Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13, 1942, p. 1

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the georgetown herald seatyfourf year of pobettiea wfaiy may istfe 1642 5e copy 1200 a yew joe the donkey is prize in lions club draw of the oa lien caub ers busy that days ttbmg tic kets on joe t donkey donated for use raa by lion h 0 ucclur a past presides i of the club the dr rtn take place at ft dance tn oeorsre- town armourtea on june sirs spon sored to the wx to lb tan scots pictured tint an otck uosla liars pmldrnl and tioo urclurr while oeorre mcclure alu proudly on bli pet aho u eaprcled to drt cfult a few collars for arar work of use club true blues active in war work lstt fee ejutaad hlaxe far bat- sumr oaaafert aauauj sueetu artrrulre a hallaai prtaw n xsj on display in the window of ulu lyla praiscls beauty parlour on ulll street are five layetlea made by raembers of hallons pride no 3sj loyal true luue lodie members of lbs lodge are divided into two groupa knitting and towing for their war work and tn addition to these five finished sets more are be ing made to tend oversea each layette contain 12 dlapera 3 dresses s slips 3 shirts 1 blanket 3 ban of soap 3 card of pin 3 towels 1 box of baby powder and a knitted outfit consisting of 3 pair of booties a arweater and a bonnet the layettes are belna aent to reading england and since they acre put on dlsplas there have been sesrral donations ran interested clllarns laat wednesday night the lodge sponsored a bingo party in the le gion rooma in aid of the oeorge- town 8oldlera comforts fund there waft a good crowd present and about tuoo was netted to be turned over to the purvd ura jack martin and sirs thomai soper of terra ootts won the specials and two donated rsrlxra a bedroom lamp and a box of chocolates were won by mrs e d tyera and miss delle tennant bugler elmer btockford and cpl bill hewitt are home on furlough from camp borden chairman of sobcommittm are you helping the red cross campaign air ttouanssal l ft- avrastat dc cmm a law air ms awjtl raaaataa ur ram illonzs cleaver mp hughes cleaver halton county mp haa again been appointed chairman of subcommittee number one of tho war expenditures committee at ot tawa thla session the committee u to investigate all governmentowned companlea carrying on war work wartime housing is now being in- veattgated w i elects officers at annual meettitg the annual builnru merlin of the oeortrtovn dranc h of the women inatuulr aa held al thr home of ura a latmts on virtnrvuy uy tlix ura w o ucdoaru thr pt-u- dent u to uv chair alter the u- ual opmlnf ceftcnarilr the minute of the laat meettrn mere read and 4opud o read and dlacutvaed uvl thr luual caae of jam a ordered to br tent to the oldlrqa orrw urt nornn tintier ppodtd to u about a rrqjrt for matr u tr for illor and ii 00 vui danlrl to ui tubrrcuioau aio holt call ni annritai b tki8uoa for nrt jrax procram srvrra rr hlpful urfff4tloru brine gtvrn at lb conclutlon of tbe builnru ufa utoru varatd thr chatr for iht election of ooorra ura lurcw coamve acting u pctiding ofrrr th fouovlng otccra m nomlnaud and ciocud honorary prtldtntj4r w wue praaldcote ura w o iudovth 1st vlceprraldrnt mr w baciali jnd viprrklrnt mn e whcclrf scrrtarytrrafuirtr xu a lai- ixitrtct wrtctor mr w o uc domru ur 1ju dulr brought briorr uir mtenben in a tr forceful mannr the nocrah ot hujiportlrir the red croat drive the mwtinb ctom alth ui- trfrda prayer and a ot of thank aw ex tended to the liosteaa aftrr which a cup of tea a ha rrld glen williams boft in uniform home for the weekend includixl fuc mersn kit- by of camp bordm acl vtruun klrb ajlmrr ac2 uvurrnce ikau mont trillion ac3 harold achenk ladilne lac john hoojmt mount ain view ac2 jack ollbrl anil act curl whnlrr the weather b a u itatt iw a tin hd no rmio lo imtmjj itiu cxkd rjdrtj vt ir3 trmmxi tln m t to ira ca adianoro u lhan uj a u ttxdj to br 4irclrd it aovd rwafir taixbkrtxic4 ti lart tjwa and tt iw ilb jjir i ajr fimu tau ut4hu ih lvkcamlui- li tsarda n4 uundj oj uifi- ii jirtcr rrruutfaj tao drjw of if iru 2yjtd k km a fir o- gitra jutt hoe ouch lxjr ha tro tu br drfuja dtunujco for fr djjfc catjr nutitinvt in uoca a irasd ahov lhtu cu rj utj ta trncvr irtauoo h urtn b a tnl tv abat riiru ur aab in birjci hr brro lojditd doaa not twtf t pmhlt latcxib thr ncrthmi w ii tun la bud and ao likslj u it to be nopffd lb oaa u paji bu e dntf count oo bring fauly haia from bpruij froau uu lb ftni la aon and k can mnraibrt a alulrv frail on tb litb of june uttr ffiy raa ajo that bltrfcrnm lh ird crr a hen in full bloom tmrv arr ik tirnir or tvir u onluru that cax rtcevt clour along the laie ubofta ahcie liw tecnprratuir of the aatrr had ata 00 the frul ihiuovint ur the local rvxofd for the arrh red cross canvassers meeting with success intthis ehstrkt twowott cauapalgn for mooo opened oo monday preaiowt rfporl good rtrtum frota socdal hme smttja fjrj editor on