the georgetown herald wednesday msy 13th 1942 the georgetown herald km w gwimni ktml gfca mies riirttiti shsritiirr hifcjifil im cuu strbsorxptlon rates castd ud tt celled 8uu ou a jar ear coeb te ajrubdij rata w fwld nmrhni walter o bhoj cujuteld l ueoilvtuy p u icisr ojaot bro fwfa maaois k uatif of tb pars in ntl7 kwotxm ajortttw mi tfc oclanoqjaac drruicd of tt awjia fire editors corner a wartime convention advertised as a wartime convention edi tor from quebec and ontario weeldy rvewspapris di thered at the royal york hotel in toronto last week end to talk over their problem to exchange ideas about how to produce better newspapers and to enjoy the round of interestinb events planned by the executive and it was a wartime convention right from the start for by coincidence on thursday night toronto district was staging a test blackout as we sat on the train which bore us towards the city the signal came at ten oclock and the conductor advised passengers to pull down the blind while coach itghts weie dimmed it was an eerie feeling riding through the black night shut off from the world outside in which no light gave a clue to the masses of humanity clustered in the metropoli curiosity got the better of two or three travellers who couldnt resist the tmpluse to raise their blind for a glimpse outside but as a whole everyone accepted the blackout with the seriousness which was intended business the convention lastted two day and as is cuitomary the mornings were devoted to business ses sions while entertainment was provided in the after noons on friday morning it was a treat to hear hugh templin editor of the fergus newsrecord give some impressions of his trip to england last fall mr xernplins articles have been running in the herald for some months past and his talented pen has given our readers an intimate glimpse into life in the old land mr templin had copies of english daily newspapers most of which are now allowed to print only four pages not only is there a waiting list of advertisers but sub scriptions are rationed too and it isnt easy for a new subscriber to get hi morning paper another friday- moming speaker was andy clark whose neighbourly news broadcast on sunday mornings brings news of rural ontario to the vast cbc audiences in the east mr john atkins former oakville publisher and now administrator of printing and publishing for the war time price and trade board was another on the pro gram and he outlined some of the effects of price ad ministration on weekly publishers highlight of the saturday morning buiiness was an explanation of selective service by e m little of ottawa the newlyappointed director under the regulations there is nothing to stop a man leaving his present job but the selective service board controls his reemployment to assure war production first call on his services this means that should a man leave his present employment it is required that he have a per mit before he is allowed to take a new position even if it is a similar kind of work to that he was performing in his previous job agricultural workers do not come under this category all these being frozen to their jobs as of march 23rd however they are allowed to move to seasonal work without a permit and if they were working at some seasonal job on march 23rd it does not mean that they lose their classifications as farm workers manning depot and bren guns on friday the publishers and their wives were luncheon guests of the rcaf at manning depot where they afterwards viewed a drill display and were con ducted on a tour of the buildings following this the men were taken to the john inglis plant where thous ands of workers are turning out war products the publicized bren gun being only one of a dozen such products a trip through a large munitions plant is an unsatisfying experience there is