Georgetown Herald (Georgetown, ON), May 20, 1942, p. 4

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the georgetown hetu wedaesday may 20 1942 your scrap robber is needed for the arraefj force for factorial for sfcijs dig it out now for the lions rubber salvage a special drive will be made on thursday jua 4411 when truck will make a complete tour of georgetown to pick up your scrap rubber have it ready i the high school student are auutuig the lion club in thi important work remember the date thursday june 4th some of the thing which contain waste rubber old tire and tube rubber boot and overahoe glove pant apron port shoe crepe cote especially good garden hoae hot water bottle bathing cap tlair treadt tubing toy while thi drive i primarily for ccrap rubber other watte material cuch a paper tied in bundle metal rag etc will be welcomed every crap count tag day in georgetown saturday may 23 in aid of the chinese war relief fund be generous china deserves and needs your help j l lambut chairman tat day caaubllur planning a wedding then youll want your wedding announcement end invitations to be jutt right i our new park avenue script adds that modern touch and proved popular with dozens of last years bride sorry we cant reproduce it here as the type is too delicate to stand up under our newspaper press drop into the office next time youre downtown and see our samples 1 attractively priced the georgetown herald fctfty cswptttfif wt4as la toirb sens ta i and fere daeentad bairn dniad crvircb far us ed- tent saturday aiureacb c aier urkui and ura toau oupccur 6 ooreaas to slefccrt kscstiob iwbry us of lira ffly and tfc tola wuuaa r pczwy uw r rvrran rrtvinad tu john ueb at rj3 oramn- 1i istta two to utrrumt by te laibrr ustsrrroa rrep woplr ea vtta qsllsad jstgt irrvf tai tu pets u and band oars of raws and eaae or tfc itor uwn of honor ni mr qritaa been tat bron j and a tool at rau and tarsur bast bub u ocrdon poury and uibrra srrr tuisb car- pmtrr and wutrad oarpanur tne itctpuod w at lb cftd itil tbr brides bvwrirr racaaviag tn a era draa vttn nary kntoortv and rot help china now spring round trip fares to western canada from all stations in eastern canada going daily may 22 31 1942 inclusive button limit is davb tickets oooo in ooacnea in tourist bleeping can or in standard bleeplns cars at special reduced rates or each dasa oott of accommodation in tbeeptng can additional baooaoe checked stopovers at all polnta en route similar fun from western a eastern canada daring aame period ticket bleeping car reservations and all information from any airtnt ask for iiandbiu t2m canadian national to po4rr uji tutts ptak vttb ythov rau tb mmtsif trip to oar- uktro ourta lh ttncw lrmwinnj to hnry circa ct txxtm brawc win bran teenwrui and far coal to rouxr lu tn in ttarcbio th farktlr tao u tut 0 ilr aod ur wcirr wwiw was un oorf lurrttafoo hu frwijrcuj ut4rj to 0arjrurd vtrrr tt fa chax17- mfxitv phone 8 a 1 fvtwdl party for mr aod utu a c pfttttrfm uut prtday aitiu tnr bjmrrtrl dkjiit otjb sxrvd lnu uirabard lo ptjr mbuir 10 ur and ur a c pat- imon bo w mcnlntf to tttronu vferrr u pstunoi hu pcsuuoo u uufwetof tn ft muajuon plant amcng thr ony uru tu uajcr oosvan osbboru of onoffuwn ho in thort talk fonmvrnijx3 in t dal tpcrii ol tn club and all nxh rural orranuaucn and auo nude lb coenmrat that tata nrrj duijotjucsa a lararly duw to hj rr- tldrnt in oeosvtiotm brlorr rttah llinlnf hi buiinma on