Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1942, p. 6

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sr the georgetown herald wednesday may 6th 1942 i i s as we see it v j- a atfeakt 9s ncvtjt know do w it 1 the picture of young nun in an air pore uniform with uvea hale on hi shoulder in ou of the wening lul week that brought it w back to memory tjodcmmth the picture we the information that to young mans parent had been boohed that b had ban killed in action kit tuesday vr dtdnt know him vrry well iu had ax- rind in our town to urn an an- pwnrinmhlp with a dructut of sears ha was young and b had father too much to aay it a th tmt time that t had wo amy area horn and no doubt had a fw tung to nnd out anyway b vraant liked very wtl we ban to admit that wr didnt cere mj much tor him either however wt taw vrry ttute ol him and perhaps w mlfbt never haw thought of him ac had w not noticed hi picture in the paper out winter altrmoon we de closd to drive down to toronto to at a pro hockey par and a we had room for one more passenger we took thi young lad along with us there was nothing remarkable about that we had taken good many boy down to aw their tint game in tb oardma and they alwayt ap- predalsd it no we oldnt ear very touch for thla lad but be gate his life tn order that we may continue to arjo such privileges as a trip down to the etty to are a hookey game uaybt he cad hae too much to uj exit be was young and away tram borne today we are humbly grate ful that ww had taken enough lo- tamt to this young lad to lake him to ae hi drat pro hockey gam and to did appreciate hi tint trip to uspl leal oardras v toc ajte in tha habit of listen ing to the ian theatre of the air on uondsy evenings no doubt you wis recall a recent pr of the play one foot in heaven which was given on that program th play was the life story of the sv william bpenor only son of the lata mr and urs john bpenee of x oct lull apmoe at tended itlgh ochool m harrtaton oct in the oos and hi nlokname ens th colt he later on taugtn school for eta yean and then attend ed toronto university lie had in tended gotrsf through for medicine however one sunday evening while listening to a uethodlst revivalist bishop kartswerj h decided to go tn for us aunlstay- his bride wa hops saorrla tha rlengnter of a stratford oct hurtnn man and they began he together an a parlsh tn ion in a small town at the princely salary of sm3a9 a year pro vided be could collect it tb hook from which tha play ion foot tn ilesven was takes was written by the oldest son of mr bpenee and glee on a good idea of the happen- tags that go to make up tha avenge minuter life tha leaky parsonage roof that waa tha cause of th moss being splattered and then tb young bride bring unable to tut up th psrsnrnge to suit herself without joendlng the ladles aid ur bdenc t dead but hi widow and three children reside in the united bute two of hla slstera raid near pslmerston ontario tub wat affcrxa different peopl in different ways but bare is on that deserve honorable mention we think ii is on of those ft low that is unable to say more than about six words st a urn without taking a puff at a cigarette we fart like tailing him to wallow the blamed thing and be done with it u give ua th idea of perhaps get ting inspiration from th cigarette a he goes slang out th war 1 to blame for th whole thing ft seems that he used to use hi car to go down town tn the city to work but with gas restrictions and th tire situation as it i h finds thsl he u compelled to leave the car at home and us the bus lie uvea away up north tn the city and his community is not served by street oar he doesnl lit th bus and maybe you have guessed by now the reason to use his own words everybody emekee on the bus and i cant aland it- we felt sorry tor him it apparently never occurred to bun that othrr pro- pi might have felt use obrung to his smoke snd now he is getting paid back in his very own coin snd he cant tak it perhaps the war may even leach him a lesson here is an old time motto ii your nose is close to the grind stone rough and you hold it down there long enough in time ou will ssy there is no such thing a brooks thsl babble snd tarda thsl sing the three win sll the aorld com pose just you snd the grindstone and your dsmed old note protection for you and your family the ripriftcntslivcs of law snd authority htlp prolicc your home and your lovtd ontv from the attack of the unruly itriintfiirtl kooflnjf loo hss plsyttl u urui pare in prmtttinp thfiuwnittfiittinjclian honilvfrom wind ruin snow and el ah at ha et w bu fit iln utiutks of unruly vkminit skii ltrntfurl koofinij lrouct luvv into tiltitctl by c unuilm hftmtuwiilr tor over 