Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13, 1942, p. 3

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to georg herald wieay may 13k 1942 2s djfp advertise la tht herald it pays so fesdtdctfiw ocbgof- uto tlfoiaut c- o t4a j psjux cpfafbdii k 1 u purl of war axic btus ax3 ccrtamtia la afvwatxioa ci ujslwt ud is okbr loforu ti ajoui jola utirrmj coie bunj puujotr mem cctifcinti fibniic ky bjtcd c lfc luuor tx4 purt lu ritu l ui lirnm usl w uai 97 ui uj 1 ur ktn4u lu ur ntj- i- a fcrinl larit u- ur ktni itat r jt tuu it mto u llu 1 i c ur rtraiuasn 1 it uj tt it itt rt 11 fu imi it mm k 1uk i ul w lr r fc- 1 jt ojimt uii l j tij1t t kvy nr xultrj t rra 1 ai t i- lj i 1 1 w tvhvt vlii lj j r- k t i t i ia stj unt j imi 1 9tm rww t i krlre1 1 ill tltiw1 t hum n k i it t v il r i i4 i kl juj i iii r tj l- i r cllo hit carrolls bjughts solid pack pie cherries 2 un 25 biscuits 19c pilchards 16oa tia 14c orange and cwapttrtltt marmalade whtmvh otiut dandee 14k coffee m fomar offee llb hag 39 32 8str1ng shredded wheat zlc jrtral nnr blmuud shortening t 19c qoid cooufc crj quaker oats 19c spstuier macaronis 29c touted puffed wheal cereal cuuwwt free newport flam 5cir39c ii corn br safe economical cleanser babbitts ach 39 2 tins 9 dr balunti oaf bimoiu meatles a xse swirr cooked park prem t sxe mcunii hlho pm powibra junket pit- lie hstoh lo oil sardines ua 15c chipso pw 9hc 24c 52c rocliha blueing pkfre ska pub polidi ax polish u 10c baking powawr magic tt 8c aylmr 9os catsup s tic f toilet soap made with pore olive audi i palmolive 3 palm oil cubi 25c 4 reg cakes aylmer blackberries r 10 tomato catsup tw bj bu ioc 17c tomatoes siinr riobob x 7 s5e chicken haddte uir bv aoo swan8down cake flour u s9e grapenuts flakes si stoe 15c 2f carrou sliced side bacon 39c clocoal or paste johnsons wax pint or poorul tin 59c new crop valencia i oranges doz 23c i lemons doz 33c cooking onions 8 pound ue new carrots t bunches ibo bc apples panoy bttlng for tie tomatoes plim ripe pound isc fruit and vegetable prices good till saturday night onlvi w t tka riskl to limit ouaalui ol all yaaji f tawlhr wkly rgs j phone 357 free delivery main st georgetown improved ukofofe iwttlwatlowax sunday i chool lesson ten i what lewea for mty 17 i ftefitatt ymz bat of coaaruct lssus reitibmm a ua u ocuna rcrrtu ma cao tt tulifgo tv w na lar cf tto mtmttui u u i w at hohcrttj dosot u3u tbrfcr tfrit and ate s uk ttis auufrttjt eocfc bu u ctxlto cfcrlat tscod atits k cam tcto ths uml on if last day tai h as to b au to uath thai the chirf prata aod aldars uilt ii s tfcard it brcauaa ty harm uist lt7 hd iitj ihtu aulhcn7 oith ulf cmca tlixr appcint- 1 c irfftfjitary jtta tu no lxh poajuon art hr tad jmt dht lh tncjr hte- rta cjt ci btat hr callad my rua li trinplr thry ckai- urtd jum and imfuah the long day kr anaorrrd and alao aalrd vxm qratka llrrr v end rcb lutt c paratva iltuiuatkna ui- artaovratsr arfurnrnta aa k tntt if ii arm djlrt kc todians u ilia anrmlra who tnouati tnry jtd th cthrr mad commas cautr ajaicjl jrcua tba disruav aloo roocludaa ili ilia facing of xtt ptiajurrs artlfc t tfc nctsuu oer waal tfctak a tke ckrtatr 41il tba crux cf tn retir mattar waa ru oun for tnam as it i for ua iliougti la a scmrwfcat diffarrst arcs thry r locking for lha uasaianth qjui but tnalr tdra of hun at that ii would com aa thalr royal laadar to brtak the yoke cf roman bondage and sal thrtn frr thry imaw ha vas to b the aoo cf david but thry did not se to thalr own scrlpturre that tola ce es to b davids gitauf aoo matt lit that to h line of david was to com th on hom david in th spirit callad lord pa 110 1 thry krw about christ but thry did not know him and thus thry vrrr uk many today thry hv hssrd cf him thry may vn edmlr lus chaiactrr and llis tracb- but thry do not know him think you rradar cf chxutt chriat thm atatrs i d tk pual tratdaug net ja4 baytag um having finally cloard their mouths 23 is jt sua procrrdrd to a solemn tndldmrnt cf th scribes and phari- arr pint of all he declared that thry failed in th final last of life which is not wurds but ecliens notice that it rrcognlred their authority and their teaching but in sex ere condemnation pointed out that they did not live uhst thry p ro te urd that la the criterion by which wc ahall all be judged those who think that becauae they belong to acme church or subscribe to a creed or speak a smooth nord of testimony they may then live as they please will find themselves standing with the acribra and phari- aeca on the