aatfrrrrrk i cui aa in oarumn all rrlauoru anr oarxrmial ur and ura pmiunod rr pr- rntd lin a chair and lamp dunnf thr enlnf and an addrra ma rrad lo anich lhry made auvsvb rrpli rrprtalnc uw lruu lhat inru mi- dmor in ttuxmuj vould br only tem porary thr addrtaa plrxn in uuirrtmh cucnir club and rtlcndj to ur and ur a c pat- trrum may 1 ims during recent tra r havr all matched rnitn grrat lntrxr thr a rlcpmrnt and eipauion of our txuj nru on 8uvtrvrtrk hiu till it had become to ua a aytnbol of rovlroi hi- lcr and good awfcmanhip- we aatchrd too our homr in ahich r ha pent o muiy pru- ant earning aa a club and aa frlrnda till it otood llkr a ctt built on a hill that cannot br hid thr emblem of hospitality then came the aar a ar ol man phue one of the mo6i unporuknt of which u the lor of production in hlch drpartment ou hjx beconu connected and in uhlch mortt ou alll c knou wne xur country as ral- oualy and aa rfnclcnu uj jou hate wnrd thu oommunlt in the pat toxb we all regt t our u mpor- ar removal from the community and dub but our regret la umpered b the knowledge thi ou have a rrspon alble poition and on in keeping miui your exceptional kju and ubilit lit mar mork of thu kind theat tokrn of our repect and ioaity to tmo good friend will re mind ou of thr kindly rvenumenu ur feci for you and the joy that lb be oun hen you return on that hupfy day you may be on flat urea oil round and out of go ut the foot of sllvcrcreek 1u11 in that com bound your horn and ai ulll all tun out lth ropc to haul jou up thi hill 1th all the joy und ncclamatlon uocordod a roman emperor returning in triumph from the ar with hu em pr a by his hide and victory on nil nift banners signed by all rmmtxrs of uic club and community d itm w s ife ba6 riri tw weid gabkj mtbm tst pfl st ft wtx brjvcs jnit bfl ftt ura dft2btfi uaettax oriin hi cb iuj uth- arrets m ad u tim b fcloz na sbj laj an th to arnrwrwt lb urm o tnear aa tertccc grfma on t rlir tfay utn rms at u oua2 osicraj hoijjtux iioar and ujdt ai9 bote defing rjatr lwfbf ctsb hies fr f 942 swim a 0kct tswuxf of lh iraa and llroa hcuon of thr ocorrctotfn ibwung ckt a bid 00 tuaaday tneeunf uay islh tt oaaa ccm- tniitr fweur kvraqaoa tor ruim 10 omtr 1m3 toumamjnla and ptnrj ur a t pftmm aa pre- drnt ipna tn faxiur of mcv r4d rzjcvcrtbnxt of rvw oortr putnjj- altj whii ail of ihow prrcvot wrre not cvruin hat uu ctatrra couid br druucauy praaluad thr mminf metrt on racord a tavourtn oczkr action to rk aroaa it vu ocdrfd to osrjiy open thr aruoa una vtlh cljb ptcry the protaxcu of srtiirjj wxjd br dtoc- atrd to thr urraid hnuh war vk- umi pund ttuougtuut thr paax thr rrkjy play will br very atinflaj to lhat of la4 itar uondaya- ifjca xum tmda tadsta afternoon and vrcinvdactaakfc9 hd loui- namroia ttiiaday uurd ilnrya rnrtiia mini oouhirm baturdayoiajutigt sd tourna- mrnu asjrgrava kttivt pauad away la toreato mr ii o ucxtofu a muw of aaafroe and lor antral ar a lfidnl of oeorrturvn pautfd aaay at hit home in toronto on baturda momlnf ma th lie had brn in ul- braltn alnce lut october thr ulr mr mcoovro iu bom inainiror lutflt rart aio and aa a son of tnr ul ut and itn william mo doatu a a youna man he va itn ployed in toronto but relumed to uiu dutnet lor a time to maat hu riomr in oeorgrurfen atvrrr br iu auccuied 1 the j a wutojanbr apncy heturnlna lo toronto i4rrral tar ago br had time bren en ita4rd u me rurnjturr butlr fony ear aso he married ulaa ada l 1okjorn of