the geotgetowa herald wedaeaday may 13th 1942 i lt gevtftal a bttabt ctkaef of huff camaahaa army otlatr vicr atutral rtoxv w mxllh cutf of huff uyal cannttin nary nonalh gordon clubman of tha wartiaao rttroo and trad board ottawa immuss prttml j l rty mt tad boo txa iwaw rceojuy tfc crcatofioi party pocscd by tho sbam of wmihi of tx jp- tatftua ctureb on rtday ewcin u la fcaea of ut tad ura- wlfrd hirrvrt w ejsato i uin eeo ufcbw r jayd ua ura ff in uaunre d uiv j a asakulm una sd aarond lor ladlea and or eectbsub ur tbceiij browmidv uja k c c- ootfcjaii psfxs to l- unv oeaiareaut anon a fiortviria ui lwrai to of arud t traftif exd ur j u kx- ull vttw rclcrumad in a abort ptqjtasl ur c c oxatrae partormad tc baptuma at sunday afternoon trx carol rtry laxe uuie rt icr cl ur axid ura jtuu latoe axd frf lobr uarrov utk kibtrr or ur aid ura t3 uonov im ukr tao cilkltto btpuwd tfcr kr j bcuocu bxj2it by mreobrr ci ui urdc a tij lunaj in mraxiry of lhru cdo wt gtrf lbe cncofajolif lor uolbrra day ixuiai lh oflrr laf un a w onun ku4 u uj- uar lrajer tttxxjaxmil try ufa vklujr in u- cntrauon inc ad rd ui and uj w o uxixntu of lmjr oti uj and itn it c3oate i itittxjn us a a hntfcr tj urtinun txx and ltit lio ur low artd babr and ura uullrxi uf tcjecio uraua vbllum ij ckadcxi uid ul itsvitlun 11 uvl uj liot lrr and ouv u axu3 uj tofilun lutun ktrt c cluu nd uj lilcr at tnr tmcicrv a hi bi3 uj a j uidfuiint rrcrcuj lacld d ur h a auid erf uruxi and ua uounmn d trunlo co kn caj and on tu urd and ivimu una lli ir a ucooaan and ititstr lujry amrliionl erf iujtu- uj arj un autrj grant hit lvvy low i hart jjr u illirruan ol tvionto uj douia azd uiu luvo urlxrtt im of ax tan and ura j a umrt hunt and jaoqrunr of oodbury limdamm cirrtrj and urn ten i utiid uc oflkrn iul of llalion vj trd in uijton oo ua e ur ajn wiim and us 9riu iv vrlrt aprnt lkitidy ailm the- urht mj u m wfltfht ipfnt a f da in twonto rrccntly mia vratr and uia kjjw of uwi don and llur ann tiouirrlaud vuh rd 1u ura oofdoo outhcrland uua iivk tj t oaniham inul of toronto hxnt buncy ilh mr and ura v ohclboarnr mi and urt a w dtn on and lamily itltrd ux and ux u orrrn irw ulltcn on uunda u 1 aabaal urrub ttir ftnancu rrport of xhe w i for uv pt rar lit irad at inr aiinuiu tctttng at mrs uhchrlla it mrck ancraing hum pamins lhrott uic utaurrr tianda ttiu iu rau rd by blnjroa rafflcv kn annltrrvii tr and lavn uxu aahacv colc ttoru and rucnrr thu rar one ajij ont half tunrt last tr jam for o intra haa brcn aikrd for ac liii t hchur u donaung 13000 for that fund the au local ovrraraa mm arr irt tine 1100 aurtii of dgarttu uit monui and a donation of 2 aa ot rd to ororvttoad branch of thr ilrd i crou the june mrrung all be held june 2nd instead of on june 4th i oving- to duulct annual brln nt inat day ur wruht do and oonta for w gjag ja ooviy m uiiitd to prrrltit tor tt o tflccra followloc n4- im o mnuj mwru the tututui and auditon rrc rttlcll in a bodj prtcdcnt urv j u eutrtjy ut vlmptealdent mi 8 m wright 2wj vltpiralmt mil 8 klik- ptrlck- bccrctarytreftaurer ura a w brnion etthrtrt dlnoter ura w ooady audllora mxa a j 8nwllimt mis w htna othcra eltl wtre a folo branch director lira j jamlc- ton mra w mitchell social convenor mra a melton old prozrom convenor mra w oouy vlalung committee mra s wright tin a hill planlata mra w oowdjr mra h