Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 6, 1942, p. 8

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the georeetown herald vrfedattaay may 6th 1942 local news mothtra day ts in 8t- georges bandar school rooms saturday kay tth ma till sponsored by daughters of the church proceeds for curtains for the sunday school roobsa- robert taylor definitely tn cot be in town way na if he could or here ltd bet dollars to do- nuts you would rind him el the united church vju play aaron sock from punkln crick t the oregory theatre ij pn uay jlst cichre to legion rooms on wed- neaday uay tttb tola euchre u ipofliam by the wx to the lron proceeds going to its ftoldicnf fttad cerrbod welcome oood prtsea aitmlulnn x3c xubux clears tioe 8kdi hrls boum impetigo an psorui- u ohm oulrk relief while you wark lot tloo n medium and strong urommroord and sold by itobbij chiuo fttorc the italian oounty u feetlvel ahlth ni to he brra held in un ion on thursday and friday april drd and kua haa been poatpoiuj on account of an epidemic of measles in fcomr of the srhnrrfs parurtpallng the festival wtlj or held next wednesday and thursday uay irth and itth dr jh bateman announce that he wiu terminate hi medical practice in georgetown on may 18th and request that arronaement for payment of account owing be made before that date gertrude mae cain school ef the dance presents a 5prinq jt to be held in the gregory theatre georgetown monday evening may i i th at 81 5 pm admission aduh 3se otildreo 20c this year join the bowlers hh t georgetown lawn bowling club otfers outdoor recreation at minimum cost green opening shortly within easy walking distance apply now to secretary- freasurer phone 72 mothers day sunday may 10th remember mother with hydrangeas polyanthus roses spireas cinerarias and a variety of cut flowers from 7 ie barber floral co visit our store in the mcgibbon block opening friday may 8th we wire flowers anywhere phone 47w ftda member girls wanted married or single for essential industry on war effort you too can help on war production smith stone ltd georgetown red cross news pfx worn oitt whet can me nd to tulc or pott at a urn our tirrngih ij oredtid most ind no i tirrr about to u do tixi ioi cujry today we atrnd ajaout and kun and ttaitl wf wc the wxlt u fouif lai yrt ro aor corur to tu wt ksoi a tajjr or orrvicf to propocr we are thr elovr and thr gnyt at home arre yrtilkgrd to u vrt ihrtr u such that r could do to brlp the cauw if tar but knew iuw mm 0 uioi ho can lead krar u and hrlp u a at plrd rrj ua thr uk and point thr n anil aril do mtvicc tiigux and u djrar a ourat wr tna or too od to titii but r can all do wnirr b mwnj tiorrauj to uir isd croa dnr iuw up and hrp lach canvauer lo do thru uunoat to nutr thr cunpa4s on uay 1 1th krautr morr than thrlr orjncuit of w 000 00 boorfa ma br our varhaord for thr kakr oi uiom- tw fuiht for u uobhrooy auitumf llradquartarra air joru wndinj us a nra quota ith amount ol vooi iarcraor lo compirlc umr thia l to corr a prrloj erf four nxxith thu quotd uj luobihly con u in iocnr cni- uan knittuui whur tt tru not br aa ihrujuuj ai mttcr knttuiu it a vrr ixvnoaao kjplinv uiid ol can ada a djujhirr in lirr mouirra houar anj nuutiii ui hn irn thuu lady ol thr ttwaaa tirnfor our dy la cltur tu litlp oar aitrra and uiutirra in lur moliriuikl hrwtnf ii a as oox primltrt to lrar a radio brotjcu ol u citt nations uuidr j a to if room oj a canadian itm crorwi tils lujutinrf crntrr municuh ir in huxjt- laiid onr lonun io had lost lirr all in a rrcnit bonin up abc to tft conijrlr outlls lor hi r lixt fhj- itn raiuinn frxmn lix to iitt n tar of dr hoph4l o ir pnm nt quai u ri arlj com pt d anj ui tilt n ajitimt ir mi1 onl br mitm on wolnt sla aft r noons jimor iud crohs wf lur ju had a rtort from our luxul branch thr have disorrd of thrlr uilrd loud of sahaji at u130 and uw nivtn lio mon maazints lo the iode ti- liae don t tod 130 00 to uir srnior fl4xl cruaa and 10 00 to thr soldiers comforu commitur thr aork of our junior red ctoa l commrndabir and i un t x ample for thr senior mi nib r mlm jranr e droanr ol toronto dirtctor of xh junior rrd cruw trll- mti of actlmtits of lhr 800 000 junior rmmur- ild fourtmi mobllr kit chciih and ta ion logon have brtn provided through thrlr ctloru and a hoaplia bed hn brrn rndcratkl mori than 9360000 as raliod by thr aulora for ar riliel ork and peace t me u- tnitirft rc also continued with am ca4v trxmud through tin junlo- red cros crtpptrd children a pupd htill wotiitr serice