too much ground to cover too many things to see and impressions tend to be confused when one afterwards tries to recall all he has seen our guide at the inglis plant turned out to be cliff hume whose father is a georgetown native cliff is a shop superintendent and says he used to spend vacations with relatives in this district when he was a youngster in fact we never got very far away from georgetown during the whole trip back at manning depot we watched a rehearsal for the woodhouse hawkins radio show where frances cramer who re cently became mrs norm barber was warbling one of her numbers outside we bumped into strut bako- george one of the 1941 hockey team during the convention we made the acquaintance of r m lavery publisher of the woodbridge advertiser who went to high school in georgetown during the last war and stayed with the misses young down on main street everybody on reftrget ship excambion seemed to have thrilling history hit due irft la eropv tti um txs of burop l axm j eu ih rat cmoc c or u9 fiv f rr7 u ettonl tfatrr u fmrf of tctutoc on tjotjd tfcun drrrua trtanlij u lb a j aukl but aired wp rm lm cr csje in kii before lht p left utfxax uvr arrj llxt anrtvn jlstrojrr txd twwu barxnfed by lt oenuc it mtomj uut ur idird tfexta r be 10 ujt w u anj momgex tw dj out w fcrfcid urn in amtncu pumcir tfcr t4 two tri 4tt ijouu of u uom mu taak on twv a trty u brtttta u u tfihi cotter tw twitufeta w u brtutfc ocb- 4jy ffijrw blatr tir ccji4j 8sr rcinti urf- evr sg ol ler ngtt popjxr hc in lbr cit of ud3oo rxiisj im portujaj rr njirr 1jxd h ljs orr of thtm tilh nrf lir of rooluyr vbaut li l tftjnjri to pma jtwvn airs xs clwft tiirm- iflr posn to wj rum luvn to ni var tiurr hoi trrt it vu oa on lw txlailt tjmu m oomion bv- tmjrx w lhr dalrrt occuico 0 fw tank uvr nwnr cjijfrr tw imtx thot all of uttlssr xf- rr tu uxn to loaknj o liait tnxn nacjxiilvau faro- fctj fuvj rmpid to ur ttmlara ol lvjaxi trwl tk tkorkrd to u o thr tjnjul ulsiusi or kbbtrfr l- in ui n- ward j of lliilrr rr h li a to lanflnc in r rtltir riik- u4 ihru topr rvud arj rw pice oav3 br nvjr trtr4 ivr uk unlrt cakr of imn amrtkrin air for only uv rtrsvuy ptui- ltrd vh puj i wixhirvi cr ukdiao or rrt wx too in uw mjp u vtn la ortabrf ll lhrtr utofur pswr vut4d by uousud of hr prrvxu wtio vulj hopfo to vt hui ru lh ofitcr of ahmth rt- part linr thi u tvuuinjp tdpny tth ubiiru to ukf lo lbr ir v tu uvd brti ihr manu- pol mojkd by pn amfrtrin djt lh nr with jpan inter mm or far ihr tim crpon unr punr no to the tjr th oacnpsuiy tu wndinf tluw thip month to liiixm and uir nvht fainoua of tiwm all i thr u i rxrambsoo 0l of cr9 tyy rff f ttw etgtu ouidun rditor irrn- pormxliy in uibun h4 it- turn licro for thr cupprr but thr thrr ru inirffrnn ith pltnr mctxrtluxrm and danrrr mm drivtnr csowr all thr tunr thrrr oald not rtrn br bost ojt or tmo rrt if r did not go by thr hicambion o oor or lo t a tunr r tr in to thr inrlxabir tumrd ojr cl lkaru nrr to the uriuvm jnlw a and rrcrurd btut tictru in rtithinir thr atlantic b td brtmrrn uuixwi and nrr york about irp c midr irom ntufoandunj vo ire- und ttir alter l blur jnd maim nth ocrua4onal dolihln ummnti out of thr mavm and plainjj around the ulp ti err ma wmr drlt tn iriwnti lubon i had conir on hoard early alirr iaain oit m uai f- rcudo pcliii boa it cazne aboard alth u uir ponmpv poiice uuad at theja ahjps3rnt of good imdrr the r wtiarf enirancr thru taa chancr to o ihr porture poucr lw a da frt gtalt out of thr drparuif traxrl- he aiia doan ln the hold thrn lera i had in ndrd u kri hat l on deck a free man amln at money for aouvenu imj a a bt urnnuda he left thr hp to und on ajbout hajxrmy lotju th alitnur ihrr u frmh annrry a frvj iblp a ackprotftufiff fi lbr oarth gii- taa oo atonal it kxasd uu a miv ounlmin jut tj it cb ca3bt thr p vath tiitna coum u fuaa tt