Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 13, 1942, p. 5

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the georgetown herald wety may 13th 1942 canadian soumer for or of a aeclrt erf portrait of ths mm tn oanadas army hln tcrice newton roa hu cboaro foroaa young aim resolute coolly typical rmampic of our fighting dtffuct the tit ariadan sold ier l aa ccenprthrruhe a it i imp thi painting ha been repro duced in put card alar and la brlnx parrd fire tn canteen lo br used by mm tnin thr canadian army you want printing of distinction phone 8 the world new seen through the christian science monitor am tnirrmsltomjl dmly nrwiptfrr it tnmil cmimln ummit ttmt tea mlil iwiwiiii an t r d lrrt 4 u ttt funra tipdhr i li w j t u tea monroe i lal nmrucw fw k tr qlrtst un sewne pl ig socm on norwar stun b isa mimrhttett pria 112 00 y itr i o0 moauh hlasi ian uicludine mtfuta sktioo it to m vut istfodurrorr offer 6 2 onft nw ato sample copy on bequest wwmm spring round trip fares to western canada from all stations in eastern canada going duly may 22 31 1942 inclusive cturn limit 45 days tiuketo oood in coaches in tourist sleeping cars or in standard sleeping cars at special reduced rates for ach class cost of acco in sleeping cars additional haooaoe checked stopovers at all points en route wmfhsr fare firm western to eastern canaaa daring same period tickets sleeping car reservations and all information from any agent ask for handbill t384 canadian national r theatre friday may is henry aldrich for president jim lydon jonr preltacr sailors on leave william londifin shirley boss fox news saturday may 16th sullivans travels joel mecrea veronica lake novelty dont talk disney baggage busters chapter i king of the texas rangers matinee at s p i tuesday and wednesday may 10 and 20 dr jekyll and mr hyde with bpcsmt tracy in dial rob with inshi berg in lena t a canada carries on food- weapon of conquest social aitdpenonaj un h u tbofeod cad uu enid thornton bj- pat sunday with urr arm un d cmpbu un w j brown of cardau ui- l vttb her brother mr f l uc- olrrry lut vly mr harvey wloc oi toronto and mr r w ueffmy and children of lteo pent mother day with ut and mrs w b wo 1t and un bemud oovtan and btoy david of braptod wera week ed uttora with her parents mr and mrs o 8-jvrat- unut oa oourt quju tp john cooper art oopry ronald jen kins and roy p of toronto ipm sunday vttb mr w pc lac and mr w c ry and flu eucro bradlry spent uir rta end with ux and ura tdwin e iluit- tn oahava ura jamtn joora ha left tor rlwr ixanjtoha to make her home ahrie hrr iotjid bt pikx juoe o al ton u svlauooed u 4 uaiiaftt camph n-rtr-n- tralnlnt t thr wrum llutuia to rooto prnt ua dy at hrr home and tth hrr randootner lira d cam- bru fkii ol ur c d uhrlry 0jr- duxunatn llirh ill be paid u nv ui t thr arrl ed home ir utr rrdnt thr rrk end with rwr parrnu 1u arj u j n onrn itr nd ur wajirr clrhn and- rd the aruial convrtioi oi the on- tariojar6r 0jujaq of the cnui wmluy newipaprrt abocutlon u ti- iccito lait frldy and baturtl ulu u brey kltbrlde u fvut urj4y toonlo and hi and ur row ullkr and bab itulh nahuue rrr sunday 14 ton at ih home of thrtr parrnu xtr and mi s lieit hriey mi ii c uoourr rrcrltrd ri taat meek that hrr moihrr mm anrn tichulr erknly ill in uuflvo ny and left imrordialely or thi city ufa urhulu paed aa ihr foualng uaturday and funeral t- mcr mrrr hrtd rter- at the mominc tervlre lam binii ml ooorcriovn united chunh ciw jran lubhrrt dauchtrr c mr uul vir e a iliburt and lndi j n whltinee damfhur or mj nut mr prank c whltmre wrrr churnrtl b re r c todd waltt mcow ton il mr and mr f u ucouvtay h irj h n ob with ihe durjigion diuvtr for a new position 1ui the ltuniingcn ptt newt wajtrr irttmrtl tri prining trade at thr llrrud otllc and borkrd at larder iutr and duim- jc prior to tncnuik lo duj rllnfpon a few ert ago thr daughters of the church hrld a auccefcful tea tn the undy titicol roomi of 8 george a church lui saturday altemoon a lr o np- ran madr by rormbrra of thr club a atao conduced and there a t aubatanual 6 urn reollxed which u1 b fexl to pay for new curuina lor irn sunday tchool rooms bouquet of ulaca decora ud the room and ih- new curtain wire tn place to be bern by thoae attending the tea through the rourte of j b mac kenzie a bon the nc vnlleuw aparunentft on market strut uirr opened to the public 1m buria and u amall admlon chargd and tea ened with proceeds foe t v oecrgetowti