Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1942, p. 4

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the georgetown herald wednesday april 29a 1942 social and personal mr a h yeuer of owen bound the week tod at hi ham la ur and lilt t w beeitiliri of jbronto visited yesterday witn mr eed un j n orum mr john oamcbau of bydney na stat several days lait week vtdaac mib hit sitter ur l j hornby w are pleat to see mi sam wl- fear 19 and around again after a re- teat wins which confine htm to bed gar two or tnrse week ura keub opcnc and daughter ttt tin returned name after apend- sfcjfeverel weeks with mr and mrs gt j lucas in london ur f a parte returned to oeorge- igsq on monday after an extended aeatt in the nit with hla brother gar h il parte ico in rrtmnrtfnn wad hi daughter un j t whlt- tn wuloeg ura barvey attn and daughter barbara spent sunday la brampton with ralatlh lion a o walk k uewbirter w h long jam bhnttno and o o bmhtm attended th meeting of th brampton uon club on man day night- keith n doisan of norval a gredu at of georgetown blgn school ha completed hi ftret rear coon at th ontario agricultural oouf ouelph keuh who u mjti in th two- year eotm ranked fifth in hi da and von a tcnounhin for general proficiency in oroup mr arthur dayfoot spent a few day in town last week with hi par ent ur and ura o b dayfoot- r teft on saturday for th west to assume his dutle a studsnt minuter at dderaley in northeastern basks tchswen a horn field of th united church of mtnabbst neighbours give urgeij donations since club formed 1870 to britufa ww victims ruaaka rebef mjbc fund mine sweepers aindlury all reaesabtvwtl by polhu thropee cthwna la th year period etee th for- msuon of th mcnsbb street heigh- bourhood dub thl ptulanthrople troop of ladle here given practical flnanrlil assistance to several worth while causes the club mnelrt of a number of ladle in th ucnbb street ittrlrtnt who father totether each tuesday evening to knit and chat- each brine quarter to th beet le which u added to th fund avail able for donation sometimes there i a food attendance sometimes when the weather u bad or other thine interfere with the weekly rettogether there are only a handful of ladte but these who dont come ueually send over a quarter while sorrel ladle four more aetlt worker in th uenebb street neighbourhood club are mr 8 buon ura alex kean lire oeonre usrun and mr w i sew and chat and contrtbut a quarter oreetuwerd at informal club meeting to help out omrone lee rortunat than every tuesday night the ladles knit themselves londons warship week i i- iars k rr v this vfw of tmfilfftr rqure durlnic ion- aonu warhlp wk wan tukn from thr win- down of the cnnudian innflr luilway componi itondon eng officcn in the fortjfround can bo en one of the kite balloon uml to protrrt merchant hippinr from dive bomberx whln- in the bacuifrounl is the mode of a ehiph hriitr and run turrcta cuaiu ijufir li bright and early one saturday tnming a csmeramin dropped in on the otaudrena boraphook in oikrs toronto studio just to see what rug i and all her friends really look mka bulb flashed camera cucfcedv mas bare are the result hipper row left to right mr vaster the wan who always makes thing really doug usstere bnur i whttteker and austin wuu at funny bit id the script usaakar pwu leldor behermari mtejhte aailt it mlty but hi the omuwnrb sokapbook real name bud knapp case in won der and admiration at the erudite ills bookworm who known to her friend and i asliolsdcnsuaaon peggy pent loder mary acannan super visor of children droadcatts for the one and producer sydney brown hold aarirjt eonlennoe before the rehear sal lower row left to right here how fct look when oarol and her onmrnenu go on the air oral real name i oarol roofers tad bob wright is real ly bob wrltm centre sydney 0 brown the man who make the broad cast tick tells hla out just how if done right borne of the boy and blrl alt down to talk things owe ram left to right austin bob byng oarol the of the comments and rhe children borapbook now in loi third season u beard on the na tional network of the obo and in the united btates over station of the mu tual broadcasting system every sat urday at un pjb otdt who do not attend th meetings are also regular contributor the dub u not officially organised that is then u no president secretary or tre no minutes of previous meetings mo tions or uehlikt which would dispel the informal atmosphere of th meet- inct at wve present time ur b weston has chart of th money there u seldom much eath on band tor as iron as a few dollars is gather ed off it goes to help along tome branch of war work the ladles bring their own knitting along perhape a pair of socks for the red cross or a uttls w for an mluh child whatever knitting or sewing sh may be dotng at th mom ent the hmtm supplls no refresh ment so that there i no prepara tion necessary for the meeting since the dub was organised th lierald war vlrtimc fund ha become 114740 richer through the freewui offering of the good ladte of the nelghbourhood a dmatlnn of wood to th red oross russian relief fund another of lltfio to lb brttlih ulne hweeprre aualnary which purchased seven turueoeck