Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1942, p. 6

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t tke georgetown herald wednesday april 29th 1 942 yea try to jeefc at tfae piebuw of ak ra uiat ceasee ubdrr tfce hearting of ar esorv but the re asatorkd eye hta trouble with tta to- 40a ilia pesaresta that etretehee 6b kbue to mettle u too filkd vttb aw or detau of eitica am tovu nrutai asd itariilita and i itaanml battle von ate only the bold broth shfcb are buuoeewler to- ery leant hundred dollar cobtncta hoaa annanant ptesta and natlonstde rouiang drwae and tana of ihnnetme of ecedfefe and wjj- a and airmen tn training and on ao je unlet it you look lone tnouafs at slot limited ace at tsdmdiml large rttlaa at tonauo i uontnal veneoiner or winnipeg tha picture hecomre clearer but tin rtzuraa an attll maned the action ulll too btf and blurred and you cannot errn by squinting nnd john dot and hi wile aaary and thatr eon young birte fvan 12 these trt1 people so mi itlck a pin into uu map of oanifla and tha pin potnt ooaerv an ethar pin point libelled georgetown flim it u that to otctfuym oct kgo all unexpected tn search of alary of canada wer effort ron tha ckr luuoo attar thirtyhi mlla rtdr weeiwud trom tnroolo oeorgetown u a neat patch of art through which pcceirete thr gettlea ot big old houte church ataaple and a utile tncoagruouaiy factory chimney for oeorgetown u an industrial town aa wall aa a farming crotrr 11 tan feclorw cm- ploy a ihouiand working people id appearance tt dlffera utile iron lha other amall town it main aireel la competed of two or three blocae ol old brtck nillrting whoa ancient trtn- tag la art off againat thr newt of on of tha two bank along a dd atrrrt aa if modeeuy refuting to haunt kb modartuatlc front hand a nrw etrurturv iai y large tor to imall a town tha claaa o pottoffice pre elded owr by tha towna military u- part onlnnal owiwth tba winding etrrau ara borderfd on rtthrr ildr by ahady treea and lawn wander m hill and dale the larger fertorlea art on tha out- aklrta tha amallrr onaa near tha can- tra ororgttrjam 1 an old eeulemenl cm of tha oldest in ontario life ban u peaceful and quiet indeed before war cama on thla aiming moat of tha lead ing cluame an to rind you aeek them at thatr offlore or at thetx home and grt lha aama anawrr everywhere llri ovar at lawyer delia lewyer la hoy dalaa otbor juat off llaln btnat u crowded with mm aoma titling aoma m ruling against tha vails aa you rntar quietly a man la commuhity war by raymond jutthvl davte8 llrprtnlml from utlrr ufttahnr 0taav iwh talioo of 1v lom flrou entry djr oc or two iw rvcruiu rtdut jalcat of ooriioarn umy mm an prtvsxaw tywrv arr comer corporal and aoaulrtn of wrfunu ttur art auo a f4v aocrn io uruim- anu oo tmyuli a maor and a col- owl itu majorats of lha rrcrulu ara farmara and vorktnc popt but amof thm art tba aocu of a manu- faolurcr tna uiprrtnuoilam of oo of tna lanir milk a raajfauia broiur a ttoruhanfv man ttvm uurr ar tha four otunata fathar and thm tha thraa rajmrn and uu aoumtnona tn aach caa tathfr and two una pour oaorfrtown oarbrra wt emit ura halfm likt ao many otbrr lovn otorfr torn ha a vrr aru had orou bo- rtftjr which luoteufully cnctpra th wnoir community in dotn aomayhinf for inr war tha society ha bn hijhiy praurd by thr rrntral offlca a balnc ana of ortarto beat it la pre- i4d orr by tha lawyer whtkae ofr r hr airrady vliiud tho grtiial unlrrrtsilyllkad and rrnj nd much ovrrofard jt itoy dale kc who u oru of thr maor figure o thr town moving tptrlt atronx thr uiir u mua annlr rvan nnrlnc- pal or thr public tchool and wockrr rxtraordinajt on brhalf of the ol oaorf- honor and tha prtvutcr to in form you that wa haie ovrsuhactibad our victory loan quota by 106 par eant znataad of w000 we rauad 333000 wt also obtained anothar 166000 00 by oantaailnt tpacial namaa fbr a moment there u