branch of the canadian red cro a society mrs ann lttnum wua oonenor and tea room aasbianth included mrs a duncan mm c b hodgson mrs p b oofn mrt a reeir mrs a m nielsen mi h a staunton mr w e nodwcu mihv k and a ryan mr c h barber and mrs r wlgsctt tea aa tened in the hvtng room of one of the npin- ments and the tea table was decor ated with bouquet of mauve urn white stocks while bouquets of lllit added a fcprln note a good cruud attended and about 3500 was rcul- ed for the red cross red cross news try new advertisemeiils im the spwhg they bring results ahou ben adhem iy his trtb to- creaxrr awoke one nlfht from a deep drea of peace and uv with3 the ootujht of the room uakctf it rich and lute a jy tn bioom an aazel anting in a book of gozd elceedinjr peace had madr ben adum hod and to the prtence in the room he uld what arlieat thou the iioti ra- rd hi head and with a look made all of wt accord anawnrd the rumtt of tho r ho kne the lord and u mir one ald abou nay not to k4vhd the anrl abou fcokr more lo but ihttrluuy ttiu and tkl 1 iiij ther then wrt mr ii oew ho icnfk h fri- lowmrn thr tin kit fob 8juj- ictctfn cabtnet for tale apply up herald office fob sewt 3 roobmd apjtieot with all con rccilectcim poon j i ul aprjy it crw t uz3lald office fob bent 3 roomed apajtrn t with bah uurdock and aibert 8u appjy llpa- rai lierald orvice afbtlekt job bcnt 3 room apartment on groan floor at valylew aprtxnrnu appjy j b uackijvzle bon uantcd oood con lit aon crib and bb bugvy wantad appjy una ed wmuzac lip king bt oppoaite cuy ltodtu boabob4 wantto boaidrr anted convrnieot locali ty apply llpf k iv hpia1d ortia 6room frame loutr on kdith utrrct no cunriilrncr- ictnul lliuo po-w-b- lon june lit alto garagr foe rrnt a k u lanodon ihone uft snfr rotr and aiunii d nrt night he came again with a great vakrnlng lt light and tiiow d the man mhem oe of ood had bltd and lot urn adhrm name led all thr rrt tti ijnolu po by latlh hunt la not to br uurn a urmchin u th it 1 brttrr to imr our frllowmrt than to loe ood you mihl uiu uiat at flrbt reading the real pur- with the jafft c por of thr poem i to teach u tha m china foe the m wc see if wfule uwrr are man peope who are j trying on max ie latt fur ye or to and during nil that time i ready to proclaim that thr kr the pr to fim ta1 lht lrd not o nun are ready to tovr uitm aulke oul at m nilill their fellow men the diuijle johi tng ln ft 1 u tt k new commandment uut u to clran up almoat everything u i me or anouier we mutt lc our uird1 mmkra q- mondfr mh 11 fiiowmen to uie xtrni that if un u uibt ih chlnw hae that the de- allling to aacrif icr in order to give to kndrrr uir rruluplnr lacked aileviate e ufterlng throughout the u umt jp6 hatjt been l world today oue genrrouuy u thr u w njlich uvelr ownway dur- canadian red crow ho are earning jr0rn jrt j hmvin on uiu oik of mrrc for ua mii- our 0uljr mi for ua thrn too ill u t been abe to reiolalr to an kirat rvtrnl perhapb uw idra of uilcklni japan proprr may be ux rouun to uie pioblem in the taci- he the fall of japan luelf aouks rtt the aje tiie trouble of retak 1111 al uutoe iland one by one no doubt thoae retporulble for the con duct of the mar in the pacjic know what th are doing and orrlng over the tituauon by any of ua oj lielp conditions even a utile bit do lol sipfom tilt carca of rubbtr lll affect thr uppl of rubber check- that have a holm of bouncing bock from time to urar wc hnvent noticed any tatuca re cently reg rding the upply of rubber check but at one time there seemed to be loo many of ihrm altogether why anyone mould go to the trouble at the request of war senicr mini- mr out a check and then full ter thorwn the order of st join to im fund to meet tt 1 biond i will rerthf from thr canadian rtd then i no diffiace about being croi n amount ufcient to rnabl t of o but there la a certain uu otut to finance 1u ar aciii- i ajnounl of dlagrac about promising lo uv for im the taact amount re- l an obljgauoo on a cenio date qulrcd u not known ot preaent i and cn faulng to either meet it or dd we not all admire the bravt rxplain hy uc coujdn t meet it orctka and mlshtxl wc could in homr aatp u j- t ajwajs the pcr- ua hilp uum the international te m06l money that haa red era is doing all they can for thf bnt ntinil often the priwon thai them the xnternauonal red crow ha hadu of mecuna his obllga- tsocuty headquarter in oeneva uo when due u the betur risk switzerland lt financed by grants from the