tlu rtd crosa in both canada and un u 8 hat tddrd another v nice to their long line of duties nou belnff carried out to aid ur nufterira the luiiit ls that of carina for toncdocd merchant sallort and hou uell that 1a being carried out is dtwrlbed by tklaard ilackahau of toronto iho la home after spending seven daa in an ojkii boat he was one of lucnty aurvhont we cannot say though about what the red crasa did for us to help make ua comfortable kockshau ald the compute outfitted u- the iraxe us allocs txouftem tooth pasu aha tns tream and other necewir ltcma ttic even gave ua towels and a kit to hold the outfit moat of our hoya were bacly in need of help utten we got ashore after thone mten dat afloat and it did your heart good to see the way the red crou went out of their way to help tu out another torontonlan capt harold halifax on officer on the torpedoed ahlp waa auo loud in hla pralae of the help afforded hla men by the red crotu we were treated wonderful ly he ald they nave ua every- uung we needed and they okm if we wanted more it was a nice feel ing to see your men looked after like that prihonerhofwar parcels ab you no doubt know the red oroab expect to spend 31so00o of the 10000000 naked in their domlnlon- wtde drive next week on food and other oomforta for war prisoners they are now sending 40000 narools a week and expect to be wmdlng 80000 before this year ends each parcel contains food of highest vitamin value in concentrated form and costs about 3aq each have pity on all prisoners and captives thus we intercede throush him who was himself a prisoner surely tills type of work should ap peal to all and receive our generous support advertise in the herald it pays scripture teat likewise i aay unto yon hare to jay in ute prcunu m tie an- reb at oed ant we alniur that npaateui take mi 1 dud oajtnxy at oullph otwral ll txial on ouuitlay uar bd im1 many oart of otartrumn fx utmomlam mtnrt in itn mrtnory of a or wlfr and mouirr now ann uolr vho drd luf sth it e mntmlimd bj- lliiatund and chudrro rctnlniucmes of ghs tooqtinuc from par 7 t- i sould certainly bat lien tiim a run for hu monry nrthtr h oaugnt me or ikm out nov comra the aad aad story of any i il erhool i aa only ihlrt- tix at thr time and aaa arrloual coruudrrlntf runnln for a tnlrd urm in second form at lal tunc mw of the bo in ton mere busily entfagrd tn eourcuna scrap iron for lhat big ucrao for jap jmpaln mhldi no doubi some of ou will rrmrmbrr ror thu purpose ni tao tnoa loal and itaunrh com lunlons dob eul and itrrb amcu4 oaad to work along irttli ma bob and krb and i uaad to ba mora fnendly than porltwiena on dsetlon day yea e wer eery etoaa frveda in fan to show you bow dou w were are used to cut each othera hair bot aa i said ae three used to work togcthfa- twraute we found it was so much easier to carry the iran that way even at that it was all the three of ua could do to tti toe qjrtne out of edaar breneys car one day you can lake t at word ufl anyway you like ra we thought cdjix wousd rr i the motor because he aaa ui f the car anyway uof ejy tor us oowrwr edsar did cu u and lost no time tn reporting the theft to vj lambert now x might kmy here that ixr lambert used to hair a uiue mouo ahlrh ran someehmg like tlus the lord hrlpa those no help thrmsrlie but lord hrtp those bo trt caught belptng themstlira weil ba cudnt know for sura that it aaa ua vho had taken the motor but he had his suspicion to that rffact so he cornered ua one day t school and asked us if ae knra ui hunt about the incident walkout is moment s hesitation herb spoke up and said ilr lam bert i know for a isx that dob had nothing to do vtth lt- thro dob spoke up and said and 111 saear tnat herb doaanx know anyuilng about it ur lsunbert- a short pauae of deadly sllraoj fol lowed then 1 spoke up rather an- alously and aald coma coma boyv now ull the man that i didnt ha anythln to do alth it either at that dob and llerb turned to m7 vim the most hurt expressions on their faoaa and after ganthf at me tn amaastnent for a minute or so dob finally aid just ahat do you take us tor anyway a couple of darned ueret out i fear i hate said too much already and by this lime ulsa in- man will be working frantically to put two and two loawlber to find who haa committed this outrage against the school a dignity and so my trtenda i bad a fond farewell and laying aside my pen i liituy snatch up my ticket to rvniambuco and iratel on and on an anon tate fattawtag paeagrafks ere aamlllew freea mr as tetter la eaak- lag