Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1942, p. 2

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the georgetown herald wednesday may 6th 1942 the georgetown herald ubtufei aaj twn li bubficrbtiojj rates cinsd ted ul cnjtd buui ttco s ar 8mi ooptt sc ajiwttrfa im srlb w urt tm rhrrllr walter c amtv oawtfll i ucotlvray p ii itlf gitow bru ootllnt tclethone ka urmur of thr cvnkuin wrru ni3jt afsarutkw tad th onunoojitik ixvuioo ol tn cwjia fafce editors corner will georgetown district give 4000 in the 9000000 red croi uppral which will be made to the canadian people beginning may i ith the citizens of the georgetown district will br allied to contribute at lenit 4000 as their share in this great campaign this is a lot of money in any mans langu age and it will mean that each and every one of us must dig just a little deeper than we did last year when the canadian war services appeal saw 3400 raited in the district rhat at the time was a good record as the national objectiv was three and a half million dol lars lets and georgetowns quota being 2500 the patriotic record ol the district was maintained by a large oversubscription can we raise 000 more than this past figure that depends on you and you and yout surely the people who bouqlit over 300 000 worth of victory bonds can dig up 4000 to rive away surely those freewill offerings of 3200 recorded in the two herald funds in fifteen months can be enlarged in an inten sive appeal with canvassers calling at every house where will the money go it is impossible to summarize in brief all the activities of the red cross society but just a few of the bigger things may help you realize where your money will go at the present time 40000 parcels are being shipped every week to prisonersofwar in germany and italy hong kong singapore greece and other axiscontrolled territories the society has been asked to double these weekly shipments to supply 80000 parcels every week for war prisoners the blood don or service operated by the red cross is organizing and operating clinics to obtain 3000 donations a week to make the precious serum which has saved countless lives hospital supplies knitted comforts for men in service clothing for air raid victims canteens are only a few of the varied things winch the society provides in its humanitarian work thats where your money will go to help re lieve human suffering in all shapes and forms to cheer up lonely men far from their homeland to save lives arent those reasons enough to be generous finale we bid goodbye this week to our anonymous correspondent who contributes a final article on high school days weve enjoyed them and to judge from the comments overhead among subscribers they have been one of the most popular features of the herald this spring too bad a weekly papers budget doesnt allow a paid reporter or mr a or should we say mr e would have a new job we can appreciate the many hours of effort that went into the composition of the five articles particularly the hockey train classic and last weeks poem which was certainly one of the cleverest of its type we have yet seen speaking of the poem that line what it is makes corns and callouses and why aurora boreal- ases brings back an amusing anecdote from a summer spent in troispistoles quebec at summer school a popular rendezvous with the students was the cafe jacquescartier where the pretty waitress was known as aurore one night a girl student asked if anyone knew her last name and one of the male wits said it was borealis thats funny said the innocent victim of the joke the prospectus for the school says that the aurore borealis is one of the sights of troispistole the joke was carried on for many weeks before the student finally found out that she was the victim of a ribbing and meanwhile we are quire sure that mile aurore thought the english students were completely fou because of the peals of laughter which greeted her in the cafe but to get back to our correspondent as we cannot thank him personally we shall take this occa sion to convey our thanks and those of our readers for his contributions we hope that sometime iri the fu ture hell get the urge again and send in some more articles auditors report ready the 1941 auditor report will be ready this weekend and interested ratepayers may obtain a copy of this at the municipal office the report is late this year as sickness and staff changes contributed to lowing up production at the herald and