oirtrrrint took u tor ttraaird u u a fcv of th brtuaa n7 azwl tt atvcbad uu4 aa of uk rcrcny alrja on botrd fmrad lbt mmr uunf if u euu aioafaidr wenr- body errenfri larl to br ttln ofl tkrhrr brtuato or otrmm tta ftry jup crouad our bosv astrru mar ahrd and tbro put on m andi vaa qjjytajy out of alftta non of ua rtrr kav ataa fcbjp a but in oh- un abxivd our w that tl vma bru un rrom that vjb on frit aairf thr faremfcaon trcd aiacr not tn convoy it tltitd at cubu and bad an amrrtoan tug oalntad on ihr aide li do ost reo mort ulr ajttr that oaf ora brtns txaac over by i tor amrrtoan itary tnrrr mint b i brro thomanda of aad hraru tn l4a- bon hro it auad ky for tht tut umr uriac wk aivfalar thr atortm of thr paopir on inau tlup aould hatr fturd a unraxy and many of lhatn nr horror atortaa 1 rnreiuorved aomr of uum tn thr ttral lory of that arrtea wruun tu oi ihr avian lie but 1 omlurd thr moat raciuaf of ihrm au thrrr onr paawnjrr did not dock uli thr ahlp vaa a day out of auabon ilia rri nam nr ap pealed on thr paaarccrr lua 1u had brrn prlvatr srcrrlary to a rulrr of a europran country a man aho had juat diaxpprared ahrn jllurr took over thr country by fort and tream tjiia mm had been artlvr in hla op- ikrutiuti to orrmany and br had krpt oor atrp ahead of thr owtapo ri- tin- to ltatxin at uat though it took him tao rax to reach it lrirnpr hr srva carrlru or hia lack daarrtrd him thrrr thr ornnan crvad in portugaj found him and 1 iiad him aire ted on aotn cnargr hut the urllibj vrrc alert the day thr cxcambon aalled he got out of jjj mxnehow and aa nallrd up fort 6artl scmoda oouuciof a sili kj of uaanda stntrtv8tr tttottrf in fidauaif tth th chief dty to fm to ffhtmrn hr- feor the d had to pas throcfi a iaag bay ajwm vtth mtnsi tfar onaa path a kli affair and thr w30 noad aa9r iroaa cor k4jrr to anottiw thr caaxcunfiu cobueuijv brtnf or u wvl o tslatxkr thcr rxd w jfit too bad is hr hixbor at kaat word et aixxjad that lh r fjr to fo on fchor akaj vtth thr kldfi tfasbtoiyar but a3 othfir kia stay on board lor aaerch and qaisuohtck u fu brrmsaaa rainy t and ttr watrr a poef down to tor- rrclia and i had bavuoa tea- forr ao 1 ctayd on boad and vatch- d st vu an tnlrraatmx proffc th pmon qjaauodad aat at a tiitar taur a harcj cffvr rwrajrtad tha lnaett- 130b tn rvmeh oaraan or wfcit- nr othar f p- th paavisw tsdaratnod baa vtnk a ttrl tvoaa th oaofonhip ataif took dovn y wra to thorthand to thai irtf 11 aood bacaja apprrct that mum bn and vostfb kztfv an amttfr cbonct about oa littaarukwtara bora than w had uamad tn a ck txh than and thy kztfv thr ctuaa tn bvc vhfco thay cant and coud drura th fiai tn ir atoriaa it vu thcroojh tystei hun ohb th nvhaifa krarxa and thfifit las akuvteuu tn th irrrwnattr aw to aaracttd and tl took mo of th b4ht whmu don va fch ho th brtuati can chad ta on th tut don 19 trgirrnj and can ooiwa othar atrapa of tntarwoof and n9 davc th uniud btataa oohunjad on fat 9 d1rc i cjr if acre about u thr harbor maa intrretin a tll harbor air prom th und aide btff cranea were itfung caxka of inr crateta of raiain and fim and bosrt of unmarked sooda on thr mrr jidf odd iltuc alllnu wavv tinonitwcd from phorniclin daa ha i i iritm of cork brought from tin- lienor they erc family affair cvijcntlj and inhabited not only by lie- b it bj dov hrru and f uihtip ccck- it us dark hcn tu- rtxcjjiiioii pulled out and vailed do- he btoid tagua river no uiat i aa lcavina it lisbon looked locl set on 1l hen en hi ik one of thi ft a brllli mtiv lirtuah aou at laat uy companion mlth thla man our real live prtncr of the llouar of dour- bon pretender to the throne or prancr and a french admiral golntr to join the pre french iremed or dinary indeed ihfb brrard far hcrrt hrrrtr it aa at bermuda that thr drltlah secret fie rv ice took a blc jump in our estimation and the canadlana had