Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), April 29, 1942, p. 8

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the georg hexsda wttwaday april 29jfa 194 gertrude mae cain school of the dance presents a spring brfevue to be held in the gregory theatre georgetown monday evening may 1 ith at 815 pm admission adah 3se ctuurea 20c huttonville park s grand opening wed may 6th dancing every wednesday and saturday wednetday 9 pm to 1 00 am saturday 9 pm to 12 d3t gibson boyd orchestra holiday special may 23rd j matvi ovtw special midnile dante may 24th admiuion 50c for picnics write cordon hockley prop or phone 357 r 33 brampton lottyiews hu anyone seen aaron slice from pimlnn crkkt srador tublets hinwlra and effective lilt two mi supply at ukoobuti drug aun watch for data and place of an unueusl type or sals by k georges wa tb womens institute win bold tneir regular monthly meeting on wedondsy uir eth at the home of lira a irra qeorfe street somrthloe- on for corn sufferers ue benmralnr the new local anees- theur pwnnrt oca in uopds oora ssl ox e jsr now at oisnmsns drug stare aarryl out to ft previous ecgge- mail robert tv lor will be unable to mar in person in oeortatown oo stay list wstoh this rnlitmn ma week or particulars a dint wul tsr htld la balllne- ftd tuesday usy mm eposeored by khmnit bail cub uutlc by vinr orcbestre adbileilon sc walcomr a mlculrvl show will be presented try the ladles of hulstjurg to baihna- lid lull itvur main stay a under the nirr of lb hsfllnafsrt group of ihe red cross worsen a is pa proceeds for had cross admission c and iv a latter ni reamed last m at oconyetowu post omce tram a sold ier mtmai who ocebctad to put on lb persona nsme for wtvora u was ndad the sender number 1 beles and lb parson in oeonyetowo wno baa brae oorrrvdondizka with him u raejuaatad to oall at the mat of- tioa and rereue their in lar protection against the storm and tleat just a plain soowestcr waterproof covering ica tola purpose ia to provide protection and that la what brantford roofing haa been doing for 57 years protecting thousands of canadian homes from rain snow from discoloured walla and damp platter a brantford hoof will give you more than rooting protectioa the colours ofa brentford roof are designed to blend and harmonlie with any aattlng their toft glowiog tonee blend with neturea own coloura to add beauty and individuality with a brantford roof you are assured of depeadables longwearing protection alk year lacal dtaltrftr imfarmatian and fritm aipbau staflmtalafd sumtbu keelage brantford roofs brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario ptr salt t qurchnew3 aar tnl kaaw ya mat thai taa aautrkt- eaa aaaja aa laharu ta tterlii at oaat ba aaa a aua- ar fiialralna mat llililtra mat a mar tffamhuta aaa linn at liimilm wub ataa- alad aaa tklavaa bar eaniaoa mat awwaaxra aaa rartura aaa uauaaara aaam lakaru taa uaa- aaa af oad i car t la st o ckartb n w o o thompaon rector pounh ounday af- 1 1 tvai wr eaa- i sunday acnool 10 am lloly oommun- tori 11 am cvo- tong 7 pn st alaaaa cbarta giro wuuaaaa fmrtb sunday alter caalrr bunday acnool 2 00 ojn evmaong and litany ao pffl oaareatewb ibttad caarrh r r c todd oa ulnutar 10 am sunday school and dlb cla 11 am public worahtp frracbcr rev charlaa ixalla proffwjor of pnltaa- ophy uttrmrratty of toronto 7 pjn oddfallowa and rabakaha annl veraary atrvloa and uuton lodsa ttalt- cburob parade inf cvfryona walooma st jabna chares 8ieartlewn rer b r oolabraok rector bj0 ajn holy communion 1030 am sunday acbool fit raat choch narral 1100 am italy aonunuiuon 1j0 pa sunday achool u 8uaaaaa chareh ttaraky 3 pjn bvtnuvu prayer rjurtor the paat three montha the aofucan parlahea of hornby stewart- town and nonal hatre been ralilruj a fund to atatit the ret t o jaokaon of dasaaer poland a former rector in halptng aome of the waretrtefcan mambara of hla paxliti laat weak the