47 ytmrs to uthand ih vdriuiion iif aummtf and winter climuin today more than ever llruntford aphult slate art recognized fur thtir dcpliidahlc mtviic by thousands of aatifivd cumomcrt a llrantford hoof will not curl warp ur ftplit lis colours flowing on radiant us natures own arc desintd to blend and harmonize with any setting a llrantford roof atturis you of longlasting beauty rugged wear and dependable protection aik your local dealer jor iujormatiott aud prueu uphatt slattiluuiuuj sitting roll roofings branlford roofs brantford roofing company limited brantford ontario eu 1 fr smi h soy beans bf j o glkhiff bsju dtrwtor watm oct eqahlmental ttrm iudrton soy bttft have bo crown in on tario for the peat forty or fifty yfrt- thy have been used mostly u a fea for uvfatofkt u the prtat tor aoy bean for ou cxtrsctlon was not iuffl- dmuy hlth to make it attractive to the farmer 6oy beana and soy bean product have been brought to north amerifia from the orirnt bine the nrtaet war has spread to asia theaa protsucta are no lonerr availahle on this contlnect oonuquenuy the prlc has rtaen so that aoy brans have now bfitome an attractive cash crop tlcj beans are neded at the prfaent time to supply the nereaaary tncrvdlrnu for the manufacture of munition a weii as other nfceasary arudea tbry therefore becomr another product that the rarmrrs of ontario are asaed to supply aa a war necessity tne soy bran u an annual irfume plant that crovs arret it vartra in height from onr to five fret accord ing to the yartrty aou and climatic condition in ontario tne trry early vartrura are ahortrr than tha later types it ha a tap root and the seed pod are borne along thr stalsi from the tip to the ground boy bran grow and develop beat in the grain corn growing area of thr province they thme on a wide ranee of soli from thr hravy cly to the tandy loam and are more tolerant to acid condition tn thr soil than moat irgumra thry rrpond fairly wrl to applications of mineral feruluera particularly following a orop wtvrv hravy anpsbcationa of thrae fretiliaera hate been made thr year previous uoy bran are one of the crops that do aril on thr umr aou jrar after rar this u prob ably due to thr building up o the nitro fuung forma of bacteria tney alao respond aru to nitroculturr particularly on uu where thry havr not been groan previously where nltroculture u not used thr same effect can be obtained by spreading tome mill from a flrld that hs groan aoy beans in previous year nitro culturr may be securr at coat from thr agricultural office in uuton there are many varieties of soy bran the three leading onr in thr province of ontario are mandarin oac 311 and ak thry are all adapted to uouttr rstem ontario there is rry little difference in uie lrld of these three varleura but they vary somewhat a to maturity the ax ia uie latest of the three snd l mil auited in drx and part of hmt county if torn ouuide this district thry should be planted early in order to mature properly the mandarin t not so strong a groarr but yield well in the con belt u sown brtore th 10th of uy tiiey slu rlpm rart enough to follow a kb thr all wheat crop in thr fall the oac 311 ia about al ntunng tnun the ncsndarln in uinivtcrn ontjuno soy bran art best planted in roh by sowing thrtn in tnery tourtii sprout of the grain drill thu maaing the row 28 apart ruu proven a aau- faclory raethocl tn mot difttrict 30 to 15 lbs of mandarin and ak vurlr- ucs are hufqclrnt to how an acre ahllr it rcquueb about 4 d of oac 311 a these beans arc bomrmhit larver in sixr soy bearu nrr by no mearus a crop suitable for unothering aeed thry do best planted on a cleu flrld liar- rowing after the croi u up lis a kk1 practice and aill tend to kitv a to of the annual arcd in ciiick aiid will ae a good deal of labour laur on in the oeaon after tlie branb nrt well up they lould be culuvatcd in about the same aay ixh corn or the field bean crop a the soy txan npn the icno fall off but they do not huvr to be harvemrd at once and ma be left for a few weeks if other aork b pricing at thr time in ihp un the md themsflf to be luiniviitd wiih n combine tin re ls wmc dlfflrulty in having the bottom pod with a com bine but this 11 a ditllcuui that k prisent in an method ol iirrllnk tlie binder ft ill lu u 14 is vxt 11 the binder or combine iiutttjmuui- lng uils dlillculu arc mort satl-m- tory methoda of hnr4htuii ilim m otijcr at the pnmnt tlmt tiny mie time and labour and net iu ly lioin gathering up a lot ol ioil ului tlvctop if thi arc hurviud with 1 u tn pulltr soy beans may be lianlstcd uih n bean mill a rigulur uraln thrihtr is upt to tpul 11 gnut many of tlie bearui if ul machine ls ud tlic cylliwli r hu miould be reditl d to