umrriouir he raj a member ol ihrlooj and a maun bunlvlns are hl ilr four brotii- cra w ii mcoorll oronte mr- doaell and albert moooveil of tor onto and crnrit mcdcnrll of white p01 haalchemn and two atitrrv mrs liaro laaton of bteaarltoam and mr c tloble of toronto the funeral iervl a held on turula- may 12th from the mc dourall and broan funeral parlora on bt clali arnur thr tervlcr vaa conduclrd by pliant lieutenant the u kou k cameron interment a in paik lamn cemrtery torunto church news krrlplare teil the aacruk at lac wteard l an abaealnauaa u tkr lardi bal the prayer f the prlfkl la hto drllaht rrr 15 a hu oearre charch rubhcribe now for volin hometown newhpaper weekend service buses leave eastboitnd westbound a tm am 1000 iun 0j4 jn o 11js ajn 1309 pjn xao pm 72 pjn a 5 iun cm pjn b o0 pjn m pjn a 7j9 pjn ojo pm aas pjn b 1j0 ajn t iojm pjn 1135 pjn adally taotpl sunday b aunaagra and holldaj only o to kltduoar d to btratford dally aoept sunday and holi day r sat bun and holiday daytistii sahfls ww cray coach lines tutal am tafanaauta al w hlv0no ww o f f re w o o thompsoru hector whltaunday hory communion am sunday achool 10 ajn ma tin 11 am evrn- mjnff 7 pm sl alluna chareb olm wlulam whltaunday mating ojo am bunday school 10j0 ajn inun pmbyterlan choreh union preobyterlan church annt- cnory tcrvlcea 1u be held may 31 further partlculara next ek gearihswn united cbartb rev r o todd da mlnlater empire day 10 am sunday achool and bible clan 11 am public worship subject ood8 consolation or the british em pire 7 pjn evening de votions subject the livtna dead a welcome to t atran bal creaa b c cbareh rev pr v j morgan tat ard and 5th sunday mass and and 4th bundaya man at 9 ajn 81 johns chareh btawahtwb rev 8 r ooleriroolc rector dancing huttenville park eviiv wfjdnesrky a srurdy bayd rjwhastm s rer iitonloj gordon aookusr or phone brampton sot r u notice to milk consumers bicompuance with an order of the mhjc control board on and after monday june lit 1942 the sale of mux in georgetown will be on a cash basis only no sill can be- kit by your dealc unlet bottle cad tkfects are out wfeea be call and no tneeiaj d are silowecl tyers milk products maple leaf dairy a good place to eat special sunday dinner full course 0c up private dining room for parties wevutng reception etc harry chu proprietor domimiom fou always ft tomatoes 2 25 clarks hnllh tomato juice 3 25 krllaa or quaker cora flake i as para 3 for 25c kehtovrt duplex cream a tasty aandwlcn blaralt lb 19c mlftlmiofh seeds csmplele variety 7 pkgs 25c dominion peanut butter 2 lb 25c canadian loaf cheese lb 39c iiawcs floor wax i lb tin 45c richmello coffee lb 39c v vlclarjr cowans cocoa tin tin vl lb 15c lb 25c christies permian m as pkf- sodas 37c white swsn tissue 3 large rolls 25c domestic shortening 1 lb carters 4 lb carton 19e 73e fruits and vegetables celery hearts 2 bun 19c bonkist itn fresh beet 2 bun 15c fresh carrots 2 bun 15c p and o soap 5 bar 25c i1einz tomato ii or btl ketchup 19c dominion 24 os losna bread 2 for 15c oranges doz 29c dominion stores limited ivinuuvs nraivbbir s i phone otxiructown 300 pm bunday aohool 3j pjb bvenlne prayer 8k mar charelt narral 04ft am bunday kihool t 7ao pm bwrjto prayer a bt supkaa okmwli barafcy loia am sunday anbool ujoo am sftriiint ptaytr knas preakytarlaa drarob oarctra rev ohat o ooobmsw ba 10 am bunday setoaol 11 am minis t sjvm

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