a aurprlaad iuerwe as the member of the oeorgw- town and dutxlct victory loan com mittee orsulder the flcurra tben there are cheer hand claiptns back ruppnc walra don ltl one of th mm n he room eiclalma lteta go after morel another rnthualaat pro- pore there 1 genera elation qaorgeiown ha done the trie no amall ach emaot had been thla nouns of 037 000 in oeorvetovn ana ylclnity wi learn alter the meeung when yoj go into facta and flguraa the tomr s population lb only 2i83 by tha atet count and tha surrounding district has some 1600 more tha lo cality u not rich it u averaffa u la typical of a thousand other cana dian small towns whose oomposau en dcor in iha long run determine tha ajccett or failura of canada war effort b in some thinga oorge- torn excr the loan u but one ez- amove tyt average subscription wa tea uie pr capita subacripuon mora thsn to itad all of canada done aa well 180 000000 wouid have been rald in the pirt victory loan tew ttrcnilu lett for vjrne reaion in oergeton you fel rrjzt irecuy the oonuict of can- adi ai tr- orrtcaa here the con nect irjl a communry ur evcry- ont m to be doing soiruthing aboj t 1 1 ihu typlcul tmall town oj ti f cul vj uit pfojil v1m arc viainr the ar at honi- you clin no cjmtdaa voir effort to l- tiiii to iu luaitcommon deno- mijititor j he ar tljun u hum unit ed ll l i aiutuijt llat th u rillh ol nd idias ou can tt t know uhut ilu mil ijwxjii- mtmur- clw co in tut uxim tit all thu 1 ol curt ll h u pti jxiluiat ltl tinih ol other lunu rtlhtf fur tht mur u- 1 le lrom uu vlcujry loun otorlioaii hui ulo dune uij the tau o w ir buvlnp tiuuniy unci ccr- ullcau rinonntrutu uil aitroxl- muuli uujo a month urt txlng sold by tht itxul poet oiucc uirouh ar- rangimtnt lih tmplocr6 and cm plotia about 13000 liuvu bcn iold directly unci in addition l00 worth il auvinii ccruilcalui tha mare than 300 pupils of the public uchool puriuuhed 91000 worth ol stamps mnrc they wcru first laucd cut ocorgutown truly bhlnct when it corner to recruiting paradoxically the town 1a a hoadacho for tho officials tn charge of the four month compul sory training camps when young men were lnu called up for examin ation only fibc were found who could join this am no case of 111 hoolth or pacifism or even sabotage par trom it it was just that nearly every one of tho right ago had already join ed some branch of the armed forces tjp to the beginning of july more than 360 young men had enlisted this is more than six per cent of tho total population and u the proportion or the whole of canada were the same our armed forces would be fwmpnam of 666m0oo men of the 960 seventy- four are on active service with the local milrnent the lome boots fifty towriluat to wait until the lome boot had been pkiqitwwl joined otber wl- attenta wild axe now ovwreeta anouir s aoywi oantdlin air wont am o ta vaaeraas w to the navy tad 1 tu dav4 wlwir4swrs- vofu ancaatora berpad found tha tk community uncle and three nephew dlr r ara offioara in tha lorn bcou and t z int mi1 ulsorntrn vas t s ssstchih sssst stcsar njf yy ort pore than nine ritt irn a wmz cl i ihomajid dollar h brar raled thui taader u an rat pilot otbor in uf rtq 0 fpni t k lrt i pirchatng wool and other furollr lteri from the town au in the lumd mt lnuhr armed forte and trom relauvea and 1 t friend abroad aerp the peopu aeenly tstl si ttk interested tn tha war and aid in matniawtrfj constant contact with the overseas kvffj letter u read and re read tetany are pubushed tn the lo- caj weekly paper the people cf oeorgctown seem to snow more be cause of this correspondence about conditions in london the bomb rig of lasncashlre events in the clydeside thn the inhabitant of our large clt- ica where such letters are dispersed and lost among the mass uost of georgetown population 1 of drill h stock there are few fa mine of foreign origin five jewish two italian one norwegian