itboul hull o iu ngulur rate riu- ollur imrli ol the muchliu blioulci om rate ut the normal m in uuti- llon uu uttli in thr coiicuvl hlionltl be rwlucl to a mnklr roa or should im rttdactd uuoutther b mkkkii ulunltes u uu wdithcr is wet at liarwum tlmr roiuildi niblr cure hhould bt tak tn us uie hoy btaiih niiht rontam too hlrjh a itrciiiuiite ol molsture to ktep projatrly in btoraue boy beuits llmt ure tiurvettuyl wtt aliould alwui be tehletl for germination befoiv plm- liuf oh their vlullly may have been injured elllur by heavy tram or by heating in tho bin georgetown lumber co ltd ammahottt new rtbb towth ksual uioaxmown manattov dl sftjskoxa durwuc thr fodowlr tnco lira andrew hvaolcg o vearlera miaathf wld be of interest to man in oeorxhosro and community who own a hun drcd am in tb vldnuy of untvriia and parry bound district reforested wlus nla and otnar tree this newly erected tire tower about mile from tn osorgetown plantation- la nearer to btmtavtbr and has bad many visitors who nan scaled tne high towir to look from it topmoat window been a few daring ladies have ventured to its bright we quote from tne huntavui farer vouowtng imsnlmnia fn of tn government programme to in- etude all uuianka mtmlrlpslklea within tn government fir area the new fir tower promised aa an of the of or futiltng fadu- ura in tnls locality ha been finally completed the new tower 1 loratrd tn busted township on what u knovm aa hendersons 1611 at etweu mtu- knka district iu high elevation oum mands survey of a large area in that part of th district and it concre tion wtlh two other towers it is pro posed to erect in othrr parts of the district will imilgsrnsle the chain ol towrrs tn uusaofce and parry bound districts thus completing a progsm for more effect fire fighting effort tn the two district it la tmderstood that no staff haa yet hern appointed to tear charge of th srrvlor tn th vktnlty of the new area the rxun- slon will b under th direct care of the central fire fighting organliauon at parry bound thr oeorgrtown pine planlsuos was planted in usy of irm and trees have made excellent growth during the years their seventh yeargrosrth on rtrlds previously barren enow now a young green forest where pio neer pint mer co and 0 years sgo stood towering to the skies ii is a real pine oat its sou snd cilmsle es pecially suitable for pine moii report tor april the april report of dr c v wil liams medical officer of health for ocaimotown shows six cauw of tneomcs as uie only cammunkahlv tlseases occurring during that mon th jhtckcnpox 0 bcarlat povcr 0 momlw 0 oerman measles 0 munips 0 infantlls paralysis 0 typhoid fever 0 whooping cough 0 oorehrouplnal uenlnglua 0 gpldemui bend in your social and personal items they aye appreciated by herald readers jfat sfoetb ee at a roevnjocst awixfiont bbii liant paoeant oonunued from page 3 a bull had his chance a toreador supped and fell on the sand the bull immediately stood aside until he got up out thr portugese dont ask the bulls to fuht more than once thry retire arter onr public appearance perhaps thsts ust as wrl the bull hack in the pasture field might get to thinking now u i had only run at thr man instead of that red rag and if any bulls get ideas like that it ought end bullrmhting there rrmalnrd one mystery how about those torros chsrcnnejlos wc sskrd thr young lleutensnt and he isughted heartily why he said wr portugom dan t disembowel our bulls it mrans how you say itf oh es ala dlsballed bulls you see the ones thst tight the hones hiw brass balls on their horns so thry cannot tear the horses flsnks the onr thst tight the mrn hae no balk on thrlr horns so thst was that yea youre amart or are you i tbouglit i wa smart too back in the 20a then the dvprtftsioo came and taught me leaaoop wed be a tot smarter if we put leas of our money into our own outfits and more of it into the outfits of the boys who are defending us dow by pledging ourselves to do uitkout so that they may have plenty to do utoh you want them to win dont you well then buy war savings stamps evtry uxrft thats bow you can help them besides by saving youll help keep prices down and bate nomething for a rainy day lets be really emart aw l hot ka emiaa iia mfi e null sshs natlaosl var finsnfe oteomlttrr m save for canada sove somdhlng rsguloriyr because you slranglhon canadas might for war youholpfinancepurchatesincanada for our allies you form ho habit of thrift that safeguards your future you open for yourself the door to opportunity and you smooth the path for pottwar readusment money in the bank give you a comforting tense ef security 7oaw fr 7ezce4z7oho the chartered banks op canada

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