judgment day why keep that kind of company such men arc capable of iii the great hypocrisy pride foalng aa piety 23 m they were oh ao religious in terpreting literally und mechanical ly cods command that they keep his law always near them in action hand and in thought mind sec dcut 60 1118 they made showy leather cases and uorc them on wrist and forehead as containers of the written word they loved the chief scats and the titles of distinc tion and all thla waa done in the name of religion what hypocrisy but wait arc wc any better what obout the preacher who is not happy unless he is invited into the pulpit what about those who take or accept the titles which our lord expressly forbids what about those in the pew as much as in the pulpit and perhaps more who want to be recognized as the masters of the church to be sure they do not olwoys wish it to be so crudely put as that but they do expect to be recognized us such or clsi this too under the name of christianity there indeed is the krcat hypocrisy wc arc thankful that our lesson docs not close here our lord next revealed iv the right altitude service not recognition 2310 ii he that is mastered of christ is ready to be the servant of all to exalt him is to at once do away with sclfproisc and selfglory pride in position and the desire to be praised and recognized by men in evitably lead a man into n pitfall in which ho is humbled on the other hand the one who in humility serves tho lord will to his own surprise find that god has exalted him the way up is down torrey said o well known preacher with whom dr torrey was associated in a groat conference you and i are the most important men in christian work in thla coun try not long afterward god set that man aside quite different was the spirit of d l moody who st the height ol his ministry for god would soy there are better men here behind me on the platform to speak when i am through and he really believed itl help the ftw cross salada av erifw timely topics for women ly tiirtwa ifchw tk uoice wctoby casoee i t7ri a n3 w thr iorrr vfuv qnjdmr wet irt u kk at uir pnsjrct ticljt tlu oiii9 e dw3 ljmroaj ol 90009 trirr lo ffttutj u vruitr loud ub-ut- trt i h tmw asvourxatd mftst to pr rrr ol tr imu sjt tjaort erf txis tittrr air hum sojqq tiaawri rrowmt m ur laxfiiz ua tcrjn thr ubour prututn tv up aad mui tjls tirr urr fcata tmta ixo uruii fanxunc iy vm fti jw tjaru tlj hjaxn uutj uwuiuku of owavn fmjr oi tirvoa- mrfr rirl tn corn- nrt cbuctoo m vr uva4 ijf irrr o tnri tettlr air tjm tauay ta r trtttrvn im- nmtjri j ufh xjtlm ut tjxtrpij criaum3 la ddjtich ar ttaia tarxo tz ucxa u unortja occr 30 mlirtn cvbuara orut csf cktd wft anoajlt tim u vha rd thr ej am wr4 vrt jn irr le vl tia r air vetvtn3 o rp 147 ouj food tjjtal kun ti f twra to hr ip ttnl hiiuin if r bjt to cto to it ou4 unm ihii 11 u fevftcntiaj for two orr erf u to ko u t poaabrfj can lr jjnirrri cj jara ar mzilit cr itjau erf cutfra prtxjoa mrb rvqoajr ti frkofti txr5 imolj tw lijcxr kltai oltw mmy uaffwoft a ulan lartor in ocsr r rsoft jbi hrrv u a wjnirj ut ajavrauirl mrmrcm this trauson sjxi r mau ur iut ul uirrr u do ir bo ftnt ol all it oj bj a tf- rmmimrr anih ho ttpmiivf br your cot tatct to is it u ilabev for wtatif aisj 0m icalr up our eod as to tclh or rev jr patrvotum is immt6 up by hifttrutat ptmrtnntm to carry iou ultuucxj wxturn aad baxacim- and prrbatia rvro bartloai v rrr ihr vrw3 art bad 60 vou air auii jrtnnir3 to so ahrad well ihrtx id i thil j ffrl oenxkc 1lh prsrura rrprrtrrfrr to hrlp cukr your ptiana for lhr vhcalf wion orrlrrtby ynj u rud adtlf 00 uvr jxtpara- tion erf th iou and htw to iirp up prodjruon lth a pood frruiiacr il thi i xxu fint gardrn itnd jt kat ritspa iriouvl be unn rarr ahrn jou fchoum plant mjccttur crop hov jxi arr ajbi to enns tao or nxwr crops in a araaoo nuh tvr ic lhr brt vld hkh frov trm in thr aurarunr wtilch can tv plantro in thr rvad you ui mto 10 iram about proprr aparlnc lhr important ol krrptn planu m a lraht 1 nr for raurr culutatkm and did you knem that afcrn thr ro run dorth and outh irxnr ronanicr pks al lb ruoia 7tvrrr u a lot to ifim tor about thr ibinnlnf of punu and culti vating to krrp 9tm ckrvt to hrlp conunf thr moiiturr and to ftsi air around thr roou lo krro thr rartb srrl end rkan lusrrti ran br an aatuj pri but thrrr arr tplendld mrtnods of copng iih thero no ti vou grt at thr ob in umr oardmlng u hard ufk uui a u food fun too rapaclajly wnm yo9 fcft njt raily in thr mom in ahrn thr air u coot and frrah and lba bird