cum of aarentyere dollara waa aent to us jacaaon whlab wttl be need aa rail workers tell their own story of wartime transport vmoyt of ike nihocul lu0wrt tou tkr vtorj ol ulia- truaport kmi t ca- bdt ts lb fcllb ol i bc cbevdi tfodcuufd ccrportkoat ftioori4 frrrwft vow ol vbc- torf urn jhd wdmra hot tttt iflrfrtl u to mr thtt tu4 -mbi- uoei imolart law kitrrujl vt mtrtrd qtwly nd ulctr to hrfr ibev jc nrr4c dwrkw4 ihrtr rt ia the nlioci syttr tmg- r y6 thry trxlod4 ft frriftbt trtua coatdwlor ctff trwef rugndhouw frkank car axroctataet dpltlmt trtuk fofrman a trocp commhtxry car ctwf and a voaua aftrckaaii from ih national railvar unl tiooj plxnt tkr beoadaram wa coaducth by t o wik wiklatvl svprrruor of vtttmt bfoa4cajt for cuc aft4 11 soooli slacuxr iv pcrwtrth tse pari kit it arkk appfoorialt umtftjr photo thorn oipoer uft albert barsman reerlf a bis topoly of hoove di iron wik after he had low how the oo4 u peroarh aiv terrtd in cnr irooo traiu na4eoa si pierrr forcaud udot rlm tftb of hi rtuj truk nuiairaaate kjb jowohine si oil lower ritio lniuwlir of woeoefl aawhua optmof m iht wtr plul u iotuvicwcd bjr soook an amervrocy fund to provtda oamta- ajuca for hu paopie tb contrfbu- uonj made to the txxxvl by um mam- ban of the daxtafeea and he itifiula of hi jackaon aia gratefully aefc- nowledapd and apprecutad- ulnuter rer j c oatrom da bth thuriday april xo pm- prayer mwunf ounday ixay i j0 ajn bible school claaaaa for all aj t pin dvvnlnf aenica ltax rar chaj lfmue of victoria ooueaw toronto ur oatrom will conduct the t- vloe and alnff welcome haly crmm ec chare rev pt v j uorran lit 3rd and 5th sunday uaaa at tl am and and ith sunday uau at 0 am emi praaajytartaji cterch oa rev oh o oocoxant ba mlnlater 10 ajn sunday qcbool tt am public wonhlp t pjn puhuo wonhlp uanhiana tyaahytartaa caavek 3 pm bible cuaa and ounday achool 3 pm paihlk wonhlp the red cross is your liver poisoning you ajanaualtai ami tired autearv e wwoaiaulteaiallaillaa oea yu ileal and tired aut eary lagatvmya caaeetlaajte caalt aat whtoutsa aad vaur ta h atmftniiu yamew ayatthwwp imiwititmaylftttmr voar tlvar it th larctm org l tad most iaspoitaal to jpour health itt litre to mutcua utiuc and tumia if unhealthy your bodr lacbi thla anargr ana to reach your blood oof of order proper dlatulon and leouruhmatu top youre polaonad with the wane thai daoonpoaa la yoof utaatlaaa nanoua trouble and tbeaasauc patn arlte from thu bolson youbacomaoonitlpatadatobiacbaiid bidaty cant work proparly tba wbola hem la affected and yoo faal m head achy rbackachy ofxry tired out ready pray lor akknea end r jj thousand c a taablfhs tisft aarenerara torsetown lumber co ltd cnobfjarawn tlaaaaaeaari tlhl tona nud ma hattar atlttrtu ltfaad uulom ood health iieaultf avwi maklaf ou w3 improved fruatlwe an canada ftav-raarrah- aad gieuul m hiilka aat pesoals 10 ffa oafmaaa caikfn a at won prompt relief iran these muertef wuh improved frulittlves liver tablets the liver is toned up the otberorgaba ftiacfjon gormallr and buliis good health lartest st try them reminiscences of ghs continued from pace 3 launbrrt waa a arvsai influence on ui all x remember one day he tare u quite a lactura on the tmportenoe of not laanns achool too youns aa an rnmnla of the fate that betalla tboar wno do be told ua of one yotmr lad aftto htft achool to aell unpiptn and twenty yeara later be wae atlll dotnt juat that even today aien i think of that atory i rearet the tact that x nue up in deepair and quit achool at only thirtyall out apeaalny of newspaper routea 1 balleve auch a route oan be uaod to sood advantaav by an amhttloua prr- eon and to uluitrate thla point i arul uq you of the amarlng ancreaa atory of wetr of id now wetr dldnx att at home by the door waiting for op portunity to knock for be knew aa we all know now that only aaleamen and bul couectora knock on doora fylentu and delivery boya barve rlcht in weir wanted