Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald senaryfourth year of publication wedomy may 6th 1m2 se a copy 200 a yew red cross campaign opens monday may 11th own council cannot hire lome scot band for concert series of municipal as tin veto motion auditor report will not include lut of delinquent tax and water rate rfkil tnrt last cujm tha fut liar in two maoin rvguur apru mrrttnj bring ran- 4tf rnitbbars fsiir4 to up lo makr qjarum a buir u read trot lb jvn at of uunvrttij affair cfapialnlai i motion ead mitier to ihr to tin lb laror ttrou band k cart erf twj ccacrru at 09 ft dorcrt wojld dot br u tdgfitltno forbid ir eranur moory by town counfu u bbjjj htrwlk and the council had tin their usual tract by uii uni- fwxhnrt a oousuy oouonj i lo g1 ftmau to ftjcil ai and u u etprund iuti oiputatiod from oroxgwawn com vfll aurod th nrxl martin cf county council in milton tn esort to have th lorn bcou cany on cr k it uardon- tw u preaadrtu of the hand thai precrat finance would lb hand to oprratr untu mt in tod that aftrr uuu monry hire to br found otneaiert mn raprdmft id connecuao lth th auditor ir- t the printing of which his brn vofcnabr odd up this ar due 4it at the local pnnun4 the council drcidid to omit of ta tod watrr innu til booklrt and to have only ccptaa printed to place of tor originally ordered mr thomas ltorut iniemrwrd oo behalf of tor properly litter of oecrgctowt united urch and aakrd that the dltcn hi t of to church br ujnl and filled to provide parking aocoounodaucn attendants thr irqurat w ted and members of thr ooniir- will aaaist in the twk due to rtare of town labour pennlulon was granted to thr nv ue of canada to hold a tag- da august and to thr chin cm war ef rund to hold a tag day thu th a t wilson and elmer c tiomp- were prearnt in connection nh r renewal of public liability in-tur- cr under a e wllson a- co tnr um haa been reduced 25 00 inu oostlgan stated that wnu- ac- ahould be taken regarding tiir dening of the papcrmill road and r deu telephone co alll bv prc- tlonrd to move their pole to a tlon on the now road boundary a preliminary step tn the rorkxcd dtnloff correction cm u fitm li iu w nln u4 lu irrunn u lk ihj j uum nin ui w tmaivu u mrptym ua vt c ik mm na tm iniiiiu u u rt omm uita mm far t- umui helm i4 one woman war effort ctl t r waevch cpl t 8 wamrs maa a amoriji a group of revtormen who anoke from the braver club in london dilnd on a radio broadraat lait ounday noon cpl warn rnllitrd in the army roily in im1 and when thr lornr flcou ment actixt hr rrolned the rmlment and proceeded ovrraraa mith them la summer ifr rccchm his promotion to corporal oer thrrr hr aaa a mem- brr of the daptlit church choir aiul ihe ororktloan clioral soclky pcm- colna one of thr flneit male olm in thr district and han on prttrn at thr pre muaic frual he was olm a member of oracr male choir brampton ills alfr and children live on victoria 8t cojlfe vlrw ororke- to7i tom u nrarlnff hu ovrraraa band unltorm in the picture rs k barber miss jean mackenzie give talks at iode meeting iafteb donarsizim tomd sous drive future milt- inqb in legion booms he counleaj ol btrathmore chap- ioj3e held their monthly ung at the home o mr arthur aumont alert williams on monduy nlng may 4lh mr c v wu- the regent prtyjded in the n and the meeting opened ulth mbcrs repeating the prayer or the dcr minutes of the last meetlnt re read alter which mn wallace ompaon gave the treasurcra report onvencra ol various commltteca roqucjited to give reporta on activities mrs j d kelly re- d a jplcndld responac to appeals magazines and stated oho had now ugh lor another shipment ths are committee convener mrs rid ford urged members to bring used summer clothing they mlgh e either to her home or to the e of mrs j u lambert this thing is to be sent to northern on- or distribution among the needy 8am mackenzie convener or the ergency committee told members upon request she and her oom- tee had assisted the vote yes on plebiscite committee the suc- or their efforts was borne out by great majority of affirmative votes georgetown embers discussed the advisability holding future meetings in the ion rooms slnoe increased mem- malccs it almost impossible for members to entertain the ohap- thelr homes the motion was upon by ballot ond the results in the affirmative e holding of a mile of pennies was decided upon proceeds to go go to war work and miss am key was appointed convener in trge all members were urged to out and give their full support to committee n respono to a lotter from the vy league chapter agreed to or- ilea a navy league tag day with a kekh barber as convener ot ae embers of the chapter joined with regeat in welcoming two new members