we owe an apology to the council and to citizens in general for our taratness however as a review of 1941 financial affairs portugese bullfight brilliant pageant without any blood being spilled tku u the itth la lw wttra 4 ttoir att lrt ta aarllaw brilaia iaj rrtvrm fey way tf wirl sw7 an- wrttu it la vmfel kwcbjftm af ruuij oy tlkfb ttmu fur x ik rrca krv aur- i h- alrsrl rimn st- n- 1 u4oii thr cjji ol itrljiu 1 u rrst i i fcotiir mjtfc hraiixly lit i rir ia ccvjt3 by m joj oi ilrsi rluj i do ltyji n in- vi ta mi- k idr ujca ijva1 to tilt irtnjirii ol 11juj mil ltnr wn 1 3 uv 9lm tin runjiljinnu c lit- u ulvlrr ul hiuvsj4ikl tor 4u uiiton u tfutwiiuw it l- i cjt at ofcc jnclmh and mouvni ailb tlr strnjri uoidritd by nuimilsoriil isoi jwi cifsni aitri bilt mo jr ttwrr air im t of tteep atrja in atuch hjuifi ol mai toioirxl ftociu fcjatlr onr anihrr conjuaatcuy tiur mrtn turn pj ws mo try croaj in tyyca kuumr- ilkhaitra turr- winj but aranr- foldrt rrcajacft cmrn nrryini jr of tr on trwij hrd in cjsvmc pasr ttw cnagtt no dcxjbst but my dtstry irjj m aittrrrnt tor up to thii timr it ind bmj fall avnd comtfr a ftdrr- mi umr tfurwj liui tot liw ini m lyjttujj it u bnrt it iitui4i ortobrr ixh to lnday ortobrr iwi thr irrritfr f m lsvitkon usjikixl it ttmn livr lrt 11 uallfim on jjsly ottotrr ilth t tti on turvsili txnd d that tfll luramlwi urj on riil fur four li trumr and hat rixrtk fur to p4cr ik- oo the bujlfuht l u itjt i axj ro notm to bring bck mrtnon of libon tnsry hn coming back rtrn ln m jri id rwurly ajb 44 aiijitmam au la tk rilal t vrl it u u in uir pnijlt of rm ialrtj ta thouwuwl of propl fnm nsviidornlnatsd luopr libon in tisobr mumtru at for tomr fttrrn montru brforr uir atnboj 01 ubrri and companthr 4vairt uomr of thrm nave u mrotiilrm thr had pcv thnr iin to rroch ur city unxouniro hurvdrtxla pco6ajbst lost uietr uvr trlag to rrach it latxm m he onl nnt ol contart nt the frrr morkj iti ur united btair aivd to wmr ritrnt rlth orrat drlt- lh during uir cr4t irrura ihr atlantic to nr vork i ujs to htdr firt hand lhr stonn of mjctw of thcr rrfuits nw oil thrn did t itam hu nazi ocsaiiiutjon rntll nxam jr uior ioor irotilr ltxbosi av lll- rmll tiir doormts out of llrll i djdn t look oti ubon u uiat m- to mr it but a wrt of cal on thr i uacsx to uir liotnt- i t aiikiou ut rf mjtm as ikwuttbir whrn i icamrd i ttlkikj hi to iu rn da for a jilanr tynrvi thr atlantlr it was a tho k with uir mvtn other can adian editor i urvn u haunt thr affirm of ihin amncin airway and latrr usoas- of anirrlcjn liinrt luiira i vluod in tutr u ith olhrr rrf latfrt- tubd brramr onr of lhrm would i art out of fhututrm brforr uir ormim arrived i rnxuidtrrd would the united btatea br forrrd into uir air iillr i jtard on in uiboit 4iuntf for thr cupfkrr that rrr 10 h1o cominvt i had juvt romr b pluni fnwn ilriulu thr trl4 had 1u diuiffrra but uiry rrr of uw rxhiurntiua kind a fr hltfhts brforr i hd oottir unsrath- rd throutfh a bomb raid and hid manrllrd at thr way free iwoplr took uhmt uvihsp thrrr had iay been wrtif dunirrr in thoar dayr jnd tuthu 111 kniiand but uir proiir rrr my own kind and it had termed a good lar to br in portugal the vrr air ba dif- frretu i knew not a axird of uir un- suairr und lltur of thr cumom- an unusual numjbrr of lulkemeti were to br mvn rvrrywhrn one rould buy lottery uckrbt on uir atreeu bui could br arrrntrd for umiiih a cltfarritr lufhtrr urtuifal hai a brnmolmt dictator u profrfusor hajazur lie haa dour much food uiry nay dut uirre mitt br umet when he quuu at uir muoiil tudr of uir job aiirod of him the projilr urr denprrately poor many of uirm tiavr dradly ajckjiriurm i had lirrii urafnrd not to drink uir water in lbsbon or rvrn clran my trrth in it dutturd water waa aold ui five ulrr bottle ror that iwirposr nobody warned me aoulnat ail raw rulu and vnabiaiilra ii may have been a irttucr aalad or itrrtiatm a bunch of hondaomr grappa that finally wot nr to bm qut ul but it mjy hate bn partly the zrar that come from bring watcbrd day after day by rtirmy ryt tb oev haul victoria mmud with orrmim onr of lhrm aaid to br uir brad of uir kral oeaiapo i bad to turn wti my rujort on arnvaj to uir intrmauao- il iulu- i nrrr did find out woo cut iu tutr that body but i karw uir l hm uid i a triquic txi ulf seal anmrrrurrtit tuuoru thr orrmaxu knew tttat only oner in uir ujiomt br 10 ujttljn dd i frrl nuy t rar amj uiat u uir nibt uir ruc ui ihr bnuib lnbauy er u a djinrr t thr brtlub