two pol ish three chinese one belgian thtsa take as keen an interest in war work as do tha others the wife of the brlgun iris ill the oif comforts committee two jewuh lad axe in the army a jewish manufacturer leads salvage work undertaken by the lions club a foreign bom jeweller donates watches and runs draws for tha benefit of the british war vic urn pund the norwegian occupy leading position in a plant engaged in war work there 1 little distinction ui this intensely patriot u town weye all in it i the general ex pression lolk the balance was sent red ctqu tn toronto llow aclue i thrae women are can be seen any i afternoon or evening when sitting on their front porchrm they can be otvervrd knitting awaj making wrirr jock mltu and scarfs shipment to the red croas wre- oum in toronto follow one another alth swift rrgulirlt uoney iaed the oovernmrnt by thli work mhtch is of courw gurn gratis mm into the thousands e dollan one shipment ulmie for example that tst rrnt during the eek of jil 9 included fortone eli of articles for the merchant marine jrd 1s3 et tor the air 11 the quota for seaman s good ulone for thr lack summer season inrtudr 160 el of h eaten ock goa and h 1- meta oher red cross acttltlrs rncom imjv mny more thuh the 2n mem- r bri of the brunch sarli t cornual- soarajy a soul tn town who tn soma sy or other was not molted dfbty pretty girl oanraswad the town and district for day sailing ticket tn al- try house local merchants donated good for the raffiea food a a prepared by the housewives tba manufacturer paid for tha entertain ment we didnt have to spend e cent of red cross money itr dale ssid afterward everything was net profit quaint was the slogan under which the whole affair seems to have been conducted in a ualn street store window where articles to be raffled were rati lb ted mood a sign contain ing this slogan will you help ua who help them who help those who help ua writ this rhetorical question lack ed in clarirv it more than made up in honest homespun sentiment also composed of women is george town s war baby the tu john ambulance corp which wa organ ised list sprtng iu rraembrrmhlp 1 only twenty but clawm are brina opened to train new appuranta in the rudtmevttary srt of medical ambulance work the leader 1 sirs tom otieve an old hand in this type of activity bhc was an army nurse during the past mar and member of the red cran society since 1000 they used to augh at us tn the olden days she say they called us saturdayafter noon nurse but we howed them wee not to be ready thi time i am just ting tu fro crer but i gueas they won t take me because of my age mrs orltae is aesie too in the es- tub istimrnt of the ari organisation which it lt honed will get under ww uik fall i tit buiv indira of georgetown also find tlmi lor the soldiers oomrort otmimttm if whlrh mrs ilourr ou- 1 n wrllknowii ueldan- unterpn ti r ini irsnslntor i wit serving m fliglsnd today the nt ha grown to over one hundred nemrt and to rats- mora money tag days will be held and other money raising srtgemee put into effect bo far the j committee has collected and spent sits this may not be tag money in a inatropoui but for georgetowns women it meant many weeks of hard the boys are deeply graiaful for the cigarettes and gifts thatr tetters indicate that they are ftsltsred to be remet by fallow towns men ura ouyot says tt does some thing to their sptrtu makes them feel nywe important corrrtnees them that the town is with them that they re present the town at the front the menfolk try not to tag- behind the ladlea one day not so long ago the town was treated to an unusual spectacle the towna 1 busl- oaasirrn membe of the lions club were observed wtocoptng it along tn truck they were covering the whole district door to door seeking salvags to be turned in as their part of the nationwide aalpag drive the alight ut drux proprietor of one