norton prcas reporter mra a w benton war work oonvenormra p shtl- bourne moadame ellerby benton and ou by were a committee named to meet the local teacher mua j ruddeu to arrange for a gardening conteat ulti oertto 9e 6im uw wins trig octet lor the acbooi eiicarebi aatfean mm l uoor sob wlb ko u4 acd hanrttd lb algbaa to u wx lor their cat hj croia parotl xiijirtd th nauooid aumra vlltors oo sjaiy vlth u and lira k uuiar inrtuwd ur and im tbomtan ura jumm ait uj arid ura jtmt roe a cxjjbim et oeorrttovn and ur iu wj bchoader and luozij of ouli od uobdu hi urr of seuua vajd vtui the uv and ot ur w a lane tu stewarttown t r a 1 da inavr at loau tjerr zopi kra ura cj bjkt u lctx lor a in cfo cnr4g ur li int ate jim j rxuucvi of cric bordro a rocnf lot uir vaiua cucjttbtautiorii lo ur ard ur iuy bxljj on dr urtri cl a iai ur rriivton ii3 uua rjt jrriiaoit it- 1 1 trr twnui ilj frrro at trjj ur l it iuy ard ur vjmin ilu of tww iiui at tjrfjr bonw jrffr dlr ihc t4 t d vie are iuajd to lrar trit lilt cabh it laiuvtlnx aid i ki u tr arv rd aian uxxi ballinafad ur lute n waortl i o v iitf iper t tri tv nd t ma fvrit ur j d utr o aiitrn vt o printr rir ivnoay t uj st u- maoaf tiirjt a a pood turdner at ih uhjti fno t in ur hall 11 dajr nm nf the pfcafram of orf roueir ard witty utnc jncn l u lady nuuutlt a enjktjnl b u ojriri tne rtrnlng a draw u madr on a qal i riu h a ton by ui wufrj lurdlnf of umfhoui iio orda atrt danatrd to erin ilrd civ gotietr uouvrr a day arnlrr iu utarnrd ounday momlni a pkjaj pan of thr ienlre aa the chrutmlnj ol fue fhimrrn htanlry llay aon of ir and lira uinclalr luiiriry uaud uranl dautfhtrr or ur and ura j v kirk a ouo jurm koftmui infant mii uf ur and ii ocrdcn allkm uf o prtnrr and janet and ujiuir cjildn of ur and un w lvrnnan wa ur bmart lead ihr rrcltaj and ur jxu ufjlnrry told um atory of llannah the good uohrr ottirn laainff par in tne church aerlce tnr uj p w unortlu uiu lodia bnov and jimm kirttaood the to junior cltjjr unit an anlhrtn uia krthr baindirhurri hprnt tr ecd wltja trwfids ta ttcio- uiaa kinma ooa u a sunday mit er vitfe ha- lister ura- x ucfctsy glek williams ur and ura rofcm ssaezaeaiy re tumfiil bcec on tuudxy txxer apod tnjr a aoort rcl wun riatlea in ojejpo- ur aad ura fred norton aect sunday vitb rrauvt in hirr linn ur and ura jack pucktamoc wtr- dfij and tkaonj of toronto apeaat js day at ue has of us and ura j norton ur and ura gordon hokuucc anc cwdren of tns were aitora on n clay at lhe boor of ura luan ura cxiarlir tstrwin of bramxic u ti4urf ij3 tts tuter ura t j itlu ur ttd ura jjxn hnm br ur ard un juui livtam jr ur aid un urn fktartu and ur and urv 1 ujimrm attended tf ilrpum via arddjif in toronto on baturlay afternoon us and ufa llarotd tnocnninn ut couaaile prrt h nday 1u3 itaun irtr 0i hnd etrfaivtf uaruyn edm brth a fant daual ter of ur and u ocj lurtii iu chrvterrd in ti uiu1 oiurch bj iu- a o v raan larat sedfs w a has ltatltaittjig evtaf the rardar eaobtaiy eaaettng ef the lore scou lamer aunthary u held last tbaraday at th boea of ura 1 k barfcer stb rtlcif munrjra tect- th sacreury refiortad that 1w etamrtta had ba aait etr- aaa lau rocelb cbe aaoeed tot test coct ctrrurmaa th rj atate hiect ihoawd a feac halanc of umbo it vaa decided to aecd iwealrra and uxaa 10 tvo boja arno had recexnl amtd cmnau and auo to elan ar itr