wtrld j of j wtti1 hummer just around the cor- o thought arc apt to turn ulluu do oir doularh go tht qutisilon lb not difficult to an- ibwrr ln britain nrarly tmo mi lou childrrn tiavr been rrmovrd from tht lr hutnit for feur of bombing biiouk i hifmiuon liavi bcn n moved t ctium- uirir homes have been dr-iro- rd of till number orr uuee hun- j0rd thouknd oxr oriiluixift or chid- ren mho have lot uielr parent rr been abandoned by them if thtr moa no more bombing at all thru mould mill br more to do thun hi i cants dun lrl croc coud 1um tu aixumpui a more and more lir uji momtn are called up lo work in ifbumuon planta and other mar equip ment factories then are lea left to moke children a clothe fulno fob sjue piano lor rewrtrr valjeyview apt 5 fob sale several good treah jeney cow for uie apply una huoh nack it jtroce 01 r j oeorgetown fllub bjtlbb lut drhwry on uy mh xf i nv mlmfd calling on o pirate mall your order to a lioujxh itp bramptofe iob rent pour loom apartment mlth bath oa main lirrl kxih all bnght and la kuod condition icmticn june ul apply i c t herauy ophicc xb ret one urgr iuxttulsrd iuum to util- ler rocm mlth kiichrnrie each willi bathrtxxn adjouiuig ur of phon- lm- medute pofiic appjy 1uia opftcc tf or phone 36 a ictl on hale an auction air of fumiture and hourhoxl rftrct mil be held on sat urday u zjid at thr home of lira prtd broonviead ourlph st paru- cular ort meea prank pctch auctioneer belt wanted wanted male and female help for office and hatchery typing for of fice mark not nrcer apply twcxhmx chock icatclit3lx3 uurztd it prrgus ont tendcbh rou coal the oeorvrlowtt lilgh ucliool board is aklrmr for tender for 45 tons of crrened anthracite prw coal delivered at thr school tender to be sent to the undercued not later than may it 1m walter t rvanb it secrctat wanted used electric range rangclta- wu era tscuubu rtrleratora for pkltu wlichea and motor deacrfi fury ta otrand hoice ajtano jtp tt1 king ot e nimlrtnn fob ulut quantity of brood aowi on hoc two year old fjuantlty of pood mttva teed apply j p hiftfffi tf ptoooa u r oaoffmovs wanted uee and iirni1 poultry dut4 prfahl a urhstt boh pbflb brabptb mir lir dbalvs- euvgagements mr and mrs t f or lev c announce the engagement of their daughter audrey mary to vernon arthur sharpe rcaf son of mr and mrs fred sharpe ajlandolc mr and mrs david e hurrcn wlh to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter doris irene to jack only son or mr and mrs william press wood of oeorgetown the mar riage to take place early ln june your if you attach aa much impor tance to havtng your ere amlned as we da you will ba a patient ot oura we have kept up-to-date- by taking postgraduate oouraaa using good equipment and ha over twenty years experience to eye examination ftsr a complete bye berriee a q illy asaea at clly prle conbttlt 0 t walker r0 bvksiabt bvemaublt who will be at hi offlot omt the bell tnlephorie oo- u btreet grafltvetowb the eoqbd wedneadt of eh month r you may eoowil o t wuker t hi oibob in brampton 1 croh canada contributed 7 00 to the lnt rnalional society thl ar one of the largit expenditures on uie part of the red cross is the prt- oncrofar fund which requlri ul- moat three and u half million dollar to finance it an excellent purchas ing committee enables uie red crxxs to nd foods abundant in caloncs uienby taking a tremendoub burdt n oil the houldcrs of the british red cro each food parcel pjaiuicd by xperta l vilucd ut 2 50 and con- taint 16 o- uhole milk powder lb o butter 4 oz chem 13 oz corned beef 10 oz pork luncheon meat 8 oz mtlmon 4 oz mirdltus or klinrh 8 oz raisins a oz dried prunes or migar 16 oz jam 16 oz pilot biscuits 8 oz eating chocolate 1 oz aalt und pippcr 4 oz tea and 2 oz boap the bucccv of the red croeci campaign will enable uiem to send twice un many parcels as they ure already do ing can you not visualize uie luces of our canadian boys ulun they re ceive thiiso urcels is it not worth bomeuiln to you to til tare lu uielr joy that canada hu not forgotten ttxmr nor does the giorkctorwn red crohs ckihiid intlrely on the canvass thty do not tlt utui folded hands und wait for the money to be handed to them the special project oommlttee un tnt rgetlc group under the very able coivetiorshlp of mrs ann lawson worlu very faithfully throughout the year and haa so for accomplished uie following results for 1043 lunch booth at arena march oth 545 ice carnival mar 13ui 116 87 bingo apr 