Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1942, p. 3

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the georgetown herald wednesday may 6th 1942 danger liver trouble is serious m ym m aei iwhtiii ttiwiii riant h ww wis hr a fc t sty smisy fag yu state nlr il lubih i bar a ibtwthu w year ifcer 1 t wish hvi 1 law le4r luuhlwenaitiwii tyeafeejfi w wrtfrtu rirnn 4 fcfaili if wabiiliwy fan evtfr iks ta aftia a m nielvuoim iiobeotwe iatfukmtf wmafotf uo4 vm jow lir ga vmci wo r fritreetl w tfc vast td u twr linrilm w law troyfc i ii rfc iw nig psta tfim litiser caat wahi tw t isfovd rfwu4 ur lui ya lwt is iomm ta etfear erg aswoigw tonulfr ustug ga4 fcmidt nnim today j tni are cuuii u uiliaj burmhw twt t a aee drr iaww rysrwif oa lm rtw nt e bub ow tfc ol uattaj tnld wwa ll la mw paecotw ik ml mr j mimr ialwja sua e a brim ft ni jn ttrt a a 4 mjsuth bot ib launder times m an artlcl in whlcb it aufxuiiaiuttt or leonard keeor hlra auwr i lerbvctilrf of tto dnilllulk that pain of joura may on iron ubxoal rbrseajucu t inl bar it is rvwaled i torn feed adttr about steerlne to tb american weakfr with this i clear m quack doctor be no to watka ou 10 tszu of tbe omrattfrt tksidajre detroit tlmaa kw hmm directories ltad ii cofstown til nuou ubth in utcst otaaoroity oux or h ovkb cut ykab th ner 1m3 directories of utr beo tuapbea company were ibuki in ahbtovn and duuiet lut ml u ta til boma ascu ted uuau wttwtihmmn cqalpcwd wlin ub- phon hfb tfw b dtricton tov an uama ef s kj ssea bh mmtara m mud in in olrsrtory tb ne book cnrtntxl la bus ooxr vnlcn hu- tirpruhf ii from ust year amn- ooiacd nock th rwitpany unw lu nikaam to dlccard uk old boo in oiovt to promt crron and aicd lb wrosc nitonrft aod su tbat u b inekasml wiui otlur paptr to b oanlrfeutod to ur liau oahrao nmntlan one afsin admtiunf nunr man tbt tain- hu own dncud to uw war sav- lag tampalgn vtilcb te in un iui lb oompanya poury ot fwxlul krruhna ruhtr tnan u u pranouon typ of prar ytara iu- omt adnrumfncnta ctrau in ofed of ipndy cacj avoidance of unnrm ary cau during nun noun rtr in onlrr to cbar linr for th itfumt load war bavlixi atampi tnd rmifkatca ar on ucf at aq bfli tawptioar omora tnr ulwhtxit book irrrlns oror- tovn alio indudm uunt ol brampton orananrlllr hrwmatan win aurora tinrlburo and crtn u vrll at our on town improved uhiroim inttlwatlohal sunday chool lesson ltuea few may 10 carrolls carrolls own baking powder t 17 lynn vaday standard peas 10 sirv 10ox 3 tin hrmj baby foods 3 25 ketffcm peab8 i- x9e salnur uli far luiu oinoe1i bheao se geassic cleanseb fe wilu5 toilet tissue astlufrtx hohk shi obex soap bwkw iwpivncaum smtr corn syrup ase sse 3 ss 4 33e aytrsar catsup tomato l 12 dwkii c1kmc tomatoes 2 10 carroqi side bacon ready mb 9qc sliced pits ajrt soalighl laundry soap 211 klf9a cornflakes rimim 3 sse all bran urp p axe a s pw- ase shredded wheat a p ajc pineapple juice a a7e pciimi oil or tomato sane brunswick sardines a lie pck4 a tomato soc connors herring a x9c tomato iuice j zo n ae glauware free newport fluffs ph45 carroll a large eggs 1doj carton 33c tooetsoap camay 6 aytmer sliced or halves choice peaches 2 25 molkr pulr coffee ir si a9e w 53c fvancha prepared mustard oc rfnll 7 welchs grape jalce ih bu a7c lalagt caadr peppermint humbugs xoc butterscotch candy pound aoc han you a cqldt kleenex iv io jm- a teagr zs now improvod ivory soap tr 10c a ksv 3c pure soap fuiieafor every household washing purpose princess flakes 2 29 mt data far vacotabu sa davis gelatine l7 soe mccamkba siaihrkk ouculu wcdgtnvoed creams pouwi toe for wmto walk oxydol pit- ohc z4e 65o carum auahad layer cake itslt i xoc oranges 25c -31c- 43c doi li grapefruit 5 for 29c pineapples for canning ea 25c carrots and beets 2 bunches 15c freth tomatoes firm ripe lb 23c fresh spinach 2 lb 10c pippin apples 3 lb 25c i tka ritl to da al al avail to away rsurr and veoetabixpnices good iul saturday night onlyi phone 357 free delivery main st