a the paater farwsv as4 far keu reaalla sbswld ba rea4 arler use third paragraph ralasaat j aa page 1 taw llgwr it act dul rtm ihouxh they dldnt art uke it im ure eienone was sorry lo see me leatr school because i waa so kood on the piano good at lifting it lhat is yea i rare could hte thai pano around whennrr i took hold uf it m friends would gasp tn aslonuhmrnl and exclaim myt you are as strong aa a bull tn more imwthj yjlm few sa suonanly torn est waya tnaa orjet one day i waa l piano singing whan i the boys came rushing up tod by boy feck now bow aid boy anxiously dost cany on as wall turn tha piano oft jfout foot tn just a mlnuta yea i really caused quite a stir when- ever i vibrated my tonsils to a tun and after one occasion tn particular thay refused to let me elng at achool anymore you tea one day i bald s note a tltue too long and one poor old fellow up at the provincial panar afill had a leg broken in the rush when everyone itytit the six oclock ehlstle had blown unexpectedly i dldnt mind them refuting to let me sing at achool ongh beoauae they araaya let me slog at the commrnoa- ment in fact 1 ea buled as the feature attraction and w had wary exortlrni plan aorked out to soaks ab kinds or money instead of mak- ing the proccr pay to get into the show we set them tn for minf md then when i sang we made them pay to get out that ni quite cob- menorcbent i must say a lady friend of mine acted aa chairwoman for the evening and then after the show she sited aa charwoman qoufhly s she aas a kind old sou as long as she dldnt speak too roughly uj dullea for the mrnlng wtr to sing a few selections from time to time and accompany myself on the piano nov i must oonjeea that when i first took up the piano i could only play it with one finger and i really sounded tar- rtble out i practised patiently for several years until finally i could play with all ten fingers and sounded lea times worw i had been selected te start the program off that if eu vben the curtain rose x walked out then the audience rose and tt walkea out you all know of course that ahen a show staru ilka that and the electrician wants the houaaufjiu dimmed be uet shouta kill tag bouse well that night aa i came out someone hollared km the bouse i thought be had aald kill the louse and i left so ftit that i waa tea blocks down the street before my fast caught up with me however later in the program i appeared once axels corning on altar the acrobats thest some dancers came on altar me and although it had not been prerioosty arranged a pieeyed piper from ha milton- came on after them ss the ba ilee came on after htm once during the show i had lust finished lng a beautiful vocsl te tori ton when s dear sweet old lady who had bata raxing at me curiously during the number came up and rtf be ob the shoulder she asked young man do you alaays make lhat awful nasts ahen you yawn like that to con clude the program i returned once saln to sing a utue patriotic ease ehfch i had written in honour of lbs king aa soon aa i had bslsned everyone rose and asng ood bare lbs king 24 hours x day w arrel 7 tff tr v yv y r nekaer saaw mat rasv ear keel ear ajetc slays laeie eeurlaei fresv tea tariff coavslsum at evajr apses reo rouasfs hsveeefss jfwro 7 srmn picturu at right shows a hydro control room wis oio trier door never ctoie every tour o the doy and nlotit mwy day in ihu va watchful ohandasl ore 6n the atitt dudylnoj metarty baaplnp record end ioulaling i he boko hydro cutrtnt lo coaiuailnottfsaie ltdro service wksn rksrsa a tfone siosf peoplv ttolt tkshsr but rhat u when hydro it busiett between cjarknet ase dawn costs hours of rssf and sleep but with hydro svsry hour begin a new day light for houses hospitals and factories heat for blatr furnaces or lo cook meab in your home energy to turn thousands of motors in factories mines shipyards this it the work of your hydro hydro it helping lo shorten ihe war over 1 000000 hydroelectric honepovor is c wait on war materials let us all bs thrifty in our uis of hydro new war plants must bs snerglxsd and eslitlng planet are con stantly being harnessed lo the war effort let war nssdt corns first an afkal to the housewife you eae do so smksi so save elecmclly doat let ike kettle evarboll vvojck we swuckas sa your electric roaqe mm out alluakhwkeaasleaeded resolve lo save sssss canaal every day is ms oassriea war notaries tevxekasw a tw3vwi jurteplfj tt v the hydroelectric power commission of eel onta rio

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