swaatere enarulry treated to resist salt water and itul another of lit to the uuk fund for british children are recorded in th future th dub plana to aid th local branch of th nenarrun red cress socteey white conrjoulng its support of the herald war victim fund ajwm interested in making dona uon to th war effort of the ucnabb turret neig csub may get la touch with ura b weston or any other of the numerous member one thing 1 certain th donator will anow that every penny of th ooatrl butlon will be used for a good cause cicerpte from an advertisement m a new ofteen paper w are so tired of some of thl merrhanrht we are going to eel it at any prto women hat for butane xi cents per copy another item picture at whatever you will give for them if you hare a dirty spot on your watt why wait brain in you 1 nc lr care then heart it i prtlubl nrkl to mposmbl r u ti oi girl tu nvrrkurk iti uiuin during hchuol iin kuch iy mi- ul the conclueion ot a report in child dimlupmlnt prepared for lie notional lduiotlan iimtoclollon b dr charles d flor profrmr it iducutiun ol luurrnce colleicr in wimnnein whin u ihlld tnleri kchool dr klory obsorta ihe broln tb about 13 m t icnl lis maximum kuc it can huidly be ithikcd upon os un imnui lure organ in the process or srouth miys the itocky mountain heruld at tlic iikc o 12 years rum ever thr heart is only half the muture sue iiul bill still be krolnk in the twen tieth year teachers dr flor hisses should ktp these diffeirn tii growth rules in nuntl the grow ink heurt needs careful protection he declares from overrcalouh oaches ublki use athletics to u in cames or ihe sihool rather than to iciclop pupils tile illiiks unhki he heart are in little daiifer of iterekcrtlon since their tlcclop uiiil seems to keep pace with ihe strains they receive iris dr flory sat are ri li lively more mature than bos at very age from birth to matuntv mil can be hubeclel ui quite di- elent schedule this ts cspeclall hue lie saya in reshct to skctctil li velopment whrre the sex chlti i me is about one ear at school en lioue about two iurs at cntramc 10 tin junior hlkh school aiul ut least one venr tv iii months ilurini the liih siihkii perlotl haunt al hume mow iiwlul people siv to live in a itv that mav be lioiiihctt al nnv niiiiute yet n studv ol haaril ri tins tcieutlv miile h a iciillllk in sin line iolllmli slums thnt a nl oils chini es ol biin killeil when ilislkluk oloss 1 hlisv atlhth- hi sin el he almost exactly ihe same as those of u ietsoll lielli killeil in a lailii in city uiulii an bomb ml mint moteovel llu lutoiiiolule uriver lio has been id nkini places bim- sell aiul ills passengers tllliter about llu same hliiuil ol diiith as if they iiiii nil pusseiikels in a contta- iiuiil cuiiynik ship in the submarine one lciirmiift to lly u plune seems risky but the housewife who dry- cleans ut llolne ls subject to ulmosl inutile the buarcl thut the student iyer faces so before yuu benin pitying the oiks ubroud louk around you and icl dentil mush by und bo u bit more iceiuul ur a sempl tin b wetoo and ura a il fetter meenber of th uc- hsbb btrset wilefrlwirhnod dub whose fenerou donstions to the her ald war victims fund and warurn funds show the good sntrtl of th ladle of the neighbourhood ivory gull the plumage of an adult ivory lull is of a striking snowy whltc- ic8s without spot or mark of color its logs and feet are black and its cak la chiefly dark with a bright range tip ivory gulls frequent he most northerly parts ot the jvorld nesting on melville island lorthern greenland and spitz- jcrgon a beautiful epecimen is tow on exhibition at the quebec zoological garden it if aald to be the oiuy one of its kind in captivity in north america aa our two aorta have enlisted for active service and aa it it impossible to carry on our regular delivery service in georgetown with help so scarce our delivery truck will be taken off the road after next saturday may 2nd we hope that the many cuttomeya on our delivery route will continue to favour u with their patronage and accept thia inconvenience aa a necessary war mea- aure pttoo orders wq be owiweretl kemsfleads bakery phone 317 georgetown bray chicks george c brown phone 382 r 21 norval dayold clucks beard and nebxsa started chicks sexed and nensned started capons turkey pouru better order now mark every grave rvunutmcturere of distinctive monuments cem lettering corner poats and markera no agent to bother you no salesmen a commission to pay designs submitted large aswrtsmsi m stack buy direct from us a card er letter win being oar service t year deer oakville monument works 19 colborne st w on highway oakville proclamation registration for home defence whereas the officer commandina military district no 2 has been ordered to bring the reserve army up to wartime strength and whereas a national emergency exists and a defence committee has been formed in the town of georgetown to conduct a recruiting campaign com mencing april the 25th 1942 therefore i respectfully request all citizens to support this campaign by cooperating with the com mittee and registering for home defence god save the king jos gibbons mayor

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