georgetown honbati se dj of adzaoklt lesaoh tsxtwatam n tsst oouw txxtuf uw iao t cabal r at brayer ssr ab nulla balak u1 uodarn praaeatctiona el christ ia picture and atrmon ofuo tive th imprtaalon that h was an atfaml- nata man who treat about dotal a- tla litua daeds of al one most taeb that ba spoke la a hall trhlsptr and that ha frarfully avoid ed th dubcultlaa and danfara ot ufa ouch a picture of christ sfcethar in words or on canvas was never obtained from the bible ye re eras gentle and kind he did go about doing good be was altogeth er humble but why five the false impression that graurneea means weakness kindness mesns a eeetl- mrntal softness etc the are the virtues of strong man and such was our christ he was a manly man who so excited the admiration of the boya in the temple that they shouted a holy hurrah ilosanna in hebrew oo itondsy aa our lord came tsta the city he saw and dealt with the fruitless bg tree and later in the day he cleansed the temple this seems to be the order of the events see hark ll and we will so consider them i jitas aoaaalstae ralta fcy aa ah at jadgtoia w lu in the morning sa jesus returned to jerusalem lie was hungry h had probably spent the night in 1 prayer after his time of fellowship with the disciple mark 1111 it was early spring and normally not the time for bgs to be ready to eat but he aaw a tree which already had foliage on it since the leavee form 1 after the fruit he property looked for flgs green perhspe but even 1 so usesble for food and there were none in a swift mlrscle of judgment he condemned the tree which soon withered some have assumed that he acted in anger but that is evl gently not so hu act waa a sign to israel and o us the hs tree was a figure of iirael see hoses 0 10 joel 1 7 luke 13 69 they as a wupq t if oywcrd ll fruit thai is the proves of tem ple uorthip tcochtng of the law etc but there uos no fruit of re pentance and faith of real love for god sec rom 2 1723 judgment was certain and our lord cursed a utelcti fruitless tree to try to awak en the people to their need i so our lord comes to us to look below the foliage of christian pro- fesion of our charities and benevo- 1 lences of our correct doctrlnol vievs to see if there is any fruit of real christian living how often he must turn away in sadness because there is none this miracle was not only o sign of judgment it was used by our lord to stimulate the disciples faith i what they had seen was only an 1 indication of what faith and note ii 1 was their faith could do the prom ise of cod to those who abiding in christ and with his word abiding in their heart ask according to his will in faith nothing doubting is without limit ii jesus stimulates tralse by aa act ot authority vv 1217 for a second time he drove out from his fathers house those who had made it a place of merchan dise of commcrcializid thievery thib is a majestic picture the son of god nnd son of man steps into the center of this unholy tratllc and with mighty holy indignation not anger drives it out the people who had sulfcred long because of this religious racket which paid a nice cut to tin priests themselves probnbly ns n nlft even ns such things ure mnnuged in our day were jubilant the boys who were in the temple for such is doubtless the meaning of children in v 13 were so de lighted at this magnificent exercise of his divine authority that they broke out into hosnnnas which as we have suggested were really a holy hurrnh well why not hur rah for our lord he will not tol erate iniquity even though it hides under the cloak of religion he is not afraid to speak out and to act against sin and corruption possibly the church would reach a good many more men and boys in our day if it would step out in faith to fight the wrong and support the right then maybe tho young men would shout hurrah for tho church instead of somo of tho things they ore saying the chief priests and scribes wero sore displeased v is both by the acts of