould like to take this opportunity of mrllng to the parent of high brhool ttudent a mystery ahich hu no doubt bamed thrro for some tlrm uothenii i low often hate ou wkuhrd our boy come home from ichool night and then ukked this question awthee a hat haat thou learned vchool today you bum i mean my von at uat that question u ab lo be answered for x will trll you what ae learned when we went to high brhool i haw concocted this rtnme without reaton hoptnt it wiu hrd a little light on the iluiatlon of ooune i realise it is rather ruky writing rhyme without a poetic llcetue but no lawyer on earth can prove that what folio u a poem a ml table till for this ou name u might be ot put your boy tn high bchool mother for ita cold sleeptna out tn the mow blnce i hae written this from mem ory iiudenu will kindly tnlorm e editor of mutakrai we learned of loads and load of lore of things wed never known before just why a bell ring on thr jour or why a rock fall to the floor we iramrd of things both great and small and not lo loiter in the hall we learned that it get dark at night became the min la out of tight of how explorer- came by boat which made yust one more book jo tote we learned of pompry and of crau and how to focus reading glauea we learned of physiography and how we got democracy of sir roosevelt nalung trips the ace that launched a thoutnd ahlns the dance that ihook a hundred htp of who evaid goodtjye to mr chips we teamed of all those latin cases how to snap du1 armstrongs braces about the history of lierodotus how hrrb arnold uesd to cuss at us of allys horse bucephftus or of deeneya ancient omnibus or all about mcdonalds crate and even of mark antonys fste we learned mus inman favourite oke and why croesus went flat broke how horauua kept the bridge the inside working of a frig of how to prove a theorem right and how den pranklin flew his kite of shy the latin student sleep or hy the latin teacher aeeps we learned of earths moot lolent closhe why thunder roars and lightning ftaahrs why high is up and down is low why worker aarat but rich folks glo w learned of all the earthly creature of mice and men and doublcfeaturee hoa mr heldmsnn told hut okes then telln them over for younger folk about the riling on the wall and also of nlagnraa fall wt learnnl or leocm- and rhyming roil pi cu and nin of dlonneh quintuplets oi p tul rtwrrs mast lumoili ride and hou he took it right in stride iltt ilun hv hid to harh up mralght iikseid nt sitting at hi plute or how he had to lie on md iuiusc that ride suri- tunned his hid wv itirurcl of rlnyliib plains of troy and or mat- foot el lool llo of hmv the uith b niadi- of dirt a id lion the ciluese n sli n hlrt whit it is innlua corns and cuiiuum s and why auroni boruilim s ol how t lu rtoman empli t it ii just hou to make those i himtcals mill 11 of hou to mix lot ctrtaln bftma which nt vi i fulkd to rlvikc the clihsrs and cin o tht uorldtt brtni ln in khlng socrates the llrst mick finn and hou he took it with a crln hut brotlur li mi re done htm in we learned of great lmcnltoru and ulth sorrow of detentions why titudenus could not lccp at night but mire caught up in broad daylight of nhy the cat was never belled of how theimopylac was held and how the pendant wcro repelled or how a certain door was felled we learned ubout perimeters and also calorimeters of how men drink alt ftcek from mon day and then turn up in church on sun day or how tho farmers reap their brain and what they all throw back again wo even learned about osone and of keomenemys saxophone wo learned of ooldham biff and burly why don was late but always early why walter oooked and agnes head why joan was hale but caesar dead how jim was king but fred was tost of how inertia makes cars coast how doug woe cole but robert burns and all about egyptian bma the famous men we teamed by ojotena of kings and queens and all their cousins we learned that though tat rising- will set whenever day is done the rising sun owned by those tlps is going to set right in their up im sure they heard on every hand that tuns dont set on our good land we learred of hitler lo berlin and uuesounis grest bsg chin and of the jsps tn tokyo but now we wonder where theyll go when finally they just aint no mo they sure wont get in down below r we even learned of terra ootta with ttr sparkling cryatsl wauiis of how to make those rugby passe and how to skip most hsted cwues we feamsd just how to reach the door when the old bet rang at ten to four we learned of alexanders fit but brother thu aint half of t we learned the answers by the score and then we learned ten thousand more we learned of harbingers of spring in fact we learned roost everythuig right up from uabylon and caruiage to where the town dump au it gar bage we etn learned of punch sno jiioj but someone tell me who is vehudlt and now that that crime agwlnil the crujade u oer i will start my story persons ith no tense of humour ho proceo