club it aa a rfiand old building and inaldr tu uiuk j1 oor coum taik frrriy tfc bafiflctu a brtjtu h4 to oaubdian rradro ii mutt 4rrcu usuxjre then 1 u uiat uir buufuht i aaw in lirfxtn portded miw ir- ci ration truiy i nrtrr ripkrd to br n at a buuftuht and on a ffcinday aflrr ijon of all umr it took aumr timr or ue idea to una in ii k uandnru and i aaland up uir attnlda da liber dadr on a ttalurday axtrrnoon dudsj- tn ue harra wno triad to prvwa kxtrry ticarta on u and looaiag at thr tjhu thr hufr coiorrd putvra adtrniijna- utr baluliiit favuiatrd ua tnry burr ucw rrafttsbbukr to lr11 katr tkmlm bam homr but tnry liad lacura in brlikam cuiorm of torra dor and raann bulla wowly ar trmrulaied uir paatrror ukoutftil r did tftr lop uiir i cfear mouatti m aa tarnaa uravr uulu ivd i and tnm uir umr and u pltcr ajd lihr prtrr ahhch iw only ti ran utfra of or lr than ti rmu fur bus at uut uir luir uiat rrally faartnated ua a down nrj uir bottom 6 turroa du rmbosloa wc aruiddrrrd mrr it jood roth trmrmln aaid hi oand- aru it mut br a bloody apictacjr if try are roinj to dlvmbowrl ui buu uaxfc in uir hotel otnrra of our liarty had other drlaua thay aald thr bulla trrmi klllrd it waa all juat prrtrnd out it waa thr nauonal ort fomrumruj utr borkry wr ahouktn t mitt it amide a young ftvturrae army officer aho apoar rtrcrurnt ungluh aould accompany ua to n- pialn thr flnr polnu one of thr croad had a tread arrarujed for tu boaim for uir lurty lslabon bull ring haa a matfntf icrnt nt ting tor tacab turned out of uir broad avrnida into a brauuful park in the centre roar ur nrrat circular buurlug a tall j true lure in fancy moortnh arc i u tec lure ivople mere grt- ult out of car a ail around it wtule handidi of other catnr off thr svtrret car on foot thr portugese lieutenant found uic proper door and ir brtran to clunb up hiid up on cone re tr alalia it reminded mr of thr ktaplr lraf oardrna in tor onto it aaa another typical hookry cromd mostly fairly yountf protur a fr familiers with uir children accorn itaii uui uir parmu they were a happ raxlted lot the bo arata arre at thr top on uir ahady aide liabon ls a hot place thr temperature in thr daytime ran about ttt degteee brata in uir aun cont about half uir prtre of thoar in the ahadr wr aat on chairs in a larffr uikcroaded boa nearby varloua promi nent famuira occupied their own bum the family coat of arm aboa rd on bright cloth huim mrr uir railutgiv in front uun below arrr thr cheap arata uruund a perfectly circular ring- with a aandy floor over on uir aunny aide a band played unknown atra thr placr seated about lb 000 and aa fairly aril filled uioutfh thrrr waa a btg counterattraction uiat day in a amall er city neurby with nrarly ticr aa many bulla oa ihr mldr af thr balla thr irtujpnar bullfttfht a it turned out in not a bloody apnctaclr but rather a pajrrant horara and ooatumra arr beautiful and mm thr bulla look lmirealvr aa uiry came on at flrat atiorung and oocaalonally inalim ihr aiid but no blood u nuud no anl- malt arr killed and no prraon ffrta hurt uiouah that waa merely broauar thr bulla failed to follow up their ad- vantagea whrn they came it waa iraa cruel than a rodeo much leaa encltlna tlutn a junior hockey match leaa dan- iretoua apparently uxan aenlor ruoby football the coaturnea were beautiful all covered with sold braid on bright colon there were toreadora aho fight on foot uilng a capa or cape to attract the attention of th bull cruf of thftw u the matador the nun who kills the bull ln spain or use a vooden svord and pretends to kill the animal in portugal the moun bulirightrra are caraletro sometlmea tben are other mm vho wteatle with the bulla and throw thrm the are foroadoa a buflr blow and thr racitemrnt begins thrrr u a ort of grand par ade tao ravalriroa on aplrndid arab horra and aetrral groups of torra dors tn brilliant yruow anl drp piua colorrd ttl auju ith gold braid thr trumpet blew ajain thr ring u cleared a gale at uir lrft opnrd and a black bull with bra ball on io horn rartir nujiuig tn anohrr patr arrou the rug opntd and a horuaun rtiurrd ahilr uui sulo jumped crr the fenrr into lie dicie aftrr liu font ruth the buu liad loat hi enuiuuajn thr toroia waved utrtr red raira tit jam and lr charged uirm ahur ussy neatly tulr- atrpprd or turned orr uielr raiir to ahow uir yrliow aide hrmisui utr bull loat tntrrmt hut he did 1 t kkr uu- ttorw and charged fur it lite catalrlru held atiat kkikm like to tiny apeark alui