jesus and the praise of tho boys they woold bo i and they have n host of descendants who hold b laces of authority today yes even i tho church who would be much displeased if such thing were to happen now but why fear themt is it not high time that the people of god honored their lord both by faith and good works regardless of what men may aayt ought we not to please god rather than men see acts 529 and hi 884 a n whowiw8 bu49 wfckea u saanara ual tkey aaw nvl tka alihtur real fariiilt irilii a keaaai are ar t eamekattr serve eas at a u taatr iiimaatltlw mr rrut su ar cwtu daily dcltvyjsf of otomogftowh maaaay w aaa tvuar la suara dhwbta westons bread timely topics for women ly itrioft stifatf voi b bowk oivih you away your home tint tnuv gtr ou twv it tu inm cotinf ytwx thirkutold mxnj lhtaffs about you thty could not pnuay find out utrougti ftttlu of cuuij uqualnunc or evtn irtrodiwp xt tfvrs a fairly accurate picture of hov fu you ar nutarcd with thu vort4 good of lb toclal cai to which you tattoof and hrther or not you are what u commonly wow a a food houuitreprr but afur ail three uitngi are largvy ajpivftcui faru your homa meals other more lnumau things about you u u your tataiilfroc our good taste your hobhlf your intnratt and skamaumea thine you aould rethrr krt hidden there ti wmethlng to the atmoipvert of every home that reflect the uvea of ita ocajpanta an luxnt of mint f th ran uli before the ha bren in a houte he mlnutr wtietbar it l the homr of ft happy congrniai mrllorkned family or not and x tvlk- tha a riiiht the uvuigroom u a particularly accurate prrbona barometer to our rlriktlt becaur thet lradiwlual taatr u btrti greater tcope hn to any othrr pan of th houie and btaldfa it u the room by ahlch they first jwlee ycu do you snt it to pmwit a latterins picture of you lit owner tnn here are lomr types of room to stoid at all oou int they glut ou away pint thrre u the glonfird gift thoppe ahcxe nery corner nook and cranny u loadrd with a hhexogenrout collrctlon of art obtcta uucnlr photographs and the list reveallns a cluttered mind thrn there u the perfrct tdoo1 horns which u very beauuful but abojt a cosy and hcmelike at a store display room in which there it nothing to tuggeat that anyone u living in it another type of room which gives a bad torpreailon it the imitation room in which everything pretend to be omethlng which it la not imiuuon onmtal ruga copies of hand painted pictures artificial flower hlrh fool no one but the ownrr wrtiapa the woru gle away of all u the drab characterless loom comfortably and adequately fumithed but tipotlnsj the owner complete lack of originality and imagination and a rumilax dearth of jitereilt j a room which peejudicea me aglrut thow who ike in it u th tooku room thr ownrr of which either tant read don t like to read or are athamed of what they read for no books or magaclncst are to be ifn anywhere then eery once in a while ou tee one of thoc 111 get it dona tomorrow room rooms in which cigarette athea old newspaper and children toy i maybe be around eerywhere and confusion and dual reign tupreme room whose duorbrtineaa and lack of uvajbuity are a aid rrflrction on the bad training anc poor management of the owner it ha been taid that a aomana home 1 the how- window of bar prnonallty if thu be true anr i believe it l then 1 is up to every woman to tie thavt her home doe not jre her away for ocr hcrap book when the hun u poor and down he t the humhkt man in town but once he climbs and holds the rod he mitc hut fellowmen and oodl the canadian red crohfl starting may i lth the canndian red crob5 is launching the matt iiiunmr drive for funda in all lit long and uuful history it is asking for loooonoo ana of this bum exactly half it the objective of the ontario division it la almoht fo vrar since the lost nauonal campaign for funds but timing that time uic central nrfianlzatlon has been loyally supported by it vocal branches all through the dominion and by the