past uils point do so at thtir on risk onttinry i csune igom the de lightful utile ulage of charglt ahlcl as situated on the bank of thr turbulent river kuft in alacju i had been employed there from a cry eirjy age with a band of ptckan- nlruet a a cotton picker i had gained admission to the pickanin nies union by blackening my face and using a brooklyn accent our fore man was old buck joe himself no leas that is he wa joe by name and old by years but be certainly wasnt black by nature i worked in the midst of the ptckannlnlea as they were plckln cotton for quite some time until finuy old joe fired me when he discovered that i vaint a plckln any and so it wi that on that famoun inwly ritdsy in february i left dear old chsrvltonthekuo and came lo georgetown -on- the -credit- i came at first merely for a week or tao of mosquito shooting about these pitts but alajtt cruel fate dealt her deadly blow and forced mc to speed my school life at georgetown high you are during the dying struggle of one of my victims i was kicked from behind and had my tibia fractured tbta being latin for ahlnbone but 111 bet you thought it wa some thing tutt at any rate i had to stay on in town long enough to py the local contractor ur bsro walker for the cement used in my piastt cast needless to say i wa mortar- fled ii this arrangement but the con tract wa iron clad and that is why i am here to day also iron clad but time were not so prosperous then and rather than do nothing for wothln- i decided to go to high bchool and do plenty for nothing how well i recall the first day i star co school let me see now that mas back in the day when adolf llltecr wa screaming his head off over a buast to boast crookup that oer- 1 many dldnl get any land out oi the last war but they certainly got plenty of dirt as you no doubt remember he talked so much that he finally convinced us that the worst heel of the axl make the most noltr i was a gay lighthearted youth at the time just turned twentyeight and as i walked along the street of georgetown in the warm fall air i gazed curiously into each storewin dow a i passed in order to see the reflection of my new boot i oa ery proud of those boots in fact i had ery thoughtfully purchased them eight size too large in order that i mould not outgrow them un happily however x hod made no provisions for not caring them out and long after thr sole had passed into nothingness leaving the uppers to shut for thcmselvrs i becamv genernlly known about town u the original barefoot boy ulth boot on the hchool itself mas a large red brick bulldliir mamtlng on the far- thcr edge of toun number scen j hlhua tan pist the door to toronto and also any pupils who could mike it it was in rrfune uays u ratlur odd looking building lor mich a beau tiful toun and quite oftin uhlle i uaa lln rt pavsln touims nouul tlrav alonmiw thinking it was one ol tho r moticiumic sen lee station but uhcihut i looki d wwl at the rhool i was nnuiul nt lus striking re imbtance to an ancient no i man costle of meduwtl tlines in liut 1 have heaid rumotiis mow ion t i thli cu an farttun that it iiall 111 used to be n not man cntle but ulien norman dltd hls iilailves dnldcd uiit the place had hiicti n duiikconuke ntmasplure that it would make uh ex cellent school for that leioi hi 1492 chrlbtoplier columbus made a apeclal oyanc aciot uie allautu on three rnlleonh tuhlch in tliose tlays nas pretty fair mileage in order to glie the bulldlns back to the indians the high school was cry conveni ently placed only a stones uirow from squires service station so that stu dent who stayed for lunch would not have far to go for recreauon of course when i say a stones uirow i am speaking of the distance at measured by the other boys as for myself i always had to get a little cloer to put a stone uirough one of the school window the school grounds were bounded on two sides by a farm operated by jack tost since there was no fence to speak of between the two properties jock could often be seen dashing madly about the school grounds in pursuit of stray chickens naturally we boys were always willing to lend a hand in helping lo chase the onto kens we all preferred blondes but just the same we never ran past a nice tooklng brunette if she happened to be a little alow on her feet on the inside the gcbool was very baauurul and i tuuet admit that tfae way that achool was plutmad and erected was a tribute to those archi tect of halv tzxm i br well the lint day x ever was draff- gad l mean stopped inside i fftsed around la awe as i admired those graceful qreelan iw arooftsag the doors tnoss artistic roman arches reporting the wtndow and those stately george ltunber 00 two by fours supporting the piaster on tho celling for truth to tell whenswer it rained the water would seep down through the crevices earning the oc casional chunk of plaster to drop off either on the floor or on anyone un fortunate enough to come between it and