of the toanr dry goods stores and owner of the drill hosiery uul employ ment 70 led the committee on the truce too was the young and ener getic walter c diehn editor and pub lisher of rr georgetown herald dr- culitcn 1 125 without which tt would be difficult indeed to rally the com munity for concrete work the results mere most eracourmglng renirkable multiplied soma of the back hate been paid up two punts u working on war orders the brta nostery makes socks for the ara the htggwst plant turning out produote for the department of rational de- is the towns wonder efafla amjth ax stone cectrical usnufacttar ing co ltd which grew from a aaad workshop into a large rnodera ett prue tn lass than twenty yean anlth 4k atone maatrfeotmv wtco trlcal pcroslalna plastic rnofcwng wtr- tntr drrlces and spectalues jmsc now fifty per cent of production la de voted to air force cedars more thaw v3 workers many of them woman are employed sales could be tin n nod indefinitely according to the plant of flee manager w b ford bat new msrhrnery cannot be obtained sasss rhtagtw wiq enable tha oomneay ta increase pro by a further fif teen per cent tn the near future btd this is the absolute limit the factory pays rts employees ten per cant cost of irvtng ha other plants tn the district have begun doing the same this was not due to organised- labor pressure thsew is no labor organisation of any ktst in existence in the whole district ninety tune per cent of fnith stone employee have pleoged to devote free per cent of their earnings to the pur chase of war serines fw wt which thua rax more than isjooo worth haw been sold through the medfesv of the punt the wor abu t3h initial ue wa shown by the rrnmmrr cnord assoo for the victory laaa to scqualnl the ciusens wtth the ir iro says thai drartj a ofta wf atrr of thr camnalir card were tie sraft ha joined the armed est nrlntrd to fit the reck of milk bottles cr and trus jere i beginning u rocorrmrndtng measure to sccumulate be felt s keen lack of skilled lafei tt is hopej that exempcione q rwrd to new classes so as bos dnnces narutn iro nn tliniughout the- u aprj of pifcr m qqo sahsgr and prevent waste their ufe ha changew l a ier smsll wayororgetown 1 disrupt prvx3 jc uoc the stor ot oeorgetowns war wf fort would be incvanplete without mention of its uryr sad ectree ca- i tyut frr1ly atti ikiihi mttt nioff uum ss00 uiui rulml linn miis kill ii nit n lirfl- hint a war boom out this t not 1 on the scale or boom towns like parry sound ont or sorel pqsdun legwo branch 130 which as where newly built pisnt gltc emplo- t m wo l the rountain baai 3f war mrnt to thousand of employeea ga- effort enthusiasm tn j has whjdk thered from far corner of the do- lj it up the street from uwyer 0ow ct je past wc levion j n jw ew- ti j mil mid noxtmber i pnnvnt iuia nimn from trn to i front of all war work and its aens r fnnsnrdfxl tlten jteit r cent the estru monr u ber furruah for iu a kind of staofc- q the bu nfloir or this l c are mitt oirmxift on three minion here businriw condition haw office the won the omen ivriv on dlftrnnt orcumona to from erntren mprmvd but not too radically em- gether tre the grounds of thr beautiful ninon i rmat- uie mont prt x iilloas here lakitkn on junr 17 300 clriirft te were ji trrulntion hiia heliiett the buine- it of fort uine local boy mm ndlvtaie transacuon haw il i t whwh tie eryooe icoainucvl oil pw joseph ihlwiih carorgrtouift iiniiir riiii out m al tin ntrreln llirrc htirlier hu nu svr m ht eighth term as director f town ultiilr mra b o hsotah ua hra watfausa thaatsaaa an amang iiiiiu al oaargatawn ladlea wba knu and eew far the ad cfwm tha gaargalawb uana olak eaaaaeu qaartwtaama aahrag eamnalgn du uaalm ftwtt aaarelunl whaaa track team the team la aaareh af iaj hla iniak far wa to tarenta aided ay bernard brlll aatraaw lama

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