miss a patterson and mr 8 w orr into the order mrn williams who acted as dele- kate to the provincial convention ot the iode held at the royal con- nautht hol in hamilton ffavfc a moat inspiring report or business transacted here a talk on current events given by mrv keith barber explained in u very interesting way the origin and alms of the v for victory campaign in europe the v sign was ori- hlnamy meant to be used as a svmbol for all sympathizers of the allied nations and is used by the under ground in occupied countries when the time is ripe lor an uprising these little v signs will prove invaluable to us the pterplealng problems of in dia was the subject of a very inter esting and educational paper given by miss jean mackenzie mr a beaumont addressed the chapter on behalf of the new red cross drive and in response to his ap peal for support the chapter voted 12000 to this worthy cause mrs wallace thompson moved a hearty vote of thanks to the hostess mrs beaumont after which the meet ing came to a close with the singing of the national anthem a cup of tea was then served the 6eorgtown herald british war vktiuu fund forwarded to toronto evening tologram 282932 cash on hand acknow ledged 3ms0 canadian legion branch 120 b00 money found and turned in to chief marshall unclaimed 100 total may oth t 3s3s 01 mr k rmli fcmft 1st aui en uh usv psr vrr 44 ihe nssn alrn t la war imlatv i ssd and ute ui mail m oarrn uissklh georgetown lady has myriad plans for raising money- hejpins war victim will sell copies of poem for war fund former mcleod home converted into apartment by j b mackenzie son valley view apartmenu once hoar ol leafif georftv town buainetiman open to public at red croat tea tku saturday in ever eit and loin mill htmlt in canada dofrii of lomrn atr ftprndina ail their uxne to hrlp ojt canada a ax effort hai air rm- plojrd in munllloru plan mitii tiii irono active 1lh the lomrn n ciixi- ion ot ajtny and aix foic- hur othera returned to former ob clettta and tuaft fechooltesachrr- uixl bank clertui aj arm tnllatmtnia irjvi- manpower ahortajira in rvucj civ in m otr uut bock of thev fulltime r or- kem i u army of canvwlian women ho art icoinit stboat their nkulur rvcidri job iiile their fjmrr tunt liktn up lth utr work ot all kin j hen r find uch orrunlxu- uounos uic ited ciuv and iht- lo 1c the laeion wa untl the kt- kajv lo mentldit oitl a liuv ultilt vxuntlia others are knltlln nwl i u jkukliir arcls ntliik uiim vnliy in ciiiiuens not anuuiit the leisl ol tin m- l mrs kiithertiif instjn iho fan i found uny ciij lit her ilsji and tlilp tov uiu n suurjm on m un stnt t hre this fiitcrjlmhk lad liot onlv i uiu lite uulnev mid ke houai- but is involved in divns of plans to help tin urittsh bomb vlctinv and the men in uniloitii her alorc is tiluti uttli jutrlouc post it ijuy war sav ins certificates tnliat now for active fcktucc buy the in vic- lory doiuls sonic ol tlum n i ami niiidf tlie sinillnu euerrfetlc m lreiton uheit not ervln ciihtomrr maps out new vvuys of rulmng money for vmr work knits and mwh on ipillus and sex und tlrtmts bolls down quan tities of milvmifl ful but vve re m t- tlnn aliead of our storv it ha in tlie hprlntr of w0 that our ut ten tlon was flnl drawn to mrs prcatrn when e journeyed to to ronto to rnuttaln the boy at uuub- dounc darrackn stauoned there with ua vetrrnns ouard were buvcral oeonrotown men und it must have been a ureal thrill for tier l miik to thitn sonar comiiomd flurlnu the great war by her mother mns ellia- beth loud three of the jvongti have been published the mualc conjwsrd by a sister ura dorothy swan of brampton a teammate with mrs preston m the work or trathertnu quantities of aecondhand clothing to aend to england the next aprlna at a war savlnin rally in the local oretrory tlteatre oeorgctownero had an opportunity to hear the fconga loyal canadians when we march into berlin came bade ajraln to od crmland ich nr jut av ioik 1 lodiy aj vati en i it was nttnt thou uint yrais aro mr protons 73ard mothn has bwrti an lnrtion to her djuuh- ter- in trlr wllniijitxl tsk ii lis tjvc aho tofturvil tiie idea of htop llltlrr ima and her nlmblr flnkt aorkrd h thr hour making doirns of thm to br dued in thr lunh rikm undov mtmi hold to local proper an a rraiilt cttoo rnt to thr llrmct- min sh co ambuurwr fund in urampton inl 18 7i to th- count rs ol strathmor chapter bomber fund her- in rorvetoat meanmhur mxj loud and mns fliun had batfun maklruc little drrsacr atxj wnoltn thorn over to kneland to hu itoinb victims ciraluall tfu nds b an nukiiik contribution- inl thr klfta brcamr urver ana uk r until u katlidk aiul mistave 1 ami a pioln in and the idea vi is folk ud ut liulth n hukf 1k at one i