active service bate ii and l ualn- fau trtnp tura ma 4 3 9 wed u 3 t jl triura llay 6 40 u 111 may 7 u tut ui fti u ln u 8 61 30 xlon ui 10 3 30 copland hill veddiag last friday tlie aeddirm iu aolnnruard at oeonaatown united cnurch maiue lait pnday rrento uay au at 1 pm of ella jowprune hill daughter of ur and ura cluster hill of ororkttown and carman llrglnald copland kin of mr 8 it copland and thr late ura copland of ifarrta- ion itei r c todd prrformrd the orrrmonv ttie brtdramald waft mlaa ivmxu wlllrtl of olrn williams and the groomsman llr norrle kennedy o ihortrrlown victoria du will thli ar ix celebrated on monday mas 25lh a public holiday jean sanderson wed at brampton a quirt uttldlnit soumnlaid lt rrila trnuiii in grow united church ilramton hrn jran heanor man id son djuuhtcr of mr and un aix bandrrvm of ocorsetoan be- nm the hrtlc of charlh roce koi of mr and mm d k ltocc ot tliornburj htv r a chester ofn- liuuid t uv ctremon tin bride wore u anurl taecd utl nh roc and black ucuhaoriir bin was uttindid b her mm r mr o tntivitturd of brampton and mr tirtt itsuartl wo- kroomsman following the cvrrmom the couple ill tin u motor trt and on their re- tsirn un will lake up residence in llrjmpton captain a k dobb2z cantain a c oobbir edjtor of the smltha ralli iwomnrii for thr naat rl4hl rars left the staff of that nratnanrr laat week for active an- vtt with the ht battalion of thr laanar a txrnfrev qcouiih regtment captain dabble bom in umr- houae in 1190 and it the ton or ur a dobbte and the ule ura dobblr ilia boyhood aaa aprnt in the dutnct and aa a oun man h tyted u jacfcion ffenrral tore later apprrn- utlntt at the llrrald under the lair editor j u uoore in 10td he aent to otroua to work for the nva- paper there and in 1035 purchased the urllnff netraariruj and act up in bualncaa for hlmaelf tot the pat eight year he haa been editor of tru lucordntaa in smlllu paua cap- uln dowjlr li married to the for- mcr una klrby of ivtroua and they har tao daughter ube and bar bara ilia many friend in thla du- tnct join with the herald tn wuhlng him melt in hi new life on active aer vice for canada and ft uf ratum to hla editorial chair vhere he vlll be rnatly mlaed caiiaauia in tha 0orwlon cfi trvt ar at aork thla ek trjt fund for the lud crosa nmpatfai tuch becan but monday and prva irjsy nvoru indloair thai thry m barrtinc with a daajrvw of txcm tft u drt to raljaf s4j0q9 aa oaori tonnt iharr in u 9000000 ti feantowti eajbpaijn w k c lndaay aa cjuiravan i undray ai u umhout under cjiiirman a w breton orcarilamueab poinu utt airk by iloard uay ruraj txeft na iing been held at lbafii cruuman of the catnpaun in oaortta toti propiv the campaign la tjs prorareding brtialy under chairman ft v uaxoormacll a donation of ios haa barn waiv ed from rrxninclal paprr ltd altuae paper mills u4 and fiouth a btoa lxd which u a c0 tnfrea over lh prrioua appral for fund in th total of ato in apedal namea alratdf ooilrctrd by that committer a 10 donation frucn the oeonretovn lions cijb and tsooo from the iod ar aiao nod it la txsportant that rrrj ciuma make a gmcroua donation to put uw cmpalcn otrr thr top and keep up cfrtttcrvrr t fine rroord of never irt unji a worthy campaign down lloil iiowman and west coast defences celebrated 93rd birthday mra jamc loona celebrated her 03rd btrlhda lait sunday in bramp ton ahrn mrmbcra of her famll in cluding ur thomas lyona ox george town gathered at her scott street home for a birthday celebration bom on a farm in chlnguaconay township ahrre her parenta acre pioneer aettlera ahe la atlll actlse doea her own ahop- plng and helpa with uie dally houae- ii tk one birthday card of which ahe la proud bore greetings from prime ulnlater mackenzie king cotuena- tlt leader robert hanson gordon oray m p for peel county and her konlnlaa r w oladstonc m p for south wellington ashgrove uothera day was held in an ap- pronriata manner on sunday mom truj snih a olnt seme of lb bun- day school and church test child res from the sunday school were fa use choir and assisted in loo aar- ssor with cborubco reading racliav- tlons and storlm rev j o touoow sermon dwell on thoughu of a p- roily altar vlsiiora who srrre prlrl- leged to attend th lorri aertio were ur a k huddell ura r wright miss olire ruddell oaorax town ur and mn edgar nudoaq and mlaa marory ruddell toronso and mr and mra rted nurse and valrrl ot erin the may meeting of the wjxfll auxiliary met in the basement of us church on tuesday afternoon uay 12 with the president in the chair a vcrr of scrlpure and prayer was flt- en in reply to the roll call and tba dcsollonal period waa led by una pted wrigglesworth the study chapter the tide comes in th laat chapter in the study book waft taken by ura tom oloen and re ports of a preabyterlal held in uutoa acre glstn by ura john bellboddy and ura o b dick miss joy rud dell favoured with a local solo at the cloae of the meeting a aal of seeds and plants was conducted