bright rojbn4i of thr rndi a thr bull ritarrrd ir turned hli hunr iranrd wamrda utr bull and neatly puntm the barfe4 enia of the banderuhaj in the fatty part of the neck- the spj broke oh near the polnu leaving rhbhona hansy log on the bulla neck the bull looked angry rather than hurt but he didnt preta the right until the men uh the eapea atlrred him up again hix dart id all were placed tn hu necft before thr cavalrlro look a wooden ord and all alonr ln thr rtnj now made urral attacks on ute bull be fore ovaling what mlzht hair uo a draili bkm with a rral aaord the ciosd undrrfctanding thr fme polnta booed cherrfuuy when he mlued arv cher red alien fie auocreded thru tiir trumpr blew gln aa the rw- frrt suitjna on a irdrtaj algnalrd utt ue llyht tv 0rr trr ofoiii roue aaay bowing axd unjju the bull kioked around and sua no one thr galea opened aitd a herd of ti aklnny trained trer each aith a hugr rowbrtl ob it liitl rame into the ring and en clrcird uie bull and hr trotted 00 1ui thetn ute ivrrd drltrn by two ultr buy in bright nuatumea ttmir aaa onr more fight 00 horte- back and ria on fmt they tended to gtow monotonooh ttte aympathy of use csuiadlata aa all with uie bulla wfikli didnt aant to fight onoa ooritlnued un page directory f r watson oeorgrowt4 oacr ifoura 9 to 6 eaoept thurtdajr aflrmoonj dr j burns milne dcntax ncaocon xbat clifford g reid lxjh dajl mvti1t ptionr i0 ftlaln ourrt oronsrtovd a m nielsen ssch tnr sf rvutast ckiroprsxtor xray drugless ttwmpbt lj atum4i ofitr ostr dominion star ooripkown lloius 5 tj9 tjs p cltt4 tksnlsr rtw it le roy dale kc m sybil bennett ba burmm u4 hjlhlan xi111 strm o rha i kenneth m lancdoo baniiur itolklur nsurrpskllf pint morttfu montr to loss otter onwory thmu buig 1011 strvrt is cl frank petch ad ix rlawuca of ivsckancsi prompt ornkf rssa ml cw po ocx 413 elmer c thompson omvumicu mmvicc iu auto windstorm cr tuiiwxj a ms suuimr himmkk bxrcsuionh plub ll w j oni radio r we specialize in this work 13 lean cierleaee j sanford son rbaae ceorgettown ue monuments x kkesm ivd isrrrcmino pollock a ingham gsjt ont dimsos on rmrust- 1tvt vr wort m or robert p worthy cemetery lettering am monuments ns to mm m sis qma 8l w mrion in town the report will be of interest to those who have an intelligent curiosity into this important phase of municipal life the town is fortunate in having an auditor who has the gift of putting into clear everyday language what others might confuse bv too much pomposity and the worth of his report can be judged by a recent request from the department of municipal affairs for a copy to be used as a sample in setting up a standard form of financial report for small munici palities once again this year a detailed list of tax and water arrearages is included in the book it will be realized that these lists were prepared as at december 31st 1941 and since that time many accounts owing have been paid up so it in no way represents the present situation undoubtedly these lists which were pub lished for the first time last year were responsible for the great increase in the number of citizens who re quested copies of the report one lady asked for a voters list while many referred to it as that book with the names in it we trust that their curiosity led them to read some of the other pages in the report which perhaps havent as much human interest con nected with them but are the really important parts of the book gray coseb lines timetable now ol bptbot dsjkju a- itsss iuve aaasjwwn s whttwand tmun is 00 ant m sm 0 11js am tsaspjn 330 pm 3j pjn sd 445 pin 4s4 pm b 940 mil m pjn 715 pjn bib pjn s jo pn b 150 in f toos pn 1135 pjn dally tsoept butldsy e sundays and holidays only o to klbobcoer d to atratfonl dally esoept sundays and holidays f bat sun and holidays moral ralph gordon thr vrratulr rntrrtalnrr or your nrt pnvnun illustrated circular pyv tobonto cub oavte keep your name in the public eye through a classified advt c n r timetable bayuafcs sattac ttsw cmo east nusancer saj sjn paaaanear and mall i0j sjb raiaeacer and uall s4s pjn passenfsr sunday only ul pjsl passsngar dally b4j pjn seoca tor toronto and east of toronto passenger only cmof wart passenger and uall ms sjd pasienswr bat only 318 pm passnujer dally caotpt saturday and sunday 614 pm fasaanfer and uall 648 pjn naaanfar sundays only iljopjsl cutac karlk passenger and uall s4s sua glaba4b dst tukm ofrhstasas l

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