inn hie w uuur of the km- pin lundi vmn filled with coau and safilrrs shoes blankets bon- neu evtr concfivabe artc of tlohiiu hlch could be tistxl hi kiik- ws r ninnies in nmrmbrr the vhliimetit uis rtad niwl when the idns vvirt- hivlns dilllriih with biiifiim it securely for mirwus iiliip- ment mr john ltinhtni of alllatue iupr mills ltd rami to the rrscur tn dutiatin a lunre wooden box and i t in j it ftrapihhl up with metal the 38h pound box left canada shorts on january tith uddretvsttl to mr- vnufnt massc wile of can adas huh cominksiomr in london and in dm- course a letter ol irrauful itcknowlidirement woa ncthed from this lid the ladle immediately benan plan ning 1 second box and as it hapim-n- rd ot the day lom week when u her ald rewit4r called oi mns itehton jwvcklnk lad jut brcn compleusd once niraln with uic cooperation of mr bingham und uie iiuhc box was hlt- untj in a corner ready for ahlpment one of mn prefttonft original hchcmcfl vnb that of u quilt on which uutoffrajjis and measaffcs were utttch- sft iu bquana which xold from 10c to 175 this painstaking task took al most eight months to complete and when finished contained 2s3 names the sum of 3025 was turned in to the hcrnld war vic tuns fund and uic quilt was tent to queen dlzabcut iust fall no arknowlrdffcmrnt haa been received and it is feared that continued on vac 5 lions give 100 to red cross drive oenebous donation fhom balvaob fund voted to bed ch088 at the regular dinner meeting of the georgetown lions club held lost monday in the moothbon house lion leroy dole spoko to the members concerning the canadian red cross socloty campaign for funds which be gins next monday lion dale is presi dent of tho georgetown branch of the society and many members of tho club hold office in tho branch at the conclusion of his speech a re solution was moved and passed that tho club donate 100 from tho sal vage fund to the campaign and a olioquo was made out and nandod to lion dale on tho spot during tho business period which followed plans were dismissed for ob taining new members and a member ship campaign will be undertaken next month tickets for tho rafbo on the donkey donated by lion ii c mcolure were distributed to members proceeds from this draw will bo used for vari ous war activities of the club a discussion on salvage took plaoe and lion president r llcata was congratulated on his efforts in col looting salvage and trucking it to to ronto to be sold a suggestion was made that bins be erected in a prom inent location to which people could bring their salvage and deposit it this idea had been tried by an or ganization in meaford and lion o bumslde reported out it had been an outstanding success in that town an other suggestion was that each dub member might encourage the neigh bours to bring their salvage to his home in order to save collection time by calling housetohouse for pickups the weather hr ii t ifjtt on ntnjy ust arr4 nt till ed to uhc u-kvfk- avl in rrkprci to our itfo r hrard u tnls jltjt not rtrcvrueuis irw oue snd lhirtl- tas it matt br od loorly jnr call- ins lit nrrthrort of uut tentij namr r irtiil tm oj ijir uk 7wvir numbrr ho hr tafcs this uu- rujftt nosrr but vhal is vrons ltb ur vtsurr thro r rrocnlukl trie rsoilliar io of our fnmd out on tttr forui unr sartng be had tin tuied sevens- too arret and felt be ass a month ahaad of ume and in pile of the tpetng drouth vas itlll undlni nine cans of jersey mitl to the city rvrry raomlng that is bo some in tne country are doing their bit for the rood of th city april certainty did jump a cog into may temperature foe the at erase dslly temperature for thr month ma it i dftpros 71 decree abate normal it also ut a record for lack of ahoar- r thrre batng lrsa than loree-cjuar- ten of an inch of rainfall cavt ar inch snd uirrccjuartera brio nor mal tlir aeloome thoaers on oundsy last helped to break the drouth but much more all be needed lo nuar nood crops this summer louolnr are the local records for the area uslr ii and l trrnp tuea apru is 0 tl wed apru tf 41 thura apru a u eyl may 1 s3 bl but ms 2 s3 co sun m 78 60 rain 30 vton us- to a active servicenotes awi martrarrt long wlto rnluud ia1 lnur in the women a dlvlalon hcap hait rrcrurd a medical dli- charr lnn thr crlcr and rrjurned to her homr in ton last work end after a couis4 ot training at toronto and ourlph she had brrn postrd to no 5 8ptu at brantrord and took ill shortly iter iran f erring therr hlncr iimii jir had alien t wveral wcstka in iroapital in toronto and had been reciiiktating at hobw prist to retumin to braotfocrl wndm l cury wlerlrr who recrnily enlisted in thr hcap and 1 stationed at no 1 manning depot toronto wo homo for thr wrrk end