active service notes pte clarence kennedy who has been seriously 111 with pneumonia is progressing favourably in camp borden military hospital according to a letter received yesterday by his parents 8rtobeetver douglas sargent la visiting in town with his parenta ur and mrs o sargent charles street ranks of the active service platoon now training at georgetown armouries are almost uptostrcngth but there are still a few vacancies for prospective recruits among the men now training are ptes j o collier jim oof ell joe cox lv w cross pere chaplain wilfred oauvln oordon james don jourdaln albert keouhead k w jimmy king pere king oeorge latimer john oliver and d 8 wood of georgetown and ptes o d david- ion and n h handy ot olen wil liams other men from nelghbourlns oentres are ptes o e allen a o gordon o e hubbeu r l loutltt a v loutltt l w masters j h marshall h u simpson and p tur- kosx of aoton ptos p e powko o p pindner and w n temple of rockwood and ptes o m robertson und j a steop of ouolph bgt major wullam oamoy of the lome scots is taking a refresher course in toronto cm j b bowman of o coy lome soots la attending a small anna course at csatc long branch 1700 cigarettes were sent to men overseas by the womens auxiliary to the lome soots it was announced at a meeting of the organisation at the home of mrs john r barber last thursday pte bill anderson has been trans ferred with the rjca from camp borden to shtlo camp manitoba onr buster hale is now at debert camp kb transferring there from petavwawa the georgetown herald british war victim fund fowarded to toronto evening telegram cash on band acknow- 361533 81090 sllverereek ball club proceeds of dance at baulnafad tuesday may 5th 1900 mcnabb st neighbor hood club baa total may 13th 2st01 i the georgetown herald solcktiv comfort fund forwarded to oeorgetown soldiers comforts committee hum cash on hand acknow ledged 101 oeorgetown lions club april donation 10m oeorgetown study club boo total may 13th uiool capacity audience for gertrude cains spring revue r t bob bowman hab spent 18 months of tho war in britain and tho rest looking for trouble on the high soa covering tho story of canadas ex panding services and defences get ting in a gamo or two of golf plagu ing his superiors for now marching orders recently it was announced that he would conduct a getflt radio class from toronto instead of the programme came a coble bowman was back in britain to dig up and broadcast the weekly commentary of nenra from there for canadians at home he will be heard sundays at x pm hot the picture allows bob interviewing the crew of a defence battery on use canadian west coast aomotlme early this spring hong dances comedy in well- paeed variety hhew at orecsry frank retch master ef ceremoniea a capacity audience greeted the spring revue presented by dancing pupils of miss oertrude cain at the gregory theatre on monday night prom the opening chorus hello everybody to the patriotic finale ship ahoy the show was filled with clever dancing songs and specialty numbers with seldom a weak spot and the troupe most of whom were making their first appearance on the stage went through their paces like veterans the costuming was excel lent throughout and coloured light ing gave an effect ot the big time to the tsreaentation among the pupils taking part were norma olney betty conn leona conn owen conn mabel shepherd joan campbell june plastow betty reld morlene bludd and diane hu look of oeorgetown norma uomurdo lillian and mildred norton dolue buck rose marie robinson and ruth norton ot olen williams marlon norrle and helen shelbourne ltmc- house eleanor smith btewarttowni ruth oautby ruth armstrong and betty outhbert brampton eleanor blank loretta knox marguerite nash jean metcalfe audrey hussey oreo king leom long barbara bonar and marlon sharpen of new toronto assisting artists included bert and joe marchment with guitar selectloni art johnson clog dancer miss jeav blair soloist mrs basel gregg plan 1st and harry moffat comedian among the highlight on th lengthy program were arete king whs has a beautiful voice with personality to match which should earn her place in the entertainment world marlon sharpen and barbara bonar were among the best ot the speclakjr dancers and marlons skipping rope tap was especially worthy ot meb uon miss cain herself contributed toe dance a soft shoe tap and a soot and tap the sauor with the nary blue eyes with eleanor black the norton twins lillian and mildred al so had two specialties a hatboa ballet and school days and eleanor smith and norma mcmurdo were also effeethe in their solo numbers rank petch was master ot cere monies introducing the numbers and interspersing his introductions with bits or humour which kept things moving smoothly at the final cur tain flowers were presented to mlas coin her mother mrs w cain an the pianist mra orenav th students

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