itcht avaj lor the new n- cnu and to arnd a futher irirmrdt of wo cuarntea tndjrijljj vranprd to each ru cnerseaa amxrtxitnu re made for a btcgo in tne lacido a danc in the areourlca and lortal nrung at the home of un h tecnant vhkh a hrd lau rn log the mutet eioted anth the iiglng of the nauonj anthroj at ter amlcb refrfchmenu arfr hrrt tr the rotleu fullaa cal vraaa diiulao c t af meeting ton iuu burlington sat may 16 at i3 pa h r c a k c k j hestwortfty mp tk cxvf it not jam ajwther ruual rartj artlk a pouct ptaalaatm aaa ca traltrd hj u bio rvttaxhtw sal a m far a on maaral of the tveate far the rveate kj t orcrt rouii rvcsyitoot onicovi planning a wedding then youll want your wedding announcement and invitation to be just right our new park avenue script odds that modern touch ond proved popular with dozens of inst years brides sorry we cant reproduce it here os the type is too delicate to stand up under our newspaper press drop into the office next time youre downtown and see our samples attractively priced thcgeorgetown herald main street phone 8 pact goulet director national serrlee ottawa rt nuott h urns wf lfttlall bllhtlw teflm lafisml w 4 tluk caawawttaala the railway and the war fly thuntan tophant canadian ralltuaymcn uxre quick to respond to the call to arm95is4 employees of the canadian national railway system haoc enlisted foratttoesenjicc cnr employees tuko have joined ihomawaro eufrident toman five distrovers those tulio have enlisted in the atmv mould fotm in tne anvuouia twin ai four- infantti battalions w air force enlistment would establish ten sca tmtmmavv ti9 ihtht ia wmcsimo iuuiiiiffi s- fiir someefth mi unusualoccupahou included inthlstiatarw tmummtswerefrom rutt6 tbav bovs 55 branches of roomim sjsskj svstamactivmes k andreprwient summmnwfsm lot sbartcauuto5 etamin oobuhd mcm aw ottwoawwaiaimn jj imf paaaaaa s george c brown nor v al mown ntu for vocauht mm u ratruu betrr klamlaaafa is rearag aamg aaveiaiaat waaaa caatraju vicrr la rarrrauy kaarw it marals cmwa ahlt ta tam cma halwraar at ui aav uartl a the na- twaal hw af the oh pa- trkta u a attire mtaalaav u hcmuth aad prraxk oaaaatas rwrmtare a piatliilr camaataa raaabtaatlea auk haa avaataraw a vrr attrartlvr raag ta7 eg ceaa aecaialhhaieal milk bottles wanted there is a serious shortage of milk bottles and in order for your local milkman to continue to give efhci ent service it is imperative that every empty bottle be turned in immediately please cooperate with us in helping to avoid a shoitage by putting all your empty bottles out tyers milk products maple leaf dairy richmello coffee lb 39c domino peanut butter j 25c white or brown bread 2 loaves 15c freah dates lb 19c jewel ralmotlve shortening lb 10c soap 3 bars 17c newport fluffs pkg 25c meats neiuonh bologna lb 19c cocoa lb 29c russic cleanser 3 tins 14c dutch loaf lb 31c head cheese lb 10c macaroni soap 5 bars 25c cheese loaf lb 31c clark a tomato or cgeume wepers lb 24c soup 2 for 15c cooked ham lb 61c avlmer 11 01 bottle i catsup 14c beehive syrup 5 lb 53c cottage roll lb 31 fresh sausages lb 24c chocolate mallows baking powder lb 23c 1 lb tin 19c cooking apples fruits and vegetables 8vnkist jms oranges texas grapefruit 5 for 25c 3 1b 25c doz 25c celery hearts 2 for 21c 2 for 23c 2 lb 10c head lettuce fbksh spinach dominion stores limited rbonb n