to eo aome- wnere in life of ooune he dldnt care to be one of thoae but indurtrlal typhoona no i dldnt mlarnall that word who go roaring through ufa eo they oan get itch enough to die in luxury no weir dldnt want to be one of thoae fallowa but he did want to get ahead that la why be decided to work hla way through high achool by atlllng newapapera and eo month after month through wind and ralii and enow and alaet and then aome more rain weak end haeent chang ed much have they wetr could be area trudging about the atreeta of oeonjetown delivering hla papers in order to get enough money to pay for hla atudent council feea on cold winter days hla hands were blue with cold hla face waa white with froat and hla nose was red with pride aa it bhuhed with daucht at being kept out of e elaea builneas but now cornea the more serious pan of thla atory after se yeara of hardahlp delivering papers the great day of watr graduation from high achool came so taking hla diploma weir went to toronto to mod a posi tion auuahle to hta quan now moat people in a case like thla would have aetsed toe tires opportuni ty that waa off end them alt not aa weir for ae daye he oanreaeed all the largeat and moat promtaant buataeea eatahtuimienu in the city in order to aae where he would get the moat promising position after very oaxafuuy onrulrtartng each oompanya so a patpwu fnwao jvm 10 ctslon lie wenl back to the route at this pourt i break into my atory lo inform you paopie that once again i have written far more than i in tended and that the rest of thla atory will hare to be left for next weak however i did promlar to tat you of cdgar bseneye oar thla weak and eo not to disappoint edgar after he haa boughly forty-fn- ooplea of ihe her ald wu u lo do eo cdgar used to drlv to acbool in a reasonable facatnule of a ifog oukk erdan tt waa a larra car with double pirated fenders and a roof made of woven brush to cover it edgar had tried to get insurance to cover it but the insurance company gste him the brush the body and una were vary eprctal however in sdvercreek ed gar had rotten the liody by iwjher and ihe uree by fishing in the same place he had picked up quite a few spare parts for it at a sale tn fact be waa always picking up spare parti for it every time be hit a bump edgar always parked the car behind the acbool right beside the aahcau one foggy day he came rushing out in a hurry to get home and was two mllea down the road before he realis ed he waa pushing the asheen and i do mean the ashcan ill tell you edgar had to do aome pretty fast talking that day to convince ur lam bert that be nml trying to put a fast one over on the school yea thai waa quite a car i remember one day i was planning to go down to toronto k edgar offered to run me down with ols oar wen i had been run down with batter cars before but x accepted bdgara kind offer when i got in the car edgar began spolorlxma for ita condition my brakee are loose my urea are smooth and besides thai my seat cover la badly torn he said wall i wouldnt worry about that edgar i aad aa long aa you ua sluing down no one will ever notice well that certainly waa a trip we had every urns we came to a big hill edgar ahlfted to low gear and hoped for the beat after a while edgar would breathe a ugh of relief and about ojt were over the top now you can atop pushing and jump back in of ooune t only had lo push on uw lanjr hllla on the amaller lulls i just walked up then watted for ed gar at the top bdgar tmaty got rid of that old car however and got htmeelf another one which waa a vary gnat imn in fact with hla new car he found that he could leave home a good hour later than he usually did and sail cat to aebool juat intime to be late girls wanted married or single for essential industry on war efeort you too can help on war ptatlisctsob smith stone ltd georgetown njsciav uia

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