flyino officer k mackenzie dating rrom may 1st kenneth a mackenzie who is an instructor tn navlffauon at no 14 service flying training school aylmcr where fighter pilots are given their flfcal training has been promoted to ply ing offlcer p0 macketuic who is a son of mr and mrs j b maclccnrlc was associated with his rather in the contracting business in georgetown and acton prior to enlisting in the roap on october 3ath 1m0 he trained at dunnvlue toronto cap dc madelon quttocc and summerslde pei where he received his wines later taking a course in advanced navi- ffatlon at pennfiold ridffe njj and was stationed at st hubert quebec prior to his transfer to aylmcr the georgetown herald soitnw comf ort fund forwarded to aeorgetown soldiers comforts committee 233jw ouh on hand acknow- iedfftxu 10457 the vvilrriaw aparurdia raocotlf cumlfuvd by j b uackroac a 8fla and rrady for occupancy will be nrra lo thr pobiac nrat baturday afirraoa and rvrninf ihw ua m1 b aem4 and a ucau adrnuilon chavrd wufe ptfocrxl for lbe rrd crow tjtf apatmrciu air in thr formrr uav lrod homr ahuh 11m bra u tosith mda of ualn and uarkrt btm near thr ozd john it barbrr hoaa pbrmrrly thr rntranor aa frwn uafii utrr t 1 th a alopini walk up k3m hill but to thr paw ruiifahrtt una iia trancr haa bwo chanjrad to the mejv rauly aotrtuttr uartri btrrrt aid thr houbr ahich aaa orlalnahf much lmaurr was purchaaad oo oo- tobrr 77th 1177 by the lair ura sarah barbrr uclrod atfr of o tovtaa dry foods imprruirto of tha day and autrr of the lata john barbrr at that umr william u lrod ma auociatrd in bualnraa wha a mr andrnon and thrlr drpartmoat atorr aaa locatrd in thr bulldlrui now housing mcurana storr and the baste of commrrrr it la said that tho firm raiplord as many aa forty peo plr in thr store bavin their ova ataff of lauora and mjuinrra as wt aa clrrka ur mcleod latrr look ortf thr bualnra himself and after hi dralb tooic fortywrvrn rara a0 ut john urbran thr prrtrnt ovnrr pur chaard thr builnraa from the tatal a rradrr rrcnu loaned the herald offlcr a store circular usuod by ut lrod andrnon co brartng tha dair of apru i8t3 niustrauvl wltll cartoon and pictura prlntad from wuodro cuu including one ot lord duffrrin oov rmorornrral at thai umr thr fourpajre circular advrruaao grnt funilahliagb drcu gooda boots and ahor millinrry mourning good and carpel burvhtna mrmbrrs of the family of the late mr and mra mclrod in clude mra ii m wclhrrald of wlnts- aor mr ororgr brgg of tbroot and norman mcleod of toronto for mrr grnrral manacrr of the canidlaa bank of commrrcr they ar fretro- rnt visitor in ororgr town the old homr a lately thrrratotry brldfc structure a a last occupied by cap tain and mra norman henderson and family a grandson until his enlist ment in the army last year funco then thr building had brrn unoccu pied until its purchase by tho oeorgvtown contracting firm and its conversion into an apartment build- presswood forgreve wedding at st georges the marriage of norcne mibel p erac daughter of mr and mrs v7 11 fvinnvne of ocorevioan and ralph prrssaood son of mra j pnssaood and the late mr press- aood of olen williams was solemnis ed last saturday evening in st ocoiyes cluirch of england ltll rev w o o thompson officiating thebrlde aas dressed in a powder bluo crepe streetlength dress navy occcasorlcs and she wore a corsage or american beauty orchids and lily- ofthevalley her attendant was miss detty kran of oeorgctown who wore blue paisley silk with black ac cessories and a corsage of llly-of-the- vallry an a mauve orchid the groomsman uut jaik prrsswood of olen williams the couple will live in olen williams total may oth amobl anderson mcguigan wedding vows last saturday the marriage took place on satur day afternoon may 2nd in fla georges anglican church of eliza beth youngest daughter of mrs mo- oulgan and the late arthur moouigan to ounner william ramsay anderson roa son of mr and mrs w j anderson rev w o o tnornpson officiated and mrs w p bradfaar playcd the wedding music the bride given in marriage by her cousin lao john willis of the rap wore a white sheer gown over taffeta the skirt forming a full cir cular train her headdress was halo with shoulderlength veil and she carried while carnations and ever ts bar only attendant was her ee ibm ruth morley of oolt who wore a dress of blue net with match ing accessories and carried crimson carnations and evergreen the groomsman was william sumson of laieknow an informal reception was held at the homo of the bride whew her mo ther received assisted by the mother of the groom outoftown gueau were from toronto dolt newnuuket brantford malton umrebeld and luoknow

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