ayropathy of the dubllc at larftc during tha ttmr it hm met ull demand made upon it and haa carried on a vita ind irulispt niuibje work more than a million comfort have btrn dihtrtbutcd to uiom in need a prlftonrr of war bureau hot been nolntdinrd to gather information nnd advle relatives thounond of boxes of food are packed every week to be rent to british prisoner of war at i lie four clinics 3174 blood donation hae been received and preaened horpltal aunollc and medicine have been sent whertner the need ua urwrnt the ontario dlvslon ontrlbutrd 136 000 for medical old to ruvia clohlng ho been n for ptklsh relief in cooperation with uic wormns xnmliute the red crotu made and shipped 233332 pound of um tn briuln courma have ben fflen in nutrition tnd home nun- lng and an fctmrrfrencv nunlnn rcmtvc 1a no being enrolled the junior red crovt member have also played a very important tart in addition to knitting and sewing they are iupportlng 0 nurse in britain fir bombed victim under five and have donated 14 mobile kitchen unit ambulanc- and 1 station nagon to britain at th same time the rvd crovi in farrvlng on ulth its home obliga tion more thin ifioo pccrnu cre cared for in the 30 outpost hospitals which crvv mirclv nodulated uctloiin of the 1rnvlicc and more than 6030 oottlt nf m daily fortified cod uvir oil were dltflbntcd to ontario ichool children to carry on thin tremendous unrk of minplvlng comfortt nnd food to our trooiv in far lands nnd oirman prlson cumr of providing nunsea tocton and mthiicnl mipnlts al heme nnd abroad the red cros needs monev nnd plntv of moncv it neels vour support and mine tlie rid cfvj- ins nevrr failed n an imtr let us not fall the retl croxs tiik book ot 11ik wfkk th sixth column inside the nnloccuplfd countrle tlioncmnns oteen 112 iw m00 tin sixth column is n rolhetlnn of nrllcles written bv rcprcen- iitivf rlt ltiih of the nniloccupiid countries- jin miuarvk f cecho- vlovikln ocnevlpve tiibouls nf ftinre nied olhcn it oatntm a picture of horrorh uitbeltevnble of the incrediblv ravage mill ot the nn its and nf irulr dltlc efforls to destroy whole races of ihople both their houls nnd their bodies but it does not dwell entirely on thih krtm storv nr mrnrherv nnd ixtravnl it stressis rather n hope thru will not die the heroic mruggle of lluve pecple to survive the deathless rouuve or men nnd woman robbed of ill ihev hold denr vet pletljted to silent resistance of the tyrant xt tellf of the boveotim ind outwitting of the master race of the keep ing alive of thv faith or the people by underground newspapers and raolo proitramnpri rf secret organl2auons for sabotage and spy activities nnd revolt and ot the work ot the v nrmv but throutthnut there i a note of desperate urgency there is a to human endurance no matter how stronc the spirit of thoee people is thev cannot hold out forever in the face of cold nnd hardship and hun- gcr and a constant fear of reprisal we are waltlnq wnitlng for vou on the ouulde cays a letter smturgled out of norwnv youve got to hurrv ca8uerolf op rice and lamb just noa when bef and pork ore to scarce iamb is a particularly good buv oet a shoulder or leg for this weeks buiutay dinner serve with mashed potatoes new green peas and mint sauce then use the left oven in this casserole of rice and lamb your family will find it quit tempting 3 cups diced lamb cooked u cup cracker crumb 3 fcups steamed rice x egg slightly beaten salt pepper cayenne onion jules celery salt lemon juice hot water or stock to moisten line a slightly greased coserole with bteomed rice u cup rloe teaspoon salt steamed in 3 cups water add seasonings to meat to taste add beaten w stock and crackers fill centre of tacul cbvw with rest of rice dot with butter cover with waxed paver steam 0b mm serve with tomato sauce oonoensed tomato soup heated is the quick est to use hot rolls and a tossed green salad are suggwted as an occompuument

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