poor fenh thrir art mrtodir to chrrr ou on dy the md of th rrajon you uj br turprurd a hat a lauiftrtlon u has brrn to aratcli ihink gioa and maturr urprinrd too no crratly improvrd your htsjtb jnok only phtcai but ipirliuaiy and mrntauy as u and tf jovt fazntly u larrr ou u1 rlconr thr grnulnr rrsducuon in your food burtgjrt that hai rrutd frcm o- llomr victory oaxdrn iiovi ol r kcbr book if ou aiui for tuoccia in liir makr pcravrntrancr your boaora iritnd rauiion our tider brothrr and hopr your guardian addlaon itmininc charm lies in ti1t voict a aonini chlff charm lin in hrr toirr tf hrr ivior has a soft liquid quality and lotrly cm tonr ucn it maltrrs not twthrt aba u blondr or brunrttr thin or plump nutorvoud or onclan bnc has irmirunr appeal thr quality tn tmin most prlird by mrn and mora prlrj than rrr today vhrn ao many womrn arr prrforor wfarlrka alack lir munjuon aork going into uniform or hustling about their volunteer or vort in tauortxl auiu prmlhlnr allurt does indeed roaice a grealrr contrlbuuon to tha lrnirnl morale than mot of ui are uaare bo hrn jxxu man ooroea homa ci t into our moft ch arming houweout and wear a ooitt in your hair- or don oui motu bxxnlng frock and your gayeat bit of a hat but lov me tru you a wenrt if you really want to make lhr moat of your femi nine appeal turn on the charm m your voice for a knely voice can be your oeatet attraction dut there are to manv xolcea that are not attractive you hmr tlxm vmtyvhrrt borne are liansh and nuplng some are flat and tin int rtmlntt wenr ore mhlnlng and petulant others arr apoiled by poor diction or faulty enunciation or a slurring together of sound buu other are hard und met all lc yet alth a little care most voice fault can be uvrtromr and i can atusuxv you that nothing pays quite such rich reardi a olcr grooming evrnone is jut naturally attracted by a beautiful ralce one thai rprefaes unrmth ajmpult affection and artv it beatous feminine nimxal on hr mat irnvh woman and ndda greatly to the cbann of the mom beautiful unman tin hook of the week sam small flies again imtlhson 285pp 2 75 tam sniftll 1a a tnily remarkable ftllo somctimr he la just a plain trda clutbbv yorluht reman llh a uhltc ualrus moutach ulio hius made a bu of a fortune out of inventing uic bom bknau self dolfini bpndlc and alio like to iend nn ecnlng if he can get away from lib uood uilc mulley owi a glus of ale nlth the boya at tho spread eagle tuern ilul istni bmall ls a sort of falrytaj character as well as you uill nnlia uhen you read about ome of us amazing adenturwi tuko the time he uent to hear u fermo on fitltll nhxn he noa in californui and came out o find he could llv yes really zoom and snoop and slide just ns n bird doc what an uproar lie cauiedt nun there uiu the tune he found himself uie victim of split peronajlty uhlch uat fun until hi ulfe began to like his other half best another tall tale is the one about the time he a gypsys lke uhen lib ulfe uius nuny and he ntu loneomc would you bellev it that dog could talk but uhen it turned into a little 13 yearold its5 the nelithhoiira talked one of the most fancllful yariu is the one about the time sunday got stuck and it kept on being sunday until sam had to call on his irlcnd the king to pre en t a national crbls there are otlur moricr just aa ingenious ian cawpers insistence on tne duke orudllng exercising his droit de seigneur how sam woke up in berlin and found himself rudolph heu how a joogllnjr bluggv blooger of a tyke helped him capture the ocrman spies and the naive htory ol qommv doakos the cockle man the draulngu of donald mckay will add much to your enjoyment of the fnntuatlc adventures of the lovable and unpredictable sammy with hla thick ynrkahlre brogue cinu con cabne bconomy meals arc a must on mots food budgets these days yet often they are just as nutritious and just as appetizing as mora expat tlvo meals this is an especially fine recipe for chill con came try ti come time soon u lb cubed beef u clove garlic chopped lb cubed dork 16 cup onion sliced 1 cup celery cut 3v6 cups kidnev beans canned h teaspoon pepper 14 cup chopped green pepper 1 cup rice cooked sttcups canned tomatoes salt to taste 1 cup water ltt tbsp fat 1 teaspoon chili powder bear met in hot fat until brown add celery onion green pepper sesjwungs tomatoes water am rioe eimmer gently one hour ftdd kidney beans and chill powder and almmer one hour longer berve wth brown bread and cole blaw dy eric knioirr

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