22nd 2722 catering ut hockey dance apr 28th and bridge on apr 20th 2800 admission fco and tea at opening of mackenzie apartment house 3480 31340 wo cannot all participate in these special events but wo can do our hare by giving to the red crow cam paign war services minister thar- son says that you are helping in can adas contribution to humanitys wax and that no nation can make a full- out war effort unless the clunerm tho men and women ln their own communi ties make a fullout community ef fort georgetown and vlalnlty has been asked to contribute hqoojoo let us not fall those who are endjxur on our douai- to bring them relief from the suffering they are endurinf for the future peace and happiness of our children to vacation days but the word vacation doeant seem to sound so good under war conditions however even soldier get am ay from it all from time to time for a day or so and civilians need a change in order to keep tlnm pepped up and fit but there are vacations and vacations at one time the word vacation meant muskoka it still sounds good but when we think it over and remembei the momjulto- and black fllca and the bed that wasnt so hot as compared vvllh our own bed at home we decide to pas up muskoka for 1042 unywuy ihe btl place of all to spend ones vacation is right at home ln onc own buck yard you have all the advan tages of being able to do as you like to enjoy the comfort- of the best ben of all and you can even forget jour pocket book into uie borguln u ydu want a sunbuth you luive all uie pri vacy possible and the baui tub l auuy uhead of any hike of courm if you must ko in for swimming you nitly have to hunt up uie olc tiulnun- ln ole but outside of that a holiday that has eveothlng can be enjoyed rhjht ut home with a big saving hi cots the idea even sounds patriotic in npitfc ok war conditio nit wc arc to have senior lacrosc again uils season with six teams in the scr ies owen sound is a now entry ln the senior group and you may re call uiat they won the senior b group last year some of tho ouicr teams objected to owen sounds entry thin season because of the location which means a ions drive however it isnt so long ago that orlllia was repres ented ln the tamo group and that would mean a longer drive than to owen sound for some of the other teams at least of course at the time that orlllia was playing in the group gas and tiros werent as important items as they havo become today last years winner the st cathar ines athlotics have a now coach this year in the person of bill wilson it go happens that we knew bill even befow he started to attend public school and naturally are interested ln him he has played on seven teams that have won the mann cup and it must be considered a habit of his by this time bill la a very quiet clean player and no doubt will make a sat- lamotory coach at catharines jiavo won the senior title for several years in a vow now and it would bejiefit the whole ufroees euuatton if some other earn were to win the honors this war fainttno and decobattno painting and corag at reason able prtxss qrumatea free mii wallpaper samples d nrrjtotf ftp phone 401 public health notice monictpaliry of giogtkwb to comply with hcttedule b of the riblic health act notice is hereby given that all residents of georgetown arc required to clean their cellars yards prlvlea and other premises and to remove therefrom nil substances nhtch may endanger the public health and to hae the uimr completed by the lit day or june next on nhtch day the sanitary inspector utll commence a general inspection ah citizens re urged to keep their prcmbes constantly clean and free from nuisances o v williams medical officer of health for georgetown may 13th 1043 21 township of esquesinj sanitary notice notice is hereby given that all residents of the township of ewjuw ins ore required forthwith to clean their cellars drains yards plff stye water clouts and other buildings and premises and remove all dirt ruth manure or eubstancedwhlch may endanger the publle health and to have same completed by the ut of june next on which day the sanitary inspector will commence a genera in spection all residents are earnestly remiest- ed to keep their premise oonitanuy clean and in thoroughly sanitary con dition note no nig etye is to be erected within so feet of any dwelling house road street or lane 3 runford sanl ry hu peoto r bauealng uay ljfch m m

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