the floor that is why during wet weather our janitor jack brans used to go rushing about from room to room with a pail looking for the biggest drip without fall he always selected me i ab 74 i recall the first time 1 stood within the school gating about at its haggled desks with their re movwhle seats my how delightfully quaint this building looks i thougsi to myself why aa i stood there a little longer j could almost gn that 11 felt quaint then erect to stretch my imagination still farther there wa no rubber shortage tn those dy i could almost beller thi t it smelled ouant after drawing a deeper breath howner i decided to let it go at looking and feeling quaint the first ymr i was there they had the flagpole repaired and pain ted after examining the work carefully our principal ttr lambert agreed that it was a great improvement to the school he said that from up there he could spot a student smoking on the a to school aa far away as ilaple avenue everyone told me at school that x had broken all record by getting tnto first form at the tender agw of twen tyeight although many and many a student had still ton trying to t out at that age cftdry enough how ner the other pupua seemed rather small tn comparison to me but af terwards i learned that this was only because they were so young for their age i was always an amhuious student and i recall how i woo the castiron medal for being the first person of the new season to fall downstairs of course i wasnt the only one to fall downstairs in fact ur lunhert used to keep a list la the office containing the namea of all those who did ao the idea wa that if we got vgt name on the list we would get a new set oa stairs this arrangement was soon discarded however for it was found that is was far cheaper to get a new set of pupils each year sostaad despite all the moat mudei conven iences such as door and window our school had no cmriry room x am sorry to say now i understand when they were rwilutlng the school they did have a room set aside for this purpose but at the last moment they decided to put thcrme tn it and use it as a cupboard the result was that we had to use either a ciassroom or the stairway as an i audi torium whenever the entire student body was aaserntoled we were so crowd ed that acme of the pupils had to be picked up afterward and assembled pot instance i remember one ohrlst- msi party we had there on day wo had hut rinlshed alnglng our them song we uust all qtsok together when henry lccrtmen stjueeaed through the crowd carrying a largo bag of applea by the time henry had forced a passage through the crowd to the other end of the room he was left holding a bag of apple sauce not applea really though it a so crowded that ulss heales who was a favourite with all use boys stood ready with a first aid kit in case anyone fainted i was so surprised at the school bring con siderate enough to provide such pre cautionsthat i fainted of course when anyone did faint like that fifty pupils had to leave the room in order to ghe the victim room to foil down another thing we lacked was a gymnasium thu wasnt missed to much during good weather but when it rained it was a little crowded play ing football in the hall we dldnt even have room to kick the bull we just had to put a foot against it and push now playing football in the hall wius agulnm nil the rule and regulations or the school and just as the game begun to get exciting jack ean uould rush up out of the base ment and kick the boll ouulde then lie uould kuk us outside tro whte i was tlnrc the school mido a drpcratc upiul to the tuxpimrs lor a m w addition to overcome theao now did conditions tin taxpijora turned this appeal down homver tiutjuk thit tin mudents uoum prob- nbl be pushed uiouiul lu the world nfur tluj it ft school unua so thn inn as will start getting ncd to it hun distiu its di aw backs our school turn cl out a kkki mum w ellknow n persons foi irwus stations in life 1hi ein tiniud me out for tukuig the engine out or edar beeneyh car but that is anotlni md fctory and i will come to that eventually as principal of the school mr continued on page 8 notice to creditors of the eitate of arthur spencer wilkon late of the town et georgetown in the coan7 pf hal ton retired farmer dreeaied all persons having claim against tho estate of the sold arthur spencer wlleon who died on or about tho 4th day or pobruary 1043 at the city of quelph are required to send to the understated solicitor on or be fore the 33nd day of may 1041 full particulars ol their claims and any securities they may hold therefore and take notice that alter tfae 22nd day of may 1943 the bteeutara will proceed to distribute the laid es tate bavins record only to the elalata of w they shall then have noua dated at cfeoiveomnvthls n day of april utt tobffintiitxiumnoh owtyotowfti qtttsjfu solicitor for borah vtbetu wuti m and john k wumo swaton

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