a chance to atick thrlr cheata out a little furtlier ttir arrival of the excambion at oormuda aa exciting enoush the negro pilot came out in hla little launch and boarded the ahlp juat be- p r watson rxrxs has oeva bouri e red cross featured we wish that every reader could have been with us on saturday afternoon when the editors visited the building at i 29 college street where parcels are pack ed by the canadian red cross society for prisoners-of- war at the present time 40000 of these parcels are packed jvery week and this figure will be doubled be fore the year is out each parcel weighs eleven pounds and contains a carefully chosen assortment of food to supplement prison camp rations for one week ship ments are sent to the international red cross at gen eva switzerland and distributed from there to euro pean prison camps are our boys getting these parcels said mr urquhart who showed the group through the de pot i cannot say for sure but we cannot believe that reports from dozens of sources acknowledging that they are can all be false in each parcel an acknow ledgement card is enclosed and when this is received the card is sent to relatives of the prisoners to be check ed for authenticity of signature to date there have been no discrepancies found in these which is one proof that the parcels are reaching their destination the next stop on saturday afternoon was at the red cross blood donor clinic where movies showed hour the blood is taken and processed for the precious serum which has already saved thousands of lives in- this war one of the greatest medical discoveries of this war has been the method of processing whole blood into dried serum by a freezing and dewatering pro cess which converts the blood plasma into a powdered serum which can be stored indefinitely wherever it is needed blood is collected at clinics across canada and shipped to torontos connaught laboratories where it is proces8edand sent overseas dr c h best wellknown in georgetown where he has his summer home is credited with the development of the blood dr j bums milne mntsx tmoaon xsuv clifford g rfjd la dds o ptncw uila turmi uroy dale kc m syfeq bennett bjl burtatm 4 stttctun um atnwt kenneth m lsngdoo butttar sttdur nufrrlte rtm uortcss voarj to ixaa offlc onsorr ttwstr smg ma btrwt tt frank petch uccns1d accnontxk ul ux classes of dtstntanck prompt scnrtcs ftmss ml olm po box u elmer c thompson dfsurancs 8ekvics fire auto wuulitonn op budwaj sad allies buuump summer excursions phatu llw or j o am nielsen wd ts0 tt chcfopfvctot xray dratun tturrput l lilts irs ham i i t l radio repairing we specialize in this work u la j sanfordson oeoroctown lis monuments markers amd letterwo pollock cv ingham gait onl iiuptct our woik tn oimnwsad ctbtrry robert p worthy cemetery lettermf and monuments rksos im w jo ba s iu qswa m w br amptoh gray coach lines timetable now nr eppbot dsjutfcl bsttsc ttsw lkavb okobunvowh rlhunf s 7 04 sjn m tm- 1109 pjn m4 pjn im pa sm vm 019 pjn b 1jm sm wettbmbs 1000 am o um am 320 pm sd 44s pjn b 840 pjn e 71b pjn 30 pjn f 1008 pm 1134 pjn dsily etaoept sundsy b bundsn and holldsys only o to klmhftssr d to atrstford e dally caaspt sundays and holidays r bat sun and holidays keep your name in the public eye through a oaulfsetl advt ralph gordon the vtraatlle entertainer tor your next program niuatrsted circular pre toronto c n r timetable dsyhfm satta- oetnseast pasienger 6ju am pasieosar and uall 10 am pauenger and mall 4j pin pauengsr bunday only im nm paaunser dally 043 pin stops for toronto and east of toronto passengers only osut west pauenger and mall m sin passenger sat only 318 pm paiatnger dauy easept saturday and bunday 614 pm passenger and mall s4j an pamnigsr sundays only mjsdjr oatag netta passenger and man r4s ant wagbsaih paswosw and uall cm tun depu mdtst qtrlr tan